Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns article number based on # of days.
  * @param int   $days      How many days back we want to go.
  * @param array $data      Group data from usenet.
  * @return string
 public function daytopost($days, $data)
     $goalTime = time() - 86400 * $days;
     // The time we want = current unix time (ex. 1395699114) - minus 86400 (seconds in a day)
     // times days wanted. (ie 1395699114 - 2592000 (30days)) = 1393107114
     // The servers oldest date.
     $firstDate = $this->postdate($data['first'], $data);
     if ($goalTime < $firstDate) {
         // If the date we want is older than the oldest date in the group return the groups oldest article.
         return $data['first'];
     // The servers newest date.
     $lastDate = $this->postdate($data['last'], $data);
     if ($goalTime > $lastDate) {
         // If the date we want is newer than the groups newest date, return the groups newest article.
         return $data['last'];
     if ($this->_echoCLI) {
         $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->primary('Searching for an approximate article number for group ' . $data['group'] . ' ' . $days . ' days back.'));
     // Pick the middle to start with
     $wantedArticle = round(($data['last'] + $data['first']) / 2);
     $aMax = $data['last'];
     $aMin = $data['first'];
     $reallyOldArticle = $oldArticle = $articleTime = null;
     while (true) {
         // Article exists outside of available range, this shouldn't happen
         if ($wantedArticle <= $data['first'] || $wantedArticle >= $data['last']) {
         // Keep a note of the last articles we checked
         $reallyOldArticle = $oldArticle;
         $oldArticle = $wantedArticle;
         // Get the date of this article
         $articleTime = $this->postdate($wantedArticle, $data);
         // Article doesn't exist, start again with something random
         if (!$articleTime) {
             $wantedArticle = mt_rand($aMin, $aMax);
             $articleTime = $this->postdate($wantedArticle, $data);
         if ($articleTime < $goalTime) {
             // Article is older than we want
             $aMin = $oldArticle;
             $wantedArticle = round(($aMax + $oldArticle) / 2);
             if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                 echo '-';
         } else {
             if ($articleTime > $goalTime) {
                 // Article is newer than we want
                 $aMax = $oldArticle;
                 $wantedArticle = round(($aMin + $oldArticle) / 2);
                 if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                     echo '+';
             } else {
                 if ($articleTime == $goalTime) {
                     // Exact match. We did it! (this will likely never happen though)
         // We seem to be flip-flopping between 2 articles, assume we're out of articles to check.
         // End on an article more recent than our oldest so that we don't miss any releases.
         if ($reallyOldArticle == $wantedArticle && $goalTime - $articleTime <= 0) {
     $wantedArticle = (int) $wantedArticle;
     if ($this->_echoCLI) {
         $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->primary(PHP_EOL . 'Found article #' . $wantedArticle . ' which has a date of ' . date('r', $articleTime) . ', vs wanted date of ' . date('r', $goalTime) . '. Difference from goal is ' . round(($goalTime - $articleTime) / 60 / 60 / 24, 1) . ' days.'));
     return $wantedArticle;
Exemplo n.º 2

// To troubleshoot what's actually on usenet.
require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php');
use nzedb\Binaries;
use nzedb\ColorCLI;
use nzedb\NNTP;
$cli = new ColorCLI();
if (!isset($argv[2]) || !is_numeric($argv[2])) {
    exit($cli->error("\nTest your nntp connection, get group information and postdate for specific article.\n\n" . "php {$argv['0']} alt.binaries.teevee 595751142    ...: To test nntp on alt.binaries.teevee with artivle 595751142.\n"));
$nntp = new NNTP();
if ($nntp->doConnect() !== true) {
$first = $argv[2];
$group = $argv[1];
// Select a group.
$groupArr = $nntp->selectGroup($group);
// Insert actual local part numbers here.
$msg = $nntp->getXOVER($first . '-' . $first);
// Print out the array of headers.
