Exemplo n.º 1
  * @throws \Exception
 public function startProcessing()
     # lets not do this unless we do some locking first
     register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'processBouncesShutdown'));
     if (Config::get('commandline', false) !== false && Config::get('commandline_force', false) !== false) {
         # force set, so kill other processes
         phpList::log()->info('Force set, killing other send processes', ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
         $this->process_id = Process::getPageLock('BounceProcessor', true);
     } else {
         $this->process_id = Process::getPageLock('BounceProcessor');
     if (empty($this->process_id)) {
     switch (Config::BOUNCE_PROTOCOL) {
         case 'pop':
             $this->processPop(Config::BOUNCE_MAILBOX_HOST, Config::BOUNCE_MAILBOX_USER, Config::BOUNCE_MAILBOX_PASSWORD);
         case 'mbox':
             phpList::log()->critical(s('bounce_protocol not supported'), ['page' => 'processbounces']);
     # now we have filled database with all available bounces
     ## reprocess the unidentified ones, as the bounce detection has improved, so it might catch more
     phpList::log()->info('reprocessing', ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
     $reparsed = $count = 0;
     $reidentified = 0;
     $result = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s
             WHERE status = "unidentified bounce"', Config::getTableName('bounce')));
     $total = $result->rowCount();
     phpList::log()->info(s('%d bounces to reprocess', $total), ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
     while ($bounce = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if ($count % 25 == 0) {
             Output::cl_progress(s('%d out of %d processed', $count, $total));
         $bounceBody = $this->decodeBody($bounce->header, $bounce->data);
         $subscriber = $this->findSubscriber($bounceBody);
         $campaign_id = $this->findCampaignId($bounceBody);
         if ($subscriber !== false || !empty($campaign_id)) {
             if ($this->processBounceData($bounce['id'], $campaign_id, $subscriber->id)) {
     phpList::log()->info(s('%d out of %d processed', $count, $total), ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
     if (Config::VERBOSE) {
         $this->output(s('%d bounces were re-processed and %d bounces were re-identified', $reparsed, $reidentified));
     $advanced_report = '';
         $this->output(s('Processing bounces based on active bounce rules'));
         $bouncerules = BounceRule::getAllBounceRules();
         $matched = 0;
         $notmatched = 0;
         //$limit =  ' limit 10';
         //$limit =  ' limit 10000';
         $limit = '';
         # @@ not sure whether this one would make sense
         #  $result = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s as bounce, %s as umb,%s as user where bounce.id = umb.bounce
         #    and user.id = umb.user and !user.confirmed and !user.blacklisted %s',
         #    $GLOBALS['tables']['bounce'],$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'],$GLOBALS['tables']['user'],$limit));
         $result = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s AS bounce, %s AS umb
                 WHERE bounce.id = umb.bounce %s', Config::getTableName('bounce'), Config::getTableName('user_message_bounce'), $limit));
         while ($row = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $alive = Process::checkLock($this->process_id);
             if ($alive) {
             } else {
                 $this->bounceProcessError(s('Process Killed by other process'));
             #    output('Subscriber '.$row['user']);
             $rule = BounceRule::matchedBounceRules($row['data'], $bouncerules);
             #    output('Action '.$rule['action']);
             #    output('Rule'.$rule['id']);
             if ($rule && is_array($rule)) {
                 if ($row['user']) {
                     $subscriber = Subscriber::getSubscriber($row['user']);
                 $report_linkroot = Config::get('admin_scheme') . '://' . Config::get('website') . Config::get('adminpages');
                 phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET count = count + 1
                         WHERE id = %d', Config::getTableName('bounceregex'), $rule['id']));
                 phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('INSERT IGNORE INTO %s
                         VALUES(%d,%d)', Config::getTableName('bounceregex_bounce'), $rule['id'], $row['bounce']));
                 switch ($rule['action']) {
                     case 'deletesubscriber':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' deleted by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' deleted by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                     case 'unconfirmsubscriber':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $subscriber->confirmed = 0;
