getHeaders() public method

Retrieve all mail headers
public getHeaders ( ) : array
return array
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Parse attachments
  * @return array    Returns array with failed or success data
  *                  (See parser-common/src/Parser.php) for more info.
 public function parse()
     if ($this->arfMail !== true) {
         $this->feedName = 'default';
         // As this is a generic FBL parser we need to see which was the source and add the name
         // to the report, so its origin is clearly shown.
         $source = $this->parsedMail->getHeader('from');
         foreach (config("{$this->configBase}.parser.aliases") as $from => $alias) {
             if (preg_match($from, $source)) {
                 // If there is an alias, prefer that name instead of the from address
                 $source = $alias;
                 // If there is an more specific feed configuration prefer that config over the default
                 if (!empty(config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$source}"))) {
                     $this->feedName = $source;
         // If feed is known and enabled, validate data and save report
         if ($this->isKnownFeed() && $this->isEnabledFeed()) {
             // To get some more consitency, remove "\r" from the report.
             $this->arfMail['report'] = str_replace("\r", "", $this->arfMail['report']);
             // Build up the report
             preg_match_all("/([\\w\\-]+): (.*)[ ]*\n/m", $this->arfMail['report'], $matches);
             $report = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]);
             if (empty($report['Received-Date'])) {
                 if (!empty($report['Arrival-Date'])) {
                     $report['Received-Date'] = $report['Arrival-Date'];
             // Now parse the headers from the spam messages and add it to the report
             if (!empty($this->arfMail['evidence'])) {
                 $spamMessage = new MimeParser();
                 $report['headers'] = $spamMessage->getHeaders();
             } else {
                 $this->failed('The e-mail received at the parser is not RFC822 compliant, and therefor not a FBL message');
             // Also add the spam message body to the report
             $report['body'] = $spamMessage->getMessageBody();
             // Sanity check
             if ($this->hasRequiredFields($report) === true) {
                 // incident has all requirements met, filter and add!
                 $report = $this->applyFilters($report);
                 $incident = new Incident();
                 $incident->source = $source;
                 // FeedName
                 $incident->source_id = false;
                 $incident->ip = $report['Source-IP'];
                 $incident->domain = false;
                 $incident->class = config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$this->feedName}.class");
                 $incident->type = config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$this->feedName}.type");
                 $incident->timestamp = strtotime($report['Received-Date']);
                 $incident->information = json_encode($report);
                 $this->incidents[] = $incident;
     return $this->success();
  * @param $rawMessage
  * @return \MailChecker\Models\Message
 protected function getMessage($rawMessage)
     $parser = new MailParser();
     $headers = array_change_key_case($parser->getHeaders(), CASE_LOWER);
     $message = new Message();
     try {
         $message->setDate(new \DateTime($headers['date']));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // Can't recognize date time format
         // TODO add config option for date time format parsing
         $message->setDate(new \DateTime());
     if (isset($headers['cc'])) {
     foreach ($parser->getParts() as $part) {
         if (in_array($part['content-type'], ['text/plain', 'text/html'])) {
             $body = new Body();
             $body->setCharset(isset($part['content-charset']) ? $part['content-charset'] : null);
             $body->setEncoding(isset($part['transfer-encoding']) ? $part['transfer-encoding'] : null);
             $start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
             $end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
             $body->setBody(substr($rawMessage, $start, $end - $start));
     /** @var \PhpMimeMailParser\Attachment $messageAttachment */
     foreach ($parser->getAttachments() as $messageAttachment) {
         $attachment = new Attachment();
     return $message;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @dataProvider provideData
 public function testFromStream($mid, $subjectExpected, $fromExpected, $toExpected, $textExpected, $htmlExpected, $attachmentsExpected, $countEmbeddedExpected)
     $file = __DIR__ . '/mails/' . $mid;
     $attach_dir = __DIR__ . '/mails/attach_' . $mid . '/';
     //Load From Path
     $Parser = new Parser();
     $Parser->setStream(fopen($file, 'r'));
     //Test Header : subject
     $this->assertEquals($subjectExpected, $Parser->getHeader('subject'));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('subject', $Parser->getHeaders());
     //Test Header : from
     $this->assertEquals($fromExpected, $Parser->getHeader('from'));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('from', $Parser->getHeaders());
     //Test Header : to
     $this->assertEquals($toExpected, $Parser->getHeader('to'));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('to', $Parser->getHeaders());
