Exemplo n.º 1
function db_init()
    global $cfg;
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['$db'])) {
        $db = new Database($cfg);
        // store db
        $GLOBALS['$db'] = $db;
    return $GLOBALS['$db'];
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Remove.
  * @param  any $params
  * @return int
  * @throws Oppa\InvalidValueException
 public final function remove($params) : int
     $params = [$params];
     if (empty($params)) {
         throw new InvalidValueException('You need to pass a parameter to make a query!');
     $return = $this->db->getLink()->getAgent()->delete($this->table, "{$this->tablePrimary} IN(?)", $params);
     if (method_exists($this, 'onDelete')) {
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: batch.php Projeto: k-gun/oppa

include 'inc.php';
$autoload = (require __DIR__ . '/../src/Autoload.php');
use Oppa\Logger;
use Oppa\Database;
$cfg = ['agent' => 'mysqli', 'query_log' => true, 'query_log_level' => Logger::FAIL, 'query_log_directory' => __DIR__ . '/../.logs', 'query_log_filename_format' => 'Y-m-d', 'database' => ['fetch_type' => 'object', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'timezone' => '+00:00', 'host' => 'localhost', 'name' => 'test', 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '********']];
$db = new Database($cfg);
// @tmp
// $db->getLink()->getAgent()->query('delete from users where id > 10');
$batch = $db->getLink()->getAgent()->getBatch();
// set autocommit=1
try {
    $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1, 100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into users (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // $batch->queue('insert into userssssss (name,old) values (?,?)', ['John Doe', rand(1,100)]);
    // commit
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    print $e->getMessage();
    // rollback & set autocommit=1
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: a.php Projeto: k-gun/oppa

include 'inc.php';
$autoload = (require __DIR__ . '/../src/Autoload.php');
use Oppa\Database;
$cfg = ['agent' => 'mysqli', 'database' => ['host' => 'localhost', 'name' => 'test', 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '********', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'timezone' => '+00:00']];
$db = new Database($cfg);
$agent = $db->connect()->getLink()->getAgent();
$s = $agent->prepare('sid = :sid, pid = :pid, a = ?, tid = :tid, b = %d', ['pid' => 2, 'sid' => 1, 'aaa', '9000', 'tid' => 3]);
Exemplo n.º 5

include 'inc.php';
$autoload = (require __DIR__ . '/../src/Autoload.php');
use Oppa\Database;
use Oppa\Config;
use Oppa\Query\Builder as QueryBuilder;
$cfg = ['agent' => 'mysqli', 'profiling' => true, 'database' => ['fetch_type' => 'object', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'timezone' => '+00:00', 'host' => 'localhost', 'name' => 'test', 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '********']];
$db = new Database($cfg);
$qb = new QueryBuilder($db->getLink());
// $qb->select('id,name');
// $qb->select('id,name')->where('id=?', [1]);
// $qb->select('id,name')->where('id=?', [1])->limit(1);
// $qb->select('id,name')->whereLike('name LIKE ?', ['%Ker"em%']);
// $qb->select('id,name')->whereLike('(id LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?)', ['2%', '%Ke_rem%']);
// $qb->select('id,name')
//     ->where('id=?', [1])
//     ->where('(name=? OR name=? OR old BETWEEN %d AND %d)', ['Kerem', 'Murat', 30, 40], $qb::OP_AND)
// ;
// $qb->select()->aggregate('count');
// pre($qb->get());
$qb->setTable('users u');
$qb->select('u.*, us.score, ul.login')->aggregate('sum', 'us.score', 'sum_score')->join('users_score us', 'us.user_id = u.id')->joinLeft('users_login ul', 'ul.user_id = u.id')->whereIn('u.id', [1, 2, 3])->whereBetween('u.old', [30, 50])->whereNotNull('ul.login')->groupBy('u.id')->orderBy('old')->having('sum_score <= ?', [30])->limit(0, 10);
// pre($qb->getAll());
// pre($qb->execute());
// insert
Exemplo n.º 6

include 'inc.php';
$autoload = (require __DIR__ . '/../src/Autoload.php');
use Oppa\Database;
use Oppa\Config;
/*** single ***/
$cfg = ['agent' => 'mysqli', 'database' => ['fetch_type' => 'object', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'timezone' => '+00:00', 'port' => 3306, 'host' => 'localhost', 'name' => 'test', 'username' => 'test', 'password' => '********', 'profile' => true, 'query_log' => true, 'query_log_level' => Oppa\Logger::ALL, 'query_log_directory' => __DIR__ . '/../.logs']];
$db = new Database($cfg);
// pre($db);
pre($db->getLink()->getAgent()->query("select * from users"));
// pre($db->getLink());
// pre($db->getLink('localhost'));
// // $db->disconnect();
// $db->disconnect('localhost');
// pre($db->getLink('localhost')); // err!
/*** sharding ***/
// $cfg = [
//     'agent' => 'mysqli',
//     'sharding' => true,
//     'database' => [
//         'fetch_type' => 'object',
//         'charset'    => 'utf8',
//         'timezone'   => '+00:00',
//         'port'       => 3306,
//         'username'   => 'test',
//         'password'   => '********',
//         'master'     => ['host' => 'master.mysql.local', 'name' => 'test', 'port' => 3307],
//         'slaves'     => [