Exemplo n.º 1
  * Performs a find all SQL query for the provided entity.
  * @param stirng - The class name of an entity.
  * @return array - An array of enities returned from the find all query.  Returns an empty array if no records are found.
  * @throws OrmException
 public function findAll($sEntityName)
     $oDao = $this->oDbal->getDataObject();
     $aMapping = $this->oMapper->getMappingForEntityName($sEntityName);
     $aTable = $aMapping[EntityMapping::KEY_TABLE];
     try {
         //Vulnerable to SQL injection, filter variables.
         $oStmt = $oDao->prepare("select * from {$aTable}");
         $aRows = $oStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         return $this->buildCollection($sEntityName, $aRows, $aMapping);
     } catch (\PDOException $oExp) {
         OrmException::pdoException('Error fetching all for ' . $sEntityName, $oExp);