  * Creates csv file and add it to the threadgroup for use case.
  * @Given /^I login as any "([^"]*)" enrolled in course "([^"]*)"$/
 public function i_login_as_any_enrolled_in_course($rolearchtype, $courseshortname)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     if (!($id = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('shortname' => $courseshortname)))) {
         util::performance_exception('The specified course with shortname "' . $courseshortname . '" does not exist');
     $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($id);
     if ($roles = get_archetype_roles($rolearchtype)) {
         $roles = array_keys($roles);
     $roleid = $roles[0];
     $users = get_role_users($roleid, $coursecontext, false, 'u.id,u.username', 'u.id ASC');
     if (!$users) {
         util::performance_exception("Course without users with role: " . $rolearchtype);
     $data = "";
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $data .= $user->username . "," . $user->username . "," . $user->id . PHP_EOL;
     $testplanfilename = $rolearchtype . '_' . behat_hooks::$featurefile . '.csv';
     $csvfile = util::get_final_testplan_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $testplanfilename;
     $testplanfilepath = "";
     if (isset($CFG->testplanfiles_dataroot)) {
         $testplanfilepath = $CFG->testplanfiles_dataroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     file_put_contents($csvfile, $data);
     testplan_writer::create_csv_data($testplanfilepath, $testplanfilename, $rolearchtype);
     $firstuser = array_shift($users);
     return new Given('I log in as "' . $firstuser->username . '"');