Exemplo n.º 1
  * Default action with registration form.
  * @access     public
  * @return     View
  * @since      1.0.0
  * @version    2.1.0-dev
 public function actionDefault()
     // if user is logged, redirect to main page
     if (UserModel::isLogged()) {
     $this->setTitle(__('Register Your account'));
     $this->setKeywords(__('register account,login,email,password'));
     /* @var $oConfig ModelFormConfig */
     $oConfig = ModelFormConfig::factory();
     $oConfig->setFieldsRestriction(['login', 'email', 'password']);
     $oUser = new UserModel();
     $oModelForm = $oUser->form('register', $oConfig);
     /* @var $oModelForm \ModelForm\User */
     $oForm = $oModelForm->generate();
     // if form is submitted and is valid
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $this->sendActivationCode($oForm->get('password_confirm'), $oUser);
         $sMessage = __('Your account has been registered successfully. Activation link has been sent to your mailbox. Click it to make the final activation.');
         Session::flash(Router::getCurrentUrl(), $sMessage);
     // return registration View
     return View::factory('user/frontend/register')->bind('oForm', $oForm);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Default action for database updating.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    2014-08-17
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
 public function actionDefault()
     $this->addToTitle('Database updating module');
     // create update form
     $oForm = new Form('db_update');
     $oForm->setSubmitValue(__('make update'));
     // check if update button has been clicked
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sUpdateOutput = static::makeUpdateNoExec();
         Cache::set($sUpdateOutput, 'output', 'dbupdate');
         Session::flash(Router::getCurrentUrl(), __('Database updated successfully.'));
     // return View
     return View::factory('db_update/backend/default')->bind('oForm', $oForm);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** @noinspection PhpMissingParentCallCommonInspection */
 public function actionDefault()
     // create pass recovery form
     $oForm = Form::factory('password_recovery');
     $emailField = Form\Field\Text::factory('email', $oForm)->setRequired()->setLabel('E-mail');
     $oForm->addField(Form\Field\Captcha::factory('captcha', $oForm));
     // if form is valid
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sEmail = $oForm->getField('email')->getValueFirst();
         // find user with particular e-mail
         $query = DB::query('SELECT u FROM \\Model\\User u WHERE u.email = :email');
         $query->param('email', $sEmail);
         $oResult = $query->single();
         /* @var $oResult User */
         if ($oResult instanceof User) {
             $sMessage = __("Message has been sent on your e-mail address. Click on the link from it's content to recover password to your account.");
             Session::flash(Router::getCurrentUrl(), $sMessage);
     // return view
     return View::factory('user/frontend/recovery/default')->bind('oForm', $oForm);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Find active route in particular menu.
  * @access   private
  * @param    array   $routes
  * @param    integer $parentKey
  * @param    array   $parent
  * @since    1.0.0-dev
  * @version  1.3.0-dev
 private function findActiveRoute(array &$routes, $parentKey = NULL, array $parent = [])
     foreach ($routes as $i => &$route) {
         /* @var $route array */
         /* @var $routeName string */
         /* @var $routeParams array */
         /* @var $activeRoutes array */
         if (!isset($route['classes'])) {
             $route['classes'] = [];
         $routeName = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'route_name', NULL);
         $url = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'url', NULL);
         $routeParams = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'route_parameters', []);
         $activeRoutes = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'active_routes', []);
         //            $path        = $url === NULL ? Route::factory($routeName)->path($routeParams) : $url;
         if ($routeName !== NULL) {
             $path = Route::factory($routeName)->path($routeParams);
         } else {
             $path = $url;
         $path = str_replace(Router::getBase(), '', $path);
         $currentPath = Router::getCurrentUrl();
         if (in_array(Router::getCurrentRouteName(), $activeRoutes)) {
             $route['classes'][] = ['current ' . $this->activeTrailClass];
         if ($parentKey !== NULL) {
             $route['parent_key'] = $parentKey;
             $route['parent'] = $parent;
         if ($path === $currentPath) {
         if (isset($route['children']) && !empty($route['children'])) {
             $this->findActiveRoute($route['children'], $i, $routes);
             /* @var $oChildren View */
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Find active route in particular menu.
  * @access	private
  * @param	array    $aRoutes
  * @param	integer  $iParentKey
  * @param	array    $aParent
  * @since	1.2.0-dev
  * @version	1.2.0-dev
 private function findActiveRoute(array &$aRoutes, $iParentKey = NULL, array $aParent = [])
     foreach ($aRoutes as $i => &$aRoute) {
         /* @var $aRoute array */
         $oItem = $aRoute['object'];
         /* @var $oItem \Model\Menu\Item */
         $sRouteName = $oItem->getRoute();
         /* @var $sRouteName string */
         $aRouteParams = $oItem->getRouteParams() !== NULL ? $oItem->getRouteParams() : [];
         /* @var $aRouteParams array */
         $aActiveRoutes = $oItem->getActiveRoutes() !== NULL ? $oItem->getActiveRoutes() : [];
         /* @var $aRouteParams array */
         $sPath = Route::factory($sRouteName)->path($aRouteParams);
         $sCurrentPath = Router::getCurrentUrl();
         if (in_array(Router::getCurrentRouteName(), $aActiveRoutes)) {
             $aRoute['classes'] = 'current active_trail';
         } elseif (!isset($aRoute['classes'])) {
             $aRoute['classes'] = NULL;
         if ($iParentKey !== NULL) {
             $aRoute['parent_key'] = $iParentKey;
             $aRoute['parent'] = $aParent;
         if ($sPath === $sCurrentPath) {
         if (isset($aRoute['siblings']) && !empty($aRoute['siblings'])) {
             $this->findActiveRoute($aRoute['siblings'], $i, $aRoutes);
             /* @var $oChildren View */
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Change breadcrumbs and/or title of "delete entity" action.
  * @access   protected
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 protected function alterBreadcrumbsTitleDelete()
     $this->addToTitle(__('Delete item'));
     $this->addBreadCrumb(__('Delete item'), Router::getCurrentUrl());
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Get form action URL.
  * @access   public
  * @return   string
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function getAction()
     if ($this->action === NULL) {
         $this->action = Router::getCurrentUrl();
     return $this->action;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Change breadcrumbs and/or title of "add entity" action.
  * @access     protected
  * @since      1.1.3-dev, 2015-08-20
  * @version    1.2.0-dev
 protected function alterBreadcrumbsTitleAdd()
     $this->addToTitle(__('Add menu item'));
     $this->addBreadCrumb(__('Add menu item'), Router::getCurrentUrl());