  * Assert that you will be redirected to url from dataset
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CatalogSearchQuery $searchTerm
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, BrowserInterface $browser, CatalogSearchQuery $searchTerm)
     $windowUrl = $browser->getUrl();
     $redirectUrl = $searchTerm->getRedirect();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($windowUrl, $redirectUrl, 'Redirect by synonym was not executed.' . PHP_EOL . "Expected: " . $redirectUrl . PHP_EOL . "Actual: " . $windowUrl);
  * Assert that apache redirect works by opening category page and asserting index.php in its url
  * @param Category $category
  * @param CmsIndex $homePage
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
 public function processAssert(Category $category, CmsIndex $homePage, BrowserInterface $browser)
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(strpos($browser->getUrl(), 'index.php') === false, 'Apache redirect for category does not work.');
  * Create Customer account on Storefront.
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @return void
 public function test(Customer $customer)
     // Steps
     $this->cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->openLink('Create an Account');
  * Run step.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $this->cmsIndex->getFooterBlock()->clickLink('Orders and Returns');
  * Check that block Recently Viewed contains product on category page
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $productSimple
  * @param Category $category
  * @return void
 protected function checkRecentlyViewedBlockOnCategory(CatalogProductSimple $productSimple, Category $category)
     $products = $this->catalogCategoryView->getViewBlock()->getProductsFromRecentlyViewedBlock();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(in_array($productSimple->getName(), $products), 'Product' . $productSimple->getName() . ' is absent on Recently Viewed block on Category page.');
  * Create Customer account on frontend
  * @param CustomerInjectable $customer
 public function testCreateCustomer(CustomerInjectable $customer)
  * Assert that the category cannot be accessed from the navigation bar in the frontend
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param Category $category
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, Category $category, BrowserInterface $browser)
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($cmsIndex->getTopmenu()->isCategoryVisible($category->getName()), 'Category can be accessed from the navigation bar in the frontend.');
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $category->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(self::NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, $cmsIndex->getTitleBlock()->getTitle(), 'Wrong page is displayed.');
  * Assert that video is displayed on category page on Store front.
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param InjectableFixture $initialProduct
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, InjectableFixture $initialProduct)
     $src = $catalogCategoryView->getListProductBlock()->getProductItem($initialProduct)->getBaseImageSource();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse(strpos($src, '/placeholder/') !== false, 'Video preview image is not displayed on category view when it should.');
  * Check whether the attribute filter is displayed on the frontend in Layered navigation.
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @param CatalogProductAttribute $attribute
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, InjectableFixture $product, CatalogProductAttribute $attribute, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory)
     $fixtureFactory->createByCode('catalogProductSimple', ['dataSet' => 'product_with_category_with_anchor', 'data' => ['category_ids' => ['presets' => null, 'category' => $product->getDataFieldConfig('category_ids')['source']->getCategories()[0]]]])->persist();
     $label = $attribute->hasData('manage_frontend_label') ? $attribute->getManageFrontendLabel() : $attribute->getFrontendLabel();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(in_array($label, $catalogCategoryView->getLayeredNavigationBlock()->getFilters()), 'Attribute is absent in layered navigation on category page.');
  * Assert that prices on order review and customer order pages are equal to specified in dataset.
  * @param array $prices
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage
  * @param CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess
  * @param CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(array $prices, InjectableFixture $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage, CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess, CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView, CmsIndex $cmsIndex)
     $this->checkoutOnepage = $checkoutOnepage;
     $this->customerOrderView = $customerOrderView;
     $shippingMethod = ['shipping_service' => 'Flat Rate', 'shipping_method' => 'Fixed'];
     $checkoutOnepage->getPaymentBlock()->selectPaymentMethod(['method' => 'checkmo']);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewTotals($actualPrices);
     $prices = $this->preparePrices($prices);
     //Order review prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order review should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(array_diff_key($prices, ['cart_item_price_excl_tax' => null, 'cart_item_price_incl_tax' => null]), $actualPrices, $message);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderTotals($actualPrices);
     //Frontend order prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order view page should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($prices, $actualPrices, $message);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Assert configurable product, corresponds to the category page
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogProductConfigurable $configurable
  * @param CatalogCategory $category
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogProductConfigurable $configurable, CatalogCategory $category)
     //Open category view page
     //process asserts
     $this->assertPrice($configurable, $catalogCategoryView);
  * Assert product is present on mini shopping cart
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param array $products
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, array $products)
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($cmsIndex->getCartSidebarBlock()->getCartItem($product)->isVisible(), 'Product ' . $product->getName() . ' is absent in Mini Shopping Cart.');
  * Login customer and open Order page.
