filter() public method

If {@link enableRecursiveFilters()} was called, the filter will be applied to all subtables as well.
public filter ( string | Closur\Closure $className, array $parameters = [] )
$className string | Closur\Closure Class name, eg. `"Sort"` or "Piwik\DataTable\Filters\Sort"`. If no namespace is supplied, `Piwik\DataTable\BaseFilter` is assumed. This parameter can also be a closure that takes a DataTable as its first parameter.
$parameters array Array of extra parameters to pass to the filter.
 public function test_filter_shouldIgnoreSummaryRow()
     $row = $this->buildRow(array('label' => 'other'));
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array('UTC', 'day', 'today'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param DataTable $table
 public function filter($table)
     // make url labels clickable
     $table->filter('ColumnCallbackAddMetadata', array('label', 'url'));
     // prettify the DataTable
     $table->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\removeUrlProtocol'));
 public function test_filter_shouldUrlEncodeValues()
     $mapping = array(1 => 'Core tests', 3 => 'plugins tästs');
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array('segmentName', $mapping));
     $metadata = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('segment');
     $expected = array('segmentName==Core+tests', false, 'segmentName==plugins+t%C3%A4sts', false, false, false);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $metadata);
 public function test_filter_shouldOnlyPrependIfAMetadataNameIsSet()
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array('other', 'prependme'));
     $metadata = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('other');
     $this->assertSame(array(false, 'prependmevalue', false, 'prependmevalue', 'prependme'), $metadata);
     // should still be the same
     $metadata = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('test');
     $this->assertSame(array('1', '2', '3', '1', '4'), $metadata);
 public function test_filter_shouldRemoveAllMetadataEntriesHavingTheGivenName()
     $prepend = 'city=test;';
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array($prepend));
     $metadata = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('segment');
     $this->assertSame(array(false, $prepend . 'country=NZ', false, $prepend . 'country=AU', $prepend), $metadata);
     // should be still the same
     $metadata = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('test');
     $this->assertSame(array('1', '2', '3', '1', '4'), $metadata);
 public function test_filter_shoulAppendGivenStringToAllColumnsOfAllRows_EvenIfTheyHaveDifferentColumns()
     $this->addRow(array('nb_visits' => 49));
     $nameToAppend = '_new_visit';
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array($nameToAppend));
     $expectedRow1 = array('nb_visits' . $nameToAppend => 1, 'nb_conversions' . $nameToAppend => 5, 'revenue' . $nameToAppend => 10, 'conversion_rate' . $nameToAppend => 20);
     $expectedRow2 = array('nb_visits' . $nameToAppend => 49);
     $this->assertColumnsOfRowIdEquals($expectedRow1, $rowId = 0);
     $this->assertColumnsOfRowIdEquals($expectedRow2, $rowId = 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function test_filter_shouldNotGenerateASegmentValueIfReturnValueIsFalse()
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array(function ($label) {
         if ($label === false) {
             return 'was false';
         return false;
     $segmentValues = $this->table->getRowsMetadata('segmentValue');
     $expected = array(false, false, false, false, 'was false', false, 'was false', false);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $segmentValues);
 public function test_filter_shouldRemoveTheMetadataFromSubtables_IfOneIsSet()
     $row = $this->addRowWithMetadata(array('test' => '5', 'other' => 'value2'));
     $table = new DataTable();
     $table->addRow($this->buildRowWithMetadata(array('other' => 'value3')));
     $table->addRow($this->buildRowWithMetadata(array('test' => '6')));
     $table->addRow($this->buildRowWithMetadata(array('test' => '7', 'other' => 'value4')));
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array('other'));
     $metadata = $table->getRowsMetadata('other');
     $this->assertSame(array(false, false, false), $metadata);
 private function filterTable($withUser = 5)
     $dataTable = new DataTable();
     $dataTable->addRowsFromArray(array(array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'val1', Metrics::INDEX_NB_USERS => 0)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'val2')), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'val2 5w ö?', Metrics::INDEX_NB_USERS => $withUser))));
     $dataTable->filter($this->filter, array($idSite = 1, $period = 'day', $date = 'today'));
     return $dataTable->getColumn(Metrics::INDEX_NB_USERS);
 public function test_filter_IfMultipleSegmentsAreGiven_ShouldIgnoreASummaryRow()
     $summaryRow = $this->buildRow(array('label' => 'part1 part2'));
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array(array('seg1', 'seg2'), $delimiter = ' '));
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Template method called from self::manipulate.
