protected function aclAccessFail($zone, $action) { if ($zone === 'not login') { return $this->_redirect('pages/restricted'); } Session::error('You gotsta be logged for this shit right here'); $this->_redirect('pages/login'); }
public function logout() { if (parent::logout()) { Session::success('You are now logged out.'); } }
public function index() { $postsPerPage = $this->_config('posts_on_index'); // Way 1 // Define which get method to use to fetch Posts by checking ACL // Use that function and the Model's logic to get those posts. $unpub = $this->user->hasAccess('blog read unpublished'); $method = $unpub ? 'newest' : 'newestPublished'; $posts = models\Post::$method($postsPerPage); // The quick 'n dirty // $page = Options::one($_GET, 'page', 1, false); $start = ($page - 1) * $postsPerPage; $conditions = $unpub ? '1' : 'is_published = 1'; $posts = models\Post::all($conditions . ' ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $postsPerPage . ''); // Don't do it! // // Way 2 // Define the difference in conditions here (instead of in the Model) $conditions = $unpub ? '' : array('is_published' => true); $numAllPosts = models\Post::count($conditions); // Way 3 // A third way would be a combination like this: /* $access = $this->user->hasAccess('blog read unpublished'); $posts = model\Post::postsByAccess($access, $this->_config('posts_on_index')); */ // That way you can check access in the Controller and have fetch logic in the Model $messages = Session::messages(); $canCreatePosts = $this->user->hasAccess('blog create posts'); return get_defined_vars(); // view will be rendered by row\Controller->_post_action return $this->_display(__METHOD__, get_defined_vars(), !$this->AJAX); // view will be rendered by Output->display return $this->_display(get_defined_vars()); // view will be rendered by Output->display }
public function login($uid = null) { if (null !== $uid) { $this->user->login(models\User::get($uid)); } if ($this->user->isLoggedIn()) { $this->_redirect('/blog'); } if ($this->POST) { $post = options($_POST); $get = options($_GET); try { // get user object $user = models\User::withCredentials(array('username' => (string) $post->username, 'password' => (string) $post->password)); // log user in(to SessionUser) $this->user->login($user); // debug direct logged in status Session::message('<pre>' . var_export($this->user->isLoggedIn(), 1) . '</pre>'); // message OK Session::success('Alright, alright, alright, you\'re logged in...'); // back to blog return $this->_redirect($post->get('goto', $get->get('goto', 'blog'))); } catch (\Exception $ex) { } // message FAIL Session::error('Sorry, buddy, that\'s not your username!'); } $messages = Session::messages(); return get_defined_vars(); }
public function set($key, $val) { echo '<pre>'; var_dump(Session::variable($key, $val)); print_r($_SESSION); }
public function login() { $messages = Session::messages(); $google = OpenID::$providers['google']; return get_defined_vars(); }
public function logoutAction() { $this->user->logout(); Session::success(t('You logged out...')); $this->_redirect('user'); }
public function display($tpl = true, $vars = null, $layout = true) { $this->assign('messages', Session::messages()); return parent::display($tpl, $vars, $layout); }