Exemplo n.º 1
  * Load config file
  * Get array from config file and save it to variable
  * @static
  * @access   public
  * @param    string $sConfigPath
  * @param    string $sFormat
  * @return   bool
  * @throws   Exception
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 private static function load($sConfigPath, $sFormat = 'php')
     $oConfigData = static::findConfigFile($sConfigPath, $sFormat);
     // load config data
     if ($oConfigData !== FALSE) {
         switch ($sFormat) {
             # PHP
             case 'php':
                 $aConfig = (include $oConfigData->getPath());
                 # YAML
             # YAML
             case "yml":
                 $aConfig = \Spyc::YAMLLoad($oConfigData->getPath());
     // assign data to storage
     if (isset($aConfig)) {
         Helper\Arrays::createMultiKeys(static::$aConfigs, $sConfigPath, $aConfig);
         Log::insert('Config ' . $sConfigPath . ' (' . $sFormat . ') loaded');
         return TRUE;
     // if there is no data to assign (because the config file does not exists), create ERROR message and return FALSE (or throw exception)
     $sMsg = 'Unable to load ' . $sConfigPath . ' config file with "' . $sFormat . '" format.';
     Log::insert($sMsg, Log::ERROR);
     if (Core::getAppMode() === Core::MODE_DEVELOPMENT) {
         throw new Exception($sMsg);
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Fatal error handler.
  * @access     public
  * @since      1.0.0-alpha
  * @version    1.0.0-alpha
 public function handler()
     if (Core::getAppMode() == Core::MODE_DEVELOPMENT) {
         throw $this;
     } else {
         header('HTTP/1.0 ' . $this->sHeaderContent);
         echo View::factory('base/error_pages/500')->render();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * ACTION - User login.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    1.0.2, 2013-12-07
  * @version  1.0.7-dev, 2015-05-04
 public function actionLogin()
     $this->setTitle(Core::getAppName() . ' - ' . __('Login form'));
     $this->addBreadCrumb(__('Login form'));
     $oLoggedUser = Model\User::getLoggedUser();
     if ($oLoggedUser instanceof Model\User) {
         Route::factory('user_profile')->redirectTo(['id' => $oLoggedUser->getId()]);
     $failedLogins = \User\LoginFail::getCachedData();
     if ($failedLogins > 4) {
         return View::factory('base/alert')->set('sType', 'danger')->set('sMsg', __('to.many.incorrect.logins'));
     $oLoginForm = Form::factory('login');
     $oLoginForm->addField(Form\Field\Text::factory('login', $oLoginForm));
     $oLoginForm->addField(Form\Field\Password::factory('password', $oLoginForm));
     if ($oLoginForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sUsername = $oLoginForm->get('login');
         $sPassword = $oLoginForm->get('password');
         $sEncryptedPassword = Helper\Encrypter::factory()->encrypt($sUsername, $sPassword);
         $oUser = DB::query("SELECT u FROM \\Model\\User u WHERE u.login = :login AND u.password = :pass")->param('login', $sUsername)->param('pass', $sEncryptedPassword)->single();
         if ($oUser instanceof Model\User) {
             Session::set('username', $sUsername);
             Session::set('uid', (int) $oUser->getId());
             # Get role permissions for particular user and set them in session
         } else {
             $currentUrl = Router::currentUrl();
             $alert = __('You have entered wrong username or password. Try again.');
             Session::flash($currentUrl, $alert, 'danger');
     return View::factory('base/form')->bind('oForm', $oLoginForm);
Exemplo n.º 4
define('PATH_CACHE', PATH_APP . 'cache' . DS);
// Cache path
define('PATH_G_VIEWS', PATH_APP . 'views' . DS);
// Global views path
// styles and images path
define('PATH_CSS', '/css/');
define('PATH_IMAGES', '/images/');
// show all errors if development mode is on
//if(\Plethora\Core::getAppMode() == \Plethora\Core::MODE_DEVELOPMENT) {
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
//require_once PATH_LIB.'KintDebug/Kint.class.php';
// Load global functions
require PATH_CORE . 'functions.php';
// show content
if (file_exists('./install.php')) {
    require_once PATH_PUBLIC . 'install.php';
} else {
    if (\Plethora\Core::getAppMode() == \Plethora\Core::MODE_DEVELOPMENT) {
    } else {
        try {
        } catch (\Plethora\Exception $e) {
// destruct Log instance
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Send user account recovery code.
  * @access   public
  * @param    User $oUser
  * @since    1.0.0, 2015-02-17
  * @version  2.1.0-dev
  * @return   bool
 private function sendRecoveryCode(User $oUser)
     $sUserAgent = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT');
     $sCodeToEncode = mb_strlen(uniqid()) * time() . $sUserAgent . $oUser->getLogin();
     $sCode2 = sha1($sCodeToEncode);
     $sRecoveryCode = base64_encode($sCode2);
     DB::query('DELETE FROM \\Model\\User\\RecoveryCode r WHERE r.user = :user')->param('user', $oUser->getId())->execute(TRUE);
     $oRecoveryCode = new User\RecoveryCode();
     $sSubject = __('Account activation on :app', ['app' => Core::getAppName()]);
     $mailContent = View::factory("user/frontend/recovery/message")->render(['sLogin' => $oUser->getLogin(), 'sRecoveryCode' => $sRecoveryCode]);
     $mailView = View::factory('base/email');
     $mailView->bind('sContent', $mailContent);
     $mailView->set('sTitle', $sSubject);
     return $oUser->sendEmail($sSubject, $mailView->render());
Exemplo n.º 6

