Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function registerUrlHandlers()
     // Add a simple home page URL handler. We're using one of the simplest handlers the
     // ClassMappedUrlHandler, but you should look at the other handlers particularly
     // the MvpUrlHandler and CrudUrlHandler
     $this->addUrlHandlers(["/" => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(IndexPresenter::class, ['w' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(WinnerPresenter::class), 'a' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(AboutPresenter::class), 't' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(TermsPresenter::class), 'h' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(ThanksPresenter::class)])]);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function registerUrlHandlers()
     // Add a simple home page URL handler. We're using one of the simplest handlers the
     // ClassMappedUrlHandler, but you should look at the other handlers particularly
     // the MvpUrlHandler and CrudUrlHandler
     $this->addUrlHandlers(["/" => new ClassMappedUrlHandler('\\Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\IndexPresenter')]);
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function registerUrlHandlers()
     // Add a simple home page URL handler. We're using one of the simplest handlers the
     // ClassMappedUrlHandler, but you should look at the other handlers particularly
     // the MvpUrlHandler and CrudUrlHandler
     $login = new ClassMappedUrlHandler(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Presenters\\IndexPresenter');
     $this->addUrlHandlers(["/" => new ClassMappedUrlHandler('\\Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\IndexPresenter', ['portal/' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler('Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\Portal\\PortalPresenter', ['gallery/' => new CrudUrlHandler('Gallery', 'Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\Gallery', ['change']), 'image/' => new CrudUrlHandler('Image', 'Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\Image'), 'users/' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler(UsersPresenter::class), 'logout/' => new ClassMappedUrlHandler('Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\Logout\\LogoutPresenter')]), 'img/' => new ImageUrlHandler(ImgPresenter::class), 'users/' => new CrudUrlHandler('CustomUser', 'Your\\WebApp\\Presenters\\MyProfile')]), "/login/" => $login]);