/** * @group Plugins */ public function test_AddAndGet_AnotherSegment() { $name = 'name'; $definition = 'searches>1,visitIp!='; $idSegment = API::getInstance()->add($name, $definition, $idSite = 1, $autoArchive = 1, $enabledAllUsers = 1); $this->assertEquals($idSegment, 1); // Testing get() $segment = API::getInstance()->get($idSegment); $expected = array('idsegment' => '1', 'name' => $name, 'definition' => $definition, 'login' => 'superUserLogin', 'enable_all_users' => '1', 'enable_only_idsite' => '1', 'auto_archive' => '1', 'ts_last_edit' => null, 'deleted' => '0'); unset($segment['ts_created']); $this->assertEquals($segment, $expected); // There is a segment to process for this particular site $model = Factory::getModel('Piwik\\Plugins\\SegmentEditor'); $segments = $model->getSegmentsToAutoArchive($idSite); unset($segments[0]['ts_created']); $this->assertEquals($segments, array($expected)); // There is no segment to process for a non existing site try { $model->getSegmentsToAutoArchive(33); $this->fail(); } catch (Exception $e) { // expected } // There is no segment to process across all sites $segments = $model->getSegmentsToAutoArchive($idSite = false); $this->assertEquals($segments, array()); }
public function test_makeLogVisitsQueryString_whenSegment() { $model = Factory::getModel('Piwik\\Plugins\\Live'); list($sql, $bind) = $model->makeLogVisitsQueryString($idSite = 1, $period = 'month', $date = '2010-01-01', $segment = 'customVariablePageName1==Test', $offset = 0, $limit = 100, $visitorId = 'abc', $minTimestamp = false, $filterSortOrder = false); $expectedSql = ' SELECT sub.* FROM ( SELECT log_inner.* FROM ( SELECT log_visit.* FROM ' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . ' AS log_visit LEFT JOIN ' . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . ' AS log_link_visit_action ON log_link_visit_action.idvisit = log_visit.idvisit WHERE ( log_visit.idsite in (?) AND log_visit.idvisitor = ? AND log_visit.visit_last_action_time >= ? AND log_visit.visit_last_action_time <= ? ) AND ( log_link_visit_action.custom_var_k1 = ? ) ORDER BY idsite, visit_last_action_time DESC LIMIT 100 ) AS log_inner ORDER BY idsite, visit_last_action_time DESC LIMIT 100 ) AS sub GROUP BY sub.idvisit ORDER BY sub.visit_last_action_time DESC '; $expectedBind = array('1', Common::hex2bin('abc'), '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2010-02-01 00:00:00', 'Test'); $this->assertEquals(SegmentTest::removeExtraWhiteSpaces($expectedSql), SegmentTest::removeExtraWhiteSpaces($sql)); $this->assertEquals(SegmentTest::removeExtraWhiteSpaces($expectedBind), SegmentTest::removeExtraWhiteSpaces($bind)); }
public function insertAll($rows) { $generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $rowsSql = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $values = array(); foreach ($row as $name => $value) { if (is_null($value)) { $values[] = 'NULL'; } else { if (is_numeric($value)) { $values[] = $value; } else { if (!ctype_print($value)) { $values[] = $generic->bin2dbRawInsert($value); } else { if (is_bool($value)) { $values[] = $value ? '1' : '0'; } else { $values[] = "'{$value}'"; } } } } } $rowsSql[] = "(" . implode(',', $values) . ")"; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . ' VALUES ' . implode(',', $rowsSql); $this->db->query($sql); }
/** * @param array $config */ public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; $this->maxLifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); $this->model = Factory::getModel(__NAMESPACE__); $this->model->setConfig($config); }
/** * uses tracker db */ public function insertNew($goal) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); // pg is throwing error when empty values are given for 'FLOAT' columns if (empty($goal['revenue'])) { unset($goal['revenue']); } if (empty($goal['revenue_subtotal'])) { unset($goal['revenue_subtotal']); } if (empty($goal['revenue_tax'])) { unset($goal['revenue_tax']); } if (empty($goal['revenue_shipping'])) { unset($goal['revenue_shipping']); } if (empty($goal['revenue_discount'])) { unset($goal['revenue_discount']); } $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($goal)); $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($goal); $goal['idvisitor'] = $Generic->bin2db($goal['idvisitor']); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ' ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $bindFields . ' ) '; $bind = array_values($goal); $result = $Generic->insertIgnore($sql, $bind); return $result; }
