<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, array(), array('callback_url' => $customCallback, 'string_data' => $textData, 'string_data_type' => 'text')); var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; //enter a batchId to close $batchId = 23; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->closeBatch($batchId); var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, array(), array('string_data' => $htmlData, 'string_data_type' => 'html')); var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->faxCancel($faxId); var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $faxId = 1234; $outfile = "/tmp/out.jpg"; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $phaxio->download($faxId, Phaxio::THUMBNAIL_SMALL, $outfile);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; # Create files and put their names here $files = array('files/coverPage.html', 'files/content.pdf'); $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, $files); var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $endDate = time(); $startDate = strtotime("-1 week"); $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->faxList($startDate, $endDate, array('number' => '18778275130')); echo "Retrieved page {$result->getPage()} of {$result->getTotalPages()} ({$result->getTotalResults()} results) \n"; var_dump($result);
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); echo "Creating a 3 part batch with a one minute delay...\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, array(), array('string_data' => "This is part {$i} of a 3 part fax batch. This is the first batch.", 'string_data_type' => 'text', 'batch' => true, 'batch_delay' => 60)); var_dump($result); echo "Part {$i} of 3 sent. Sleeping for 5 seconds...\n"; sleep(5); } echo "First batch created successfully. Sleeping for 45 seconds and creating a new batch. First batch will start to send. \n\n"; sleep(45); echo "Creating a 3 part batch with a one minute delay...\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, array(), array('string_data' => "This is part {$i} of a 3 part fax batch. This is the second batch.", 'string_data_type' => 'text', 'batch' => true, 'batch_delay' => 60)); var_dump($result); echo "Part {$i} of 3 sent. Sleeping for 5 seconds..."; sleep(5); } echo "Done.";
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $result = $phaxio->sendFax($toNumber, array(), array('string_data' => "This is part {$i} of a 5 part fax batch.", 'string_data_type' => 'text', 'batch' => true)); var_dump($result); } echo "Your batch has been created for {$toNumber}. You can now see it in the Phaxio web UI. To fire it, see fireBatch.php";
<?php require_once 'phaxio_config.php'; require_once 'autoload.php'; use Phaxio\Phaxio; //enter a batchId to fire $batchId = 0; $phaxio = new Phaxio($apiKeys[$apiMode], $apiSecrets[$apiMode], $apiHost); $result = $phaxio->fireBatch($batchId); var_dump($result);