 * Content of e-mail with password reset link.
 * @author         Krzysztof Trzos
 * @package        user
 * @subpackage     views\frontend\recovery
 * @since          2015-02-17
 * @version        2.1.0-dev
use Plethora\Core;
use Plethora\Helper;
use Plethora\Route;
$siteName = Core::getAppName();
$contactUrl = Helper\Html::a(Route::factory('contact')->url(), __('CONTACT'));

/* @var $sRecoveryCode string */
/* @var $sLogin string */

$passRecoveryLink = Route::factory('password_recovery_code')->url(['code' => $sRecoveryCode]);

echo __('Hello :login', ['login' => $sLogin]);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* @var $sLogin string */

<p>Witaj <b><?php 
echo $sLogin;
<p>Na tego maila zarejestrowane zostało konto portalu <b><?php 
echo \Plethora\Core::getAppName();
</b>. Nie jest jednak ono w pełni aktywne i, aby zakończyć rejestrację, należy kliknąć w poniższy link:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">
	<a href="<?php 
echo \Plethora\Route::factory('account_activation')->url(['code' => $sActivationCode]);
" title="Link aktywacyjny konta">
echo \Plethora\Route::factory('account_activation')->url(['code' => $sActivationCode]);
<p style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); font-size: 12px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: center;">
	Jeżeli rejestracja konta nie została dokonania przez Ciebie, zgłoś to przez dział
	<a href="<?php 
echo \Plethora\Route::factory('contact')->url();
" title="<?php 
echo \Plethora\Core::getAppName();
 - kontakt">KONTAKT</a>, a usuniemy Twój e-mail z naszej bazy danych.
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Get field lang.
  * @access   public
  * @return   array
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function getLangs()
     return $this->isMultilanguage() ? Core::getLanguages() : ['und'];
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Send user account activation code.
  * @access     public
  * @param      string    $sPassword
  * @param      UserModel $oUser
  * @return     bool
  * @throws     \Plethora\Exception
  * @throws     \Plethora\Exception\Fatal
  * @since      1.0.0
  * @version    2.1.0-dev
 private function sendActivationCode($sPassword, UserModel $oUser)
     $sUserAgent = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT');
     $sActivationCode1 = mb_strlen($sPassword) * time() . $sUserAgent . $oUser->getLogin();
     $sActivationCode2 = sha1($sActivationCode1);
     $sActivationCode = base64_encode($sActivationCode2);
     $oActivationCode = new ActivationCodeModel();
     $sSubject = __(':appname - Activation link', ['appname' => Plethora\Core::getAppName()]);
     $mailContent = View::factory("user/frontend/register/message")->render(['sLogin' => $oUser->getLogin(), 'sActivationCode' => $sActivationCode]);
     $mailView = View::factory('base/email');
     $mailView->bind('sContent', $mailContent);
     $mailView->set('sTitle', $sSubject);
     $mail = $mailView->render();
     $oMessage = new Mail();
     $oMessage->setBody($mail, 'text/html');
     return Mailer::factory()->send($oMessage);
Exemplo n.º 10

if ($oForm->hasMultilangField()) {
                <div id="form-language-checker">
                    <div id="form-language-checker-container">
    foreach (\Plethora\Core::getLanguages() as $i => $lang) {
        $sIsActive = NULL;

