  * Build the context of the given candidate test $session as an associative array. This array
  * is especially usefull to transmit the test context to a view as JSON data.
  * The returned array contains the following keys:
  * * state: The state of test session.
  * * navigationMode: The current navigation mode.
  * * submissionMode: The current submission mode.
  * * remainingAttempts: The number of remaining attempts for the current item.
  * * isAdaptive: Whether or not the current item is adaptive.
  * * itemIdentifier: The identifier of the current item.
  * * itemSessionState: The state of the current assessment item session.
  * * timeConstraints: The time constraints in force.
  * * testTitle: The title of the test.
  * * testPartId: The identifier of the current test part.
  * * sectionTitle: The title of the current section.
  * * numberItems: The total number of items eligible to the candidate.
  * * numberCompleted: The total number items considered to be completed by the candidate.
  * * moveForwardUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a moveNext on the session.
  * * moveBackwardUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a moveBack on the session.
  * * skipUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a skip on the session.
  * * commentUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to leave a comment about the current item.
  * * timeoutUrl: The URL to be dereferenced when the time constraints in force reach their maximum.
  * * canMoveBackward: Whether or not the candidate is allowed/able to move backward.
  * * jumps: The possible jumpers the candidate is allowed to undertake among eligible items.
  * * itemServiceApiCall: The JavaScript code to be executed to instantiate the current item.
  * * rubrics: The XHTML compiled content of the rubric blocks to be displayed for the current item if any.
  * * allowComment: Whether or not the candidate is allowed to leave a comment about the current item.
  * * allowSkipping: Whether or not the candidate is allowed to skip the current item.
  * * considerProgress: Whether or not the test driver view must consider to give a test progress feedback.
  * @param AssessmentTestSession $session A given AssessmentTestSession object.
  * @param array $testMeta An associative array containing meta-data about the test definition taken by the candidate.
  * @param string $qtiTestDefinitionUri The URI of a reference to an Assessment Test definition in the knowledge base.
  * @param string $qtiTestCompilationUri The Uri of a reference to an Assessment Test compilation in the knowledge base.
  * @param string $standalone
  * @param string $compilationDirs An array containing respectively the private and public compilation directories.
  * @return array The context of the candidate session.
 public static function buildAssessmentTestContext(AssessmentTestSession $session, array $testMeta, $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone, $compilationDirs)
     $context = array();
     // The state of the test session.
     $context['state'] = $session->getState();
     // Default values for the test session context.
     $context['navigationMode'] = null;
     $context['submissionMode'] = null;
     $context['remainingAttempts'] = 0;
     $context['isAdaptive'] = false;
     if ($session->getState() === AssessmentTestSessionState::INTERACTING) {
         $config = common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton()->getExtensionById('taoQtiTest')->getConfig('testRunner');
         // The navigation mode.
         $context['navigationMode'] = $session->getCurrentNavigationMode();
         // The submission mode.
         $context['submissionMode'] = $session->getCurrentSubmissionMode();
         // The number of remaining attempts for the current item.
         $context['remainingAttempts'] = $session->getCurrentRemainingAttempts();
         // Whether or not the current step is time out.
         $context['isTimeout'] = self::isTimeout($session);
         // The identifier of the current item.
         $context['itemIdentifier'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentItemRef()->getIdentifier();
         // The state of the current AssessmentTestSession.
         $context['itemSessionState'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentItemSession()->getState();
         // Whether the current item is adaptive.
         $context['isAdaptive'] = $session->isCurrentAssessmentItemAdaptive();
         // Whether the current item is the very last one of the test.
         $context['isLast'] = $session->getRoute()->isLast();
         // The current position in the route.
         $context['itemPosition'] = $session->getRoute()->getPosition();
         // Time constraints.
         $context['timeConstraints'] = self::buildTimeConstraints($session);
         // Test title.
         $context['testTitle'] = $session->getAssessmentTest()->getTitle();
         // Test Part title.
         $context['testPartId'] = $session->getCurrentTestPart()->getIdentifier();
         // Current Section title.