public function purgeUnused($dimensionMetadataProvider) { $this->dimensionMetadataProvider = $dimensionMetadataProvider; // get current max visit ID in log tables w/ idaction references. $maxIds = $this->getMaxIdsInLogTables(); $this->generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $this->createTempTable(); // do large insert (inserting everything before maxIds) w/o locking tables... $this->insertActionsToKeep($maxIds, $deleteOlderThanMax = true); // ... then do small insert w/ locked tables to minimize the amount of time tables are locked. $this->generic->beginTransaction(); $this->lockLogTables($this->generic); $this->insertActionsToKeep($maxIds, $deleteOlderThanMax = false); // Mysql uses 'INSERT IGNORE' which is not available on pgsql 9.1. // We can do the generic->insertIgnore, but checking for exception for every // single query can be a time taking endeavour. To avoid, 'INSERT's are // carried on normally. Before deleting unused actions, we will remove // duplicate rows from the temporary table. $this->deleteDuplicatesFromTempTable(); // delete before unlocking tables so there's no chance a new log row that references an // unused action will be inserted. $this->deleteUnusedActions(); // unlock the log tables. In pgsql, locks are released on commit/rollback $this->generic->commit(); $this->generic = null; }
public function updateConversions($values, $idvisit) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $binary_columns = array('idvisitor'); foreach ($binary_columns as $bc) { if (array_key_exists($bc, $values)) { $values[$bc] = $Generic->bin2db($values[$bc]); } } $updateParts = $sqlBind = array(); foreach ($values as $name => $value) { // Case where bind parameters don't work if (strpos($value, $name) !== false) { //$name = 'visit_total_events' //$value = 'visit_total_events + 1'; $updateParts[] = " {$name} = {$value} "; } else { $updateParts[] = $name . " = ?"; $sqlBind[] = $value; } } array_push($sqlBind, $idvisit); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updateParts) . ' ' . 'WHERE idvisit = ?'; $result = $this->db->query($sql, $sqlBind); }
public function __construct($processNewSegmentsFrom, Model $segmentEditorModel = null, Cache $segmentListCache = null, Date $now = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->processNewSegmentsFrom = $processNewSegmentsFrom; $this->segmentEditorModel = $segmentEditorModel ?: Factory::getModel('Piwik\\Plugins\\SegmentEditor'); $this->segmentListCache = $segmentListCache ?: new Transient(); $this->now = $now ?: Date::factory('now'); $this->logger = $logger ?: StaticContainer::get('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); }
public function getCronArchiveTokenAuth(&$tokens) { $model = Factory::getModel(__NAMESPACE__); $superUsers = $model->getUsersHavingSuperUserAccess(); foreach ($superUsers as $superUser) { $tokens[] = $superUser['token_auth']; } }
/** * Constructor. * * @param ArchiveInvalidator $invalidator * @param DuplicateActionRemover $duplicateActionRemover * @param Actions $actionsAccess * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function __construct(ArchiveInvalidator $invalidator = null, DuplicateActionRemover $duplicateActionRemover = null, Actions $actionsAccess = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->archiveInvalidator = $invalidator ?: new ArchiveInvalidator(); $this->duplicateActionRemover = $duplicateActionRemover ?: Factory::getModel('Piwik\\Plugins\\CoreAdminHome\\Model', 'DuplicateActionRemover'); $this->actionsAccess = $actionsAccess ?: new Actions(); $this->logger = $logger ?: StaticContainer::get('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); }
protected function loadSettings() { $SiteSetting = Factory::getDAO('site_setting'); $settings = $SiteSetting->getByIdsite($this->idSite); $flat = array(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $flat[$setting['setting_name']] = unserialize($setting['setting_value']); } return $flat; }