     //Test Invalid Header
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('azerty', $Parser->getHeaders());
     //Test  Body : text
     if ($textExpected[0] == 'COUNT') {
         $this->assertEquals($textExpected[1], substr_count($Parser->getMessageBody('text'), $textExpected[2]));
     } elseif ($textExpected[0] == 'MATCH') {
         $this->assertEquals($textExpected[1], $Parser->getMessageBody('text'));
     //Test Body : html
     if ($htmlExpected[0] == 'COUNT') {
         $this->assertEquals($htmlExpected[1], substr_count($Parser->getMessageBody('html'), $htmlExpected[2]));
     } elseif ($htmlExpected[0] == 'MATCH') {
         $this->assertEquals($htmlExpected[1], $Parser->getMessageBody('html'));
     //Test Nb Attachments
     $attachments = $Parser->getAttachments();
     $this->assertEquals(count($attachmentsExpected), count($attachments));
     $iterAttachments = 0;
     //Test Attachments
     $attachmentsEmbeddedToCheck = array();
     if (count($attachmentsExpected) > 0) {
         //Save attachments
         foreach ($attachmentsExpected as $attachmentExpected) {
             //Test Exist Attachment
             $this->assertTrue(file_exists($attach_dir . $attachmentExpected[0]));
             //Test Filename Attachment
             $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[0], $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getFilename());
             //Test Size Attachment
             $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[1], filesize($attach_dir . $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getFilename()));
             //Test Inside Attachment
             if ($attachmentExpected[2] != '' && $attachmentExpected[3] > 0) {
                 $fileContent = file_get_contents($attach_dir . $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getFilename(), FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);
                 $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[3], substr_count($fileContent, $attachmentExpected[2]));
                 $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[3], substr_count($attachments[$iterAttachments]->getContent(), $attachmentExpected[2]));
             //Test ContentType Attachment
             $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[4], $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getContentType());
             //Test ContentDisposition Attachment
             $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[5], $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getContentDisposition());
             //Test md5 of Headers Attachment
             $this->assertEquals($attachmentExpected[6], md5(serialize($attachments[$iterAttachments]->getHeaders())));
             //Save embedded Attachments to check
             if ($attachmentExpected[7] != '') {
                 array_push($attachmentsEmbeddedToCheck, $attachmentExpected[7]);
             //Remove Attachment
             unlink($attach_dir . $attachments[$iterAttachments]->getFilename());
         //Remove Attachment Directory
     } else {
     //Test embedded Attachments
     $htmlEmbedded = $Parser->getMessageBody('htmlEmbedded');
     $this->assertEquals($countEmbeddedExpected, substr_count($htmlEmbedded, "data:"));
     if (!empty($attachmentsEmbeddedToCheck)) {
         foreach ($attachmentsEmbeddedToCheck as $itemExpected) {
             $this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($htmlEmbedded, $itemExpected));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * This is a ARF mail with a single incident
  * @return array $reports
 public function parseSpamReportArf()
     $reports = [];
     //Seriously spamcop? Newlines arent in the CL specifications
     $this->arfMail['report'] = str_replace("\r", "", $this->arfMail['report']);
     preg_match_all('/([\\w\\-]+): (.*)[ ]*\\r?\\n/', $this->arfMail['report'], $regs);
     $report = array_combine($regs[1], $regs[2]);
     //Valueable information put in the body instead of the report, thnx for that Spamcop
     if (strpos($this->arfMail['message'], 'Comments from recipient') !== false) {
         preg_match("/Comments from recipient.*\\s]\n(.*)\n\n\nThis/s", str_replace(array("\r", "> "), "", $this->arfMail['message']), $match);
         $report['recipient_comment'] = str_replace("\n", " ", $match[1]);
     // Add the headers from evidence into infoblob
     $parsedEvidence = new MimeParser();
     $headers = $parsedEvidence->getHeaders();
     foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $index => $subvalue) {
                 $report['headers']["{$key}{$index}"] = "{$subvalue}";
         } else {
             $report['headers']["{$key}"] = $value;
      * Sometimes Spamcop has a trouble adding the correct fields. The IP is pretty
      * normal to add. In a last attempt we will try to fetch the IP from the body ourselves
     if (empty($report['Source-IP'])) {
         preg_match("/Email from (?<ip>[a-f0-9:\\.]+) \\/ " . preg_quote($report['Received-Date']) . "/s", $this->arfMail['message'], $regs);
         if (!empty($regs['ip']) && !filter_var($regs['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) {
             $report['Source-IP'] = $regs['ip'];
         preg_match("/from: (?<ip>[a-f0-9:\\.]+)\r?\n?\r\n/s", $this->parsedMail->getMessageBody(), $regs);
         if (!empty($regs['ip']) && !filter_var($regs['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) {
             $report['Source-IP'] = $regs['ip'];
     $reports[] = $report;
     return $reports;