
use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Matthew Weier O'Phinney");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend Framework 1.12.11 Released!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2015-02-11 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability

    <li>Zend Framework <strong>1.12.11</strong></li>

<p>You can download Zend Framework at:</p>

        <a href="/downloads/latest#ZF1">http://framework.zend.com/downloads/latest#ZF1</a>
Exemplo n.º 2

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$entry = new EntryEntity();
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->fromArray(array('id' => 'yourusername', 'name' => 'Your Full Name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://your.tld/'));
$entry->setTitle('New site!');
$entry->setTags(array('php', 'personal'));
$body = <<<'EOT'
    This is the principal body of the post, and will be shown everywhere.
$extended = <<<'EOT'
This is the extended portion of the entry, and is only shown in the main entry 
return $entry;

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Robert Basic");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Help us improve the documentation!');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-03-28 10:15', new DateTimezone('Europe/Belgrade')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-03-28 10:15', new DateTimezone('Europe/Belgrade')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    A piece of software is only as good as its documentation. The Zend 
    Framework team and a dozen or so contributors are working hard to 
    improve the Zend Framework 2 documentation, but we still want <em>you</em> 
    to help us improve it even more. Any kind of help is welcome and greatly 

    First of all, you don't have to have a major in English literature to help 
    us with the documentation. We, the contributors, come from all over the 
    world and many of us use English as a second &mdash; or even third! &mdash; 
    language, but that does not stop us from trying to improve the docs. Neither 

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName('Ralph Schindler');
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('Zend\\Db in ZF 2.1');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2013-02-01 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2013-02-01 11:00', new DateTimezone('America/Chicago')));
$body = <<<'EOS'

    <code>Zend\Db</code> just got a little better with the release of Zend 
    Framework 2.1.  All the cool things you could do on Mysql, SQLite, 
    Postgresql and SQL Server can now be done on DB2 and Oracle.  In addition, 
    a number of additions were brought into the <code>Zend\Db\Sql\Select</code> object as 

$extended = <<<'EOC'

<h3>Connecting to DB2 and Oracle</h3>
Exemplo n.º 5

use PhlyBlog\AuthorEntity;
use PhlyBlog\EntryEntity;
$author = new AuthorEntity();
$author->setName("Enrico Zimuel");
$post = new EntryEntity();
$post->setTitle('2011-08-19 Dev status update');
$post->setCreated(new DateTime('2011-08-19 12:32', new DateTimezone('Europe/Rome')));
$post->setUpdated(new DateTime('2011-08-19 12:32', new DateTimezone('Europe/Rome')));
$body = <<<'EOS'
    The first weekly status update about the development of ZF2.
$extended = <<<'EOC'
<h2>Community Initiatives</h2>

    Obviously, community interaction has exploded. Since last week, we've had
    almost 400 messages in the <a
        mailing list</a>, an IRC meeting, and the start of a dedicated "ZF2"
    area of the main website (if you're reading this, you're in it).