Exemplo n.º 1
 public function onSiteDeleted($idSite)
     // we do not delete logs here on purpose (you can run these queries on the log_ tables to delete all data)
     $archiveInvalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * When tracking data in the past (using Tracking API), this function
  * can be used to invalidate reports for the idSites and dates where new data
  * was added.
  * DEV: If you call this API, the UI should display the data correctly, but will process
  *      in real time, which could be very slow after large data imports.
  *      After calling this function via REST, you can manually force all data
  *      to be reprocessed by visiting the script as the Super User:
  *      http://example.net/piwik/misc/cron/archive.php?token_auth=$SUPER_USER_TOKEN_AUTH_HERE
  * REQUIREMENTS: On large piwik setups, you will need in PHP configuration: max_execution_time = 0
  *    We recommend to use an hourly schedule of the script.
  *    More information: http://piwik.org/setup-auto-archiving/
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of idSite that have had data imported for the specified dates
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates to invalidate for all these websites
  * @param string $period If specified (one of day, week, month, year, range) it will only invalidates archives for this period.
  *                      Note: because week, month, year, range reports aggregate day reports then you need to specifically invalidate day reports to see
  *                      other periods reports processed..
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
  * @hideExceptForSuperUser
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates, $period = false)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     $invalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $output = $invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, $period);
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function test_getColumnNamesFromTable()
     Fixture::createWebsite('2014-12-12 00:01:02');
     Fixture::createWebsite('2014-12-12 00:01:02');
     $ar = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $ar->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(1, Date::factory('2014-04-05'));
     $ar->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(2, Date::factory('2014-04-05'));
     $ar->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(2, Date::factory('2014-04-06'));
     $api = API::getInstance();
     $cronarchive = new TestCronArchive(Fixture::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/index.php');
     $expectedInvalidations = array(array(array(1, 2), '2014-04-05'), array(array(2), '2014-04-06'));
     $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $api->getInvalidatedReports());
Exemplo n.º 4
  * When tracking data in the past (using Tracking API), this function
  * can be used to invalidate reports for the idSites and dates where new data
  * was added.
  * DEV: If you call this API, the UI should display the data correctly, but will process
  *      in real time, which could be very slow after large data imports.
  *      After calling this function via REST, you can manually force all data
  *      to be reprocessed by visiting the script as the Super User:
  *      http://example.net/piwik/misc/cron/archive.php?token_auth=$SUPER_USER_TOKEN_AUTH_HERE
  * REQUIREMENTS: On large piwik setups, you will need in PHP configuration: max_execution_time = 0
  *    We recommend to use an hourly schedule of the script.
  *    More information: http://piwik.org/setup-auto-archiving/
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of idSite that have had data imported for the specified dates
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates to invalidate for all these websites
  * @param string $period If specified (one of day, week, month, year, range) it will only invalidates archives for this period.
  *                      Note: because week, month, year, range reports aggregate day reports then you need to specifically invalidate day reports to see
  *                      other periods reports processed..
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
  * @hideExceptForSuperUser
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates, $period = false)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     list($dateObjects, $invalidDates) = $this->getDatesToInvalidateFromString($dates);
     $invalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $output = $invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dateObjects, $period);
     if ($invalidDates) {
         $output[] = 'Warning: some of the Dates to invalidate were invalid: ' . implode(", ", $invalidDates) . ". Piwik simply ignored those and proceeded with the others.";
     return $output;
 private function invalidateArchivesUsingActionDuplicates($archivesAffected, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->write("Invalidating archives affected by duplicates fixed...");
     foreach ($archivesAffected as $archiveInfo) {
         $this->archiveInvalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated(array($archiveInfo['idsite']), $archiveInfo['server_time'], $period = false);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Invalidates report data, forcing it to be recomputed during the next archiving run.
  * Note: This is done automatically when tracking or importing visits in the past.
  * @param string $idSites Comma separated list of site IDs to invalidate reports for.
  * @param string $dates Comma separated list of dates of periods to invalidate reports for.
  * @param string|bool $period The type of period to invalidate: either 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'range'.
  *                            The command will automatically cascade up, invalidating reports for parent periods as
  *                            well. So invalidating a day will invalidate the week it's in, the month it's in and the
  *                            year it's in, since those periods will need to be recomputed too.
  * @param string|bool $segment Optional. The segment to invalidate reports for.
  * @param bool $cascadeDown If true, child periods will be invalidated as well. So if it is requested to invalidate
  *                          a month, then all the weeks and days within that month will also be invalidated. But only
  *                          if this parameter is set.
