Exemplo n.º 1
 private function cacheScoreHandlingAfterRemoveLog(GeoCacheLog $log)
     $db = OcDb::instance();
     // remove cache from users top caches, because the found log was deleted for some reason
     $query = "DELETE FROM `cache_rating` WHERE `user_id` = :1 AND `cache_id` = :2 ";
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $log->getUser()->getUserId(), $log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId());
     // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
     // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../../okapi/facade.php';
     \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId(), $log->getUser()->getUserId());
     // recalc scores for this cache
     $queryDel = "DELETE FROM `scores` WHERE `user_id` = :1 AND `cache_id` = :2 ";
     $db->multiVariableQuery($queryDel, $log->getUser()->getUserId(), $log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId());
     $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM scores WHERE cache_id= :1 ";
     $liczba = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($query, 0, $log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId());
     $querySel = "SELECT SUM(score) FROM scores WHERE cache_id= :1 ";
     $suma = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($querySel, 0, $log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId());
     // obliczenie nowej sredniej
     if ($liczba != 0) {
         $srednia = $suma / $liczba;
     } else {
         $srednia = 0;
     $updateQuery = "UPDATE caches SET votes = :1 , score= :2 WHERE cache_id= :3 ";
     $db->multiVariableQuery($updateQuery, $liczba, $srednia, $log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId());
Exemplo n.º 2
         } else {
         // update top-list
         if ($log_type == 1 || $log_type == 3) {
             if ($top_cache == 1) {
                 sql("INSERT IGNORE INTO `cache_rating` (`user_id`, `cache_id`) VALUES('&1', '&2')", $usr['userid'], $cache_id);
             } else {
                 sql("DELETE FROM `cache_rating` WHERE `user_id`='&1' AND `cache_id`='&2'", $usr['userid'], $cache_id);
         // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
         // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
         require_once $rootpath . 'okapi/facade.php';
         \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($cache_id, $usr['userid']);
         //call eventhandler
         require_once $rootpath . 'lib/eventhandler.inc.php';
         event_new_log($cache_id, $usr['userid'] + 0);
     //redirect to viewcache
     $no_tpl_build = true;
     tpl_redirect('viewcache.php?cacheid=' . $cache_id);
 } else {
     $sql = "SELECT count(*) as founds FROM `cache_logs` WHERE `deleted`=0 AND user_id='" . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . "' AND cache_id='" . sql_escape($cache_id) . "' AND type = '1'";
     $res = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
     $sql = "SELECT status, type FROM `caches` WHERE cache_id='" . sql_escape($cache_id) . "'";
     $res2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
     $db = new dataBase();
Exemplo n.º 3
function removelog($log_id, $language, $lang)
    global $tplname, $usr, $lang, $stylepath, $oc_nodeid, $error_wrong_node, $removed_message_title, $removed_message_end, $emailheaders, $rootpath, $cacheid, $log_record, $cache_types, $cache_size, $cache_status, $dblink, $octeamEmailsSignature;
    $log_rs = sql("SELECT   `cache_logs`.`node` AS `node`, `cache_logs`.`uuid` AS `uuid`, `cache_logs`.`cache_id` AS `cache_id`, `caches`.`user_id` AS `cache_owner_id`,\n                        `caches`.`name` AS `cache_name`, `cache_logs`.`text` AS `log_text`, `cache_logs`.`type` AS `log_type`,\n                        `cache_logs`.`user_id` AS `log_user_id`, `cache_logs`.`date` AS `log_date`,\n                        `log_types`.`icon_small` AS `icon_small`,\n                        `log_types_text`.`text_listing` AS `text_listing`,\n                        `user`.`username` as `log_username`\n                     FROM `log_types`, `log_types_text`, `cache_logs`, `caches`, `user`\n                    WHERE `cache_logs`.`id`='&1'\n                      AND `cache_logs`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n                      AND `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_logs`.`cache_id`\n                      AND `log_types_text`.`log_types_id`=`log_types`.`id` AND `log_types_text`.`lang`='&2'\n                        AND `cache_logs`.`deleted` = &3\n                      AND `log_types`.`id`=`cache_logs`.`type`", $log_id, $lang, 0);
    //log exists?