         $context['sectionTitle'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentSection()->getTitle();
         // Number of items composing the test session.
         $context['numberItems'] = $session->getRoute()->count();
         // Number of items completed during the test session.
         $context['numberCompleted'] = self::testCompletion($session);
         // Number of items presented during the test session.
         $context['numberPresented'] = $session->numberPresented();
         // Whether or not the progress of the test can be inferred.
         $context['considerProgress'] = self::considerProgress($session, $testMeta, $config);
         // The URLs to be called to move forward/backward in the Assessment Test Session or skip or comment.
         $context['moveForwardUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'moveForward', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['moveBackwardUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'moveBackward', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['skipUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'skip', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['commentUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'comment', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['timeoutUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'timeout', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['endTestSessionUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'endTestSession', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         // If the candidate is allowed to move backward e.g. first item of the test.
         $context['canMoveBackward'] = $session->canMoveBackward();
         // The places in the test session where the candidate is allowed to jump to.
         $context['jumps'] = self::buildPossibleJumps($session);
         // The test review screen setup
         if (!empty($config['test-taker-review']) && $context['considerProgress']) {
             // The navigation map in order to build the test navigator
             $navigator = self::getNavigatorMap($session);
             if ($navigator !== NavigationMode::LINEAR) {
                 $context['navigatorMap'] = $navigator['map'];
                 $context['itemFlagged'] = self::getItemFlag($session, $context['itemPosition']);
             } else {
                 $navigator = self::countItems($session);
             // Extract the progression stats
             $context['numberFlagged'] = $navigator['numberItemsFlagged'];
             $context['numberItemsPart'] = $navigator['numberItemsPart'];
             $context['numberItemsSection'] = $navigator['numberItemsSection'];
             $context['numberCompletedPart'] = $navigator['numberCompletedPart'];
             $context['numberCompletedSection'] = $navigator['numberCompletedSection'];
             $context['numberPresentedPart'] = $navigator['numberPresentedPart'];
             $context['numberPresentedSection'] = $navigator['numberPresentedSection'];
             $context['numberFlaggedPart'] = $navigator['numberFlaggedPart'];
             $context['numberFlaggedSection'] = $navigator['numberFlaggedSection'];
             $context['itemPositionPart'] = $navigator['itemPositionPart'];
             $context['itemPositionSection'] = $navigator['itemPositionSection'];
             // The URLs to be called to move to a particular item in the Assessment Test Session or mark item for later review.
             $context['jumpUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'jumpTo', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
             $context['markForReviewUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'markForReview', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         } else {
             if (isset($config['progress-indicator']) && 'position' == $config['progress-indicator']) {
                 // Setup of the progress bar when displaying position
                 $numberItems = self::countItems($session);
                 $context['numberItemsSection'] = $numberItems['numberItemsSection'];
                 $context['numberItemsPart'] = $numberItems['numberItemsPart'];
                 $context['itemPositionPart'] = $numberItems['itemPositionPart'];
                 $context['itemPositionSection'] = $numberItems['itemPositionSection'];
         // The code to be executed to build the ServiceApi object to be injected in the QTI Item frame.
         $context['itemServiceApiCall'] = self::buildServiceApi($session, $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri);
         // Rubric Blocks.
         $rubrics = array();
         // -- variables used in the included rubric block templates.
         // base path (base URI to be used for resource inclusion).
         $basePathVarName = TAOQTITEST_BASE_PATH_NAME;
         ${$basePathVarName} = $compilationDirs['public']->getPublicAccessUrl();
         // state name (the variable to access to get the state of the assessmentTestSession).
         ${$stateName} = $session;
         // views name (the variable to be accessed for the visibility of rubric blocks).
         $viewsName = TAOQTITEST_VIEWS_NAME;
         ${$viewsName} = array(View::CANDIDATE);
         foreach ($session->getRoute()->current()->getRubricBlockRefs() as $rubric) {
             include $compilationDirs['private']->getPath() . $rubric->getHref();
             $rubrics[] = ob_get_clean();
         $context['rubrics'] = $rubrics;
         // Comment allowed? Skipping allowed? Logout or Exit allowed ?
