send() public method

Sends a message to ami.
See also: ClientImpl::send()
public send ( PAMI\Message\OutgoingMessage $message ) : PAMI\Message\Response\ResponseMessage
$message PAMI\Message\OutgoingMessage Message to send.
return PAMI\Message\Response\ResponseMessage
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Sends a message to AMI.
  * @param OutgoingMessage $action Action to send
  * @throws \PAMI\Client\Exception\ClientException
  * @return \PAMI\Message\Response\ResponseMessage
 public function sendAction(OutgoingMessage $action)
     $params = new ArrayObject(['action' => $action]);
     $event = new Event(__FUNCTION__ . '.pre', $this, $params);
     $results = $this->getEventManager()->triggerEventUntil(function ($response) {
         return $response instanceof ResponseMessage;
     }, $event);
     if ($results->stopped()) {
         return $results->last();
     $response = $this->connection->send($action);
     $params['response'] = $response;
     $this->getEventManager()->trigger(__FUNCTION__ . '.post', $this, $params);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
 $a = new ClientImpl($options);
 $a->registerEventListener(new A());
 // SMS
 $sms = new VGSMSMSTxAction();
 $sms->setContentType('text/plain; charset=ASCII');
 $msg = $argv[5];
 $phone = $argv[6];
 // SMS multipart MSG - This is used to send 1 big message splitted in several parts, up to 255 messages
 if ($argv[7] == 1) {
     $sms->setContent('---Testing Multipart message ');
 $time = time();
 while (true) {
     // 1ms delay
     // Since we declare(ticks=1) at the top, the following line is not necessary
Exemplo n.º 3
    public function handle(EventMessage $event)
// Code STARTS.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
try {
    $options = array('' => realpath(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '', 'host' => $argv[1], 'port' => $argv[2], 'username' => $argv[3], 'secret' => $argv[4], 'connect_timeout' => $argv[5], 'read_timeout' => $argv[6], 'scheme' => 'tcp://');
    $a = new ClientImpl($options);
    $a->registerEventListener(new A());
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleSendUSSDAction('dongle01', '*101#')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleSendPDUAction('dongle01', 'AT+CSMS=0 ')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleRestartAction('now', 'dongle01')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleResetAction('dongle01')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleReloadAction('now')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleStopAction('now', 'dongle01')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleStartAction('dongle01')));
    var_dump($a->send(new DongleSendSMSAction('dongle01', '+666666666', 'a message')));
    var_dump($a->send(new ListCommandsAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new QueueStatusAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new QueueStatusAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new QueueStatusAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new CoreShowChannelsAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new SIPPeersAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new StatusAction()));
    var_dump($a->send(new CommandAction('sip show peers')));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $pamiClientOptions = array('' => $input->getOption('log4php-configuration'), 'host' => $input->getOption('ami-host'), 'scheme' => 'tcp://', 'port' => $input->getOption('ami-port'), 'username' => $input->getOption('ami-username'), 'secret' => $input->getOption('ami-password'), 'connect_timeout' => $input->getOption('ami-connect-timeout'), 'read_timeout' => $input->getOption('ami-read-timeout'));
     $pamiClient = new ClientImpl($pamiClientOptions);
     $output->write("<comment>Opening asterisk connection... </comment>");
     $output->write("<comment>Opening rabbitmq connection... </comment>");
     $amqpConn = new AMQPConnection($input->getOption('rabbit-host'), $input->getOption('rabbit-port'), $input->getOption('rabbit-username'), $input->getOption('rabbit-password'), $input->getOption('rabbit-vhost'));
     $ch = $amqpConn->channel();
     $exchange = $input->getOption('rabbit-exchange-name');
     $ch->exchange_declare($exchange, 'fanout', false, true, false);
     $i = 0;
     $counter = 0;
     $pamiClient->registerEventListener(function (EventMessage $event) use($output, $ch, $exchange, &$counter, &$i) {
         // Send to RabbitMQ
         $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($event->getKeys()), array('content_type' => 'application/json', 'timestamp' => time(), 'delivery_mode' => 2));
         $ch->basic_publish($msg, $exchange);
         $output->writeln(sprintf(" >> <comment>[%s] [%s bytes]</comment> <info>%s</info>", date('Y-m-d G:i:s') . substr((string) microtime(), 1, 8), memory_get_usage(), $event->getName()));
         $counter = 0;
         $i = 0;
     $closer = function ($autoExit = true) use($pamiClient, $amqpConn, $ch, $output) {
         $output->write('<comment>Closing ami connection... </comment>');
         // send logoff and close the connection.
         $output->write('<comment>Closing rabbitmq connection... </comment>');
         if ($autoExit) {
     declare (ticks=1) {
         pcntl_signal(\SIGINT, $closer);
         pcntl_signal(\SIGTERM, $closer);
         while (true) {
             try {
                 // 1ms delay
                 if ($i == 10000) {
                     // show some feedback every 10000 iterations or so, roughly every 10 seconds if nothing is processed
                     $output->writeln(sprintf(" >> <comment>Waiting for events... [%d seconds]</comment> <info>Ping...</info>", $counter * 10));
                     $i = 0;
                     // for every 10 seconds that go by, send a ping/pong event to the asterisk server
                     // if send times out, it'll throw an exception, which will end this script... supervisor should restart
                     /** @var ResponseMessage $pong  */
                     $pong = $pamiClient->send(new \PAMI\Message\Action\PingAction());
                     if ('Success' == $pong->getKey('response')) {
                         // Send the pong event onto RabbitMQ.  This has a faux keep-alive effect on the RabbitMQ connection
                         $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($pong->getKeys()), array('content_type' => 'application/json', 'timestamp' => time(), 'delivery_mode' => 2));
                         $ch->basic_publish($msg, $exchange);
                         $output->writeln(sprintf(" >> <comment>[%s] [%s bytes]</comment> <info>%s</info>", date('Y-m-d G:i:s') . substr((string) microtime(), 1, 8), memory_get_usage(), 'Pong'));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // try to close any connections
                 // rethrow the exception
                 throw $e;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Sends a message to ami.
  * @param ActionMessage $message AMI Command.
  * @return Response
 public function send(ActionMessage $message)
     return $this->_ami->send($message);