Exemplo n.º 1
  * @dataProvider serialization_examples
 public function test_serialization($data)
     $opt = new SortOrder($data['entity'], $data['field'], $data['direction']);
     $encoded = $opt->toString();
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $encoded);
     $unserialized = SortOrder::newFromString($encoded);
     $arr = $unserialized->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals($data['entity'], $arr['entity']);
     $this->assertEquals($data['field'], $arr['field']);
     $this->assertEquals($data['direction'], $arr['direction']);
  * This returns all template variables needed for rendering
  * the product list, the facets, the pagination and the sort orders.
  * @return array variables ready for templating
 protected function getProductSearchVariables()
      * To render the page we need to find something (a ProductSearchProviderInterface)
      * that knows how to query products.
     // the search provider will need a context (language, shop...) to do its job
     $context = $this->getProductSearchContext();
     // the controller generates the query...
     $query = $this->getProductSearchQuery();
     // ...modules decide if they can handle it (first one that can is used)
     $provider = $this->getProductSearchProviderFromModules($query);
     // if no module wants to do the query, then the core feature is used
     if (null === $provider) {
         $provider = $this->getDefaultProductSearchProvider();
     $resultsPerPage = (int) Tools::getValue('resultsPerPage');
     if ($resultsPerPage <= 0 || $resultsPerPage > 36) {
         $resultsPerPage = Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE');
     // we need to set a few parameters from back-end preferences
     $query->setResultsPerPage($resultsPerPage)->setPage(max((int) Tools::getValue('page'), 1));
     // set the sort order if provided in the URL
     if ($encodedSortOrder = Tools::getValue('order')) {
     // get the parameters containing the encoded facets from the URL
     $encodedFacets = Tools::getValue('q');
      * The controller is agnostic of facets.
      * It's up to the search module to use /define them.
      * Facets are encoded in the "q" URL parameter, which is passed
      * to the search provider through the query's "$encodedFacets" property.
     // We're ready to run the actual query!
     $result = $provider->runQuery($context, $query);
     // sort order is useful for template,
     // add it if undefined - it should be the same one
     // as for the query anyway
     if (!$result->getCurrentSortOrder()) {
     // prepare the products
     $products = $this->prepareMultipleProductsForTemplate($result->getProducts());
     // render the facets
     if ($provider instanceof FacetsRendererInterface) {
         // with the provider if it wants to
         $rendered_facets = $provider->renderFacets($context, $result);
         $rendered_active_filters = $provider->renderActiveFilters($context, $result);
     } else {
         // with the core
         $rendered_facets = $this->renderFacets($result);
         $rendered_active_filters = $this->renderActiveFilters($result);
     $pagination = $this->getTemplateVarPagination($query, $result);
     // prepare the sort orders
     // note that, again, the product controller is sort-orders
     // agnostic
     // a module can easily add specific sort orders that it needs
     // to support (e.g. sort by "energy efficiency")
     $sort_orders = $this->getTemplateVarSortOrders($result->getAvailableSortOrders(), $query->getSortOrder()->toString());
     $searchVariables = array('label' => $this->getListingLabel(), 'products' => $products, 'sort_orders' => $sort_orders, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'rendered_facets' => $rendered_facets, 'rendered_active_filters' => $rendered_active_filters, 'js_enabled' => $this->ajax, 'current_url' => $this->updateQueryString(array('q' => $result->getEncodedFacets())));
     Hook::exec('actionProductSearchComplete', $searchVariables);
     return $searchVariables;