Exemplo n.º 1
$begintime = time();
echo "Creating new collections, binaries, and parts tables for each active group...\n";
foreach ($actgroups as $group) {
    if ($groups->createNewTPGTables($group['id']) === false) {
        exit($pdo->log->error("There is a problem creating new parts/files tables for group {$group['name']}."));
    $consoletools->overWrite("Tables Created: " . $consoletools->percentString($gdone * 3, $newtables));
$endtime = time();
echo "\nTable creation took " . $consoletools->convertTime($endtime - $begintime) . ".\n";
$starttime = time();
echo "\nNew tables created, moving data from old tables to new tables.\nThis will take awhile....\n\n";
while ($cdone < $clen['total']) {
    // Only load 1000 collections per loop to not overload memory.
    $collections = $pdo->queryAssoc('select * from collections limit ' . $cdone . ',1000;');
    if ($collections instanceof \Traversable) {
        foreach ($collections as $collection) {
            $collection['subject'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['subject']);
            $collection['fromname'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['fromname']);
            $collection['date'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['date']);
            $collection['collectionhash'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['collectionhash']);
            $collection['dateadded'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['dateadded']);
            $collection['xref'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['xref']);
            $collection['releaseid'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['releaseid']);
            $oldcid = array_shift($collection);
            if ($debug) {
                echo "\n\nCollection insert:\n";
                echo sprintf("\nINSERT INTO collections_%d (subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid) VALUES (%s)\n\n", $collection['group_id'], implode(', ', $collection));
Exemplo n.º 2
$begintime = time();
echo "Creating new collections, binaries, and parts tables for each active group...\n";
foreach ($actgroups as $group) {
    if ($groups->createNewTPGTables($group['id']) === false) {
        exit($pdo->log->error("There is a problem creating new parts/files tables for group {$group['name']}."));
    $consoletools->overWrite("Tables Created: " . $consoletools->percentString($gdone * 3, $newtables));
$endtime = time();
echo "\nTable creation took " . $consoletools->convertTime($endtime - $begintime) . ".\n";
$starttime = time();
echo "\nNew tables created, moving data from old tables to new tables.\nThis will take awhile....\n\n";
while ($cdone < $clen['total']) {
    // Only load 1000 collections per loop to not overload memory.
    $collections = $pdo->queryAssoc('select * from collections limit ' . $cdone . ',1000;');
    if ($collections instanceof \Traversable) {
        foreach ($collections as $collection) {
            $collection['subject'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['subject']);
            $collection['fromname'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['fromname']);
            $collection['date'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['date']);
            $collection['collectionhash'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['collectionhash']);
            $collection['dateadded'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['dateadded']);
            $collection['xref'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['xref']);
            $collection['releaseid'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['releaseid']);
            $oldcid = array_shift($collection);
            if ($debug) {
                echo "\n\nCollection insert:\n";
                echo sprintf("\nINSERT INTO collections_%d (subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid) VALUES (%s)\n\n", $collection['group_id'], implode(', ', $collection));