setSourceDirectory() public method

PHP Source directory, this method returns value only when source directory is set.
public setSourceDirectory ( $dir )
Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testPatch()
     if (PHP_OS !== "Darwin") {
         return $this->markTestSkipped('openssl DSO patch test only runs on darwin platform');
     $logger = new Logger();
     $fromVersion = '5.5.17';
     $sourceFixtureDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_FIXTURES_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fromVersion;
     $sourceDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_BUILD_PHP_DIR');
     $build = new Build($fromVersion);
     $this->assertTrue($build->hasVariant('openssl'), 'openssl enabled');
     $patch = new OpenSSLDSOPatch();
     $matched = $patch->match($build, $logger);
     $this->assertTrue($matched, 'patch matched');
     $patchedCount = $patch->apply($build, $logger);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $patchedCount);
             We can't assume the file equals because the test may be run on different platform and openssl may be installed 
             into different locations.
             $sourceExpectedDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_EXPECTED_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '5.5.17-openssl-dso-patch';
             $this->assertFileEquals($sourceExpectedDirectory. '/Makefile', $sourceDirectory . '/Makefile');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function testPatch()
     $logger = new Logger();
     $fromVersion = '5.3.29';
     $sourceFixtureDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_FIXTURES_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fromVersion;
     $sourceDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_BUILD_PHP_DIR');
     if (!is_dir($sourceDirectory)) {
         return $this->markTestSkipped("{$sourceDirectory} does not exist.");
     // Copy the source Makefile to the Makefile
     // copy($sourceFixtureDirectory . '/Makefile', $sourceDirectory . '/Makefile');
     $build = new Build($fromVersion);
     $this->assertTrue($build->hasVariant('intl'), 'intl enabled');
     $patch = new IntlWith64bitPatch();
     $matched = $patch->match($build, $logger);
     $this->assertTrue($matched, 'patch matched');
     $patchedCount = $patch->apply($build, $logger);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $patchedCount);
     $sourceExpectedDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_EXPECTED_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fromVersion;
     $this->assertFileEquals($sourceExpectedDirectory . '/Makefile', $sourceDirectory . '/Makefile');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testApply()
     $version = '5.3.29';
     $fixture = new TemporaryFileFixture($this, getenv('PHPBREW_FIXTURES_PHP_DIR') . "/{$version}/");
     $fixture->withFile('Makefile', function ($self, $fixturePath) use($version) {
         $build = new Build($version);
         $patch = new RegexpPatch($self->logger, $build, array(basename($fixturePath)), array(RegexpPatchRule::always('/LIBTOOL/', '')));
         $self->assertFileEquals($fixturePath, getenv('PHPBREW_EXPECTED_PHP_DIR') . '/5.3.29/');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function execute($version)
     $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $version;
     if ($this->options->all) {
         if (!file_exists($buildDir)) {
             $this->logger->info("Source directory " . $buildDir . " does not exist.");
         } else {
             $this->logger->info("Source directory " . $buildDir . " found, deleting...");
             Utils::recursive_unlink($buildDir, $this->logger);
     } else {
         $make = new MakeTask($this->logger);
         $build = new Build($version);
         if ($make->clean($build)) {
             $this->logger->info("Distribution is cleaned up. Woof! ");
 public function testPatch()
     $logger = new Logger();
     $fromVersion = '5.5.17';
     $sourceFixtureDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_FIXTURES_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fromVersion;
     $sourceDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_BUILD_PHP_DIR');
     if (!is_dir($sourceDirectory)) {
         return $this->markTestSkipped("{$sourceDirectory} does not exist.");
     $build = new Build($fromVersion);
     $this->assertTrue($build->hasVariant('apxs2'), 'apxs2 enabled');
     $patch = new Apache2ModuleNamePatch();
     $matched = $patch->match($build, $logger);
     $this->assertTrue($matched, 'patch matched');
     $patchedCount = $patch->apply($build, $logger);
     $this->assertEquals(107, $patchedCount);
     $sourceExpectedDirectory = getenv('PHPBREW_EXPECTED_PHP_DIR') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '5.5.17-apxs-patch';
     $this->assertFileEquals($sourceExpectedDirectory . '/', $sourceDirectory . '/');
     $this->assertFileEquals($sourceExpectedDirectory . '/configure', $sourceDirectory . '/configure');
Exemplo n.º 6
    public function execute($version)
        if (!preg_match('/^php-/', $version)) {
            $version = 'php-' . $version;
        $version = $this->getLatestMinorVersion($version, $this->options->old);
        $options = $this->options;
        $logger = $this->logger;
        // get options and variants for building php
        $args = func_get_args();
        // the first argument is the target version.
        $name = $this->options->name ?: $version;
        // find inherited variants
        $inheritedVariants = array();
        if ($this->options->like) {
            $inheritedVariants = VariantParser::getInheritedVariants($this->options->like);
        // ['extra_options'] => the extra options to be passed to ./configure command
        // ['enabled_variants'] => enabeld variants
        // ['disabled_variants'] => disabled variants
        $variantInfo = VariantParser::parseCommandArguments($args, $inheritedVariants);
        $info = PhpSource::getVersionInfo($version, $this->options->old);
        if (!$info) {
            throw new Exception("Version {$version} not found.");