/** * Performs a batch insert into a specific table by iterating through the data * * NOTE: you should use tableInsertBatch() which will fallback to this function if LOAD DATA INFILE not available * * @param string $tableName PREFIXED table name! you must call Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name * @param array $fields array of unquoted field names * @param array $values array of data to be inserted * @param bool $ignoreWhenDuplicate Ignore new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows */ public static function tableInsertBatchIterate($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true) { $isArchive = strpos($tableName, 'archive'); if ($isArchive === false) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $Generic->insertIgnoreBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate); } else { // archive_blob_* tables need special handling for the "value" column $Archive = Factory::getDAO('archive'); $Archive->insertIgnoreBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate); } }
function __construct($processor) { parent::__construct($processor); if ($processor->getParams()->getSite()->isEcommerceEnabled()) { $this->maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero = self::MAX_ROWS_WHEN_ECOMMERCE; $this->maximumRowsInSubDataTable = self::MAX_ROWS_WHEN_ECOMMERCE; } else { $this->maximumRowsInDataTableLevelZero = Config::getInstance()->General['datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_custom_variables']; $this->maximumRowsInSubDataTable = Config::getInstance()->General['datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_custom_variables']; } $this->Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); }
protected function invalidatedArchiveIdRows($archiveTable, $idSites) { $sql = "SELECT idsite, date1, date2, period, name,\n STRING_AGG(idarchive || '.' || value, ',' ORDER BY ts_archived DESC) as archives\n FROM {$archiveTable}\n WHERE name LIKE 'done%'\n AND value IN (" . ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED . ',' . ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK . ',' . ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK_TEMPORARY . ")\n AND idsite IN (" . implode(',', $idSites) . ")\n GROUP BY idsite, date1, date2, period, name"; $rows = $this->db->fetchAll($sql); if ($this->isBlob($archiveTable)) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $parts = explode('.', $row['archives']); $row['archives'] = $parts[0] . '.' . $Generic->db2bin($parts[1]); } } return $rows; }
public function __construct(Model $model = null, Date $purgeCustomRangesOlderThan = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { # Overriding the $model object injected by the DI container. # DI Container injects the Model class irrespective of the database used # (Mysql or Pgsql). Also, it doesn't set the Db object on the Model # class. $this->model = Factory::getModel('Piwik\\DataAccess'); $this->purgeCustomRangesOlderThan = $purgeCustomRangesOlderThan ?: self::getDefaultCustomRangeToPurgeAgeThreshold(); $this->yesterday = Date::factory('yesterday'); $this->today = Date::factory('today'); $this->now = time(); $this->logger = $logger ?: StaticContainer::get('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'); }
/** * Records the layout in the DB for the given user. * * @param string $login * @param int $idDashboard * @param string $layout */ public function saveLayout($login, $idDashboard, $layout) { $generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' . 'WHERE login = ? AND iddashboard = ? FOR UPDATE'; $row = $this->db->query($sql, array($login, $idDashboard)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . ' layout = ? ' . 'WHERE login = ? AND iddashboard = ?'; $bind = array($layout, $login, $idDashboard); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '(login, iddashboard, layout) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $bind = array($login, $idDashboard, $layout); } $this->db->query($sql, $bind); }
public function getAllSiteUrls() { $model = Factory::getModel(__NAMESPACE__); $siteIds = $model->getSitesId(); $siteUrls = array(); if (empty($siteIds)) { return array(); } foreach ($siteIds as $siteId) { $siteId = (int) $siteId; $siteUrls[$siteId] = $model->getSiteUrlsFromId($siteId); } return $siteUrls; }
public function setForUser($login, $languageCode) { $generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'SELECT login, language FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' . 'WHERE login = ?'; $row = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, array($login)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . ' language = ? ' . 'WHERE login = ?'; $this->db->query($sql, array($languageCode, $login)); } else { $this->db->insert($this->table, array('login' => $login, 'language' => $languageCode)); } $generic->commit(); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugin('UsersManager'); \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->installLoadedPlugins(); // setup the access layer FakeAccess::setIdSitesView(array(1, 2)); FakeAccess::setIdSitesAdmin(array(3, 4)); //finally we set the user as a Super User by default FakeAccess::$superUser = true; FakeAccess::$superUserLogin = '******'; $this->api = API::getInstance(); $this->model = Factory::getModel('Piwik\\Plugins\\UsersManager'); }
