Exemplo n.º 1
        if (null === $file) {
            return 'php://stdout';
        return $file;
    })->must(function ($file) {
        Ensure::that(!is_dir($file), sprintf('Cannot dump config to %s. It is a directory', $file));
        if (is_file($file)) {
            Ensure::that(is_writable($file), sprintf('Cannot dump config to %s. It is not writable', $file));
        return true;
    })->describedAs('Generate a new key and dump the config to the specified file. Defaults to stdout.');
    $args->option('p')->aka('print-report')->boolean()->describedAs('Print the report to stdout instead of sending it to the remote server.');
    $args->option('v')->aka('version')->boolean()->describedAs('Get the version number');
    return $args;
}, 'config.defaults' => require 'resources/config.default.php', 'config' => function ($app) {
    return Config::fromFileIfExists($app['args']['config'], $app['config.defaults']);
}, 'logger' => function ($app) {
    return new SyslogLogger($app->cfg('logging.minLevel'));
$app['http'] = function ($app) {
    return new Http($app);
$app['signer'] = function ($app) {
    return new Signer($app->cfg('signing.algorithm'), $app->cfg('signing.key'));
$app['sysinfo'] = function ($app) {
    return new SysInfo($app);
$app['exceptions'] = function ($app) {
    return new ExceptionHandler($app);