/** * Construct the controller */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->oOrderModel = Factory::model('ORder', 'nailsapp/module-order-payment'); }
Factory::helper('date'); Factory::helper('tools'); Factory::helper('debug'); Factory::helper('language'); Factory::helper('text'); Factory::helper('exception'); Factory::helper('log'); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set Common and App locations $aAppLocations = array(array(FCPATH . 'vendor/nailsapp/common/src/Common/Console/Command/', 'Nails\\Common\\Console\\Command'), array(FCPATH . 'src/Console/Command/', 'App\\Console\\Command')); // Look for apps provided by the modules $aModules = _NAILS_GET_MODULES(); foreach ($aModules as $oModule) { $aAppLocations[] = array($oModule->path . 'src/Console/Command', $oModule->namespace . 'Console\\Command'); } Factory::helper('directory'); $aApps = array(); foreach ($aAppLocations as $aLocation) { list($sPath, $sNamespace) = $aLocation; $aDirMap = directory_map($sPath); if (!empty($aDirMap)) { foreach ($aDirMap as $sFile) { $aFileInfo = pathinfo($sFile); $sFileName = basename($sFile, '.' . $aFileInfo['extension']); $aApps[] = $sNamespace . '\\' . $sFileName; } } } // Instantiate and run the application $app = new Application(); foreach ($aApps as $sClass) {
public function create($url) { // If no a protocol in URL, assume its a CI link if (!preg_match('!^\\w+://! i', $url)) { \Nails\Factory::helper('url'); $url = site_url($url); } $this->url = $url; $this->session = curl_init($this->url); return $this; }