Exemplo n.º 1
 public function exportToFile($path, $query, $gzip = false, $isParallel = true, $overwriteExistingFiles = false)
     $path = ltrim(preg_replace('#/+#', "/", $path), "/");
     $s3path = $this->s3Fs->getRealpath($path);
     mdebug("export file to temp s3, prefix = %s", $s3path);
     $suffix = $gzip ? "\\.gz" : "";
     $clearPattern = "#^" . preg_quote($path, "#") . "#";
     $downloadPattern = "#^" . preg_quote($path, "#") . "([0-9]{2,})?(_part_[0-9]{2,})?{$suffix}\$#";
     mdebug("Clear pattern for %s is %s", $path, $clearPattern);
     mdebug("Download pattern for %s is %s", $path, $downloadPattern);
     // clear remote path
     try {
         $finder = $this->s3Fs->getFinder();
         if ($finder->count() > 0) {
             if ($overwriteExistingFiles) {
                 foreach ($finder as $splFileInfo) {
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The path is not empty on remote end, path = %s", $path));
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         if (strpos($e->getMessage(), "directory does not exist") === false) {
             throw $e;
     // clear local path
     $finder = $this->localFs->getFinder();
     if ($finder->count() > 0) {
         if ($overwriteExistingFiles) {
             foreach ($finder as $splFileInfo) {
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The path is not empty locally, path = %s", $path));
     $tempCredential = $this->sts->getTemporaryCredential();
     $this->connection->unloadToS3($query, $s3path, $tempCredential, true, $gzip, $isParallel);
     $finder = $this->s3Fs->getFinder();
     foreach ($finder as $splFileInfo) {
         $partName = $splFileInfo->getRelativePathname();
         $fh = $this->s3Fs->readStream($partName);
         $this->localFs->putStream($partName, $fh);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function importFromFile($path, $table, $columns, $gzip = false, $overwriteS3Files = false)
     $timestamp = microtime(true) . getmypid();
     $path = ltrim(preg_replace('#/+#', "/", $path), "/");
     $suffix = $gzip ? "\\.gz" : "";
     $uploadPattern = "#^" . preg_quote($path, "#") . "([0-9]{2,})?(_part_[0-9]{2,})?{$suffix}\$#";
     $clearPattern = "#^" . preg_quote($path, "#") . ".*/" . $timestamp . "\$#";
     mdebug("Upload pattern is %s", $uploadPattern);
     mdebug("Clear pattern is %s", $clearPattern);
     $localFinder = $this->localFs->getFinder();
     if ($localFinder->count() == 0) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("No import files found at path: %s, pattern = %s", $path, $uploadPattern));
     try {
         $s3Finder = $this->s3Fs->getFinder();
         if ($s3Finder->count() > 0) {
             if ($overwriteS3Files) {
                 foreach ($s3Finder as $splFileInfo) {
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("The path is not empty on remote end, path = %s", $path));
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         if (strpos($e->getMessage(), "directory does not exist") === false) {
             throw $e;
     $uploaded = [];
     foreach ($localFinder as $splFileInfo) {
         $relativePathname = $splFileInfo->getRelativePathname();
         $remoteName = $relativePathname . "/" . $timestamp;
         $fh = $this->localFs->readStream($relativePathname);
         // IMPORTANT: use write stream so that s3fs doesn't check for key exisistence, which in turn would bread the strong consistency of s3
         $this->s3Fs->writeStream($remoteName, $fh);
         $uploaded[] = $remoteName;
         mdebug("Uploaded %s to %s", $relativePathname, $remoteName);
     //$inStream = $this->localFs->readStream($path);
     //$this->s3Fs->putStream($path, $inStream);
     $s3path = $this->s3Fs->getRealpath($path);
     mdebug("uploaded file to temp s3, path = %s", $s3path);
     $tempCredential = $this->sts->getTemporaryCredential();
     $this->connection->copyFromS3($table, $columns, $s3path, $this->s3Region, $tempCredential, true, $gzip);
     foreach ($uploaded as $relativePathname) {