dump() public method

Dumps a node or array.
public dump ( array | phpparser\Node $node, string | null $code = null ) : string
$node array | phpparser\Node Node or array to dump
$code string | null Code corresponding to dumped AST. This only needs to be passed if the dumpPositions option is enabled and the dumping of node offsets is desired.
return string Dumped value
Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param array $statementsA
  * @param array $statementsB
  * @return bool
 public static function isSame(array $statementsA, array $statementsB)
     // Naive way to check if two implementation are the same
     $nodeDumper = new NodeDumper();
     $dumpA = $nodeDumper->dump($statementsA);
     $dumpB = $nodeDumper->dump($statementsB);
     return $dumpA === $dumpB;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param $item
  * @param string $tab
  * @return mixed|string
 public static function dump($item, $tab = "")
     switch (gettype($item)) {
         case "integer":
         case "NULL":
         case "double":
         case "string":
         case "boolean":
         case "resource":
             return var_export($item, true);
         case "array":
             foreach ($item as $k => &$v) {
                 $v = $tab . self::$tab . "[{$k}] => " . self::dump($v, $tab . self::$tab);
             return "array(" . count($item) . ") {\n{$tab}" . implode("\n{$tab}", $item) . "\n{$tab}}";
         case "object":
             if ($item instanceof EntityInterface) {
                 return $item->dump($tab);
             } elseif ($item instanceof EntityFunction) {
                 $nodeDumper = new NodeDumper();
                 return $item->dump($tab) . "{\n" . $nodeDumper->dump($item->stmts) . "\n}";
             } elseif ($item instanceof Node) {
                 $nodeDumper = new NodeDumper();
                 return $nodeDumper->dump($item);
             } elseif (method_exists($item, '__toString')) {
                 return $item->__toString();
             } else {
                 return "object(" . get_class($item) . ")";
             return "unknown type " . gettype($item);
  * @dataProvider provideTestParse
 public function testParse($name, $code, $dump)
     $parser = new Parser(new Lexer\Emulative());
     $dumper = new NodeDumper();
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     $this->assertSame($this->canonicalize($dump), $this->canonicalize($dumper->dump($stmts)), $name);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function getParseOutput(Parser $parser, $code)
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     $errors = $parser->getErrors();
     $output = '';
     foreach ($errors as $error) {
         $output .= $this->formatErrorMessage($error, $code) . "\n";
     if (null !== $stmts) {
         $dumper = new NodeDumper();
         $output .= $dumper->dump($stmts);
     return canonicalize($output);
 private function getParseOutput(BaseParser $parser, $code)
     $errors = new ErrorHandler\Collecting();
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code, $errors);
     $output = '';
     foreach ($errors->getErrors() as $error) {
         $output .= $this->formatErrorMessage($error, $code) . "\n";
     if (null !== $stmts) {
         $dumper = new NodeDumper(['dumpComments' => true]);
         $output .= $dumper->dump($stmts);
     return canonicalize($output);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @dataProvider provideTestParse
 public function testParse($name, $code, $expected)
     $lexer = new Lexer\Emulative(array('usedAttributes' => array('startLine', 'endLine', 'startFilePos', 'endFilePos')));
     $parser = new Parser($lexer, array('throwOnError' => false));
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     $errors = $parser->getErrors();
     $output = '';
     foreach ($errors as $error) {
         $output .= $this->formatErrorMessage($error, $code) . "\n";
     if (null !== $stmts) {
         $dumper = new NodeDumper();
         $output .= $dumper->dump($stmts);
     $this->assertSame($this->canonicalize($expected), $this->canonicalize($output), $name);
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected function debugDump($php_string)
     $parser = new Parser();
     $stmts = $parser->parsePHPString($php_string);
     $nodeDumper = new NodeDumper();
     print "\n" . $nodeDumper->dump($stmts) . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected function commandMain()
     // Load set, change
     $chglist = [];
     $options = [];
     $loaded_sets = [];
     $setstack = [$this->args['--set']];
     while (!empty($setstack)) {
         $setname = array_shift($setstack);
         // Prevent infinite-loop
         if (isset($loaded_sets[$setname])) {
         $loaded_sets[$setname] = true;
         // Load
         $setfile = $this->setpath . '/' . $setname . '.json';
         if (!file_exists($setfile)) {