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
  * @hideExceptForSuperUser
 public function invalidateArchivedReports($idSites, $dates, $period = false, $segment = false, $cascadeDown = false)
     $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);
     if (empty($idSites)) {
         throw new Exception("Specify a value for &idSites= as a comma separated list of website IDs, for which your token_auth has 'admin' permission");
     if (!empty($segment)) {
         $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSites);
     } else {
         $segment = null;
     list($dateObjects, $invalidDates) = $this->getDatesToInvalidateFromString($dates);
     $invalidationResult = $this->invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dateObjects, $period, $segment, (bool) $cascadeDown);
     $output = $invalidationResult->makeOutputLogs();
     if ($invalidDates) {
         $output[] = 'Warning: some of the Dates to invalidate were invalid: ' . implode(", ", $invalidDates) . ". Piwik simply ignored those and proceeded with the others.";
     // TODO: is this needed? it shouldn't be needed...
     return $invalidationResult->makeOutputLogs();
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function markArchivedReportsAsInvalidIfArchiveAlreadyFinished()
     $idSite = (int) $this->request->getIdSite();
     $time = $this->request->getCurrentTimestamp();
     $timezone = $this->getTimezoneForSite($idSite);
     if (!isset($timezone)) {
     $date = Date::factory((int) $time, $timezone);
     if (!$date->isToday()) {
         // we don't have to handle in case date is in future as it is not allowed by tracker
         $this->invalidator->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater($idSite, $date);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function test_onSiteDeleted_shouldRemoveRememberedArchiveReports()
     $archive = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $archive->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater($this->siteId, Date::factory('2014-04-05'));
     $archive->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater($this->siteId, Date::factory('2014-04-06'));
     $archive->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(4949, Date::factory('2014-04-05'));
     $expected = array('2014-04-05' => array($this->siteId, 4949), '2014-04-06' => array($this->siteId));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $archive->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated());
     $expected = array('2014-04-05' => array(4949));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $archive->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated());
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function invalidateArchivedReportsForSitesThatNeedToBeArchivedAgain()
     $invalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $sitesPerDays = $invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated();
     foreach ($sitesPerDays as $date => $siteIds) {
         $listSiteIds = implode(',', $siteIds);
         try {
             $this->logger->info('Will invalidate archived reports for ' . $date . ' for following websites ids: ' . $listSiteIds);
             $this->getApiToInvalidateArchivedReport()->invalidateArchivedReports($siteIds, $date);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->logger->info('Failed to invalidate archived reports: ' . $e->getMessage());
 private function rememberReport($idSite, $date)
     $date = Date::factory($date);
     $this->invalidator->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater($idSite, $date);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function invalidatedReportsIfNeeded()
     $siteIdsRequested = $this->getSiteIdsThatAreRequestedInThisArchiveButWereNotInvalidatedYet();
     if (empty($siteIdsRequested)) {
         // all requested site ids were already handled
     $sitesPerDays = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated();
     foreach ($sitesPerDays as $date => $siteIds) {
         if (empty($siteIds)) {
         $siteIdsToActuallyInvalidate = array_intersect($siteIds, $siteIdsRequested);
         if (empty($siteIdsToActuallyInvalidate)) {
             // all site ids that should be handled are already handled
         try {
             $this->invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($siteIdsToActuallyInvalidate, array(Date::factory($date)), false);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function assertRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated($idsite, $requestDate, $expectedRemeberedArchivedReports)
     /** @var Visit $visit */
     list($visit) = $this->prepareVisitWithRequest(array('idsite' => $idsite, 'rec' => 1, 'cip' => '', 'token_auth' => Fixture::getTokenAuth()), $requestDate);
     $archive = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     $remembered = $archive->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated();
     $this->assertSame($expectedRemeberedArchivedReports, $remembered);
 public function test_Archive_getNumeric_shouldInvalidateRememberedReportsOncePerRequestIfNeeded()
     // Tests that getting a visits summary metric (nb_visits) & a Goal's metric (Goal_revenue)
     // at the same time works.
     $dateTimeRange = '2010-01-03,2010-01-06';
     $columns = array('nb_visits', 'Goal_nb_conversions', 'nb_actions');
     $idSite1 = self::$fixture->idSite1;
     $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange);
     $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns);
     $this->assertEquals(array('nb_visits' => 5, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 6, 'nb_actions' => 13), $result);
     $cache = Cache::getTransientCache();
     $this->assertEquals(array(self::$fixture->idSite1, self::$fixture->idSite2), $cache->fetch('Archive.SiteIdsOfRememberedReportsInvalidated'));
     $invalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator();
     // trackVisits should remember to invalidate archived reports
     // although there were new tracked visists it doesn'T change as the report invalidation is cached and was
     // already invalidated in previous Archive::get();
     $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange);
     $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns);
     $this->assertEquals(array('nb_visits' => 5, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 6, 'nb_actions' => 13), $result);
     // make sure the caching in archive::get() worked and they are still to be invalidated
     $this->assertCount(10, $invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated());
     // now we force to actually invalidate archived reports again and then archive will be rebuilt for requsted siteId = 1
     $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange);
     $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns);
     // archive::get() should have invalidated siteId 1 and siteId 2 should be still to be done
     $expectedArchiveReportsLeft = array('2010-01-04' => array(2));
     $this->assertEquals($expectedArchiveReportsLeft, $invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated());
     $this->assertEquals(array('nb_visits' => 6, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 7, 'nb_actions' => 26), $result);