getFragment() public method

Returns the fragment part of URI.
public getFragment ( ) : string
return string
Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param Request $appRequest
  * @param Url $refUrl
  * @return null|string
 public function constructUrl(Request $appRequest, Url $refUrl)
     // one way can't generate link
     if ($this->options['oneWay']) {
         return NULL;
     $params = $this->clearParameters($appRequest->getParameters());
     $action = new Action($appRequest->getPresenterName() . ':' . $appRequest->getParameter('action'), $params);
     // ISource return NULL, not found url to generate
     if (($seoUrl = $this->source->toUrl($action)) === NULL) {
         return NULL;
     if (!$seoUrl instanceof Url) {
         $seoUrl = new Url($seoUrl);
     // host
     if ($seoUrl->getHost()) {
         $host = $refUrl->getHost();
         $parts = ip2long($host) ? [$host] : array_reverse(explode('.', $host));
         $host = strtr($seoUrl->getHost(), ['%tld%' => $parts[0], '%domain%' => isset($parts[1]) ? "{$parts['1']}.{$parts['0']}" : $parts[0], '%sld%' => isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '', '%host%' => $refUrl->getHost()]);
     } else {
         $host = $refUrl->getHost();
     // path
     $path = $seoUrl->getPath();
     // query
     $query = $seoUrl->getQueryParameters() + $params;
     $query = $seoUrl->getQuery();
     // fragment
     $fragment = $seoUrl->getFragment();
     return ($this->options['secured'] ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $host . $refUrl->getBasePath() . ($path === '/' ? '' : $path) . ($query ? '?' . $query : '') . ($fragment ? '#' . $fragment : '');