function download_open_export_file($filename)
    $filepath = \Pressbooks\Modules\Export\Export::getExportFolder() . $filename;
    if (!is_readable($filepath)) {
        // Cannot read file
        wp_die(__('File not found', 'pressbooks-textbook') . ": {$filename}", '', array('response' => 404));
    // Force download
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: ' . \Pressbooks\Modules\Export\Export::mimeType($filepath));
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"');
    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filepath));
    while (@ob_end_flush()) {
    // Fix out-of-memory problem
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Truncate the exports directory, delete old files.
 * @param int $max
 * @param string $dir fullpath to the Exports fo
 * lder. (optional)
function truncate_exports($max, $dir = null)
    if (!$dir) {
        $dir = \PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::getExportFolder();
    } else {
        $dir = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/';
    $max = absint($max);
    $files = group_exports($dir);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($files as $date => $exports) {
        if ($i > $max) {
            foreach ($exports as $export) {
                $export = realpath($dir . $export);
 * Scan the export directory, return latest of each file type
 * @return array 
function latest_exports()
    $suffix = array('._3.epub', '.epub', '.pdf', '.mobi', '.hpub', '.icml', '.html', '.xml', '._vanilla.xml', '._oss.pdf', '.odt');
    $dir = \Pressbooks\Modules\Export\Export::getExportFolder();
    $files = array();
    // group by extension, sort by date newest first
    foreach (\Pressbooks\Utility\scandir_by_date($dir) as $file) {
        // only interested in the part of filename starting with the timestamp
        preg_match('/-\\d{10,11}(.*)/', $file, $matches);
        // grab the first captured parenthisized subpattern
        $ext = $matches[1];
        $files[$ext][] = $file;
    // get only one of the latest of each type
    $latest = array();
    foreach ($suffix as $value) {
        if (array_key_exists($value, $files)) {
            $latest[$value] = $files[$value][0];
    // @TODO filter these results against user prefs
    return $latest;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Restructures \PressBooks\Book::getBookContents() into a format more useful
  * for direct iteration, and tracks a nesting level for Bookmark and ToC
  * entries.
  * @return array
 function getOrderedBookContents()
     $book_contents = \PressBooks\Book::getBookContents();
     $ordered = array();
     foreach ($book_contents as $type => $struct) {
         if (strpos($type, '__') === 0) {
             // Skip __magic keys
         switch ($type) {
             case 'part':
                 foreach ($struct as $part) {
                     $part_content = trim(get_post_meta($part['ID'], 'pb_part_content', true));
                     if ($part_content || $this->atLeastOneExport($part['chapters'])) {
                         if (!empty($part['post_content'])) {
                             $part['mpdf_level'] = 1;
                             $part['post_content'] .= $part_content;
                         } else {
                             $part['post_content'] = $part_content;
                             $part['mpdf_level'] = 0;
                         $ordered[] = $part;
                         foreach ($part['chapters'] as $chapter) {
                             if (!$chapter['export']) {
                             $chapter['mpdf_level'] = $part['mpdf_level'] + 1;
                             $ordered[] = $chapter;
                             if (\PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::isParsingSections() == true) {
                                 $sections = \PressBooks\Book::getSubsections($chapter['ID']);
                                 if ($sections) {
                                     foreach ($sections as $section) {
                                         $section['mpdf_level'] = $part['mpdf_level'] + 2;
                                         $ordered[] = $section;
                 foreach ($struct as $item) {
                     if (!$item['export']) {
                     $item['mpdf_level'] = 1;
                     $ordered[] = $item;
                     if (\PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::isParsingSections() == true) {
                         $sections = \PressBooks\Book::getSubsections($item['ID']);
                         if ($sections) {
                             foreach ($sections as $section) {
                                 $section['mpdf_level'] = 2;
                                 $ordered[] = $section;
     return $ordered;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Uses $this->manifest to generate itself.
  * @param array $book_contents
  * @param array $metadata
 protected function createToc($book_contents, $metadata)
     $vars = array('post_title' => '', 'stylesheet' => $this->stylesheet, 'post_content' => '', 'isbn' => @$metadata['pb_ebook_isbn'], 'lang' => $this->lang);
     $options = get_option('pressbooks_theme_options_global');
     foreach (array('copyright_license') as $requiredGlobalOption) {
         if (!isset($options[$requiredGlobalOption])) {
             $options[$requiredGlobalOption] = 0;
     // Start by inserting self into correct manifest position
     $array_pos = $this->positionOfToc();
     $file_id = 'table-of-contents';
     $filename = "{$file_id}.{$this->filext}";
     $vars['post_title'] = __('Table Of Contents', 'pressbooks');
     $this->manifest = array_slice($this->manifest, 0, $array_pos + 1, true) + array($file_id => array('ID' => -1, 'post_title' => $vars['post_title'], 'filename' => $filename)) + array_slice($this->manifest, $array_pos + 1, count($this->manifest) - 1, true);
     // HTML
     $li_count = 0;
     $i = 1;
     $html = '<div id="toc"><h1>' . __('Contents', 'pressbooks') . '</h1><ul>';
     foreach ($this->manifest as $k => $v) {
         // We only care about front-matter, part, chapter, back-matter
         // Skip the rest
         $subtitle = '';
         $author = '';
         $license = '';
         $title = Sanitize\strip_br($v['post_title']);
         if (preg_match('/^front-matter-/', $k)) {
             $class = 'front-matter ';
             $class .= \PressBooks\Taxonomy\front_matter_type($v['ID']);
