Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param int $sectionId
  * @param bool $forPublic
  * @return static[]
 public static function findAllBySection($sectionId, $forPublic = false)
     if (!$forPublic) {
         return self::findAllByAttributes(['section_id' => $sectionId], ['order' => '`order` ASC']);
     if (!UserAccess::get()->canRead($sectionId)) {
         return [];
     $condition = new ModelCondition(['model' => __CLASS__]);
     $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN forum_groups2categories ON (category_id = id AND group_id = :group)";
     $condition->addCondition("canread IS NULL OR canread = 1");
     $condition->setParam(":group", UserAccess::get()->getUserGroup($sectionId, true));
     $condition->order = "`order` ASC";
     $condition->with = ['subcategories', 'subcategories.lastActiveThread', 'subcategories.lastActiveUser'];
     $condition->compareColumn("section_id", $sectionId);
     $categories = self::findAll($condition);
     if (WebApp::get()->user()->isConnected()) {
         $subcategories = self::getDb()->table('forum_userhiddensubcategories')->where("user_id = :user")->setParam(":user", WebApp::get()->user()->id)->get();
         $subcategories = ArrayHelper::get()->transform($subcategories, "subcategory_id");
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category->subcategories) {
                 foreach ($category->subcategories as $subcategory) {
                     if (in_array($subcategory->id, $subcategories)) {
                         $subcategory->hidden = true;
     return $categories;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param DbModel[] $models
  * @param string|array $fields
  * @return ModelCondition
 public function getConditionForModels($models, $fields)
     $key = '__parentRelationKey';
     $column = "(CASE ";
     $mCondition = new ModelCondition(['model' => $this->model]);
     if ($this->joins) {
         foreach ($this->joins as $join) {
             if (is_array($join[0])) {
                 $t = '`' . key($join[0]) . '` as `' . current($join[0]) . '`';
             } else {
                 $t = '`' . $join[0] . '`';
             $c = [];
             // columns;
             foreach ($join[1] as $col1 => $col2) {
                 if (is_array($col2)) {
                 } else {
                     if ('!=' == substr($col2, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('>=' == substr($col2, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('<=' == substr($col2, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('>' == $col2[0]) {
                     } elseif ('<' == $col2[0]) {
                     } else {
             // values;
             foreach ($join[2] as $col => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                 } else {
                     if ('!=' == substr($value, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('>=' == substr($value, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('<=' == substr($value, 0, 2)) {
                     } elseif ('>' == $value[0]) {
                     } elseif ('<' == $value[0]) {
                     } else {
             // type;
             $mCondition->join .= $join[3] . $t . " ON (" . implode(') AND (', $c) . ")";
     foreach ($this->conditions as $ck => $condition) {
         switch ($condition[0]) {
             case "=":
             case "!=":
                 $parentColumn = $condition[1];
                 // for now it only supports single column for this type of relations;
                 $relationColumn = $condition[2];
                 // same for relation column
                 if (is_string($parentColumn) && (false !== strpos($parentColumn, '.') && false !== strpos($parentColumn, '_'))) {
                     $r = $relationColumn;
                     $relationColumn = $parentColumn;
                     $parentColumn = $r;
                 if (is_array($relationColumn)) {
                     $relationColumnListForIn = [];
                     foreach ($relationColumn as $c) {
                         $relationColumnListForIn[] = $this->_column($c, true);
                     $relationColumnListForIn = implode(', ', $relationColumnListForIn);
                 } else {
                     $relationColumnListForIn = $relationColumn;
                 $conditionParts = [];
                 foreach ($models as $mk => $model) {
                     // generates CASE column WHEN parentv1 THEN parentk1 WHEN parentv2 THEN parentk2 ELSE -1 AS __parentRelationKey  + the condition itself
                     $paramKey = ':' . $ck . '_' . $mk . '_';
                     if (is_array($parentColumn) && is_array($relationColumn)) {
                         $column .= "WHEN (";
                         $columnList = [];
                         foreach ($parentColumn as $col) {
                             $mCondition->setParam($paramKey . $col, $model->{$col});
                             $conditionParts[] = $paramKey . $col . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . ' IN ( ' . $relationColumnListForIn . ' )';
                             $columnList[] = $paramKey . $col . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . ' IN ( ' . $relationColumnListForIn . ' )';
                         $column .= implode(' OR ', $columnList);
                         $column .= ") THEN {$mk} ";
                     } elseif (is_array($parentColumn)) {
                         $column .= "WHEN (" . $this->_column($relationColumn, true) . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . ' IN ';
                         $paramList = [];
                         foreach ($parentColumn as $col) {
                             $mCondition->setParam($paramKey . $col, $model->{$col});