        if ($i === 0 || in_array($lang, $oForm->getCheckedLanguages())) {
            $sIsActive = 'active';
        } else {
            $sIsActive = 'disabled';
                            <div id="form-language-checker-single-num-<?php 
        echo $i;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Method in which can do some operations before saving to database.
  * @access   protected
  * @param    Form $form
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 protected function beforeSave(Form &$form)
     if ($this->getModel()->hasLocales()) {
         $aDoNotSaveFor = array_diff(Core::getLanguages(), $form->getCheckedLanguages());
         foreach ($aDoNotSaveFor as $sLang) {
     if (property_exists($this->getModel(), 'author') && !$this->getModel()->getAuthor() instanceof User) {
     if (property_exists($this->getModel(), 'modification_date')) {
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Checks if the form contains any errors.
  * @access   public
  * @return   boolean
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function isValid()
     if ($this->validationResult !== NULL) {
         return $this->validationResult;
     # if form is submitted
     if ($this->isSubmitted()) {
         # make some pre-validation operations
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* @var $field Field */
             $whenSubmittedMethod = new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($field), 'whenFormSubmitted');
             # if particular field isn't required and it's value is empty, remove all rules
             if ($field->isRequired() === FALSE) {
                 foreach ($field->getLangs() as $sLang) {
                     foreach ($field->getValue($sLang) as $i => $value) {
                         if ($value == '' || $value === []) {
                             $this->getValidator()->blockRulesFor($field->getName(), $sLang, $i);
             # if particular field is disabled, remove all rules
             if ($field->isDisabled()) {
             # remove all rules for multilang field and it's unchecked language
             if ($field->isMultilanguage()) {
                 foreach (Core::getLanguages() as $sLang) {
                     if (!in_array($sLang, $this->getCheckedLanguages())) {
                         $this->getValidator()->blockRulesFor($field->getName(), $sLang);
         # CSRF token validation
         if ($this->csrfToken) {
             $aMethodValues = $this->getMethodValue();
             $sTokenFromForm = Helper\Arrays::path($aMethodValues, $this->getName() . '.csrf_token');
             $sTokenFromSession = $this->getFormToken();
             if ($sTokenFromForm !== $sTokenFromSession) {
                 $this->addFormError(__('Bad request token. Please, send the form once again.'));
         # make some operations for all fields before validation
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* @var $field Field */
         # check amount of field values
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* @var $field Field */
             foreach ($field->getLangs() as $sLang) {
                 if (in_array($sLang, $this->getCheckedLanguages())) {
                     $iValuesAmount = count($field->getValue($sLang));
                     if ($field->getQuantity() === 0) {
                         if ($field->getQuantityMin() > $iValuesAmount) {
                             $this->getValidator()->addError($field->getName() . '_' . $sLang, __('Insufficient amount of values given for this field (should be :number).', ['number' => $field->getQuantityMin()]));
                         if ($field->getQuantityMax() != 0 && $field->getQuantityMax() < $iValuesAmount) {
                             $this->getValidator()->addError($field->getName() . '_' . $sLang, __('Too hight amount of values given for this field (should be :number).', ['number' => $field->getQuantityMin()]));
                     } elseif ($field->getQuantity() != $iValuesAmount) {
                         $this->getValidator()->addError($field->getName() . '_' . $sLang, __('The amount of values for this field should be :number (:amount given).', ['number' => $field->getQuantity(), 'amount' => $iValuesAmount]));
         # if form has not been checked earler, do it now
         if (!$this->getValidator()->isChecked()) {
         # make some operations for all fields which are valid
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* @var $field Field */
             foreach ($field->getLangs() as $sLang) {
                 if (!$field->hasErrors($sLang)) {
     # check if form has any errors
     $hasErrors = $this->getValidator()->hasErrors();
     # if form is submitted and doesn't have errors
     if ($this->isSubmitted() && !$hasErrors) {
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* @var $field Field */
     # return value whether the form is valid
     return $this->validationResult = !$hasErrors;
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Errors handler.
 * @author   Krzysztof Trzos
 * @param    integer $errno
 * @param    string  $errstr
 * @param    string  $errfile
 * @param    integer $errline
 * @param    array   $errcontext
 * @throws   Exception\Fatal
 * @since    1.0.0-alpha
 * @version  1.0.0-alpha
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = 0, $errcontext = [])
    $iLevel = ob_get_level();
    for ($i = 1; $i < $iLevel; $i++) {
    if (Core::getAppMode() == Core::MODE_DEVELOPMENT) {
        ddd($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
    } else {
        try {
            throw new Exception\Fatal();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 14
 * @author         Krzysztof Trzos
 * @package        base
 * @subpackage     views/backend/blocks/body
 * @since          1.0.0-alpha
 * @version        1.0.0-alpha
use Plethora\Core;
use Plethora\Helper;
use Plethora\Route;

$sChangelogLink = Route::factory('framework_changelog')->url();
$changelogAnchor = Helper\Link::factory()->setTitle(__('changelog'))->code(Core::getVersion(), $sChangelogLink);

<footer class="main-footer">
    <div class="pull-right hidden-xs">
echo __('Version');
</b> <?php 
echo $changelogAnchor;
    <strong>Copyright &copy; 2016 <a href="http://plethorafw.com">Plethora Framework</a>.</strong> <?php 
echo __('All rights reserved.');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Create new locales Model.
  * @access   public
  * @param    string $sLang
  * @return   ModelCore\Locales
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 private function createNewLocale($sLang)
     if (in_array($sLang, Core::getLanguages())) {
         $sLocaleClassName = $this->getClass() . '\\Locales';
         $oLocale = new $sLocaleClassName();
         /* @var $oLocale ModelCore\Locales */
         return $oLocale;
     return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 16

 * @author         Krzysztof Trzos
 * @package        base
 * @subpackage     views/backend/blocks/body
 * @since          1.0.0-alpha
 * @version        1.0.0-alpha

$sChangelogLink = \Plethora\Route::factory('framework_changelog')->url();

<div class="container">
    <p class="text-muted text-right"><?php 
echo __('author');
: <b>Krzysztof Trzos</b> with
        <a href="<?php 
echo $sChangelogLink;
" title="<?php 
echo __('changelog');
">Plethora v<?php 
echo \Plethora\Core::getVersion();