         $context['allowComment'] = self::doesAllowComment($session);
         $context['allowSkipping'] = self::doesAllowSkipping($session);
         $context['exitButton'] = self::doesAllowExit($session);
         $context['logoutButton'] = self::doesAllowLogout($session);
         // loads the specific config into the context object
         $configMap = array('timerWarning' => 'timerWarning', 'progress-indicator' => 'progressIndicator', 'progress-indicator-scope' => 'progressIndicatorScope', 'test-taker-review' => 'reviewScreen', 'test-taker-review-region' => 'reviewRegion', 'test-taker-review-scope' => 'reviewScope', 'test-taker-review-prevents-unseen' => 'reviewPreventsUnseen', 'test-taker-review-can-collapse' => 'reviewCanCollapse');
         foreach ($configMap as $configKey => $contextKey) {
             if (isset($config[$configKey])) {
                 $context[$contextKey] = $config[$configKey];
     return $context;
  * Build the context of the given candidate test $session as an associative array. This array
  * is especially usefull to transmit the test context to a view as JSON data.
  * The returned array contains the following keys:
  * * state: The state of test session.
  * * navigationMode: The current navigation mode.
  * * submissionMode: The current submission mode.
  * * remainingAttempts: The number of remaining attempts for the current item.
  * * isAdaptive: Whether or not the current item is adaptive.
  * * itemIdentifier: The identifier of the current item.
  * * itemSessionState: The state of the current assessment item session.
  * * timeConstraints: The time constraints in force.
  * * testTitle: The title of the test.
  * * testPartId: The identifier of the current test part.
  * * sectionTitle: The title of the current section.
  * * numberItems: The total number of items eligible to the candidate.
  * * numberCompleted: The total number items considered to be completed by the candidate.
  * * moveForwardUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a moveNext on the session.
  * * moveBackwardUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a moveBack on the session.
  * * skipUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to perform a skip on the session.
  * * commentUrl: The URL to be dereferenced to leave a comment about the current item.
  * * timeoutUrl: The URL to be dereferenced when the time constraints in force reach their maximum.
  * * canMoveBackward: Whether or not the candidate is allowed/able to move backward.
  * * jumps: The possible jumpers the candidate is allowed to undertake among eligible items.
  * * itemServiceApiCall: The JavaScript code to be executed to instantiate the current item.
  * * rubrics: The XHTML compiled content of the rubric blocks to be displayed for the current item if any.
  * * allowComment: Whether or not the candidate is allowed to leave a comment about the current item.
  * * allowSkipping: Whether or not the candidate is allowed to skip the current item.
  * * considerProgress: Whether or not the test driver view must consider to give a test progress feedback.
  * @param AssessmentTestSession $session A given AssessmentTestSession object.
  * @param array $testMeta An associative array containing meta-data about the test definition taken by the candidate.
  * @param string $qtiTestDefinitionUri The URI of a reference to an Assessment Test definition in the knowledge base.
  * @param string $qtiTestCompilationUri The Uri of a reference to an Assessment Test compilation in the knowledge base.
  * @param string $standalone
  * @param string $compilationDirs An array containing respectively the private and public compilation directories.
  * @return array The context of the candidate session.
 public static function buildAssessmentTestContext(AssessmentTestSession $session, array $testMeta, $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone, $compilationDirs)
     $context = array();
     // The state of the test session.
     $context['state'] = $session->getState();
     // Default values for the test session context.
     $context['navigationMode'] = null;
     $context['submissionMode'] = null;
     $context['remainingAttempts'] = 0;
     $context['isAdaptive'] = false;
     if ($session->getState() === AssessmentTestSessionState::INTERACTING) {
         // The navigation mode.
         $context['navigationMode'] = $session->getCurrentNavigationMode();
         // The submission mode.
         $context['submissionMode'] = $session->getCurrentSubmissionMode();
         // The number of remaining attempts for the current item.