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' made unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $subscriber->addHistory(s('Auto Unconfirmed'), s('Subscriber auto unconfirmed for') . " " . s('bounce rule') . ' ' . $rule['id'], $subscriber->id);
                         Util::addSubscriberStatistics('auto unsubscribe', 1);
                     case 'deletesubscriberandbounce':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $row['user'] . ' deleted by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' deleted by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                     case 'unconfirmsubscriberanddeletebounce':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $subscriber->confirmed = 0;
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' made unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $subscriber->addHistory(s('Auto unconfirmed'), s('Subscriber auto unconfirmed for') . " " . s("bounce rule") . ' ' . $rule['id'], $subscriber->id);
                         Util::addSubscriberStatistics('auto unsubscribe', 1);
                     case 'blacklistsubscriber':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' blacklisted by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $subscriber->blacklistSubscriber($subscriber->getEmailAddress(), s("Auto Blacklisted"), s("Subscriber auto blacklisted for") . " " . s("bounce rule") . ' ' . $rule['id']);
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' blacklisted by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $subscriber->addHistory(s("Auto Unsubscribed"), s("Subscriber auto unsubscribed for") . " " . s("bounce rule") . ' ' . $rule['id'], $subscriber->id);
                         Util::addSubscriberStatistics('auto blacklist', 1);
                     case 'blacklistsubscriberanddeletebounce':
                         phpList::log()->notice('Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' blacklisted by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'], $rule['id']));
                         $subscriber->blacklistSubscriber($subscriber->getEmailAddress(), s("Auto Blacklisted"), s("Subscriber auto blacklisted for") . " " . s("bounce rule") . ' ' . $rule['id']);
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber ' . $subscriber->getEmailAddress() . ' blacklisted by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Subscriber: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=subscriber&id=' . $subscriber->id . "\n";
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&id=' . $rule['id'] . "\n";
                         $subscriber->addHistory(s("Auto Unsubscribed"), s("Subscriber auto unsubscribed for") . " " . s("bounce rule") . ' ' . $rule['id'], $subscriber->id);
                         Util::addSubscriberStatistics('auto blacklist', 1);
                     case 'deletebounce':
             } else {
         $this->output($matched . ' ' . s('bounces processed by advanced processing'));
         $this->output($notmatched . ' ' . s('bounces were not matched by advanced processing rules'));
     # have a look who should be flagged as unconfirmed
     $this->output(s("Identifying consecutive bounces"));
     # we only need subscriber who are confirmed at the moment
     $subscriberid_result = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT umb.user FROM %s AS umb, %s AS u
             WHERE u.id = umb.user
             AND u.confirmed', Config::getTableName('user_message_bounce'), Config::getTableName('user', true)));
     if ($subscriberid_result->rowCount() <= 0) {
         $this->output(s("Nothing to do"));
     $subscribercnt = 0;
     $unsubscribed_subscribers = "";
     while ($subscriber = $subscriberid_result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $msg_req = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s AS um
                 LEFT JOIN %s AS umb
                   ON (um.messageid = umb.message AND userid = user)
                 WHERE userid = %d
                   AND um.status = "sent"
                 ORDER BY entered DESC', Config::getTableName('usermessage'), Config::getTableName('user_message_bounce'), $subscriber[0]));
         /*  $cnt = 0;
             $alive = 1;$removed = 0;
             while ($alive && !$removed && $bounce = Sql_Fetch_Array($msg_req)) {
               $alive = checkLock($process_id);
               if ($alive)
                 ProcessError(s("Process Killed by other process"));
               if (sprintf('%d',$bounce['bounce']) == $bounce['bounce']) {
                 if ($cnt >= $bounce_unsubscribe_threshold) {
                   $removed = 1;
                   output(sprintf('unsubscribing %d -> %d bounces',$subscriber[0],$cnt));
                   $subscriberurl = PageLink2("user&amp;id=$subscriber[0]",$subscriber[0]);
