Exemplo n.º 1
  * Extends the list of sources to compile
  * When you modify a file, all these classes may have their matching mysql structure changed :
  * - the class itself
  * - all classes that extend the class or use the trait
  * @param &$sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // Builder is disabled during the listing as we want to get the original linked class name when
     // reading class annotation @link
     Builder::current()->enabled = false;
     /** @var $search Dependency */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $search->file_name = Func::notLike('cache/%');
     $search->type = Func::orOp([Dependency::T_EXTENDS, Dependency::T_USE]);
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             while ($linked_class = $class->getAnnotation('link')->value) {
                 $source = Reflection_Class::of($linked_class)->source;
                 if (!isset($sources[$source->file_name])) {
                     $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
                 $class = $source->getClass($linked_class);
             $search->dependency_name = $class->name;
             foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                 /** @var $dependency Dependency */
                 if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name])) {
                     $source = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
                     $sources[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
     Builder::current()->enabled = true;
     return $added;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Set identifier unique
 public function uniqueIdentifier()
     if (isset($this->identifier)) {
         /** @var $search Identifier */
         $search = Search_Object::create(Identifier::class);
         $search->name = $this->identifier->name;
         if ($find = Dao::searchOne($search)) {
             Dao::replace($this->identifier, $find, false);
         } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generic getter for a collection of objects
  * @param $stored     Component[] Actual value of the property (will be returned if not null)
  * @param $class_name string Class for each collection's object
  * @param $object     object Parent object
  * @param $property   string|Reflection_Property Parent property (or property name). Recommended
  *        but can be omitted if foreign class is a Component
  * @return object[]
 public static function &getCollection(&$stored, $class_name, $object, $property = null)
     if (!(self::$ignore || isset($stored))) {
         if (Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object)) {
             $search_element = Search_Object::create($class_name);
             $is_component = isA($search_element, Component::class);
             if (isset($property)) {
                 if (!$property instanceof Reflection_Property) {
                     $property = new Reflection_Property(get_class($object), $property);
                 $property_name = $property->getAnnotation('foreign')->value;
                 $dao = ($dao = $property->getAnnotation('dao')->value) ? Dao::get($dao) : Dao::current();
             } else {
                 $dao = Dao::current();
                 $property_name = null;
             if ($is_component) {
                 /** @var $search_element Component */
                 $search_element->setComposite($object, $property_name);
                 $link_properties_names = (new Link_Class($class_name))->getLinkPropertiesNames();
                 $options = $link_properties_names ? [Dao::sort(), Dao::key($link_properties_names)] : [Dao::sort()];
                 $stored = $dao->search($search_element, null, $options);
             } elseif (!empty($property_name)) {
                 $property = new Reflection_Property(get_class($search_element), $property_name);
                 $accessible = $property->isPublic();
                 if (!$accessible) {
                 $property->setValue($search_element, $object);
                 if (!$accessible) {
                 $stored = $dao->search($search_element, null, [Dao::sort()]);
             } else {
                 trigger_error('getCollection() must be called for a component foreign type' . ' or with a parent property name', E_USER_ERROR);
         if (!isset($stored)) {
             $stored = [];
     return $stored;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * When a class is compiled, all classes that extends it must be compiled too
  * @param &$sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // we will search all extends dependencies
     /** @var $dependency Dependency */
     $dependency_search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $dependency_search->type = Dependency::T_EXTENDS;
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             if (!Builder::isBuilt($class->name)) {
                 // add all classes that extend source classes
                 $dependency_search->dependency_name = $class->name;
                 foreach (Dao::search($dependency_search) as $dependency) {
                     if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name]) && !Builder::isBuilt($dependency->class_name)) {
                         $added[$dependency->file_name] = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
     return $added;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Reverse translator : changes a translated text into an original text
  * @param $translation           string
  * @param $context               string
  * @param $context_property_path string ie 'property_name.sub_property', accepts (and ignore) '*'
  * @return string
 public function reverse($translation, $context = '', $context_property_path = '')
     if (empty($translation)) {
         return $translation;
     $context_property = str_replace('*', '', $context_property_path);
     /** @var $search Translation */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Translation::class);
     $search->language = $this->language;
     $search->translation = strtolower($translation);
     $search->context = $context_property_path ? (new Reflection_Property($context, $context_property))->final_class : $context;
     $texts = Dao::search($search);
     foreach ($texts as $text) {
         if ($text->translation === $translation) {
     while (isset($search->context) && $search->context && !isset($text)) {
         $i = strrpos($search->context, DOT);
         $search->context = $i ? substr($search->context, 0, $i) : '';
         $texts = Dao::search($search);
         foreach ($texts as $text) {
             if ($text->translation === $translation) {
     if (!isset($text) && strpos($translation, ', ')) {
         $text_parts = [];
         foreach (explode(', ', $translation) as $translation_part) {
             $text_parts[] = $this->reverse($translation_part, $context, $context_property_path);
         $text = new Translation(join(', ', $text_parts), $this->language, $context, $translation);
     $text = isset($text) ? $text->text : $translation;
     return empty($text) ? $text : (strIsCapitals($translation[0]) ? ucfirsta($text) : $text);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param $sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // search into dependencies : used classes
     /** @var $search Dependency */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $search->type = Dependency::T_USE;
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             if ($class->type === T_TRAIT) {
                 $search->dependency_name = $class->name;
                 foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                     while ($dependency && Builder::isBuilt($dependency->class_name)) {
