  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $services
  * @return OAuth2\Server
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $services)
     $config = $services->get('Config');
     if (!isset($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']) || empty($config['zf-oauth2']['storage'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The storage configuration [\'zf-oauth2\'][\'storage\'] for OAuth2 is missing');
     $storage = $services->get($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']);
     $enforceState = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state'] : true;
     $allowImplicit = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit'] : false;
     $accessLifetime = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['access_lifetime']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['access_lifetime'] : 3600;
     $options = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['options']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['options'] : array();
     $options = array_merge($options, array('enforce_state' => $enforceState, 'allow_implicit' => $allowImplicit, 'access_lifetime' => $accessLifetime));
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new OAuth2Server($storage, $options);
     $clientOptions = array();
     if (isset($options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'])) {
         $clientOptions['allow_credentials_in_request_body'] = $options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'];
     // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage, $clientOptions));
     // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     // Add the "User Credentials" grant type
     $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
     $refreshOptions = array();
     if (isset($options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'])) {
         $refreshOptions['always_issue_new_refresh_token'] = $options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'];
     if (isset($options['refresh_token_lifetime'])) {
         $refreshOptions['refresh_token_lifetime'] = $options['refresh_token_lifetime'];
     // Add the "Refresh Token" grant type
     $server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($storage, $refreshOptions));
     return $server;
  * Create an OAuth2\Server instance.
  * @return OAuth2Server
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
 public function __invoke()
     if ($this->server) {
         return $this->server;
     $config = $this->config;
     if (!isset($config['storage']) || empty($config['storage'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The storage configuration for OAuth2 is missing');
     $storagesServices = array();
     if (is_string($config['storage'])) {
         $storagesServices[] = $config['storage'];
     } elseif (is_array($config['storage'])) {
         $storagesServices = $config['storage'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The storage configuration for OAuth2 should be string or array');
     $storage = array();
     foreach ($storagesServices as $storageKey => $storagesService) {
         $storage[$storageKey] = $this->services->get($storagesService);
     $enforceState = isset($config['enforce_state']) ? $config['enforce_state'] : true;
     $allowImplicit = isset($config['allow_implicit']) ? $config['allow_implicit'] : false;
     $accessLifetime = isset($config['access_lifetime']) ? $config['access_lifetime'] : 3600;
     $audience = isset($config['audience']) ? $config['audience'] : '';
     $options = isset($config['options']) ? $config['options'] : array();
     $options = array_merge(array('enforce_state' => $enforceState, 'allow_implicit' => $allowImplicit, 'access_lifetime' => $accessLifetime), $options);
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new OAuth2Server($storage, $options);
     $availableGrantTypes = $config['grant_types'];
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['client_credentials']) && $availableGrantTypes['client_credentials'] === true) {
         $clientOptions = array();
         if (isset($options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'])) {
             $clientOptions['allow_credentials_in_request_body'] = $options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'];
         // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($server->getStorage('client_credentials'), $clientOptions));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['authorization_code']) && $availableGrantTypes['authorization_code'] === true) {
         // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
         $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($server->getStorage('authorization_code')));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['password']) && $availableGrantTypes['password'] === true) {
         // Add the "User Credentials" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($server->getStorage('user_credentials')));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['jwt']) && $availableGrantTypes['jwt'] === true) {
         // Add the "JWT Bearer" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new JwtBearer($server->getStorage('jwt_bearer'), $audience));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['refresh_token']) && $availableGrantTypes['refresh_token'] === true) {
         $refreshOptions = array();
         if (isset($options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'])) {