public function fetchAll() { $generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $generic->checkByteaOutput(); $sql = 'SELECT *, idvisitor::text AS idvisitor_text FROM ' . $this->table; $rows = $this->db->fetchAll($sql); while (list($k, $row) = each($rows)) { if (!empty($row['idvisitor'])) { $rows[$k]['idvisitor'] = $generic->db2bin($row['idvisitor_text']); } unset($rows[$k]['idvisitor_text']); } reset($rows); return $rows; }
/** * Get / allocate / reserve a new id for the current sequence. Important: Getting the next id will fail in case * no such sequence exists. Make sure to create one if needed, see {@link create()}. * * @return int * @throws Exception */ public function getNextId() { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $Generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET value = value + 1 WHERE name = ?'; $result = $this->db->query($sql, array($this->name)); $rowCount = $result->rowCount(); if (1 !== $rowCount) { $Generic->rollback(); throw new \Exception("Sequence '" . $this->name . "' not found."); } $createdId = $this->getCurrentId(); $Generic->commit(); return (int) $createdId; }
public function upsert($idSite, $settingName, $settingValue) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $Generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE idsite = ? AND setting_name = ? FOR UPDATE"; $row = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array($idSite, $settingName)); if ($row) { $sql = "UPDATE {$this->table} SET\n setting_value = ?\n WHERE idsite = ? AND setting_name = ?"; $this->db->query($sql, array($settingValue, $idSite, $settingName)); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} (idsite, setting_name, setting_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $this->db->query($sql, array($idSite, $settingName, $settingValue)); } $Generic->commit(); }
/** * recordProfiling * * Makes an entry in the table for the query if query does not exist. * If the query exists, the row will be update. * The query column has a unique key. * Uses tracker db * @param string $query * @param int $count * @param string $time * @return void */ public function recordProfiling($query, $count, $time) { $generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'SELECT query, count, sum_time_ms ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' . 'WHERE query = ? FOR UPDATE'; $row = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array($query)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . " count = count + {$count}, sum_time_ms = sum_time_msg + {$time} " . 'WHERE query = ?'; $this->db->query($sql, array($query)); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '(query, count, sum_time_ms) ' . "VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $this->db->query($sql, array($query, $count, $time)); } $generic->commit(); }
public function addRecord($name, $value, $autoload) { $generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE option_name = ?'; $row = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array($name)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET option_value = ? ' . 'WHERE option_name = ?'; $bind = array($value, $name); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . ' (option_name, option_value, autoload) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?) '; $bind = array($name, $value, $autoload); } $this->db->query($sql, $bind); $generic->commit(); }
public function createConversion($conversion) { $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($conversion)); $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($conversion); $table = Common::prefixTable('log_conversion'); $db = $this->getDb(); $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($db); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$bindFields}) "; if (!empty($conversion['idvisitor'])) { $conversion['idvisitor'] = $Generic->bin2db($conversion['idvisitor']); } $bind = array_values($conversion); $result = $Generic->insertIgnore($sql, $bind); // If a record was inserted, we return true return $db->rowCount($result) > 0; }