             Logging::error('Unable load setfile {name}', ['name' => $setfile]);
         if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
             Logging::info('Load set {name}', ['name' => basename($setfile)]);
         $info = json_decode(file_get_contents($setfile));
         // Depend
         if (isset($info->depend)) {
             foreach ($info->depend as $setname) {
                 $setstack[] = $setname;
         // Options
         if (isset($info->options)) {
             foreach ($info->options as $key => $value) {
                 if (!isset($options[$key])) {
                     $options[$key] = $value;
         // Instantiate
         if (isset($info->changes)) {
             foreach (array_reverse($info->changes) as $chgname) {
                 $chglist[] = $chgname;
     $chglist = array_reverse($chglist);
     // FIXME: use a better method making load order correct
     if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
         Logging::info('Set options ' . print_r($options, true));
     // Instantiate change
     foreach ($chglist as $key => $chgname) {
         if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
             Logging::info('Load change {name}', ['name' => $chgname]);
         $chgname = '\\PhpMigration\\Changes\\' . $chgname;
         $chglist[$key] = new $chgname();
     $chgvisitor = new CheckVisitor($chglist);
     // Instance parser
     if (isset($options['parse_as_version']) && $options['parse_as_version'] == 7) {
         $kind = ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7;
     } else {
         $kind = ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7;
     $parser = (new ParserFactory())->create($kind);
     if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
         Logging::info('Parser created ' . get_class($parser));
     // Instance traverser
     $traverser_pre = new NodeTraverser();
     $traverser_pre->addVisitor(new NameResolver());
     $traverser_pre->addVisitor(new ReduceVisitor());
     $traverser = new NodeTraverser();
     // Prepare filelist
     $filelist = [];
     foreach ($this->args['<file>'] as $file) {
         if (is_dir($file)) {
             $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($file), 0, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
             $iterator = new \RegexIterator($iterator, '/\\.php$/');
             try {
                 foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                     $filelist[] = $file;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
         } else {
             $filelist[] = new \SplFileInfo($file);
     // Parse
     foreach ($filelist as $file) {
         if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
             Logging::info('Parse file {file}', ['file' => $file]);
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             Logging::warning('No such file or directory "{file}"', ['file' => $file]);
         } elseif (!is_readable($file)) {
             Logging::warning('Permission denied "{file}"', ['file' => $file]);
         try {
             $stmts = $parser->parse($chgvisitor->getCode());
         } catch (PhpParserError $e) {
             $chgvisitor->addSpot('PARSE', true, $e->getMessage(), 'NONE', $e->getStartLine());
             if ($this->args['--verbose']) {
                 Logging::warning('Parse error {file}, error message "{exception}"', ['exception' => $e, 'file' => $file]);
         // Apply traversers
         $stmts = $traverser_pre->traverse($stmts);
     // Display
     $has_output = false;
     foreach ($chgvisitor->getSpots() as $spotlist) {
         // Init nums
         $nums = ['total' => 0, 'identified' => 0];
         $nums['total'] = count($spotlist);
         foreach ($spotlist as $key => $spot) {
             if ($spot['identified']) {
             } elseif ($this->args['--quite']) {
                 // Remove uncertain
         $has_output = true;
         if (!$spotlist) {
         usort($spotlist, function ($a, $b) {
             return $a['line'] - $b['line'];
         $spot = current($spotlist);
         echo "\n";
         echo 'File: ' . $spot['file'] . "\n";
         echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
         echo 'Found ' . $nums['total'] . ' spot(s), ' . $nums['identified'] . " identified\n";
         echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
         foreach ($spotlist as $spot) {
             printf("%5d | %-10s | %1s | %s | %s\n", $spot['line'], $spot['cate'], $spot['identified'] ? '*' : ' ', $spot['version'], $spot['message']);
         echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
     // No spot found
     if (!$has_output) {
         echo "No spot found\n";
     // Dump tree
     if ($this->args['--dump']) {
         $nodeDumper = new NodeDumper();
         echo $nodeDumper->dump($stmts) . "\n";