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @return void
 protected function loginCustomerAndOpenOrderPage(Customer $customer)
     $loginCustomerOnFrontendStep = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Customer\\Test\\TestStep\\LoginCustomerOnFrontendStep', ['customer' => $customer]);
     $this->cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->openLink('My Account');
     $this->customerAccountIndex->getAccountMenuBlock()->openMenuItem('My Orders');
  * Assert check URL rewrite custom redirect
  * @param UrlRewrite $urlRewrite
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(UrlRewrite $urlRewrite, BrowserInterface $browser, CmsIndex $cmsIndex)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $urlRewrite->getRequestPath());
     $entity = $urlRewrite->getDataFieldConfig('target_path')['source']->getEntity();
     $title = $entity->hasData('name') ? $entity->getName() : $entity->getContentHeading();
     $pageTitle = $cmsIndex->getTitleBlock()->getTitle();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($pageTitle, $title, 'URL rewrite product redirect false.' . "\nExpected: " . $title . "\nActual: " . $pageTitle);
  * Run test creation for advanced search entity
  * @param array $products
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $productSearch
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param AdvancedSearch $searchPage
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
 public function testSearch(array $products, CatalogProductSimple $productSearch, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, AdvancedSearch $searchPage)
     $searchForm = $searchPage->getForm();
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Assert that product is displayed in related products section
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product1
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product2
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductSimple $product1, CatalogProductSimple $product2, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView)
     $categoryName = $product1->getCategoryIds()[0];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($catalogProductView->getRelatedProductBlock()->isRelatedProductVisible($product2->getName()), 'Product \'' . $product2->getName() . '\' is absent in related products.');
  * Assert that link "Compare Products..." on top menu of page
  * @param array $products
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(array $products, CmsIndex $cmsIndex)
     $productQty = count($products);
     $qtyOnPage = $cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->getQtyInCompareList();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($productQty, $qtyOnPage, 'Qty is not correct in "Compare Products" link.');
     $compareProductUrl = '/catalog/product_compare/';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(strpos($cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->getLinkUrl('Compare Products'), $compareProductUrl) !== false, 'Compare product link isn\'t lead to Compare Product Page.');
  * Assert that created CMS page with 'Status' - Disabled displays with '404 Not Found' message on Frontend.
  * @param CmsPage $cms
  * @param FrontCmsIndex $frontCmsIndex
  * @param CmsPageIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsPage $cms, FrontCmsIndex $frontCmsIndex, CmsPageIndex $cmsIndex, BrowserInterface $browser)
     $filter = ['title' => $cms->getTitle()];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(self::NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, $frontCmsIndex->getTitleBlock()->getTitle(), 'Wrong page is displayed.');
  * Login customer.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $this->cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->openLink('Sign In');
  * Assert that product is not displayed in up-sell section
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product1
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product2
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductSimple $product1, CatalogProductSimple $product2, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView)
     $categoryName = $product1->getCategoryIds()[0]['name'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($catalogProductView->getUpsellBlock()->isUpsellProductVisible($product2->getName()), 'Product \'' . $product2->getName() . '\' is exist in up-sells products.');
  * Run test creation for advanced search entity.
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $productSearch
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param AdvancedSearch $searchPage
  * @return void
 public function test(CatalogProductSimple $productSearch, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, AdvancedSearch $searchPage)
     $searchForm = $searchPage->getForm();
  * Assert that created CMS block displayed on frontend category page (in order to assign block to category:
  * go to category page> Display settings> CMS Block).