private function getFirstTypeIfOnlyOneIsInUse() { $types = $this->typeManager->getAllTypes(); if (count($types) === 1) { // only one type is in use, use this one for the wording return reset($types); } else { // multiple types are activated, check whether only one is actually in use $model = Factory::getModel(__NAMESPACE__); $typeIds = $model->getUsedTypeIds(); if (count($typeIds) === 1) { $typeManager = new TypeManager(); return $typeManager->getType(reset($typeIds)); } } }
/** * Sets the language for the user * * @param string $login * @param string $languageCode * @return bool */ public function setLanguageForUser($login, $languageCode) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $Generic->beginTransaction(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE login = ? FOR UPDATE'; $row = $this->db->query($sql, array($login)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET language = ? WHERE login = ?'; $bind = array($languageCode, $login); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . ' (login, language) VALUES (?, ?)'; $bind = array($login, $languageCode); } $this->db->query($sql, $bind); $Generic->commit(); return true; }
/** * Write Session - commit data to resource * * @param string $id * @param mixed $data * @param integer $maxLifetime * @return boolean */ public function write($id, $data, $maxLifetime) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric(); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->config['dataColumn'] . ' FROM ' . $this->config['name'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->config['primary'] . ' = ? FOR UPDATE'; $Generic->beginTransaction(); $row = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array($id)); if ($row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config['name'] . ' SET ' . $this->config['modifiedColumn'] . ' = ?,' . $this->config['lifetimeColumn'] . ' = ?,' . $this->config['dataColumn'] . ' = ? ' . ' WHERE ' . $this->config['primary'] . ' = ?'; $values = array(time(), $maxLifetime, $data, $id); } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->config['name'] . ' (' . $this->config['primary'] . ',' . $this->config['modifiedColumn'] . ',' . $this->config['lifetimeColumn'] . ',' . $this->config['dataColumn'] . ')' . ' VALUES (?,?,?,?)'; $values = array($id, time(), $maxLifetime, $data); } $this->db->query($sql, $values); $Generic->commit(); return true; }
function prepareTestDatabaseConfig(Config $config) { $testDb = $config->database_tests; Factory::setTest(true); if ('@USERNAME@' !== $testDb['username']) { return; // testDb is already configured, we do not want to overwrite any existing settings. } $db = $config->database; $testDb['username'] = $db['username']; if (empty($testDb['password'])) { $testDb['password'] = $db['password']; } if (empty($testDb['host'])) { $testDb['host'] = $db['host']; } $testDb['tables_prefix'] = ''; // tables_prefix has to be empty for UI tests $config->database_tests = $testDb; $config->forceSave(); }
protected function paramsRecord($idvisit, $idsite, $idvisitor, $server_time, $url, $name, $ref_url, $ref_name, $time_spent, $custom_value, $custom_variables, $actionIdsCached) { $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db); $insert = array('idvisit' => $idvisit, 'idsite' => $idsite, 'idvisitor' => $Generic->bin2db($idvisitor), 'server_time' => $server_time, 'idaction_url' => $url, 'idaction_name' => $name, 'idaction_url_ref' => $ref_url, 'idaction_name_ref' => $ref_name, 'time_spent_ref_action' => $time_spent); $integerCols = array('idsite', 'idvisit', 'idaction_url', 'idaction_url_ref', 'idaction_name', 'idaction_name_ref', 'idaction_event_category', 'idaction_event_action', 'time_spent_ref_action'); foreach ($actionIdsCached as $field => $idAction) { if (in_array($field, $integerCols) && is_bool($idAction)) { $insert[$field] = (int) $idAction; } else { $insert[$field] = $idAction; } } if (!empty($custom_value)) { $insert[Action::DB_COLUMN_CUSTOM_FLOAT] = $custom_value; } $insert = array_merge($insert, $custom_variables); $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($insert)); $bind = array_values($insert); $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($insert); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ') VALUES ( ' . $values . ')'; return array($sql, $bind, $insert); }