    if (mysql_num_rows($log_rs) == 1) {
        $log_record = sql_fetch_array($log_rs);
        include $stylepath . '/removelog.inc.php';
        if ($log_record['node'] != $oc_nodeid) {
            tpl_errorMsg('removelog', $error_wrong_node);
        //cache-owner or log-owner
        if ($log_record['log_user_id'] == $usr['userid'] || $log_record['cache_owner_id'] == $usr['userid'] || $usr['admin']) {
            if ($usr['admin'] && isset($_POST['userid'])) {
                $commit = 1;
            } else {
                $commit = isset($_REQUEST['commit']) ? $_REQUEST['commit'] : 0;
            //we are the logger
            if ($log_record['log_user_id'] == $usr['userid']) {
                $tplname = 'removelog_logowner';
            } else {
                $tplname = 'removelog_cacheowner';
                if ($commit == 1) {
                    //send email to logowner schicken
                    $email_content = read_file($stylepath . '/email/removed_log.email');
                    $message = isset($_POST['logowner_message']) ? $_POST['logowner_message'] : '';
                    if ($message != '') {
                        //message to logowner
                        $message = $removed_message_title . "\n" . $message . "\n" . $removed_message_end;
                    //get cache owner name
                    $cache_owner_rs = sql("SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $log_record['cache_owner_id']);
                    $cache_owner_record = sql_fetch_array($cache_owner_rs);
                    //get email address of logowner
                    $log_user_rs = sql("SELECT `email`, `username` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $log_record['log_user_id']);
                    $log_user_record = sql_fetch_array($log_user_rs);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{log_owner}', $log_user_record['username'], $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cache_owner}', $cache_owner_record['username'], $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cache_name}', $log_record['cache_name'], $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{log_entry}', $log_record['log_text'], $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{comment}', $message, $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{removedLog_01}', tr('removedLog_01'), $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{removedLog_02}', tr('removedLog_02'), $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{removedLog_03}', tr('removedLog_03'), $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{octeamEmailsSignature}', $octeamEmailsSignature, $email_content);
                    $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{removedLog_04}', tr('removedLog_04'), $email_content);
                    //send email (only on single removement)
                    mb_send_mail($log_user_record['email'], $removed_log_title, $email_content, $emailheaders);
            if ($commit == 1) {
                // do not acually delete logs - just mark them as deleted.
                sql("UPDATE `cache_logs` SET deleted = 1, `del_by_user_id` =" . $usr['userid'] . " , `last_modified`=NOW(), `last_deleted`=NOW() WHERE `cache_logs`.`id`='&1' LIMIT 1", $log_id);
                // remove from cache_moved for log "MOVED" (mobilniaki by Łza)
                // (kod istniejący wcześniej, zaadaptowany)
                if ($log_record['log_type'] == 4) {
                    // jesli log jest ostatni - przywrocenie kordow z przedostatniego "przeniesiona"
                    $check_cml = sql("SELECT `latitude`,`longitude`,`id` FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `log_id`='&1'", $log_id);
                    if (mysql_num_rows($check_cml) != 0) {
                        $xy_log = sql_fetch_array($check_cml);
                        $check_cmc = sql("SELECT `latitude`,`longitude` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", $log_record['cache_id']);
                        if (mysql_num_rows($check_cmc) != 0) {
                            $xy_cache = sql_fetch_array($check_cmc);
                            if ($xy_cache['latitude'] == $xy_log['latitude'] && $xy_cache['longitude'] == $xy_log['longitude']) {
                                sql("DELETE FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `log_id`='&1' LIMIT 1", $log_id);
                                $get_xy = sql("SELECT `latitude`,`longitude` FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `cache_id`='&1' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1", $log_record['cache_id']);
                                $old_xy = sql_fetch_array($get_xy);
                                if ($old_xy['longitude'] != '' && $old_xy['latitude'] != '') {
                                    sql("UPDATE `caches` SET `last_modified`=NOW(), `longitude`='&1', `latitude`='&2' WHERE `cache_id`='&3'", $old_xy['longitude'], $old_xy['latitude'], $log_record['cache_id']);
                            } else {
                                sql("DELETE FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `log_id`='&1' LIMIT 1", $log_id);
                        } else {
                            sql("DELETE FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `log_id`='&1' LIMIT 1", $log_id);
                if ($log_record['log_type'] == 1 || $log_record['log_type'] == 7) {