             $subtitle = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_subtitle', true));
             $author = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_author', true));
             $license = $options['copyright_license'] ? get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_license', true) : '';
         } elseif (preg_match('/^part-/', $k)) {
             $class = 'part';
             if (get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_part_invisible', true) == 'on') {
                 $class .= ' display-none';
         } elseif (preg_match('/^chapter-/', $k)) {
             $class = 'chapter';
             $class .= \PressBooks\Taxonomy\chapter_type($v['ID']);
             $subtitle = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_subtitle', true));
             $author = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_author', true));
             $license = $options['copyright_license'] ? get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_license', true) : '';
             if ($this->numbered && \PressBooks\Taxonomy\chapter_type($v['ID']) !== 'numberless') {
                 $title = " {$i}. " . $title;
             if (\PressBooks\Taxonomy\chapter_type($v['ID']) !== 'numberless') {
         } elseif (preg_match('/^back-matter-/', $k)) {
             $class = 'back-matter ';
             $class .= \PressBooks\Taxonomy\back_matter_type($v['ID']);
             $subtitle = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_subtitle', true));
             $author = trim(get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_author', true));
             $license = $options['copyright_license'] ? get_post_meta($v['ID'], 'pb_section_license', true) : '';
         } else {
         $html .= sprintf('<li class="%s"><a href="%s"><span class="toc-chapter-title">%s</span>', $class, $v['filename'], Sanitize\decode($title));
         if ($subtitle) {
             $html .= ' <span class="chapter-subtitle">' . Sanitize\decode($subtitle) . '</span>';
         if ($author) {
             $html .= ' <span class="chapter-author">' . Sanitize\decode($author) . '</span>';
         if ($license) {
             $html .= ' <span class="chapter-license">' . $license . '</span> ';
         $html .= "</a>";
         if (\PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::isParsingSections() == true) {
             $sections = \PressBooks\Book::getSubsections($v['ID']);
             if ($sections) {
                 $html .= '<ul class="sections">';
                 foreach ($sections as $id => $title) {
                     $html .= '<li class="section"><a href="' . $v['filename'] . '#' . $id . '"><span class="toc-subsection-title">' . Sanitize\decode($title) . '</span></a></li>';
                 $html .= '</ul>';
         $html .= "</li>\n";
     if (0 == $li_count) {
         $html .= '<li></li>';
     $html .= "</ul></div>\n";
     // Create file
     $vars['post_content'] = $html;
     file_put_contents($this->tmpDir . "/OEBPS/{$filename}", $this->loadTemplate($this->dir . '/templates/epub201/html.php', $vars));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param array $book_contents
  * @param array $metadata
 protected function echoBackMatter($book_contents, $metadata)
     $back_matter_printf = '<div class="back-matter %s" id="%s">';
     $back_matter_printf .= '<div class="back-matter-title-wrap"><h3 class="back-matter-number">%s</h3><h1 class="back-matter-title">%s</h1></div>';
     $back_matter_printf .= '<div class="ugc back-matter-ugc">%s</div>%s';
     $back_matter_printf .= '</div>';
     $i = $s = 1;
     foreach ($book_contents['back-matter'] as $back_matter) {
         if (!$back_matter['export']) {
         $id = $back_matter['ID'];
         $subclass = \PressBooks\Taxonomy\back_matter_type($id);
         $slug = $back_matter['post_name'];
         $title = get_post_meta($id, 'pb_show_title', true) ? $back_matter['post_title'] : '<span class="display-none">' . $back_matter['post_title'] . '</span>';
         // Preserve auto-indexing in Prince using hidden span
         $content = $back_matter['post_content'];
         $short_title = trim(get_post_meta($id, 'pb_short_title', true));
         $subtitle = trim(get_post_meta($id, 'pb_subtitle', true));
         $author = trim(get_post_meta($id, 'pb_section_author', true));
         if (\PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::isParsingSections() == true) {
             $sections = \PressBooks\Book::getSubsections($id);
             if ($sections) {
                 $content = \PressBooks\Book::tagSubsections($content, $id);
         if ($author) {
             $content = '<h2 class="chapter-author">' . Sanitize\decode($author) . '</h2>' . $content;
         if ($subtitle) {
             $content = '<h2 class="chapter-subtitle">' . Sanitize\decode($subtitle) . '</h2>' . $content;
         if ($short_title) {
             $content = '<h6 class="short-title">' . Sanitize\decode($short_title) . '</h6>' . $content;
         printf($back_matter_printf, $subclass, $slug, $i, Sanitize\decode($title), $content, $this->doEndnotes($id));
         echo "\n";
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Add $this->url as additional log info, fallback to parent.
  * @param $message
  * @param array $more_info (unused, overridden)
 function logError($message, array $more_info = array())
     $more_info = array('url' => $this->url);
     parent::logError($message, $more_info);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Add $this->outputPath as additional log info, fallback to parent.
  * @param $message
  * @param array $more_info (unused, overridden)
 function logError($message, array $more_info = array())
     $more_info = array('path' => $this->outputPath);
     parent::logError($message, $more_info);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Is the parse sections option true?
 * @return boolean
function pb_should_parse_sections()
    return \PressBooks\Modules\Export\Export::isParsingSections();
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Use the book locale to load POT translations?
 * @return bool
function use_book_locale()
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
    if (\Pressbooks\Modules\Export\Export::isFormSubmission() && is_array(@$_POST['export_formats'])) {
        return true;
    $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (strpos($uri, '/format/xhtml') !== false) {
        return true;
    return false;