Exemplo n.º 1
if (!$page->users->isLoggedIn()) {
$releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
$tvrage = new TvRage(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
$cat = new Category(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
$us = new UserSeries(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
if (isset($_GET["id"]) && ctype_digit($_GET['id'])) {
    $category = -1;
    if (isset($_REQUEST["t"]) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST["t"])) {
        $category = $_REQUEST["t"];
    $catarray = array();
    $catarray[] = $category;
    $rel = $releases->searchbyRageId($_GET["id"], '', '', 0, 1000, "", $catarray, -1);
    $rage = $tvrage->getByRageID($_GET['id']);
    if (!$rage) {
        $page->smarty->assign("nodata", "No tvrage information for this series.");
    } elseif (!$rel) {
        $page->smarty->assign("nodata", "No releases for this series.");
    } else {
        $myshows = $us->getShow($page->users->currentUserId(), $rage[0]['rageid']);
        // Sort releases by season, episode, date posted.
        $season = $episode = $posted = array();
        foreach ($rel as $rlk => $rlv) {
            $season[$rlk] = $rlv['season'];
            $episode[$rlk] = $rlv['episode'];
            $posted[$rlk] = $rlv['postdate'];
        array_multisort($season, SORT_DESC, $episode, SORT_DESC, $posted, SORT_DESC, $rel);
        $seasons = array();
Exemplo n.º 2
 $rc = new ReleaseComments($page->settings);
 if ($page->isPostBack()) {
     $rc->addComment($data['id'], $_POST['txtAddComment'], $page->users->currentUserId(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
 $nfo = $releases->getReleaseNfo($data['id'], false);
 $re = new ReleaseExtra($page->settings);
 $reVideo = $re->getVideo($data['id']);
 $reAudio = $re->getAudio($data['id']);
 $reSubs = $re->getSubs($data['id']);
 $comments = $rc->getComments($data['id']);
 $similars = $releases->searchSimilar($data['id'], $data['searchname'], 6, $page->userdata['categoryexclusions']);
 $rage = $ani = $mov = $mus = $con = $game = $xxx = $boo = '';
 if ($data['rageid'] != '') {
     $tvrage = new TvRage(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
     $rageinfo = $tvrage->getByRageID($data['rageid']);
     if (count($rageinfo) > 0) {
         $seriesnames = $seriesdescription = $seriescountry = $seriesgenre = $seriesimg = $seriesid = [];
         foreach ($rageinfo as $r) {
             $seriesnames[] = $r['releasetitle'];
             if (!empty($r['description'])) {
                 $seriesdescription[] = $r['description'];
             if (!empty($r['country'])) {
                 $seriescountry[] = $r['country'];
             if (!empty($r['genre'])) {
                 $seriesgenre[] = $r['genre'];
             if (!empty($r['imgdata'])) {
                 $seriesimg[] = $r['imgdata'];
Exemplo n.º 3
     * Attempt to find NFO files inside the NZB's of releases.
     * @param object $nntp           Instance of class NNTP.
     * @param string $groupID        (optional) Group ID.
     * @param string $guidChar       (optional) First character of the release GUID (used for multi-processing).
     * @param int    $processImdb    (optional) Attempt to find IMDB id's in the NZB?
     * @param int    $processTvrage  (optional) Attempt to find TvRage id's in the NZB?
     * @return int                   How many NFO's were processed?
