Exemplo n.º 1
  * Removes all relations for a bean. This method breaks every connection between
  * a certain bean $bean and every other bean of type $type. Warning: this method
  * is really fast because it uses a direct SQL query however it does not inform the
  * models about this. If you want to notify FUSE models about deletion use a foreach-loop
  * with unassociate() instead. (that might be slower though)
  * @param OODBBean $bean reference bean
  * @param string   $type type of beans that need to be unassociated
  * @return void
 public function clearRelations(OODBBean $bean, $type)
     try {
         $this->writer->deleteRelations($bean->getMeta('type'), $type, $bean->id);
     } catch (SQLException $exception) {
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Finds or creates a bean.
  * Tries to find a bean with certain properties specified in the second
  * parameter ($like). If the bean is found, it will be returned.
  * If multiple beans are found, only the first will be returned.
  * If no beans match the criteria, a new bean will be dispensed,
  * the criteria will be imported as properties and this new bean
  * will be stored and returned.
  * Format of criteria set: property => value
  * The criteria set also supports OR-conditions: property => array( value1, orValue2 )
  * @param string $type type of bean to search for
  * @param array  $like criteria set describing bean to search for
  * @return OODBBean
 public function findOrCreate($type, $like = array())
     $beans = $this->findLike($type, $like);
     if (count($beans)) {
         $bean = reset($beans);
         return $bean;
     $bean = $this->redbean->dispense($type);
     return $bean;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Stores a bean in the database. This method takes a
  * OODBBean Bean Object $bean and stores it
  * in the database. If the database schema is not compatible
  * with this bean and RedBean runs in fluid mode the schema
  * will be altered to store the bean correctly.
  * If the database schema is not compatible with this bean and
  * RedBean runs in frozen mode it will throw an exception.
  * This function returns the primary key ID of the inserted
  * bean.
  * The return value is an integer if possible. If it is not possible to
  * represent the value as an integer a string will be returned.
  * @param OODBBean|SimpleModel $bean bean to store
  * @return integer|string
 public static function store($bean)
     return self::$redbean->store($bean);