             $refreshOptions['always_issue_new_refresh_token'] = $options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'];
         // Add the "Refresh Token" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($server->getStorage('refresh_token'), $refreshOptions));
     return $this->server = $server;
 public function init($type)
     ini_set('display_errors', 1);
     $loader = new Autoloader();
     $storage = $this->getMysqlStorage();
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     if ($type == self::IMPLICIT) {
         $server = new Server($storage, array('allow_implicit' => true));
     } else {
         $server = new Server($storage, array('allow_implicit' => false));
     if ($type == self::CLIENT_CREDENTIALS) {
         // 客户端授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage, array('allow_credentials_in_request_body => true')));
     } elseif ($type == self::AUTHORIZATION_CODE) {
         // 增加授权码模式授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     } elseif ($type == self::PASSWORD) {
         // 增加password模式授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
     } else {
         // 增加password模式授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
         // 增加授权码模式授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
         // 客户端授权类型
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function __construct()
     // Database
     $db = (object) Config::get('database.connections.mysql');
     $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=' . $db->database . ';host=' . $db->host;
     $pdoconfig = array('client_table' => 'oauth_clients', 'access_token_table' => 'oauth_access_tokens');
     $storage = new Pdo(array('dsn' => $dsn, 'username' => $db->username, 'password' => $db->password), $pdoconfig);
     $this->server = new Server($storage, array('allow_implicit' => true, 'enforce_redirect' => true, 'access_lifetime' => 3600 * 24 * 365 * 2));
     $this->server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     $this->server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($storage, array('always_issue_new_refresh_token' => true, 'refresh_token_lifetime' => 3600 * 24 * 31 * 2)));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param Storage|\PDO $storage
  * @param array        $config default array(
  * 'access_lifetime'          => 3600,
  * 'www_realm'                => 'Service',
  * 'token_param_name'         => 'access_token',
  * 'token_bearer_header_name' => 'Bearer',
  * 'enforce_state'            => true,
  * 'require_exact_redirect_uri' => true,
  * 'allow_implicit'           => false,
  * 'allow_credentials_in_request_body' => true,
  * ).
 public function __construct($storage, $config = array())
     $this->storage = $storage;
     $config = array_merge(array('enforce_state' => false), $config);
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new Server($storage, $config);
     // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
     // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     $server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($storage));
     $this->server = $server;
  * @return \OAuth2\Server
 public function __invoke()
     if (null !== $this->_server) {
         return $this->_server;
     $this->_server = $this->_factory->__invoke();
     // register custom grant types
     $this->_server->addGrantType(new EmailCredentials($this->getServiceLocator()->get('CredentialsAdapter\\Email')));
     $this->_server->addGrantType(new CodeCredentials($this->getServiceLocator()->get('CredentialsAdapter\\Code')));
     $this->_server->addGrantType(new FacebookCredentials($this->getServiceLocator()->get('CredentialsAdapter\\Facebook')));
     $this->_server->addGrantType(new GoogleCredentials($this->getServiceLocator()->get('CredentialsAdapter\\Google')));
     return $this->_server;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @return OAuth2Server
 protected function bootstrap()
     $db = $this->db;
     $config = ['user_table' => 'users'];
     $storage = new StoragePdo($db->getInternalHandler(), $config);
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new OAuth2Server($storage);
     // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
     // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     // add the grant type to your OAuth server
     $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function get()
     $conn = ['db' => 'projekta'];
     $mongo = new \MongoClient('mongodb://localhost', $conn);
     $db = $mongo->selectDB("projekta");
     $storage = new Mongo($db);
     $server = new OauthServer($storage);
     //Password Grant
     $passwordGrant = new UserCredentials($storage);
     //RefreshToken Grant
     $refreshTokenGrant = new RefreshToken($storage);
     return $server;
 private function getTestServer()
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage, array('use_openid_connect' => true));
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function middleware($req, $res)
     $this->app['oauth_server'] = function ($c) {
         $storage = new IdealistStorage();
         $server = new Server($storage);
         // password grant type
         $grantType = new UserCredentials($storage);
         // JWT access token response type
         $config = $c['config']->get('oauth2');
         $jwtResponseType = new JwtAccessToken($storage, $storage, null, $config);
         return $server;
     $this->app['oauth_resource'] = function ($c) {
