Exemplo n.º 1
 public function openShop(Player $player)
     $chestBlock = new \pocketmine\block\Chest();
     $player->getLevel()->setBlock(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY() - 4, $player->getZ()), $chestBlock, true, true);
     $nbt = new CompoundTag("", [new ListTag("Items", []), new StringTag("id", Tile::CHEST), new IntTag("x", $player->getX()), new IntTag("y", $player->getY() - 4), new IntTag("z", $player->getZ())]);
     $tile = Tile::createTile("Chest", $player->getLevel()->getChunk($player->getX() >> 4, $player->getZ() >> 4), $nbt);
     if ($tile instanceof Chest) {
         $config = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "shop.yml", Config::YAML);
         $all = $config->get("Shop");
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($all); $i += 2) {
             $slot = $i / 2;
             $tile->getInventory()->setItem($slot, Item::get($all[$i], 0, 1));
         $tile->getInventory()->setItem($tile->getInventory()->getSize() - 1, Item::get(Item::WOOL, 14, 1));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function execute(Player $player)
     $command = $this->compiledCommand;
     $type = $this->executionMode;
     $command = str_replace("%p", $player->getName(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%x", $player->getX(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%y", $player->getY(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%z", $player->getZ(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%l", $player->getLevel()->getName(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%ip", $player->getAddress(), $command);
     $command = str_replace("%n", $player->getDisplayName(), $command);
     if ($type === Command::AS_OP_TYPE && $player->isOp()) {
         $type = Command::AS_PLAYER_TYPE;
     switch ($type) {
         case Command::AS_CONSOLE_TYPE:
             $this->plugin->getServer()->dispatchCommand(new ConsoleCommandSender(), $command);
         case Command::AS_OP_TYPE:
             $this->plugin->getServer()->dispatchCommand($player, $command);
         case Command::AS_PLAYER_TYPE:
             $this->plugin->getServer()->dispatchCommand($player, $command);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function lob(Vector3 $aimPos)
     if (Server::getInstance()->getScheduler()->isQueued($this->scheduleId)) {
     /*new Double("", -sin($this->yaw / 180 * M_PI) * cos($this->pitch / 180 * M_PI)),
     		new Double("", -sin($this->pitch / 180 * M_PI)),
     		new Double("", cos($this->yaw / 180 * M_PI) * cos($this->pitch / 180 * M_PI))*/
     $aimPos = $aimPos->multiply(1.5);
     $this->motionX = $aimPos->x;
     //-sin($this->player->yaw / 180 * M_PI) * cos($this->player->pitch / 180 * M_PI);
     $this->motionY = $aimPos->y;
     //-sin($this->player->pitch / 180 * M_PI);
     $this->motionZ = $aimPos->z;
     //cos($this->player->yaw / 180 * M_PI) * cos($this->player->pitch / 180 * M_PI);
     $this->x = $this->player->getX();
     $this->y = $this->player->getY() + 1;
     $this->z = $this->player->getZ();
     $this->scheduleId = Server::getInstance()->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new UpdateTask($this->plugin, $this), 1)->getTaskId();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Basic player specific variable definitions
  * @param Player $player - reference to pocketmine Player
  * @param array &$vars - receives variable defintions
 public function stdPlayerVars(Player $player, array &$vars)
     foreach (["{player}" => $player->getName(), "{displayName}" => $player->getDisplayName(), "{world}" => $player->getLevel()->getName(), "{x}" => (int) $player->getX(), "{y}" => (int) $player->getY(), "{z}" => (int) $player->getZ(), "{yaw}" => (int) $player->getYaw(), "{pitch}" => (int) $player->getPitch(), "{bearing}" => self::bearing($player->getYaw())] as $a => $b) {
         $vars[$a] = $b;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function sparyParticle(Player $player)
     $particle = new DestroyBlockParticle(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY(), $player->getZ()), Block::get(8));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param Player $player
  * @return bool|int
 public static function sendMovePlayerPacket(Player $player)
     $packet = new MovePlayerPacket();
     $packet->eid = 0;
     $packet->x = $player->getX();
     $packet->y = $player->getY();
     $packet->z = $player->getZ();
     $packet->yaw = $player->getYaw();
     $packet->bodyYaw = $player->getYaw();
     $packet->pitch = $player->getPitch();
     $packet->onGround = false;
     return $player->dataPacket($packet);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function db_setUserLocation(\pocketmine\Player $player, $warp = null)
     $playerName = strtolower($player->getName());
     $playerX = floor($player->getX());
     $playerY = floor($player->getY());
     $playerZ = floor($player->getZ());
     $playerWarp = is_null($warp) ? $this->thiswarpname : $warp;
     // otherwise load from db
     $thisQueryName = "setUserLocation";
     //// siiisiiis, name, x,y,z, warp, x,y,z, warp
     $result = $this->db_statements[$thisQueryName]->bind_param("siiisiiis", $playerName, $playerX, $playerY, $playerZ, $playerWarp, $playerX, $playerY, $playerZ, $playerWarp);
     if ($result === false) {
         $this->criticalError("Failed to bind to statement " . $thisQueryName . ": " . $this->db_statements[$thisQueryName]->error);
         return array();
     $result = $this->db_statements[$thisQueryName]->execute();
     if (!$result) {
         $this->criticalError("Database error executing " . $thisQueryName . " " . $this->db_statements[$thisQueryName]->error);
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function unJail(Player $player)
     /*--Get player coords and ground coords--*/
     $px = round($player->getX());
     $py = round($player->getY());
     $pz = round($player->getZ());
     $gx = round($player->getFloorX());
     $gy = round($player->getFloorY());
     $gz = round($player->getFloorZ());
     $level = $player->getLevel();
     /*--Define the position of the 16 blocks around the player--*/
     $pos1 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py, $pz);
     $pos2 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py, $pz + 1);
     $pos3 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py, $pz + 1);
     $pos4 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py, $pz - 1);
     $pos5 = new Vector3($px, $py, $pz + 1);
     $pos6 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py, $pz);
     $pos7 = new Vector3($px, $py, $pz - 1);
     $pos8 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py + 1, $pz - 1);
     $pos9 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py + 1, $pz);
     $pos10 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py + 1, $pz + 1);
     $pos11 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py + 1, $pz + 1);
     $pos12 = new Vector3($px + 1, $py + 1, $pz - 1);
     $pos13 = new Vector3($px, $py + 1, $pz + 1);
     $pos14 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py + 1, $pz);
     $pos15 = new Vector3($px, $py + 1, $pz - 1);
     $pos16 = new Vector3($px - 1, $py + 1, $pz - 1);
     /*--And remove the blocks of bedrock--*/
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos1, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos2, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos3, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos4, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos5, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos6, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos7, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos8, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos9, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos10, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos11, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos12, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos13, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos14, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos15, Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock($pos16, Block::get(0, 0));
     /*--Break the blocks under and above the player--*/
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock(new Vector3($px, $py + 2, $pz), Block::get(0, 0));
     $this->getServer()->getLevel($level)->setBlock(new Vector3($gx, $gy, $gz), Block::get(0, 0));
     return true;