         $context['remainingAttempts'] = $session->getCurrentRemainingAttempts();
         // Whether or not the current step is time out.
         $context['isTimeout'] = self::isTimeout($session);
         // The identifier of the current item.
         $context['itemIdentifier'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentItemRef()->getIdentifier();
         // The state of the current AssessmentTestSession.
         $context['itemSessionState'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentItemSession()->getState();
         // Whether the current item is adaptive.
         $context['isAdaptive'] = $session->isCurrentAssessmentItemAdaptive();
         // Whether the current item is the very last one of the test.
         $context['isLast'] = $session->getRoute()->isLast();
         // Time constraints.
         $context['timeConstraints'] = self::buildTimeConstraints($session);
         // Test title.
         $context['testTitle'] = $session->getAssessmentTest()->getTitle();
         // Test Part title.
         $context['testPartId'] = $session->getCurrentTestPart()->getIdentifier();
         $context['sectionTitle'] = $session->getCurrentAssessmentSection()->getTitle();
         // Number of items composing the test session.
         $context['numberItems'] = $session->getRoute()->count();
         // Number of items completed during the test session.
         $context['numberCompleted'] = self::testCompletion($session);
         // Whether or not the progress of the test can be infered.
         $context['considerProgress'] = self::considerProgress($testMeta);
         // The URLs to be called to move forward/backward in the Assessment Test Session or skip or comment.
         $context['moveForwardUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'moveForward', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['moveBackwardUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'moveBackward', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['skipUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'skip', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['commentUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'comment', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         $context['timeoutUrl'] = self::buildActionCallUrl($session, 'timeout', $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri, $standalone);
         // If the candidate is allowed to move backward e.g. first item of the test.
         $context['canMoveBackward'] = $session->canMoveBackward();
         // The places in the test session where the candidate is allowed to jump to.
         $context['jumps'] = self::buildPossibleJumps($session);
         // The code to be executed to build the ServiceApi object to be injected in the QTI Item frame.
         $context['itemServiceApiCall'] = self::buildServiceApi($session, $qtiTestDefinitionUri, $qtiTestCompilationUri);
         // Rubric Blocks.
         $rubrics = array();
         // -- variables used in the included rubric block templates.
         // base path (base URI to be used for resource inclusion).
         $basePathVarName = TAOQTITEST_BASE_PATH_NAME;
         ${$basePathVarName} = $compilationDirs['public']->getPublicAccessUrl();
         // state name (the variable to access to get the state of the assessmentTestSession).
         ${$stateName} = $session;
         // views name (the variable to be accessed for the visibility of rubric blocks).
         $viewsName = TAOQTITEST_VIEWS_NAME;
         ${$viewsName} = array(View::CANDIDATE);
         foreach ($session->getRoute()->current()->getRubricBlockRefs() as $rubric) {
             include $compilationDirs['private']->getPath() . $rubric->getHref();
             $rubrics[] = ob_get_clean();
         $context['rubrics'] = $rubrics;
         // Comment allowed? Skipping allowed?
         $context['allowComment'] = self::doesAllowComment($session);
         $context['allowSkipping'] = self::doesAllowSkipping($session);
     return $context;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Persist an AssessmentTestSession into binary data.
  * @param \qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentTestSession $assessmentTestSession
  * @throws \qtism\runtime\storage\common\StorageException
 public function persist(AssessmentTestSession $assessmentTestSession)
     try {
         $stream = new MemoryStream();
         $access = $this->createBinaryStreamAccess($stream);
         // -- Deal with intrinsic values of the Test Session.
         // Write the current position in the route.
         $route = $assessmentTestSession->getRoute();
         // persist time reference.
         $timeReference = $assessmentTestSession->getTimeReference();
         if (is_null($timeReference) === true) {
         } else {
         // -- Persist the Route of the AssessmentTestSession and the related item sessions.