         $server = new Server();
         // no private key is necessary for the resource server
         $keyStorage = new Memory(['keys' => ['public_key' => file_get_contents(INFUSE_BASE_DIR . '/jwt_pubkey.pem')]]);
         $storage = new JwtAccessTokenStorage($keyStorage);
         $server->addStorage($storage, 'access_token');
         return $server;
     // attempt to authenticate the user when an API request is made
     if ($req->isApi()) {
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function getTestServer()
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function getTestServer($config = array())
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage, $config);
     // Add the two types supported for authorization grant
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     return $server;
 private function getTestServer($config = array())
     $config += array('use_openid_connect' => true, 'issuer' => 'test', 'id_lifetime' => 3600, 'allow_implicit' => true);
     $memoryStorage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $responseTypes = array('code' => $code = new AuthorizationCode($memoryStorage), 'id_token' => $idToken = new IdToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage, $config), 'code id_token' => new CodeIdToken($code, $idToken));
     $server = new Server($memoryStorage, $config, array(), $responseTypes);
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($memoryStorage));
     return $server;
 private function getTestServer($config = array())
     $config += array('use_openid_connect' => true, 'issuer' => 'test', 'id_lifetime' => 3600);
     $memoryStorage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $responseTypes = array('token' => $token = new AccessToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage), 'id_token' => $idToken = new IdToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage, $config), 'id_token token' => new IdTokenToken($token, $idToken));
     $server = new Server($memoryStorage, $config, array(), $responseTypes);
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($memoryStorage));
     return $server;
  * Create an OAuth2 server by introspecting the config service
  * @param  ServiceLocatorInterface $services
  * @throws \Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException
  * @return false|OAuth2Server
 protected function createOAuth2Server(ServiceLocatorInterface $services)
     if (!$services->has('config')) {
         return false;
     $config = $services->get('config');
     if (!isset($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']) || !is_string($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']) || !$services->has($config['zf-oauth2']['storage'])) {
         return false;
     $storage = $services->get($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']);
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $oauth2Server = new OAuth2Server($storage);
     // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
     $oauth2Server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
     // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type
     $oauth2Server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     return $oauth2Server;
Exemplo n.º 16
 private function getTestServer()
     $memoryStorage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $storage = array('access_token' => new CryptoTokenStorage($memoryStorage), 'client' => $memoryStorage, 'client_credentials' => $memoryStorage);
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($memoryStorage));
     // make the "token" response type a CryptoToken
     $server->addResponseType(new CryptoToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected function configure(Slim $app)
     $app->container->singleton('request', function ($c) {
         //Use adapter so slim and oauth2 library works with the same object
         return new RequestAdapter($c['environment']);
     $app->container->singleton('response', function ($c) {
         //Use adapter so slim and oauth2 library works with the same object
         return new ResponseAdapter();
     $app->container->singleton('saml_settings', function ($c) {
         if ($saml_settings = (include $c['settings']['saml']['settings_file'])) {
             return $saml_settings;
         } else {
             die("couldn find settings file in ['settings']['saml']['settings_file'] ");
     $app->container->singleton('oauthServer', function ($c) {
         //basic set up
         $settings = $c['settings'];
         $storage = new Pdo($settings['db']);
         $server = new Server($storage);
         //saml-bearer grant! This conf is actually the file from /inst/saml_settings.php
         //and its almost directly handled by onelogin/php-saml library
         //refer to onelogin/php-saml for more information.
         //Note that you will have to properly configure saml IDP
         $server->addGrantType(new Saml2Bearer($c['saml_settings']));
         //just in case you only want to see how to set up basic stuff using slim
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
         $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
         $defaultScope = 'basic';
         $supportedScopes = array('basic', 'mail', 'bank_account');
         $memory = new Memory(array('default_scope' => $defaultScope, 'supported_scopes' => $supportedScopes));
         $scopeUtil = new Scope($memory);
         return $server;
 * Register the service provider.
