Exemplo n.º 1

namespace Project;

require '../header.php';
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
require '../include/config.php';
use stdClass, Oda\OdaLib;
$retours = array();
$retours[] = OdaLib::test("sayHello", function () {
    $v_test = ProjectInterface::sayHello();
    OdaLib::equal($v_test, "hello", "Test OK : Passed!");
$resultats = new stdClass();
$resultats->details = $retours;
$resultats->succes = 0;
$resultats->echec = 0;
$resultats->total = 0;
foreach ($retours as $key => $value) {
    $resultats->succes += $value->succes;
    $resultats->echec += $value->echec;
    $resultats->total += $value->total;
Exemplo n.º 2
//Build the interface
$params = new SimpleObject\OdaPrepareInterface();
$params->arrayInput = array("login", "mdp");
$ODA_INTERFACE = new OdaLibInterface($params);
// vendor/happykiller/oda/resources/api/getAuth.php?milis=123450&login=VIS&mdp=VIS
$params = new SimpleObject\OdaPrepareReqSql();
$params->sql = "select a.`id_rang`, a.`code_user`, a.`password`, a.`mail`\n    from `api_tab_utilisateurs` a\n    where 1=1\n    and a.`code_user` = :code_user\n;";
$params->bindsValue = ["code_user" => $ODA_INTERFACE->inputs["login"]];
$params->typeSQL = OdaLibBd::SQL_GET_ONE;
$retour = $ODA_INTERFACE->BD_ENGINE->reqODASQL($params);
if (!$retour->data) {
    $ODA_INTERFACE->dieInError('Auth impossible.(user unknown)', $ODA_INTERFACE::STATE_ERROR_AUTH);
} else {
    if (OdaLib::startsWith($ODA_INTERFACE->inputs["mdp"], "authByGoogle-")) {
        $mail = str_replace("authByGoogle-", "", $ODA_INTERFACE->inputs["mdp"]);
        if ($mail !== $retour->data->mail) {
            $ODA_INTERFACE->dieInError('Auth impossible.(mail incorrect)', $ODA_INTERFACE::STATE_ERROR_AUTH);
$key = $ODA_INTERFACE->buildSession(array('code_user' => $ODA_INTERFACE->inputs["login"], 'password' => $ODA_INTERFACE->inputs["mdp"], 'dbPassword' => $retour->data->password));
$data = new stdClass();
$data->id_rang = $retour->data->id_rang;
$data->code_user = $retour->data->code_user;
$data->keyAuthODA = $key;
$retour->data = $data;
$params = new \stdClass();
$params->label = "resultat";
Exemplo n.º 3

namespace Oda;

require '../../../../../header.php';
require '../../../../../vendor/autoload.php';
require '../../../../../config/config.php';
use stdClass, Oda\SimpleObject\OdaPrepareInterface, Oda\SimpleObject\OdaConfig;
//Build the interface
$params = new OdaPrepareInterface();
$params->arrayInput = array("email_mails_dest", "message_html", "sujet");
$params->arrayInputOpt = array("email_mail_ori" => "*****@*****.**", "email_labelle_ori" => "ODA Service Mail", "email_mail_reply" => null, "email_labelle_reply" => null, "email_mails_copy" => null, "email_mails_cache" => null, "message_txt" => "HTML not supported");
$ODA_INTERFACE = new OdaLibInterface($params);
// API/script/send_mail.php?milis=123450&email_mail_ori=admin@mail.com&email_labelle_ori=ServiceMailOda&email_mail_reply=admin@mail.com&email_labelle_reply=ServiceMailOda&email_mails_dest=fabrice.rosito@gmail.com&email_mails_copy=fabrice.rosito@gmail.com&email_mails_cache=fabrice.rosito@gmail.com&message_txt=Anomalie avec le support du HTML.&message_html=<html><head></head><body><b>Merci</b> de repondre à ce mail en moins de 37min</body></html>&sujet=Hey mon ami !
$config = OdaConfig::getInstance();
if ($config->MAILGUN->isOK()) {
    $result = OdaLib::sendMailGun($ODA_INTERFACE->inputs);
} else {
    $result = OdaLib::sendMail($ODA_INTERFACE->inputs);
$params = new stdClass();
$params->label = "resultat";
$params->value = $result;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * buildSession
  * @param array $p_params
  * @param array $p_params[code_user]
  * @param array $p_params[password]
  * @param array $p_params[dbPassword]
  * @return string
 public function buildSession($p_params)
     try {
         $v_code_user = $p_params["code_user"];
         $v_key = "";
         //Detruit les veilles clés
         $params = new SimpleObject\OdaPrepareReqSql();
         $params->sql = "DELETE FROM `api_tab_session`\n                WHERE 1=1\n                AND `datas` like '%\"code_user\":\"" . $v_code_user . "\"%'\n                AND (`dateCreation` + INTERVAL `periodeValideMinute` MINUTE) < NOW()\n                AND `periodeValideMinute` != 0\n            ;";
         $params->typeSQL = OdaLibBd::SQL_SCRIPT;
         $retour = $this->BD_AUTH->reqODASQL($params);
         //Vérifie la présence d'une clé
         $params = new SimpleObject\OdaPrepareReqSql();
         $params->sql = "SELECT *\n                FROM `api_tab_session` a\n                WHERE 1=1\n                AND a.`datas` like '%\"code_user\":\"" . $v_code_user . "\"%'\n                AND (a.`dateCreation` + INTERVAL a.`periodeValideMinute` MINUTE) > NOW()\n            ;";
         $params->typeSQL = OdaLibBd::SQL_GET_ONE;
         $retour = $this->BD_AUTH->reqODASQL($params);
         if ($retour->data) {
             $v_key = $retour->data->key;
         } else {
             //Check log pass
             $checkPass = true;
             if (!OdaLib::startsWith($p_params['password'], "authByGoogle-")) {
                 $checkPass = password_verify($p_params['password'], $p_params['dbPassword']);
             if ($checkPass) {
                 //Construit une nouvelle clé
                 $v_strDate = \date('YmdHis');
                 $v_key = \md5($v_code_user . "_" . $v_strDate);
                 $json = new stdClass();
                 $json->code_user = $v_code_user;
                 $json->date = $v_strDate;
                 $params = new SimpleObject\OdaPrepareReqSql();
                 $params->sql = "INSERT INTO `api_tab_session`(\n                            `id` ,\n                            `key` ,\n                            `datas` ,\n                            `dateCreation` ,\n                            `periodeValideMinute`\n                        )\n                        VALUES (\n                            NULL , '" . $v_key . "',  '" . \json_encode($json) . "',  NOW(), 720\n                        )\n                    ;";
                 $params->typeSQL = OdaLibBd::SQL_INSERT_ONE;
                 $retour = $this->BD_ENGINE->reqODASQL($params);
             } else {
                 $this->dieInError('Auth impossible.(Password wrong)', self::STATE_ERROR_AUTH);
         return $v_key;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->object_retour->strErreur = $ex . '';
         $this->object_retour->statut = self::STATE_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function recurse_copy($src, $dst)
     $dir = opendir($src);
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
         if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
             if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) {
                 OdaLib::recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
             } else {
                 copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
Exemplo n.º 6

require "../dist/OdaLib.php";
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * Date: 20/07/2015
 * Time: 13:40
$shortopts = "";
$longopts = array("test::");
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts);
\Oda\OdaLib::recurse_copy("default", "../../../../");