                    // remove cache from users top caches, because the found log was deleted for some reason
                    sql("DELETE FROM `cache_rating` WHERE `user_id` = '&1' AND `cache_id` = '&2'", $log_record['log_user_id'], $log_record['cache_id']);
                    // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
                    // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
                    require_once $rootpath . 'okapi/facade.php';
                    \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($log_record['cache_id'], $log_record['log_user_id']);
                    // recalc scores for this cache
                    sql("DELETE FROM `scores` WHERE `user_id` = '&1' AND `cache_id` = '&2'", $log_record['log_user_id'], $log_record['cache_id']);
                    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM scores WHERE cache_id='" . sql_escape($log_record['cache_id']) . "'";
                    $liczba = mysql_result(mysql_query($sql), 0);
                    $sql = "SELECT SUM(score) FROM scores WHERE cache_id='" . sql_escape($log_record['cache_id']) . "'";
                    $suma = @mysql_result(@mysql_query($sql), 0) + 0;
                    // obliczenie nowej sredniej
                    if ($liczba != 0) {
                        $srednia = $suma / $liczba;
                    } else {
                        $srednia = 0;
                    $sql = "UPDATE caches SET votes='" . sql_escape($liczba) . "', score='" . sql_escape($srednia) . "' WHERE cache_id='" . sql_escape($log_record['cache_id']) . "'";
                //call eventhandler
                require_once $rootpath . 'lib/eventhandler.inc.php';
                event_remove_log($cacheid, $usr['userid'] + 0);
                //update cache-stat if type or log_date changed
                $cache_rs = sql("SELECT `founds`, `notfounds`, `notes` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", $log_record['cache_id']);
                $cache_record = sql_fetch_array($cache_rs);
                if ($log_record['log_type'] == 1 || $log_record['log_type'] == 7) {
                } elseif ($log_record['log_type'] == 2 || $log_record['log_type'] == 8) {
                } elseif ($log_record['log_type'] == 3) {
                //Update last found
                $last_tmp = $log_record['cache_id'];
                $lastfound_rs = sql("SELECT MAX(`cache_logs`.`date`) AS `date` FROM `cache_logs` WHERE ((cache_logs.`type`=1) AND (cache_logs.`cache_id`='{$last_tmp}'))");
                $lastfound_record = sql_fetch_array($lastfound_rs);
                if ($lastfound_record['date'] === NULL) {
                    $lastfound = 'NULL';
                } else {
                    $lastfound = $lastfound_record['date'];
                sql("UPDATE `caches` SET `last_found`='&1', `founds`='&2', `notfounds`='&3', `notes`='&4' WHERE `cache_id`='&5'", $lastfound, $cache_record['founds'], $cache_record['notfounds'], $cache_record['notes'], $log_record['cache_id']);
                if (!isset($_POST['userid'])) {
                    //cache anzeigen
                    $_GET['cacheid'] = $log_record['cache_id'];
                    $_REQUEST['cacheid'] = $log_record['cache_id'];
                    require 'viewcache.php';
            } else {
                tpl_set_var('cachename', htmlspecialchars($log_record['cache_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                tpl_set_var('cacheid', htmlspecialchars($log_record['cache_id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                tpl_set_var('logid_urlencode', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($log_id), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                tpl_set_var('logid', htmlspecialchars($log_id, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                $log = read_file($stylepath . '/viewcache_log.tpl.php');
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', htmlspecialchars(strftime("%d %B %Y", strtotime($log_record['log_date'])), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $log);
                if (isset($log_record['recommended']) && $log_record['recommended'] == 1) {
                    $log = mb_ereg_replace('{ratingimage}', $rating_picture, $log);
                } else {
                    $log = mb_ereg_replace('{ratingimage}', '', $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{username}', htmlspecialchars($log_record['log_username'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{userid}', htmlspecialchars($log_record['log_user_id'] + 0, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $log);
                tpl_set_var('log_user_name', htmlspecialchars($log_record['log_username'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{type}', htmlspecialchars($log_record['text_listing'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{logimage}', icon_log_type($log_record['icon_small'], ""), $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{logfunctions}', '', $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{logpictures}', '', $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{logtext}', $log_record['log_text'], $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{username_aktywnosc}', '', $log);
                $log = mb_ereg_replace('{kordy_mobilniaka}', '', $log);
                tpl_set_var('log', $log);
                //make the template and send it out
