getId() public method

ID of the credit card. This ID is provided in the response when storing credit cards. **Required if using a stored credit card.**
Deprecation: Not publicly available
public getId ( ) : string
return string
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Save a credit card with paypal
  * This helps you avoid the hassle of securely storing credit
  * card information on your site. PayPal provides a credit card
  * id that you can use for charging future payments.
  * @param array $params	credit card parameters
 function saveCard($params)
     $card = new CreditCard();
     return $card->getId();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @depends testSerializationDeserialization
  * @param CreditCard $obj
 public function testGetters($obj)
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getId(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getNumber(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getType(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExpireMonth(), 123);
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExpireYear(), 123);
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getCvv2(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getFirstName(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getLastName(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getBillingAddress(), AddressTest::getObject());
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExternalCustomerId(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getState(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getValidUntil(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getLinks(), LinksTest::getObject());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function doStoreCreditCardAPI($payment_type, $card_number, $exp_month, $exp_year, $csc, $first_name, $last_name)
     $apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential(self::CLIENT_ID, self::SECRET));
     $card = new CreditCard();
     try {
     } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
         echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     //            $test = $card->getId();
     //            $creditCardToken = new CreditCardToken();
     //            $creditCardToken->setCredit_card_id($test);
     //            $fundingInstrument = new FundingInstrument();
     //            $fundingInstrument->setCredit_card($creditCardToken);
     //            $payer = new Payer();
     //            $payer->setPayment_method("credit_card");
     //            $payer->setFunding_instruments(array($fundingInstrument));
     //            $amount = new Amount();
     //            $amount->setCurrency("USD");
     //            $amount->setTotal($total);
     //            $transaction = new Transaction();
     //            $transaction->setAmount($amount);
     //            $transaction->setDescription("creating a direct payment with credit card");
     //            $payment = new Payment();
     //            $payment->setIntent("sale");
     //            $payment->setPayer($payer);
     //            $payment->setTransactions(array($transaction));
     //            try {
     //                $payment->create($apiContext);    //$card->create($apiContext);
     //            } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
     //                echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     //                var_dump($ex->getData());
     //                exit(1);
     //            }
     return $card->getId();
Exemplo n.º 4
// ### Save card
// Creates the credit card as a resource
// in the PayPal vault. The response contains
// an 'id' that you can use to refer to it
// in the future payments.
// (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
try {
} catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
	<div>Saved a new credit card with id: <?php 
echo $card->getId();
	<a href='../index.html'>Back</a>