 * @return void
 public function register()
     // Register 'underlyingclass' instance container to our UnderlyingClass object
     $this->app['oauth2server'] = $this->app->share(function ($app) {
         $storage = new OAuth2\Storage\Pdo(array('dsn' => "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_name", 'username' => "root", 'password' => "somepassword"));
         // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
         $config = array('allow_implicit' => true, 'access_lifetime' => 3600 * 24 * 7 * 3);
         // 3 weeks duration
         $server = new OAuth2\Server($storage, $config);
         // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
         $server->addGrantType(new OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage));
         // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
         $server->addGrantType(new OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode($storage));
         return $server;
     // Shortcut so developers don't need to add an Alias in app/config/app.php
     $this->app->booting(function () {
         $loader = \Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader::getInstance();
         $loader->alias('Oauth2Server', 'Victorhqc\\OAuth2\\OFacade');
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $controllers
  * @return AuthController
  * @throws \ZF\OAuth2\Controller\Exception\RuntimeException
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllers)
     $services = $controllers->getServiceLocator()->get('ServiceManager');
     $config = $services->get('Configuration');
     if (!isset($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']) || empty($config['zf-oauth2']['storage'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The storage configuration [\'zf-oauth2\'][\'storage\'] for OAuth2 is missing');
     $storage = $services->get($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']);
     $enforceState = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state'] : true;
     $allowImplicit = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit'] : false;
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new OAuth2Server($storage, array('enforce_state' => $enforceState, 'allow_implicit' => $allowImplicit));
     // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
     // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     // Add the "User Credentials" grant type
     $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($storage));
     // Add the "Refresh Token" grant type
     $server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($storage));
     return new AuthController($server);
  * @param  ServiceLocatorInterface                          $controllers
  * @return AuthController
  * @throws \ZF\OAuth2\Controller\Exception\RuntimeException
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllers)
     $services = $controllers->getServiceLocator()->get('ServiceManager');
     $config = $services->get('Configuration');
     if (!isset($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']) || empty($config['zf-oauth2']['storage'])) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The storage configuration [\'zf-oauth2\'][\'storage\'] for OAuth2 is missing');
     $storage = $services->get($config['zf-oauth2']['storage']);
     $enforceState = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['enforce_state'] : true;
     $allowImplicit = isset($config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit']) ? $config['zf-oauth2']['allow_implicit'] : false;
     // Pass a storage object or array of storage objects to the OAuth2 server class
     $server = new OAuth2Server($storage, ['enforce_state' => $enforceState, 'allow_implicit' => $allowImplicit]);
     // Add the "Social Credentials" grant type (custo grant type)
     $server->addGrantType(new SocialCredentials($storage));
     $hybridAuthConfig = $config['social-oauth2'];
     $hybridAuthConfig['base_url'] = $this->getBaseUrl($services);
     $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($hybridAuthConfig);
     return new AuthController($server, $hybridauth);
  * This method inspects the request and routes the data
  * to the correct method
  * @return void
 public function create($data)
     $usersTable = $this->getUsersTable();
     $user = $usersTable->getByUsername($data['username']);
     $bcrypt = new Bcrypt();
     if (!empty($user) && $bcrypt->verify($data['password'], $user->password)) {
         $storage = new Pdo($usersTable->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getConnectionParameters());
         $server = new Server($storage);
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($storage));
         $response = $server->handleTokenRequest(Request::createFromGlobals());
         if (!$response->isSuccessful()) {
             $result = new JsonModel(array('result' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid oauth'));
         return new JsonModel($response->getParameters());
     } else {
         $result = new JsonModel(array('result' => false, 'errors' => 'Invalid Username or password'));
     return $result;
 private function getTestServer()
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function testAddGrantTypeWithKeyNotString()
     $server = new Server();
     $server->addGrantType(new \OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode($this->getMock('OAuth2\\Storage\\AuthorizationCodeInterface')), 42);
     $grantTypes = $server->getGrantTypes();
     $this->assertEquals('authorization_code', key($grantTypes));
 private function getTestServer()
     $memoryStorage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $storage = array('access_token' => new JwtAccessTokenStorage($memoryStorage), 'client' => $memoryStorage, 'client_credentials' => $memoryStorage);
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($memoryStorage));
     // make the "token" response type a JwtAccessToken
     $config = array('issuer' => 'https://api.example.com');
     $server->addResponseType(new JwtAccessToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage, null, $config));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 25
 private function getTestServer($audience = 'http://myapp.com/oauth/auth')
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new JwtBearer($storage, $audience, new Jwt()));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 26
 private function getTestServer($config = array())
     $config += array('use_openid_connect' => true, 'issuer' => 'test', 'id_lifetime' => 3600);
     $memoryStorage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $memoryStorage->supportedScopes[] = 'email';
     $storage = array('client' => $memoryStorage, 'scope' => $memoryStorage);
     $responseTypes = array('id_token' => new IdToken($memoryStorage, $memoryStorage, $config));
     $server = new Server($storage, $config, array(), $responseTypes);
     $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($memoryStorage));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Inject grant types into the OAuth2\Server instance, based on zf-oauth2
  * configuration.