        } else {
            //TODO: hm ... no permission to remove the log
            d('no permission to remove the log');
    } else {
        //TODO: log doesn't exist
        d('log doesn\'t exist');
Exemplo n.º 4
 switch ($type) {
     case 1:
         $query = "update user set founds_count=founds_count-1 where user_id = " . $_SESSION['user_id'];
         $query = "update caches set founds=founds-1 where cache_id = " . $cahce_id;
         $query = "SELECT 1 FROM `cache_rating` where user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " and cache_id=" . $cahce_id;
         $wynik = XDb::xSql($query);
         $czy_toprating = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik);
         if ($czy_toprating[0] == 1) {
             $query = "delete from `cache_rating` where user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " and cache_id=" . $cahce_id;
             // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
             // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
             require_once $rootpath . 'okapi/facade.php';
             \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($cahce_id, $_SESSION['user_id']);
             // don't use this query! This update is generated by trigger "cacheRatingAfterDelete" on MySQL
             // ==== Limak 10.02.2012 ===
             //$query="update caches set topratings=topratings-1 where cache_id=".$cahce_id;
         $query = "SELECT 1 FROM `scores` where user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " and cache_id=" . $cahce_id;
         $wynik = XDb::xSql($query);
         $czy_scores = XDb::xFetchArray($wynik);
         if ($czy_scores[0] == 1) {
             $query = "delete from `scores` where user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " and cache_id=" . $cahce_id;
             $query = "update caches set votes=votes-1 ,score=(SELECT round( avg( score ) , 1 ) FROM scores WHERE cache_id = " . $cahce_id . ") where cache_id = " . $cahce_id;
Exemplo n.º 5
         } elseif ($log_type == 2 || $log_type == 8) {
         } elseif ($log_type == 3) {
     // update top-list
     if ($top_cache == 1) {
         XDb::xSql("INSERT IGNORE INTO `cache_rating` (`user_id`, `cache_id`)\n                            VALUES(?, ?)", $log_record['user_id'], $log_record['cache_id']);
     } else {
         XDb::xSql("DELETE FROM `cache_rating`\n                            WHERE `user_id`=? AND `cache_id`=?", $log_record['user_id'], $log_record['cache_id']);
     // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
     // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
     require_once $rootpath . 'okapi/facade.php';
     \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($log_record['cache_id'], $log_record['user_id']);
     //Update last found
     $lastFoundDate = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `cache_logs`\n                         WHERE `type` = 1 AND `cache_id`= :1 AND deleted = 0", 'NULL', $log_record['cache_id']);
     XDb::xSql("UPDATE `caches` SET `last_found`=?, `founds`=?, `notfounds`=?, `notes`=? WHERE `cache_id`=?", $lastFoundDate, $cache_record['founds'], $cache_record['notfounds'], $cache_record['notes'], $log_record['cache_id']);
     //display cache page
     tpl_redirect('viewcache.php?cacheid=' . urlencode($log_record['cache_id']));
 // check if user has already found this cache and is not editing the found log (i.e. is able to change another comment's type to 'found')
 $already_found_in_other_comment = 0;
 $founds2 = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) as founds FROM `cache_logs`\n                    WHERE user_id= :1 AND cache_id= :2 AND type='1' AND deleted=0", 0, $usr['userid'], $log_record['cache_id']);
 if ($founds2 > 0) {
     $founds3 = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) as founds FROM `cache_logs`\n                        WHERE id= :1 AND type=1 AND deleted=0", 0, $log_id);
     if ($founds3 == 0) {
Exemplo n.º 6
     case 3:
         $query = "update caches set notes=notes+1 where cache_id = " . $caches['cache_id'];
         $query = "update user set log_notes_count=log_notes_count+1 where user_id = " . $_SESSION['user_id'];
 if ($rodzaj == 1) {
     if ($topratingav == 1 && $rekomendacja == 'on') {
         $query = "insert into cache_rating(cache_id, user_id) values (" . $caches['cache_id'] . "," . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ");";
         // Notify OKAPI's replicate module of the change.
         // Details: https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/265
         require_once $rootpath . 'okapi/facade.php';
         \okapi\Facade::schedule_user_entries_check($caches['cache_id'], $_SESSION['user_id']);
         // don't use this query! This update is generated by trigger "cacheRatingAfterInsert" on MySQL
         // ==== Limak 10.02.2012 ===
         //$query="update caches set topratings=topratings+1 where cache_id=".$caches['cache_id'];
     if ($ocena >= '-3' && $ocena <= '3') {
         $query = "insert into scores(cache_id,user_id,score) values (" . $caches['cache_id'] . "," . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "," . $ocena . ");";
         $query = "update caches set votes=votes+1 ,score=(SELECT round( avg( score ) , 1 ) FROM scores WHERE cache_id = " . $caches['cache_id'] . ") where cache_id = " . $caches['cache_id'];
 header('Location: ./viewcache.php?wp=' . $wp);