  * Flatten each data table.
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
  * @return DataTable
 protected function manipulateDataTable($dataTable)
     $newDataTable = $dataTable->getEmptyClone($keepFilters = true);
     // this recursive filter will be applied to subtables
     $this->flattenDataTableInto($dataTable, $newDataTable);
     return $newDataTable;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * See {@link ExcludeLowPopulation}.
  * @param DataTable $table
 public function filter($table)
     $minimumValue = $this->minimumValue;
     $isValueLowPopulation = function ($value) use($minimumValue) {
         return $value < $minimumValue;
     $table->filter('ColumnCallbackDeleteRow', array($this->columnToFilter, $isValueLowPopulation));
 public function test_filter()
     $dataTable = new DataTable();
     $dataTable->addRowsFromArray(array(array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'val1', 'nb_visits' => 120)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('nb_visits' => 90)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => 'val2 5w ö?', 'nb_visits' => 99)), array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => Archiver::LABEL_CUSTOM_VALUE_NOT_DEFINED, 'nb_visits' => 99))));
     $dataTable->filter($this->filter, array($idDimension = 5));
     $metadata = $dataTable->getRowsMetadata('segment');
     $expected = array('dimension5==val1', false, 'dimension5==val2+5w+%C3%B6%3F', 'dimension5==');
     $this->assertSame($expected, $metadata);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
 private function filterDataTable($dataTable)
     $dataTable->filter('Sort', array(Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS));
     $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
         $row = $table->getRowFromLabel(Archiver::CONTENT_PIECE_NOT_SET);
         if ($row) {
             $row->setColumn('label', Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Contents_ContentPiece')));
         foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) {
             if ($row->getMetadata('contentTarget') === Archiver::CONTENT_TARGET_NOT_SET) {
                 $row->setMetadata('contentTarget', '');
     // Content interaction rate = interactions / impressions
     $dataTable->queueFilter('ColumnCallbackAddColumnPercentage', array('interaction_rate', 'nb_interactions', 'nb_impressions', $precision = 2));
  * See {@link PrependValueToMetadata}.
  * @param DataTable $table
 public function filter($table)
     if (empty($this->metadataColumn) || empty($this->valueToPrepend)) {
     $metadataColumn = $this->metadataColumn;
     $valueToPrepend = $this->valueToPrepend;
     $table->filter(function (DataTable $dataTable) use($metadataColumn, $valueToPrepend) {
         foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) {
             $filter = $row->getMetadata($metadataColumn);
             if ($filter !== false) {
                 $row->setMetadata($metadataColumn, $valueToPrepend . $filter);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
 private function filterDataTable($dataTable)
     $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
         $row = $table->getRowFromLabel(Archiver::CONTENT_PIECE_NOT_SET);
         if ($row) {
             $row->setColumn('label', Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Contents_ContentPiece')));
         foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) {
             if ($row->getMetadata('contentTarget') === Archiver::CONTENT_TARGET_NOT_SET) {
                 $row->setMetadata('contentTarget', '');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @param DataTable $table
 public function filter($table)
     $table->filter(function (DataTable $dataTable) {
         foreach ($dataTable->getRows() as $row) {
             $url = $row->getMetadata('url');
             if ($url) {
                 $row->setMetadata('segmentValue', urldecode($url));
     // TODO can we remove this one again?
     $table->queueFilter('GroupBy', array('label', function ($label) {
         return urldecode($label);
     foreach ($table->getRowsWithoutSummaryRow() as $row) {
         $subtable = $row->getSubtable();
         if ($subtable) {
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
 protected function filterDataTable($dataTable)
     $dataTable->filter('Sort', array(Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS));
     $dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
         $row = $table->getRowFromLabel(Archiver::EVENT_NAME_NOT_SET);
         if ($row) {
             $row->setColumn('label', Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Events_EventName')));
     // add processed metric avg_event_value
     $dataTable->queueFilter('ColumnCallbackAddColumnQuotient', array('avg_event_value', 'sum_event_value', 'nb_events_with_value', $precision = 2, $shouldSkipRows = true));
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Returns datatable describing the number of visits for each day of the week.
  * @param string $idSite The site ID. Cannot refer to multiple sites.
  * @param string $period The period type: day, week, year, range...
  * @param string $date The start date of the period. Cannot refer to multiple dates.
  * @param bool|string $segment The segment.