                         $search_built_parent = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
                         $search_built_parent->class_name = $dependency->class_name;
                         $search_built_parent->type = Dependency::T_EXTENDS;
                         $dependency = Dao::searchOne($search_built_parent);
                         if (!$dependency) {
                             trigger_error('Not parent class for built class ' . $search_built_parent->class_name, E_USER_ERROR);
                         $search_built_parent->class_name = $dependency->dependency_name;
                         $search_built_parent->type = Dependency::T_DECLARATION;
                         $dependency = Dao::searchOne($search_built_parent);
                         if (!$dependency) {
                             trigger_error('Not declaration dependency for class ' . $search_built_parent->class_name, E_USER_ERROR);
                     /** @var $dependency Dependency */
                     if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name])) {
                         $source = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
                         $sources[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
                         $added[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
     // search into dependencies : registered methods
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         $search->file_name = $source->file_name;
         $search->dependency_name = Registerable::class;
         $search->type = Dependency::T_IMPLEMENTS;
         if (Dao::searchOne($search, Dependency::class)) {
             $search->type = Dependency::T_CLASS;
             foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                 $source = Reflection_Source::of($dependency->dependency_name);
                 if (!isset($sources[$source->file_name])) {
                     $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
     // classes that are already into $sources
     $already = [];
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             $already[$class->name] = true;
     // search into advices and add sources that have sources to compile as advice
     foreach ($this->weaver->getJoinpoints() as $class_name => $joinpoint) {
         if (!isset($already[$class_name])) {
             foreach ($joinpoint as $advices) {
                 foreach ($advices as $advice) {
                     if (is_array($advice = $advice[1])) {
                         $advice_class = $advice[0];
                         if (is_object($advice_class)) {
                             $advice_class = get_class($advice_class);
                         if (isset($already[$advice_class])) {
                             $source = Reflection_Source::of($class_name);
                             if ($source->file_name && !$source->isInternal() && !is_file($source->file_name)) {
                             	$applicant_source = Reflection_Source::of($advice_class);
                             	if (
                             		!$source->searchFile($class_name, array_keys($applicant_source->getRequires()))
                             	) {
                             			'Reflection_Source file not found for class ' . $class_name, E_USER_ERROR
                             if ($source->getClass($class_name)) {
                                 $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                                 $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
                                 $already[$class_name] = true;
                             } else {
                                 trigger_error('No class ' . $class_name . ' into file ' . $source->file_name, E_USER_ERROR);
     return $added;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Login to current environment using login and password
  * Returns logged user if success
  * To set logger user as current for environment, you must call authenticate()
  * @param $login    string
  * @param $password string
  * @return User|null
 public static function login($login, $password)
     $search = Search_Object::create(User::class);
     $search->login = $login;
     $password = (new Password($password, (new Reflection_Property(get_class($search), 'password'))->getAnnotation('password')->value))->encrypted();
     foreach (Dao::search($search) as $user) {
         if ($user->password === $password) {
             return $user;
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @param $object   object
  * @param $property Reflection_Property
  * @param $map      object[]
 private function writeMap($object, Reflection_Property $property, $map)
     // old map
     $class = new Link_Class(get_class($object));
     $composite_property_name = $class->getAnnotation('link')->value ? $class->getCompositeProperty()->name : null;
     $old_object = Search_Object::create(Link_Class::linkedClassNameOf($object));
     $this->setObjectIdentifier($old_object, $this->getObjectIdentifier($object, $composite_property_name));
     $aop_getter_ignore = Getter::$ignore;
     Getter::$ignore = false;
     $old_map = $property->getValue($old_object);
     Getter::$ignore = $aop_getter_ignore;
     // map properties : write each of them
     $insert_builder = new Map_Insert($property);
     $id_set = [];
     foreach ($map as $element) {
         $id = $this->getObjectIdentifier($element) ?: $this->getObjectIdentifier($this->write($element));
         if (!isset($old_map[$id])) {
             $query = $insert_builder->buildQuery($object, $element);
         } else {
             $id_set[$id] = true;
     // remove old unused elements
     $delete_builder = new Map_Delete($property);
     foreach ($old_map as $old_element) {
         $id = $this->getObjectIdentifier($old_element);
         if (!isset($id_set[$id])) {
             $query = $delete_builder->buildQuery($object, $old_element);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function testWhereSubSearchObjectQuery()
     $client = Search_Object::create(Client::class);
     $client->number = 1;
     $builder = new Select(Order::class, ['date', 'number', 'lines'], ['lines.client' => $client, 'number' => 2]);
     $this->assume(__METHOD__, $builder->buildQuery(), 'SELECT t0.`date`, t0.`number`, t1.`id_client` AS `lines:client`, t1.`id_item` AS `lines:item`, t1.`number` AS `lines:number`, t1.`id_order` AS `lines:order`, t1.`quantity` AS `lines:quantity`, t1.id AS `lines:id`' . LF . 'FROM `orders` t0' . LF . 'INNER JOIN `orders_lines` t1 ON t1.id_order = t0.id' . LF . 'LEFT JOIN `clients` t2 ON t2.id = t1.id_client' . LF . 'WHERE t2.`number` = 1 AND t0.`number` = 2');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Be sure that recipients are unique into data storage
  * - they can be common to several emails
  * - modification of recipients is not allowed
 private function uniqueRecipents()
     /** @var $search Recipient */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Recipient::class);
     $recipients = array_merge([$this->from, $this->reply_to, $this->return_path], $this->to, $this->copy_to, $this->blind_copy_to);
     $already = [];
     foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
         if (isset($recipient)) {
             $search->email = $recipient->email;
             $search->name = $recipient->name;
             if (isset($already[strval($search)])) {
                 Dao::replace($recipient, $already[strval($search)], false);
             } else {
                 $already[strval($search)] = $recipient;
                 if ($find = Dao::searchOne($recipient)) {
                     Dao::replace($recipient, $find, false);
                 } else {