                   logEvent(s("Subscriber")." $subscriberurl ".s("has consecutive bounces")." ($cnt) ".s("over threshold, user marked unconfirmed"));
                   $emailreq = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select email from {$tables['user']} where id = $subscriber[0]");
                   addSubscriberHistory($emailreq[0],s("Auto Unsubscribed"),s("Subscriber auto unsubscribed for")." $cnt ".s("consecutive bounces"));
                   Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where id = %d',$tables['user'],$subscriber[0]));
                   addSubscriberStatistics('auto unsubscribe',1);
                   $email_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select email from %s where id = %d',$tables['user'],$subscriber[0]));
                   $unsubscribed_users .= $email_req[0] . " [$subscriber[0]] ($cnt)\n";
               } elseif ($bounce['bounce'] == "") {
                 $cnt = 0;
         #$alive = 1;$removed = 0; DT 051105
         $cnt = 0;
         $alive = 1;
         $removed = $msgokay = $unconfirmed = $unsubscribed = 0;
         #while ($alive && !$removed && $bounce = Sql_Fetch_Array($msg_req)) { DT 051105
         while ($alive && !$removed && !$msgokay && ($bounce = $msg_req->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) {
             $alive = Process::checkLock($this->process_id);
             if ($alive) {
             } else {
                 $this->bounceProcessError('Process Killed by other process');
             if (sprintf('%d', $bounce['bounce']) == $bounce['bounce']) {
                 if ($cnt >= Config::BOUNCE_UNSUBSCRIBE_THRESHOLD) {
                     if (!$unsubscribed) {
                         $this->output(sprintf('unsubscribing %d -> %d bounces', $subscriber[0], $cnt));
                         $subscriberurl = PageLink2("user&amp;id={$subscriber['0']}", $subscriber[0]);
                         phpList::log()->notice(s('Subscriber (url:%s) has consecutive bounces (%d) over threshold (%d), user marked unconfirmed', $subscriberurl, $cnt, Config::BOUNCE_UNSUBSCRIBE_THRESHOLD));
                         Subscriber::addHistory(s('Auto Unconfirmed'), s('Subscriber auto unconfirmed for %d consecutive bounces', $cnt), $subscriber[0]);
                         phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET confirmed = 0
                                 WHERE id = %d', Config::getTableName('user', true), $subscriber[0]));
                         $email_req = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT email FROM %s WHERE id = %d', Config::getTableName('user', true), $subscriber[0]));
                         $unsubscribed_subscribers .= $email_req[0] . "\t\t({$cnt})\t\t" . Config::get('scheme') . '://' . Config::get('website') . Config::get('adminpages') . '/?page=user&amp;id=' . $subscriber[0] . "\n";
                         $unsubscribed = 1;
                     if (Config::get('BLACKLIST_EMAIL_ON_BOUNCE') && $cnt >= Config::get('BLACKLIST_EMAIL_ON_BOUNCE')) {
                         $removed = 1;
                         #0012262: blacklist email when email bounces
                         phpList::log()->info(s('%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached, blacklisting subscriber', $cnt), ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
                         Subscriber::blacklistSubscriber($subscriber[0], s('%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached', $cnt));
             } elseif ($bounce['bounce'] == '') {
                 #$cnt = 0; DT 051105
                 $cnt = 0;
                 $msgokay = 1;
                 #DT 051105 - escaping loop if message received okay
         if ($subscribercnt % 5 == 0) {
             #    output(s("Identifying consecutive bounces"));
             phpList::log()->info(s('processed %d out of %d subscribers', $subscribercnt, $total), ['page' => 'procesbounces']);
     #output(s("Identifying consecutive bounces"));
     $this->output("\n" . s('total of %d subscribers processed', $total) . '                            ');
     $report = '';
     if (phpList::log()->getReport()) {
         $report .= s('Report:')."\n" . phpList::log()->getReport() . "\n";
     if ($advanced_report) {
         $report .= s('Report of advanced bounce processing:')."\n$advanced_report\n";
     if ($unsubscribed_subscribers) {
         $report .= "\n".s('Below are subscribers who have been marked unconfirmed. The in () is the number of consecutive bounces.')."\n";
         $report .= "\n$unsubscribed_subscribers";
     } else {
         # don't send a report email, if only some bounces were downloaded, but no subscribers unsubscribed.
         $report = '';
     # shutdown will take care of reporting
     # IMAP errors following when Notices are on are a PHP bug
     # http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=7207