  * @throws Exception
  * @return DataTable
 public function getByDayOfWeek($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     // metrics to query
     $metrics = Metrics::getVisitsMetricNames();
     // disabled for multiple dates
     if (Period::isMultiplePeriod($date, $period)) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple dates.");
     // get metric data for every day within the supplied period
     $oPeriod = Period\Factory::makePeriodFromQueryParams(Site::getTimezoneFor($idSite), $period, $date);
     $dateRange = $oPeriod->getDateStart()->toString() . ',' . $oPeriod->getDateEnd()->toString();
     $archive = Archive::build($idSite, 'day', $dateRange, $segment);
     // disabled for multiple sites
     if (count($archive->getParams()->getIdSites()) > 1) {
         throw new Exception("VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek does not support multiple sites.");
     $dataTable = $archive->getDataTableFromNumeric($metrics)->mergeChildren();
     // if there's no data for this report, don't bother w/ anything else
     if ($dataTable->getRowsCount() == 0) {
         return $dataTable;
     // group by the day of the week (see below for dayOfWeekFromDate function)
     $dataTable->filter('GroupBy', array('label', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\dayOfWeekFromDate'));
     // create new datatable w/ empty rows, then add calculated datatable
     $rows = array();
     foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as $day) {
         $rows[] = array('label' => $day, 'nb_visits' => 0);
     $result = new DataTable();
     // set day of week integer as metadata
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackAddMetadata', array('label', 'day_of_week'));
     // translate labels
     $result->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\translateDayOfWeek'));
     // set datatable metadata for period start & finish
     $result->setMetadata('date_start', $oPeriod->getDateStart());
     $result->setMetadata('date_end', $oPeriod->getDateEnd());
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Utility function. Gets row count of a set of tables grouped by the 'name' column.
  * This is the implementation of the getRowCountsAndSizeBy... functions.
 private function getRowCountsByArchiveName($statuses, $getRowSizeMethod, $forceCache = false, $otherSelects = array(), $otherDataTableColumns = array())
     $extraCols = '';
     if (!empty($otherSelects)) {
         $extraCols = ', ' . implode(', ', $otherSelects);
     $cols = array_merge(array('row_count'), $otherDataTableColumns);
     $dataTable = new DataTable();
     foreach ($statuses as $status) {
         $dataTableOptionName = $this->getCachedOptionName($status['Name'], 'byArchiveName');
         // if option exists && !$forceCache, use the cached data, otherwise create the
         $cachedData = Option::get($dataTableOptionName);
         if ($cachedData !== false && !$forceCache) {
             $table = DataTable::fromSerializedArray($cachedData);
         } else {
             $table = new DataTable();
             $table->addRowsFromSimpleArray($this->dataAccess->getRowCountsByArchiveName($status['Name'], $extraCols));
             $reduceArchiveRowName = array($this, 'reduceArchiveRowName');
             $table->filter('GroupBy', array('label', $reduceArchiveRowName));
             $serializedTables = $table->getSerialized();
             $serializedTable = reset($serializedTables);
             Option::set($dataTableOptionName, $serializedTable);
         // add estimated_size column
         $getEstimatedSize = array($this, $getRowSizeMethod);
         $table->filter('ColumnCallbackAddColumn', array($cols, 'estimated_size', $getEstimatedSize, array($status)));
     return $dataTable;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Removes DataTable rows referencing actions that were never the last action of a visit.
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
 private function filterNonExitActions($dataTable)
     $dataTable->filter('ColumnCallbackDeleteRow', array('exit_nb_visits', function ($visits) {
         return !strlen($visits);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Apply generic filters to the DataTable object resulting from the API Call.
  * Disable this feature by setting the parameter disable_generic_filters to 1 in the API call request.