                             $paramList[] = $paramKey . $col;
                         $conditionParts[] = $this->_column($relationColumn, true) . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $paramList) . ')';
                         $column .= "(" . implode(", ", $paramList) . ")";
                         $column .= ") THEN {$mk} ";
                     } elseif (is_array($relationColumn)) {
                         $mCondition->setParam($paramKey . $parentColumn, $model->{$parentColumn});
                         $conditionParts[] = $paramKey . $parentColumn . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . " IN ({$relationColumnListForIn})";
                         $column .= "WHEN {$paramKey} . {$parentColumn} " . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . " IN ({$relationColumnListForIn}) THEN {$mk} ";
                     } else {
                         if ("(CASE " == $column) {
                             $column .= $this->_column($relationColumn, true);
                         $p = str_replace('.', '__', $paramKey . $relationColumn);
                         $mCondition->setParam($p, $model->{$parentColumn});
                         $conditionParts[] = $p;
                         $column .= " WHEN " . $p . " THEN {$mk} ";
                 if (is_string($parentColumn) && is_string($relationColumn)) {
                     $mCondition->addCondition($this->_column($relationColumn, true) . ('!=' == $condition[0] ? 'NOT' : '') . " IN (" . implode(', ', $conditionParts) . ")");
                 } else {
                     $mCondition->addCondition('(' . implode(") OR (", $conditionParts) . ')');
             case "==":
             case "=attribute":
                 if ($condition[0] == '=attribute') {
                     // for attribute read the value
                     $parentModel = get_class(current($models));
                     $c = $condition[2];
                     if (false === strpos($c, '(')) {
                         $condition[2] = $parentModel::$c;
                     } else {
                         // for method call it and get the value;
                         $c = substr($c, 0, strlen($c) - 2);
                         $condition[2] = call_user_func("{$parentModel}::{$c}");
                 $mCondition->compareColumn($condition[1], $condition[2]);
     $column .= "ELSE -1 END) AS `{$key}`";
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         $fields[] = $column;
     } else {
         $fields .= ', ' . $column;
     $mCondition->fields = $fields;
     return $mCondition;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param ForumUser2Section[] $sections
  * @param $limit
  * @param $offset
  * @param null $sectionId
  * @return array|static[]
 protected static function _findRecent($sections, $limit, $offset, $sectionId = null)
     $guest = false;
     $sectionsIds = [];
     if (1 === count($sections) && is_null($sections[0])) {
         if (is_null($sectionId)) {
             return [];
         $sectionsIds = [$sectionId];
         $guest = true;
     } elseif (count($sections)) {
         $sectionsIds = ArrayHelper::get()->transform($sections, 'section_id');
     $userId = WebApp::get()->user()->isConnected() ? WebApp::get()->user()->id : 0;
     $reload = !WebApp::get()->cache()->exists('User:'******':visibleSubcategories');
     $ids = [];
     if (!$reload) {
         $info = WebApp::get()->cache()->value('User:'******':visibleSubcategories');
         if ($info['time'] < time() - 720) {
             //force refresh once every 30m
             $reload = true;
         } else {
             $ids = $info['categories'];
     if ($reload) {
         $condition = new ModelCondition(['model' => ForumSubcategory::className()]);
         $condition->with = ['category'];
         if ($guest) {
             $groups = [ForumSection::findByPk($sectionId)->default_visitors_group_id];
         } else {
             $groups = ArrayHelper::get()->transform($sections, 'group_id');
         if ($groups) {
             $groups = implode(', ', $groups);
             $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN forum_groups2categories ON (forum_groups2categories.category_id = category.id AND forum_groups2categories.group_id IN ({$groups}))";
             $condition->addCondition("forum_groups2categories.canread IS NULL OR forum_groups2categories.canread = 1");
             $condition->addInCondition('category.section_id', $sectionsIds);
             $categories = ForumSubcategory::findAll($condition);
         } else {
             $categories = [];
         $ids = [];
         foreach ($categories as $cat) {
             if (!isset($ids[$cat->category->section_id])) {
                 $ids[$cat->category->section_id] = [];
             $ids[$cat->category->section_id][] = $cat->id;
         WebApp::get()->cache()->set('User:'******':visibleSubcategories', ['time' => time(), 'categories' => $ids]);
     $finalIDs = [];
     if ($guest) {
         $finalIDs = $ids[$sectionId];
     } else {
         foreach ($sections as $s) {
             if (isset($ids[$s->section_id])) {
                 foreach ($ids[$s->section_id] as $id) {
                     $finalIDs[] = $id;
     if (!$finalIDs) {
         return [];
     $condition = new ModelCondition(['model' => __CLASS__]);
     $condition->with = ['category', 'subcategory', 'lastActiveUser', 'owner'];
     $condition->addInCondition('subcategory_id', $finalIDs);
     $condition->compareColumn('deleted', 0);
     $condition->order = "GREATEST(IFNULL(t.edit_time, t.create_time), IFNULL(t.last_reply_date, t.create_time)) DESC";
     $condition->limit = $limit;
     $condition->offset = $offset;
     return self::findAll($condition);