// get postdate for an article
$binaries = new Binaries(['NNTP' => $nntp]);
$newdate = $binaries->postdate($first, $groupArr);
echo $cli->primary("The posted date for " . $group . ", article " . $first . " is " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $newdate));
    exit($colorCLI->error("\nWrong number of parameters{$usage}"));
} else {
    if ($argv[1] !== 1 && $argv[1] != '<IUnderStandTheRisks>' && $argv[1] != 'IUnderStandTheRisks' && $argv[1] != 'true') {
        exit($colorCLI->error("\nInvalid parameter(s){$usage}"));
$pdo = new Settings();
$users = $pdo->query("SELECT id, username, email, password FROM users");
$update = $pdo->Prepare('UPDATE users SET password = :password WHERE id = :id');
$Users = new Users(['Settings' => $pdo]);
foreach ($users as $user) {
    if (needUpdate($user)) {
        $hash = $Users->hashPassword($user['email']);
        if ($hash !== false) {
            $update->execute([':password' => $hash, ':id' => $user['id']]);
            echo $colorCLI->primary('Updating hash for user:'******'username'];
        } else {
            echo $colorCLI->error('Error updating hash for user:'******'username'];
function needUpdate($user)
    global $colorCLI;
    $status = true;
    if (empty($user['email'])) {
        $status = false;
        echo $colorCLI->error('Cannot update password hash - Email is not set for user: '******'username']);
    } else {
        if (preg_match('#^\\$.+$#', $user['password'])) {
            $status = false;
Exemplo n.º 4

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/www/config.php';
use nzedb\ColorCLI;
$output = new ColorCLI();
echo $output->primary("Checking for files in the renamed directories.");
$status = 0;
$dirs = [['old' => 'misc/testing/DB_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/DB'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Dev_testing/Subject_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Developers/Subject'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Dev_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Developers'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/PostProc_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/PostProc'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Regex_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Regex'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Release_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Release'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/powerline/themes', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux/powerline/themes'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/powerline', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux/powerline'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/screen/sequential', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/screen/sequential'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/python_scripts/lib', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/python/lib'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/python_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/python'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/win_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/win'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update']];
$tatus = 0;
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    if (isset($dir['old'])) {
        $pathOld = nZEDb_ROOT . $dir['old'];
        if (file_exists($pathOld)) {
            $pathNew = nZEDb_ROOT . $dir['newpath'];
            echo $output->info("Moving contents of '{$pathOld}' to '{$pathNew}'");
            $dirIt = new \DirectoryIterator($pathOld);
            foreach ($dirIt as $item) {
                if ($item->isDot()) {
                echo $output->info("  Moving {$item->getPathname()}");
                if (rename($item->getPathname(), $pathNew . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item->getFilename()) === false) {
                    echo $output->error("   FAILED!");
                    $status = 1;
            $d = dir($pathOld);
            if ($d->read() === false) {
            } else {
                echo $output->error("Could not move all files. Check your permissions!");
require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php');
use nzedb\ColorCLI;
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
$count = $groups = 0;
$cli = new ColorCLI();
echo $cli->header("This script will show all Backfill Groups.\n" . "An optional first argument of ASC/DESC is used to sort the display by first_record_postdate in ascending/descending order.\n" . "An optional second argument will limit the return to that number of groups.\n\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true 20    ...: To sort the backfill groups by first_record_postdate and display only 20 groups.\n");
$limit = "";
if (isset($argv[2]) && is_numeric($argv[2])) {
    $limit = "limit " . $argv[2];
} else {
    if (isset($argv[1]) && is_numeric($argv[1])) {
        $limit = "limit " . $argv[1];
$mask = $cli->primary("%-50.50s %22.22s %22.22s %22.22s %22.22s");
$mask1 = $cli->header("%-50.50s %22.22s %22.22s %22.22s %22.22s");
$groups = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM groups WHERE backfill = 1 AND first_record IS NOT NULL");
if ($rels = $pdo->query("SELECT last_updated, last_updated, CAST(last_record AS SIGNED)-CAST(first_record AS SIGNED) AS headers_downloaded FROM groups")) {
    foreach ($rels as $rel) {
        $count += $rel['headers_downloaded'];
printf($mask1, "Group Name => " . $groups['count'] . "(" . number_format($count) . " downloaded)", "Backfilled Days", "Oldest Post", "Last Updated", "Headers Downloaded");
printf($mask1, "==================================================", "======================", "======================", "======================", "======================");
if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] === "desc" || $argv[1] === "DESC")) {
    if ($rels = $pdo->query(sprintf("SELECT name, backfill_target, first_record_postdate, last_updated, last_updated, " . "CAST(last_record AS SIGNED)-CAST(first_record AS SIGNED) AS headers_downloaded, " . "TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,first_record_postdate,NOW()) AS days FROM groups " . "WHERE backfill = 1 AND first_record_postdate IS NOT NULL AND last_updated IS NOT NULL " . "AND last_updated IS NOT NULL ORDER BY first_record_postdate DESC %s", $limit))) {
        foreach ($rels as $rel) {
            $headers = number_format($rel['headers_downloaded']);
            printf($mask, $rel['name'], $rel['backfill_target'] . "(" . $rel['days'] . ")", $rel['first_record_postdate'], $rel['last_updated'], $headers);
Exemplo n.º 6
$out = new ColorCLI();
$versions = new \nzedb\utility\Versions();
$version = $versions->getGitHookPrecommit();
if ($version > $current) {
    copy($source, $target);
    echo $out->info("Updated pre-commit hook to version {$version}");
    $file = file($target, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
chmod($target, 0774);
$count = count($file);
$index = 0;
while ($index < $count) {
    if (preg_match('/^#nZEDb hook\\s*-\\s*(.+)$/', $file[$index], $match)) {
        if (VERBOSE) {
            echo $out->primary("Matched: " . $file[$index]);
        $file[$index] = trim($file[$index]);
        switch ($match[1]) {
            case 'update version info':
            case 'run hooks':
                $hook = '/usr/bin/php ' . nZEDb_LIB . 'build/git-hooks/runHooks.php';
                if ($hook != $file[$index]) {
                    if (VERBOSE) {
                        echo $out->primary('Replace: "' . $file[$index] . '" with "' . $hook . '"');
                    $file[$index] = $hook;
                    $changed = true;
                } else {
                    echo $out->primary("Skipped: " . $file[$index]);