  * @param DataTable $datatable
  * @return bool
 protected function applyGenericFilters($datatable)
     if ($datatable instanceof DataTable\Map) {
         $tables = $datatable->getDataTables();
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
     $genericFilters = self::getGenericFiltersInformation();
     $filterApplied = false;
     foreach ($genericFilters as $filterMeta) {
         $filterName = $filterMeta[0];
         $filterParams = $filterMeta[1];
         $filterParameters = array();
         $exceptionRaised = false;
         foreach ($filterParams as $name => $info) {
             // parameter type to cast to
             $type = $info[0];
             // default value if specified, when the parameter doesn't have a value
             $defaultValue = null;
             if (isset($info[1])) {
                 $defaultValue = $info[1];
             // third element in the array, if it exists, overrides the name of the request variable
             $varName = $name;
             if (isset($info[2])) {
                 $varName = $info[2];
             try {
                 $value = Common::getRequestVar($name, $defaultValue, $type, $this->request);
                 settype($value, $type);
                 $filterParameters[] = $value;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $exceptionRaised = true;
         if (!$exceptionRaised) {
             $datatable->filter($filterName, $filterParameters);
             $filterApplied = true;
     return $filterApplied;
 private function assertSegmentForSegmentValueAndReport($report, $segmentValue, $expectedSegment)
     $row = $this->addRowWithMetadata(array('segmentValue' => $segmentValue));
     $this->table->filter($this->filter, array($report));
     $this->assertSegment($expectedSegment, $row);
  * @param DataTable|DataTable\Map $dataTable
  * @param $visualization
 protected function initChartObjectData($dataTable, $visualization)
     // We apply a filter to the DataTable, decoding the label column (useful for keywords for example)
     $dataTable->filter('ColumnCallbackReplace', array('label', 'urldecode'));
     $xLabels = $dataTable->getColumn('label');
     $columnNames = $this->properties['columns_to_display'];
     if (($labelColumnIndex = array_search('label', $columnNames)) !== false) {
     $columnNameToTranslation = $columnNameToValue = array();
     foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) {
         $columnNameToTranslation[$columnName] = @$this->properties['translations'][$columnName];
         $columnNameToValue[$columnName] = $dataTable->getColumn($columnName);
     $visualization->dataTable = $dataTable;
     $visualization->properties = $this->properties;
     $units = $this->getUnitsForColumnsToDisplay();
Exemplo n.º 25
  * @param DataTable $table
 private function addSummaryRow($table)
     if ($table->getRowsCount() <= $this->truncateAfter + 1) {
     $table->filter('Sort', array($this->columnToSortByBeforeTruncating, 'desc', $naturalSort = true, $recursiveSort = false));
     $rows = array_values($table->getRows());
     $count = $table->getRowsCount();
     $newRow = new Row(array(Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => DataTable::LABEL_SUMMARY_ROW)));
     $aggregationOps = $table->getMetadata(DataTable::COLUMN_AGGREGATION_OPS_METADATA_NAME);
     for ($i = $this->truncateAfter; $i < $count; $i++) {
         if (!isset($rows[$i])) {
             // case when the last row is a summary row, it is not indexed by $cout but by DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW
             $summaryRow = $table->getRowFromId(DataTable::ID_SUMMARY_ROW);
             //FIXME: I'm not sure why it could return false, but it was reported in:,89324,page=1#msg-89442
             if ($summaryRow) {
                 $newRow->sumRow($summaryRow, $enableCopyMetadata = false, $aggregationOps);
         } else {
             $newRow->sumRow($rows[$i], $enableCopyMetadata = false, $aggregationOps);
     $table->filter('Limit', array(0, $this->truncateAfter));
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Removes DataTable rows referencing actions that were never the last action of a visit.
  * @param DataTable $dataTable
 private function filterNonExitActions($dataTable)
     $dataTable->filter('ColumnCallbackDeleteRow', array(PiwikMetrics::INDEX_PAGE_EXIT_NB_VISITS, function ($visits) {
         return !strlen($visits);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * @param array $reportMetadata
  * @param string $period
  * @param string $date
  * @param string $lastDate
  * @param string $metric
  * @param DataTable $currentReport
  * @param DataTable $lastReport
  * @param int $totalValue
  * @param int $minMoversPercent      Exclude rows who moved and the difference is not at least min percent
  *                                         visits of totalVisits. -1 excludes movers.
  * @param int $minNewPercent         Exclude rows who are new and the difference is not at least min percent
  *                                         visits of totalVisits. -1 excludes all new.
  * @param int $minDisappearedPercent Exclude rows who are disappeared and the difference is not at least min
  *                                         percent visits of totalVisits. -1 excludes all disappeared.