     * @access public
    public function processNfoFiles($nntp, $groupID = '', $guidChar = '', $processImdb = 1, $processTvrage = 1)
        $ret = 0;
        $guidCharQuery = $guidChar === '' ? '' : 'AND r.guid ' . $this->pdo->likeString($guidChar, false, true);
        $groupIDQuery = $groupID === '' ? '' : 'AND r.group_id = ' . $groupID;
        $optionsQuery = self::NfoQueryString($this->pdo);
        $res = $this->pdo->query(sprintf('
				SELECT r.id, r.guid, r.group_id, r.name
				FROM releases r
				WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
				ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC, r.postdate DESC
				LIMIT %d', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery, $this->nzbs));
        $nfoCount = count($res);
        if ($nfoCount > 0) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . ($guidChar === '' ? '' : '[' . $guidChar . '] ') . ($groupID === '' ? '' : '[' . $groupID . '] ') . 'Processing ' . $nfoCount . ' NFO(s), starting at ' . $this->nzbs . ' * = hidden NFO, + = NFO, - = no NFO, f = download failed.'));
            if ($this->echo) {
                // Get count of releases per nfo status
                $nfoStats = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
						SELECT r.nfostatus AS status, COUNT(*) AS count
						FROM releases r
						WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
						GROUP BY r.nfostatus
						ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery));
                if ($nfoStats instanceof \Traversable) {
                    $outString = PHP_EOL . 'Available to process';
                    foreach ($nfoStats as $row) {
                        $outString .= ', ' . $row['status'] . ' = ' . number_format($row['count']);
                    $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header($outString . '.'));
            $groups = new Groups(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            $nzbContents = new NZBContents(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'NNTP' => $nntp, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo, 'PostProcess' => new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo])]);
            $movie = new Movie(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            $tvRage = new TvRage(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            foreach ($res as $arr) {
                $fetchedBinary = $nzbContents->getNFOfromNZB($arr['guid'], $arr['id'], $arr['group_id'], $groups->getByNameByID($arr['group_id']));
                if ($fetchedBinary !== false) {
                    // Insert nfo into database.
                    $cp = 'COMPRESS(%s)';
                    $nc = $this->pdo->escapeString($fetchedBinary);
                    $ckreleaseid = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM release_nfos WHERE releaseid = %d', $arr['id']));
                    if (!isset($ckreleaseid['id'])) {
                        $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO release_nfos (nfo, releaseid) VALUES (' . $cp . ', %d)', $nc, $arr['id']));
                    $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', self::NFO_FOUND, $arr['id']));
                    $movie->doMovieUpdate($fetchedBinary, 'nfo', $arr['id'], $processImdb);
                    // If set scan for tvrage info.
                    if ($processTvrage == 1) {
                        $rageId = $this->parseRageId($fetchedBinary);
                        if ($rageId !== false) {
                            $show = $tvRage->parseNameEpSeason($arr['name']);
                            if (is_array($show) && $show['name'] != '') {
                                // Update release with season, ep, and air date info (if available) from release title.
                                $tvRage->updateEpInfo($show, $arr['id']);
                                $rid = $tvRage->getByRageID($rageId);
                                if (!$rid) {
                                    $tvrShow = $tvRage->getRageInfoFromService($rageId);
                                    $tvRage->updateRageInfo($rageId, $show, $tvrShow, $arr['id']);
        // Remove nfo that we cant fetch after 5 attempts.
        $releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT r.id
				FROM releases r
				WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
				AND r.nfostatus < %d %s %s', NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->maxRetries, $groupIDQuery, $guidCharQuery));
        if ($releases instanceof \Traversable) {
            foreach ($releases as $release) {
                $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('DELETE FROM release_nfos WHERE nfo IS NULL AND releaseid = %d', $release['id']));
        // Set releases with no NFO.
				UPDATE releases r
				SET r.nfostatus = %d
				WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
				AND r.nfostatus < %d %s %s', self::NFO_FAILED, NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->maxRetries, $groupIDQuery, $guidCharQuery));
        if ($this->echo) {
            if ($nfoCount > 0) {
                echo PHP_EOL;
            if ($ret > 0) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($ret . ' NFO file(s) found/processed.', true);
        return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
use nzedb\Releases;
use nzedb\TvRage;
if (!$page->users->isLoggedIn()) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST["id"])) {
$r = new Releases(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
$rel = $r->getByGuid($_REQUEST["id"]);
if (!$rel) {
    print "No tv info";
} else {
    //print "<h3 class=\"tooltiphead\">episode info...</h3>\n";
    print "<ul>\n";
    if (isset($rel['tvtitle'])) {
        print "<li>" . htmlentities($rel["tvtitle"], ENT_QUOTES) . "</li>\n";
    print "<li>Aired on " . date("F j, Y", strtotime($rel["tvairdate"])) . "</li>\n";
    print "</ul>";
    if ($rel["rageid"] > 0) {
        $t = new TvRage(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
        $rage = $t->getByRageID($rel["rageid"]);
        if (count($rage) > 0) {
            if ($rage[0]["imgdata"] != "") {
                print "<img class=\"shadow\" src=\"" . WWW_TOP . "/getimage?type=tvrage&amp;id=" . $rage[0]["id"] . "\" width=\"180\"/>";