         $itemSessionStore = $assessmentTestSession->getAssessmentItemSessionStore();
         $pendingResponseStore = $assessmentTestSession->getPendingResponseStore();
         $oldRoutePosition = $route->getPosition();
         foreach ($route as $routeItem) {
             $item = $routeItem->getAssessmentItemRef();
             $occurence = $routeItem->getOccurence();
             // Deal with RouteItem
             $access->writeRouteItem($this->getSeeker(), $routeItem);
             // Deal with ItemSession related to the previously written RouteItem.
             try {
                 $itemSession = $itemSessionStore->getAssessmentItemSession($item, $occurence);
                 $access->writeAssessmentItemSession($this->getSeeker(), $itemSession);
                 // Deal with last occurence update.
                 $access->writeBoolean($assessmentTestSession->isLastOccurenceUpdate($item, $occurence));
                 // Deal with PendingResponses
                 if (($pendingResponses = $pendingResponseStore->getPendingResponses($item, $occurence)) !== false) {
                     $access->writePendingResponses($this->getSeeker(), $pendingResponses);
                 } else {
             } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
                 // No assessmentItemSession for this route item.
         // Deal with test session configuration.
         // !!! AutoForward (not in use anymore, fake it).
         // Persist the test-level global scope.
         foreach ($assessmentTestSession->getKeys() as $outcomeIdentifier) {
             $outcomeVariable = $assessmentTestSession->getVariable($outcomeIdentifier);
         $durationStore = $assessmentTestSession->getDurationStore();
         foreach ($durationStore->getKeys() as $k) {
         $this->persistStream($assessmentTestSession, $stream);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $sessionId = $assessmentTestSession->getSessionId();
         $msg = "An error occured while persisting AssessmentTestSession with ID '{$sessionId}': " . $e->getMessage();
         throw new StorageException($msg, StorageException::PERSITANCE, $e);
  * Persist an AssessmentTestSession into binary data.
  * The QTI Binary Storage Version that will be used to persist the AssessmentTestSession
  * will be systematically the one defined in QtiBinaryConstants::QTI_BINARY_STORAGE_VERSION. 
  * @param AssessmentTestSession $assessmentTestSession
  * @throws StorageException
 public function persist(AssessmentTestSession $assessmentTestSession)
     try {
         $stream = new MemoryStream();
         $access = $this->createBinaryStreamAccess($stream);
         // write the QTI Binary Storage version in use to persist the test session.
         $route = $assessmentTestSession->getRoute();
         // Persist the Route of the AssessmentTestSession and the related item sessions.
         $itemSessionStore = $assessmentTestSession->getAssessmentItemSessionStore();
         $pendingResponseStore = $assessmentTestSession->getPendingResponseStore();
         foreach ($route as $routeItem) {
             $item = $routeItem->getAssessmentItemRef();
             $occurence = $routeItem->getOccurence();
             // Deal with RouteItem
             $access->writeRouteItem($this->getSeeker(), $routeItem);
             // Deal with ItemSession related to the previously written RouteItem.
             $itemSession = $itemSessionStore->getAssessmentItemSession($item, $occurence);
             $access->writeAssessmentItemSession($this->getSeeker(), $itemSession);
             // Deal with last occurence update.
             $access->writeBoolean($assessmentTestSession->isLastOccurenceUpdate($item, $occurence));
             // Deal with PendingResponses
             if (($pendingResponses = $pendingResponseStore->getPendingResponses($item, $occurence)) !== false) {
                 $access->writePendingResponses($this->getSeeker(), $pendingResponses);
             } else {
         // Deal with test session configuration.
         // -- AutoForward (not in use anymore, fake it).
         // Persist the test-level global scope.
         foreach ($assessmentTestSession->getKeys() as $outcomeIdentifier) {
             $outcomeVariable = $assessmentTestSession->getVariable($outcomeIdentifier);
         $durationStore = $assessmentTestSession->getDurationStore();
         foreach ($durationStore->getKeys() as $k) {
         $this->persistStream($assessmentTestSession, $stream);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $sessionId = $assessmentTestSession->getSessionId();
         $msg = "An error occured while persisting AssessmentTestSession with ID '{$sessionId}'.";
         throw new StorageException($msg, StorageException::PERSITANCE, $e);