  * Check whether payment method can be used
  * @param CartInterface|null $quote
  * @return bool
 public function isAvailable(CartInterface $quote = null)
     if ($quote !== null) {
         $accessCheck = $this->accessCheckFactory->create(array("storeId" => $this->getStore()));
         if ($accessCheck->check($quote->getCustomer()->getGroupId()) === false) {
             return false;
     return parent::isAvailable($quote);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns customer ID
  * @return int|null
 public function getCustomerId()
     return $this->quote->getCustomer()->getId();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Convert Tax Quote Details into data to be converted to a GetTax Request
  * @param \Magento\Tax\Api\Data\QuoteDetailsInterface $taxQuoteDetails
  * @param \Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment
  * @param \Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface $quote
  * @return array|null
 protected function convertTaxQuoteDetailsToData(\Magento\Tax\Api\Data\QuoteDetailsInterface $taxQuoteDetails, \Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment, \Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface $quote)
     $lines = [];
     $items = $taxQuoteDetails->getItems();
     $keyedItems = $this->taxCalculation->getKeyedItems($items);
     $childrenItems = $this->taxCalculation->getChildrenItems($items);
     /** @var \Magento\Tax\Api\Data\QuoteDetailsItemInterface $item */
     foreach ($keyedItems as $item) {
          * If a quote has children and they are calculated (e.g., Bundled products with dynamic pricing)
          * @see \Magento\Tax\Model\Sales\Total\Quote\CommonTaxCollector::mapItems
          * then we only need to pass child items to AvaTax. Due to the logic in
          * @see \ClassyLlama\AvaTax\Framework\Interaction\TaxCalculation::calculateTaxDetails
          * the parent tax gets calculated based on children items
         if (isset($childrenItems[$item->getCode()])) {
             /** @var \Magento\Tax\Api\Data\QuoteDetailsItemInterface $childItem */
             foreach ($childrenItems[$item->getCode()] as $childItem) {
                 $line = $this->interactionLine->getLine($childItem);
                 if ($line) {
                     $lines[] = $line;
         } else {
             $line = $this->interactionLine->getLine($item);
             if ($line) {
                 $lines[] = $line;
     // Shipping Address not documented in the interface for some reason
     // they do have a constant for it but not a method in the interface
     // If quote is virtual, getShipping will return billing address, so no need to check if quote is virtual
     $shippingAddress = $shippingAssignment->getShipping()->getAddress();
     $address = $this->address->getAddress($shippingAddress);
     $store = $this->storeRepository->getById($quote->getStoreId());
     $currentDate = $this->getFormattedDate($store);
     // Quote created/updated date is not relevant, so just pass the current date
     $docDate = $currentDate;
     $customerUsageType = $quote->getCustomer() ? $this->taxClassHelper->getAvataxTaxCodeForCustomer($quote->getCustomer()) : null;
     return ['StoreId' => $store->getId(), 'Commit' => false, 'CurrencyCode' => $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode(), 'CustomerCode' => $this->getCustomerCode($quote), 'CustomerUsageType' => $customerUsageType, 'DestinationAddress' => $address, 'DocCode' => self::AVATAX_DOC_CODE_PREFIX . $quote->getId(), 'DocDate' => $docDate, 'DocType' => DocumentType::$SalesOrder, 'ExchangeRate' => $this->getExchangeRate($store, $quote->getCurrency()->getBaseCurrencyCode(), $quote->getCurrency()->getQuoteCurrencyCode()), 'ExchangeRateEffDate' => $currentDate, 'Lines' => $lines, 'DetailLevel' => DetailLevel::$Line, 'PurchaseOrderNo' => $quote->getReservedOrderId()];
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param Quote|\Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface $quote
  * @return bool
 protected function _isAvailableRatePay($quote)
     $dob = $quote->getCustomer()->getDob();
     $minAge = (int) $this->getConfigData('min_age');
     if ($minAge <= 0) {
         $this->_logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ':warning min-age not set for ratepay');
         return false;
     //we only need to check the dob if it's set. Else we ask for dob on payment selection page.
     if ($dob) {
         $dobObject = new \DateTime($dob);
         $currentYear = date('Y');
         $currentMonth = date('m');
         $currentDay = date('d');
         $ageCheckDate = $currentYear - $minAge . '-' . $currentMonth . '-' . $currentDay;
         $ageCheckObject = new \DateTime($ageCheckDate);
         if ($ageCheckObject < $dobObject) {
             return false;
     if ($quote->hasVirtualItems()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->getConfigData('billing_shipping_address_identical') && !$this->compareAddresses($quote)) {
         return false;
     $currencies = explode(',', $this->getConfigData('currency'));
     if (!in_array($quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode(), $currencies)) {
         return false;
     if (strlen($this->getConfigData('shippingcountry'))) {
         $countries = explode(',', $this->getConfigData('shippingcountry'));
         if (!in_array($quote->getShippingAddress()->getCountry(), $countries)) {
             return false;
     if (strlen($this->getConfigData('max_basket_size'))) {
         if ($quote->getItemsQty() > $this->getConfigData('max_basket_size')) {
             return false;
     if (strlen($this->getConfigData('min_basket_size'))) {
         if ($quote->getItemsQty() < $this->getConfigData('min_basket_size')) {
             return false;
     return parent::isAvailable($quote);