Exemplo n.º 1
 public function runSilently($cmd)
     // enforce our inputs
     Contract::RequiresValue($cmd, is_string($cmd));
     // what are we doing?
     $log = usingLog()->startAction("run command: {$cmd}");
     // the output that we will return to the caller
     $output = '';
     // how we will talk with the command
     $pipesSpec = [['file', 'php://stdin', 'r'], ['pipe', 'w'], ['pipe', 'w']];
     $pipes = [];
     // start the process
     $process = proc_open($cmd, $pipesSpec, $pipes);
     // was there a problem?
     // NOTE: this only occurs when something like a fork() failure
     // happens, which makes it very difficult to test for in a
     // unit test
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (!$process) {
         $return = new CommandResult(255, '');
         return $return;
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     // we do not want to block whilst reading from the child process's
     // stdout and stderr
     stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);
     stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);
     // at this point, our command may be running ...
     // OR our command may have failed with an error
     // best thing to do is to keep reading from our pipes until
     // the pipes no longer exist
     while (!feof($pipes[1]) || !feof($pipes[2])) {
         // block until there is something to read, or until the
         // timeout has happened
         // this makes sure that we do not burn CPU for the sake of it
         $readable = [$pipes[1], $pipes[2]];
         $writeable = $except = [];
         stream_select($readable, $writeable, $except, 1);
         // check all the streams for output
         if ($line = fgets($pipes[1])) {
             $output = $output . $line;
         if ($line = fgets($pipes[2])) {
             $output = $output . $line;
     // at this point, our pipes have been closed
     // we can assume that the child process has finished
     $retval = proc_close($process);
     // all done
     $log->endAction("return code is '{$retval}'");
     $result = new CommandResult($retval, $output);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function uploadFile($sourceFilename, $destFilename)
     // vet our input
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, is_string($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, !empty($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, is_file($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($destFilename, is_string($destFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($destFilename, !empty($destFilename));
     // make the params printable / executable
     // $printableParams = $this->convertParamsForUse($params);
     // what are we doing?
     $log = usingLog()->startAction("upload file '{$sourceFilename}' to host as '{$destFilename}'");
     // do we actually have everything we need to run the command?
     if (!$this->hasSshUsername()) {
         throw new E4xx_NeedSshUsername();
     if (!$this->hasIpAddress()) {
         throw new E4xx_NeedIpAddress();
     // build the full command
     // the options that we pass (by default) to SCP:
     // -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
     //    do not verify the SSH host key (avoids an interactive prompt)
     // -i <private_key>
     //    use specified private key to access the remote/guest OS
     // <username>@<hostname>
     //    who we are logging in as (should never be root)
     // <additional SSH options>
     //    any other flags, such as -n to force non-interactive session
     $fullCommand = 'scp ' . ' ' . $this->getSshKeyForUse() . ' ' . $this->getScpOptionsForUse() . ' "' . $sourceFilename . '" ' . ' "' . $this->getSshUsername() . '@' . $this->getIpAddress() . ':' . $destFilename . '"';
     // run the command
     $commandRunner = $this->st->getNewCommandRunner();
     $result = $commandRunner->runSilently($fullCommand);
     // all done
     $log->endAction("return code was '{$result->returnCode}'");
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * an alternative to using PHP's built-in var_dump()
  * @param  string $name
  *         a human-readable name to describe $var
  * @param  mixed $var
  *         the variable to dump
  * @return void
 public function logVardump($name, $var)
     // enforce our inputs
     Contract::RequiresValue($name, is_string($name));
     // $var can be anything, so there is no contract to enforce
     // pass this on to our plugins
     foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
         $plugin->logVardump($name, $var);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function uploadFile($sourceFilename, $destFilename)
     // vet our input
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, is_string($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, !empty($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($sourceFilename, is_file($sourceFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($destFilename, is_string($destFilename));
     Contract::RequiresValue($destFilename, !empty($destFilename));
     // make the params printable / executable
     // $printableParams = $this->convertParamsForUse($params);
     // what are we doing?
     $log = usingLog()->startAction("copy file '{$sourceFilename}' to localhost as '{$destFilename}'");
     // build the full command
     $fullCommand = 'cp ' . "'" . $sourceFilename . "' " . "'" . $destFilename . "'";
     // run the command
     $commandRunner = $this->st->getNewCommandRunner();
     $result = $commandRunner->runSilently($fullCommand);
     // all done
     $log->endAction("return code was '{$result->returnCode}'");
     return $result;