  * @param OAuth2Server $server
  * @param array $availableGrantTypes
  * @param array $options
  * @return OAuth2Server
 private static function injectGrantTypes(OAuth2Server $server, array $availableGrantTypes, array $options, ServiceLocatorInterface $services)
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['client_credentials']) && $availableGrantTypes['client_credentials'] === true) {
         $clientOptions = [];
         if (isset($options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'])) {
             $clientOptions['allow_credentials_in_request_body'] = $options['allow_credentials_in_request_body'];
         // Add the "Client Credentials" grant type (it is the simplest of the grant types)
         $server->addGrantType(new ClientCredentials($server->getStorage('client_credentials'), $clientOptions));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['authorization_code']) && $availableGrantTypes['authorization_code'] === true) {
         // Add the "Authorization Code" grant type (this is where the oauth magic happens)
         $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($server->getStorage('authorization_code')));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['password']) && $availableGrantTypes['password'] === true) {
         // Add the "User Credentials" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new UserCredentials($server->getStorage('user_credentials')));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['jwt']) && $availableGrantTypes['jwt'] === true) {
         // Add the "JWT Bearer" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new JwtBearer($server->getStorage('jwt_bearer'), $options['audience']));
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['refresh_token']) && $availableGrantTypes['refresh_token'] === true) {
         $refreshOptions = [];
         if (isset($options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'])) {
             $refreshOptions['always_issue_new_refresh_token'] = $options['always_issue_new_refresh_token'];
         if (isset($options['refresh_token_lifetime'])) {
             $refreshOptions['refresh_token_lifetime'] = $options['refresh_token_lifetime'];
         // Add the "Refresh Token" grant type
         $server->addGrantType(new RefreshToken($server->getStorage('refresh_token'), $refreshOptions));
     // Add custom grant type from the service locator
     if (isset($availableGrantTypes['custom_grant_types']) && is_array($availableGrantTypes['custom_grant_types'])) {
         foreach ($availableGrantTypes['custom_grant_types'] as $grantKey => $grantType) {
             if ($services->has($grantType)) {
                 $server->addGrantType($services->get($grantType, $grantKey));
     return $server;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function testGetTokenControllerAccessTokenStorageAndClientCredentialsStorageAndGrantTypes()
     $server = new Server();
  * Creates an instance of the oauth2 server to handle all things oauth-related.
 protected function makeOauth2()
     $this->app->singleton('oauth2', function () {
          * Custom storage for application
         $storage = App::make('oauth2_storage');
         $refresh_token_lifetime = strtotime('+2 years') - time();
         $access_lifetime = strtotime('+1 year') - time();
         $auth_code_lifetime = strtotime('+2 minutes') - time();
         $config = array('always_issue_new_refresh_token' => true, 'refresh_token_lifetime' => $refresh_token_lifetime, 'access_lifetime' => $access_lifetime, 'auth_code_lifetime' => $auth_code_lifetime, 'allow_implicit' => true);
         $server = new Server($storage, $config);
         $all_grant_types = App::make('oauth2_grant_types');
         $supported_grant_types = \Config::get('api-foundation::supported_grant_types');
         foreach ($supported_grant_types as $grant_type) {
             if (array_key_exists($grant_type, $all_grant_types)) {
                 $grant_type_class = $all_grant_types[$grant_type];
                 $server->addGrantType(new $grant_type_class($storage, $config));
         return $server;
 private function getTestServer()
     $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage();
     $server = new Server($storage);
     $server->addGrantType(new AuthorizationCode($storage));
     // or some other grant type.  This is the simplest
     return $server;