/** * getImage: devolve a imagem solicitada. * * @param string $psPath * @param string $psFile */ public static function getImage($psFile, $psTamanho = null, $pnId = null, $psTitle = null, $psAlt = null, $psClass = null, $pbReturnPath = false) { // recupera o diretório da imagem $targetDir = System::getBalancedDir($psFile); $lsNameImage = preg_replace('/^(.+\\/)?(.+)\\.[^\\.]+$/', '$2', $psFile); $ext = preg_replace('/^.+\\.([^\\.]+)$/', '$1', $psFile); $source = !empty($psTamanho) ? $targetDir . $lsNameImage . '_' . $psTamanho . '.' . $ext : $targetDir . $lsNameImage . '.' . $ext; $class = !empty($psClass) ? 'class="' . $psClass . '"' : ''; $id = !empty($pnId) ? 'id="' . $pnId . '"' : ''; $title = !empty($psTitle) ? 'title="' . $psTitle . '"' : ''; $alt = !empty($psAlt) ? 'alt="' . $psAlt . '"' : ''; // Log\Debug::debug($source); $lsFilePath = realpath(CLIENT_PATH . $source); if (file_exists($lsFilePath)) { if (!$pbReturnPath) { // cria um elemento <img> com o caminho da imagem solicitada $img = '<img src="' . $source . '" ' . $id . ' ' . $title . ' ' . $alt . ' ' . $class . '/>'; } else { $img = $source; } return $img; } else { Log\Debug::debug("A imagem solicitada '" . $targetDir . $source . "' não foi encontrada."); return null; } }
/** * Função pouco utilizada, substituida por get_template() * * @param string $psUrl * @param string $psTemplate * @return string */ public static function getTemplateExterno($psUrl, $psTemplate) { $laLk = parse_url($psUrl); if ($laLk['scheme'] == "http") { return UrlRequest::urlRequest($psUrl . $psTemplate); } else { return System::localRequest($psTemplate); } }
/** * * @param array $paConfigs */ public static function cacheConfig($paConfigs) { $lsCacheConfDir = CLIENT_DIR . DS . 'data' . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'client_config.global.php'; if ($paConfigs['settings']['cacheConfig'] && !file_exists($lsCacheConfDir)) { $lsConfig = File\System::arrayToFile($paConfigs); File\System::saveFile($lsCacheConfDir, $lsConfig); } }
/** * Init Onion Application: * Test if PHP version is ok; * Load the Onion default configs and Client configs to set the application * object; * Check if the application is available to run or it is in maintenance; * Set the modules enable; * Construct the Onion application map; * * @param array $paGeneralConfig */ public function init(array $paGeneralConfig = array()) { $this->_generalConfig = $paGeneralConfig; $this->testPhpVersion(); $this->setConfigs(); // if not a php file, it is an external file and need to be routed if (!System::fileRoute($this->_front['meta']['pragma'])) { $this->isEnable(); $this->enableModules(); /* * Session::clearRegister('resource'); * Session::clearRegister('app'); * Session::clearRegister('moduleRegistered'); * //Session::clearRegister('acl'); Register::getModules(); * Register::getCompostModules(); * Integration::getIntegrateModules(); * Register::registreApplication(); * Register::replaceSectionIntegration(); * //Log\Debug::display(Session::getRegister('app')); die; * Log\Debug::debug(Register::getResourcesList()); * Log\Debug::debug(Register::getApplicationArray($legacy * = true)); */ // Log\Debug::display($this->_generalConfig); // Log\Debug::display($this->_onionConfig); // die(); } return $this; }
public static function serviceRoute() { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $laParams = null; if (isset($_GET)) { $laParams['GET'] = $_GET; } if (isset($_POST)) { $laParams['POST'] = $_POST; } if (isset($_SERVER['Data-type']) && $_SERVER['Data-type'] == 'json' && isset($_SERVER['data'])) { $laParams['JSON'] = $_SERVER['data']; } if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') { $laParams['PUT'] = System::getPutData(); } if (isset($_FILES)) { $laParams['FILES'] = $_FILES; } //Separando o caminho e verificando quantos elementos tem $laRequestUri = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $lnCount = 0; $lsQueryString = "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //Removendo elementos vazios foreach ($laRequestUri as $lsValue) { if (!empty($lsValue) && $lsValue != $lsQueryString) { $laPath[] = $lsValue; $lnCount++; } } switch ($lnCount) { case 0: case 1: if (!isset($laPath[0]) || empty($laPath[0])) { $laPath[0] = "index"; } $lsService = DS . $laPath[0] . ".php"; $lsClass = $laPath[0]; $lsMethod = $laPath[0]; break; case 2: $lsService = DS . $laPath[0] . ".php"; $lsClass = $laPath[0]; $lsMethod = $laPath[1]; break; default: $lsService = DS . $laPath[0] . DS . $laPath[1] . ".php"; $lsClass = $laPath[0] . "_" . $laPath[1]; $lsMethod = $laPath[2]; } $laService['service'] = $lsService; $laService['class'] = $lsClass; $laService['method'] = $lsMethod; Log\Debug::debug($laService); Log\Debug::debug($laParams); self::run($laService, $laParams); } else { //Se o service não foi encontrado, retornar 404 not found para o client header("HTTP/1.1 404 Service Not Found"); exit(1); } }
/** * * @param string $psField * @param mixed $pmValue * @return string|unknown */ public function formatFieldToGrid($psField, $pmValue) { switch ($psField) { case 'dtInsert': case 'dtUpdate': return String::getDateTimeFormat($pmValue); break; case 'txtServer': $paValue = json_decode($pmValue, true); $lsUserAgent = isset($paValue['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $paValue['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; $lsAccessMsg = isset($paValue['ACCESS_MSG']) ? $paValue['ACCESS_MSG'] : ''; return "{$lsAccessMsg} | {$lsUserAgent}"; break; case 'time': $lsSessionId = session_id(); //session_id($this->_sSessionId); // $lnExpire = session_cache_expire(); //session_id($lsSessionId); return $lnExpire; break; case 'stSession': $this->_sSessionId = $pmValue; $lbSessionAlive = false; $lsSessionFile = session_save_path() . DS . 'sess_' . $pmValue; if (file_exists($lsSessionFile)) { $lsSession = System::localRequest($lsSessionFile); $laSession = $this->unserialize($lsSession); if (is_array($laSession) && isset($laSession['ONION']) && !empty($laSession['ONION'])) { $lbSessionAlive = true; } } // $this->_oSessionManager->regenerateId($this->_sSessionId); // $lnStatus = $this->_oSessionManager->isValid(); // $loId = $this->_oSessionManager->getStorage(); // Debug::display(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $loId->getRequestAccessTime())); // Debug::display($loId->toArray()); // $this->_oSessionManager->regenerateId($lsSessionId); if ($lbSessionAlive) { return '<a href="/log-access/kill-session/?id=' . $pmValue . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign text-success" title="' . $pmValue . '"></i></a>'; } else { return '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign text-danger" title="' . $pmValue . '"></i>'; } break; default: return $pmValue; } }