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CmsBlock $cmsBlock
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CmsBlock $cmsBlock, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory)
     $category = $fixtureFactory->createByCode('category', ['dataset' => 'default_subcategory', 'data' => ['display_mode' => 'Static block and products', 'landing_page' => $cmsBlock->getTitle()]]);
     $categoryViewContent = $catalogCategoryView->getViewBlock()->getContent();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($cmsBlock->getContent(), $categoryViewContent, 'Wrong block content on category is displayed.');
  * Assert that product is not present in Wishlist on Frontend
  * @param CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex
  * @param WishlistIndex $wishlistIndex
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @param CustomerInjectable $customer
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CustomerAccountLogin $customerAccountLogin
  * @param CustomerAccountLogout $customerAccountLogout
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CustomerAccountIndex $customerAccountIndex, WishlistIndex $wishlistIndex, InjectableFixture $product, CustomerInjectable $customer, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CustomerAccountLogin $customerAccountLogin, CustomerAccountLogout $customerAccountLogout)
     $productName = $product->getName();
     $cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->openLink('Log In');
     $customerAccountIndex->open()->getAccountMenuBlock()->openMenuItem("My Wish List");
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($wishlistIndex->getWishlistBlock()->getProductItemsBlock()->isProductPresent($productName), 'Product \'' . $productName . '\' is present in Wishlist on Frontend.');
  * Assert that created widget is absent on frontend on Home page
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param Widget $widget
  * @param AdminCache $adminCache
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, Widget $widget, AdminCache $adminCache)
     // Flush cache
     $widgetText = $widget->getParameters()['anchor_text'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($cmsIndex->getWidgetView()->isWidgetVisible($widget, $widgetText), 'Widget is present on Home page.');
  * Assert that after applying changes, currency symbol changed on Product Details Page.
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CurrencySymbolEntity $currencySymbol
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductSimple $product, BrowserInterface $browser, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CurrencySymbolEntity $currencySymbol)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $price = $catalogProductView->getViewBlock()->getPriceBlock()->getPrice();
     preg_match('`(.*?)\\d`', $price, $matches);
     $symbolOnPage = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null;
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($currencySymbol->getCustomCurrencySymbol(), $symbolOnPage, 'Wrong Currency Symbol is displayed on Product page.');
  * Assert that product is displayed in cross-sell section
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product1
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product2
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductSimple $product1, CatalogProductSimple $product2, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     $categoryName = $product1->getCategoryIds()[0];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($checkoutCart->getCrosssellBlock()->verifyProductCrosssell($product2), 'Product \'' . $product2->getName() . '\' is absent in cross-sell section.');
  * Assert that Compare Products block is presented on CMS pages.
  * Block contains information about compared products
  * @param array $products
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(array $products, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory, BrowserInterface $browser)
     $newCmsPage = $fixtureFactory->createByCode('cmsPage', ['dataset' => '3_column_template']);
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $newCmsPage->getIdentifier());
     foreach ($products as &$product) {
         $product = $product->getName();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($products, $cmsIndex->getCompareProductsBlock()->getProducts(), 'Compare product block contains NOT valid information about compared products.');
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Run edit search term test
  * @param CatalogSearchQuery $searchTerm
  * @return void
 public function test(CatalogSearchQuery $searchTerm)
     // Preconditions
     $searchText = $searchTerm->getQueryText();
     // Steps
     $this->indexPage->open()->getGrid()->searchAndOpen(['search_query' => $searchText]);
  * Create Existing Customer account on frontend.
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @return void
 public function testCreateExistingCustomer(Customer $customer)
     // Precondition
     $existingCustomer = clone $customer;
     // Steps
     $this->cmsIndex->getLinksBlock()->openLink('Create an Account');
  * Assert that Catalog Price Rule is not applied for product(s) in Catalog.
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndexPage
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryViewPage
  * @param array $products
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndexPage, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryViewPage, array $products)
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $categoryName = $product->getCategoryIds()[0];
         $priceBlock = $catalogCategoryViewPage->getListProductBlock()->getProductItem($product)->getPriceBlock();
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($priceBlock->isSpecialPriceVisible(), "Catalog price rule is applied!\n");