  * @param int $minGrowthPercentPositive    The actual growth of a row must be at least percent compared to the
  *                                         previous value (not total value)
  * @param int $minGrowthPercentNegative    The actual growth of a row must be lower percent compared to the
  *                                         previous value (not total value)
  * @param string $orderBy                  Order by absolute, relative, importance
  * @param int $limitIncreaser
  * @param int $limitDecreaser
  * @return DataTable
 public function generateInsight($reportMetadata, $period, $date, $lastDate, $metric, $currentReport, $lastReport, $totalValue, $minMoversPercent, $minNewPercent, $minDisappearedPercent, $minGrowthPercentPositive, $minGrowthPercentNegative, $orderBy, $limitIncreaser, $limitDecreaser)
     $minChangeMovers = $this->getMinVisits($totalValue, $minMoversPercent);
     $minIncreaseNew = $this->getMinVisits($totalValue, $minNewPercent);
     $minDecreaseDisappeared = $this->getMinVisits($totalValue, $minDisappearedPercent);
     $dataTable = new DataTable();
     $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\Insight', array($currentReport, $lastReport, $metric, $considerMovers = -1 !== $minMoversPercent, $considerNew = -1 !== $minNewPercent, $considerDisappeared = -1 !== $minDisappearedPercent));
     $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\MinGrowth', array('growth_percent_numeric', $minGrowthPercentPositive, $minGrowthPercentNegative));
     if ($minIncreaseNew) {
         $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\ExcludeLowValue', array('difference', $minIncreaseNew, 'isNew'));
     if ($minChangeMovers) {
         $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\ExcludeLowValue', array('difference', $minChangeMovers, 'isMover'));
     if ($minDecreaseDisappeared) {
         $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\ExcludeLowValue', array('difference', $minDecreaseDisappeared, 'isDisappeared'));
     $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\OrderBy', array($this->getOrderByColumn($orderBy), $orderBy === self::ORDER_BY_RELATIVE ? $this->getOrderByColumn(self::ORDER_BY_ABSOLUTE) : $this->getOrderByColumn(self::ORDER_BY_RELATIVE), $metric));
     $dataTable->filter('Piwik\\Plugins\\Insights\\DataTable\\Filter\\Limit', array('growth_percent_numeric', $limitIncreaser, $limitDecreaser));
     $metricName = $metric;
     if (!empty($reportMetadata['metrics'][$metric])) {
         $metricName = $reportMetadata['metrics'][$metric];
     $dataTable->setMetadataValues(array('reportName' => $reportMetadata['name'], 'metricName' => $metricName, 'date' => $date, 'lastDate' => $lastDate, 'period' => $period, 'report' => $reportMetadata, 'totalValue' => $totalValue, 'orderBy' => $orderBy, 'metric' => $metric, 'minChangeMovers' => $minChangeMovers, 'minIncreaseNew' => $minIncreaseNew, 'minDecreaseDisappeared' => $minDecreaseDisappeared, 'minGrowthPercentPositive' => $minGrowthPercentPositive, 'minGrowthPercentNegative' => $minGrowthPercentNegative, 'minMoversPercent' => $minMoversPercent, 'minNewPercent' => $minNewPercent, 'minDisappearedPercent' => $minDisappearedPercent));
     return $dataTable;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Apply generic filters to the DataTable object resulting from the API Call.
  * Disable this feature by setting the parameter disable_generic_filters to 1 in the API call request.
  * @param DataTable $datatable
  * @return bool
 protected function applyGenericFilters($datatable)
     if ($datatable instanceof DataTable\Map) {
         $tables = $datatable->getDataTables();
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
     $genericFilters = $this->getGenericFiltersHavingDefaultValues();
     $filterApplied = false;
     foreach ($genericFilters as $filterMeta) {
         $filterName = $filterMeta[0];
         $filterParams = $filterMeta[1];
         $filterParameters = array();
         $exceptionRaised = false;
         if (in_array($filterName, $this->disabledFilters)) {
         foreach ($filterParams as $name => $info) {
             if (!is_array($info)) {
                 // hard coded value that cannot be changed via API, see eg $naturalSort = true in 'Sort'
                 $filterParameters[] = $info;
             } else {
                 // parameter type to cast to
                 $type = $info[0];
                 // default value if specified, when the parameter doesn't have a value
                 $defaultValue = null;
                 if (isset($info[1])) {
                     $defaultValue = $info[1];
                 try {
                     $value = Common::getRequestVar($name, $defaultValue, $type, $this->request);
                     settype($value, $type);
                     $filterParameters[] = $value;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $exceptionRaised = true;
         if (!$exceptionRaised) {
             $datatable->filter($filterName, $filterParameters);
             $filterApplied = true;
     return $filterApplied;
Exemplo n.º 29
 protected function aggregateByScreenType(DataTable $resolutions)
     $resolutions->filter('GroupBy', array('label', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\getScreenTypeFromResolution'));
     $this->insertTable(self::SCREEN_TYPE_RECORD_NAME, $resolutions);