        $prepare = new PrepareDirectoryTask($this->logger);
        // convert patch to realpath
        if ($this->options->patch) {
            $patchPaths = array();
            foreach ($this->options->patch as $patch) {
                /** @var \SplFileInfo $patch */
                $patchPath = realpath($patch);
                if ($patchPath !== false) {
                    $patchPaths[(string) $patch] = $patchPath;
            // rewrite patch paths
            $this->options->keys['patch']->value = $patchPaths;
        // Move to to build directory, because we are going to download distribution.
        $buildDir = Config::getBuildDir();
        $download = new DownloadTask($this->logger);
        $targetDir = $download->downloadByVersionString($version, $this->options->old, $this->options->force);
        if (!file_exists($targetDir)) {
            throw new Exception("Download failed.");
        // Change directory to the downloaded source directory.
        $buildPrefix = Config::getVersionBuildPrefix($version);
        if (!file_exists($buildPrefix)) {
            mkdir($buildPrefix, 0755, true);
        // write variants info.
        $variantInfoFile = $buildPrefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpbrew.variants';
        $this->logger->debug("Writing variant info to {$variantInfoFile}");
        file_put_contents($variantInfoFile, serialize($variantInfo));
        // The build object, contains the information to build php.
        $build = new Build($version, $name, $buildPrefix);
        $builder = new Builder($targetDir, $version);
        $builder->logger = $this->logger;
        $builder->options = $this->options;
        $this->logger->debug('Build Directory: ' . realpath($targetDir));
        foreach ($variantInfo['enabled_variants'] as $name => $value) {
            $build->enableVariant($name, $value);
        foreach ($variantInfo['disabled_variants'] as $name => $value) {
            if ($build->hasVariant($name)) {
                $this->logger->warn("Removing variant {$name} since we've disabled it from command.");
        if ($options->clean) {
            $clean = new CleanTask($this->logger);
        $buildLogFile = Config::getVersionBuildLogPath($version);
        $configure = new \PhpBrew\Tasks\ConfigureTask($this->logger);
        $configure->configure($build, $this->options);
        $buildTask = new BuildTask($this->logger);
        $buildTask->build($build, $this->options);
        if ($options->{'test'}) {
            $test = new TestTask($this->logger);
            $test->test($build, $this->options);
        $install = new InstallTask($this->logger);
        $install->install($build, $this->options);
        if ($options->{'post-clean'}) {
            $clean = new CleanTask($this->logger);
        /** POST INSTALLATION **/
        $dsym = new DSymTask($this->logger);
        $dsym->patch($build, $this->options);
        // copy php-fpm config
        $this->logger->info("---> Creating php-fpm.conf");
        $phpFpmConfigPath = "sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf";
        $phpFpmTargetConfigPath = Config::getVersionEtcPath($version) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php-fpm.conf';
        if (file_exists($phpFpmConfigPath)) {
            if (!file_exists($phpFpmTargetConfigPath)) {
                copy($phpFpmConfigPath, $phpFpmTargetConfigPath);
            } else {
                $this->logger->notice("Found existing {$phpFpmTargetConfigPath}.");
        $phpConfigPath = $options->production ? 'php.ini-production' : 'php.ini-development';
        $this->logger->info("---> Copying {$phpConfigPath} ");
        if (file_exists($phpConfigPath)) {
            $targetConfigPath = Config::getVersionEtcPath($version) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php.ini';
            if (file_exists($targetConfigPath)) {
                $this->logger->notice("Found existing {$targetConfigPath}.");
            } else {
                // TODO: Move this to PhpConfigPatchTask
                // move config file to target location
                copy($phpConfigPath, $targetConfigPath);
                // replace current timezone
                $timezone = ini_get('date.timezone');
                $pharReadonly = ini_get('phar.readonly');
                if ($timezone || $pharReadonly) {
                    // patch default config
                    $content = file_get_contents($targetConfigPath);
                    if ($timezone) {
                        $this->logger->info("---> Found date.timezone, patch config timezone with {$timezone}");
                        $content = preg_replace('/^date.timezone\\s*=\\s*.*/im', "date.timezone = {$timezone}", $content);
                    if (!$pharReadonly) {
                        $this->logger->info("---> Disable phar.readonly option.");
                        $content = preg_replace('/^phar.readonly\\s*=\\s*.*/im', "phar.readonly = 0", $content);
                    file_put_contents($targetConfigPath, $content);
        $this->logger->info("Initializing pear config...");
        $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome();
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/temp", 0755, true);
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/cache_dir", 0755, true);
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/download_dir", 0755, true);
        system("pear config-set temp_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/temp");
        system("pear config-set cache_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/cache_dir");
        system("pear config-set download_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/download_dir");
        $this->logger->info("Enabling pear auto-discover...");
        system("pear config-set auto_discover 1");
        $this->logger->debug("Source directory: " . $targetDir);
        $this->logger->info("Congratulations! Now you have PHP with {$version}.");
        echo <<<EOT
To use the newly built PHP, try the line(s) below:

    \$ phpbrew use {$version}

Or you can use switch command to switch your default php version to {$version}:

    \$ phpbrew switch {$version}

