  * Assert that shipping amount is equal to expected.
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param Cart $cart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, Cart $cart)
     $fixtureShippingAmount = number_format((double) $cart->getShippingAmount(), 2);
     $pageShippingAmount = $checkoutCart->getTotalsBlock()->getShippingPrice();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($fixtureShippingAmount, $pageShippingAmount, 'Shipping amount in the shopping cart not equals to shipping amount from fixture.');
  * Add gift message to items and/or order.
  * @return array
 public function run()
     $this->checkoutCart->getGiftMessagesItemBlock()->fillGiftMessageItem($this->giftMessage, $this->products);
     $this->checkoutCart->getGiftMessagesOrderBlock()->fillGiftMessageOrder($this->giftMessage, $this->products);
     return ['giftMessage' => $this->giftMessage];
  * Assert that prices on order review and customer order pages are equal to specified in dataset.
  * @param array $prices
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage
  * @param CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess
  * @param CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(array $prices, InjectableFixture $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage, CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess, CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView, CmsIndex $cmsIndex)
     $this->checkoutOnepage = $checkoutOnepage;
     $this->customerOrderView = $customerOrderView;
     $shippingMethod = ['shipping_service' => 'Flat Rate', 'shipping_method' => 'Fixed'];
     $checkoutOnepage->getPaymentBlock()->selectPaymentMethod(['method' => 'checkmo']);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewTotals($actualPrices);
     $prices = $this->preparePrices($prices);
     //Order review prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order review should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(array_diff_key($prices, ['cart_item_price_excl_tax' => null, 'cart_item_price_incl_tax' => null]), $actualPrices, $message);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderTotals($actualPrices);
     //Frontend order prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order view page should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($prices, $actualPrices, $message);
  * Assert prices on the shopping cart
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 protected function assertOnShoppingCart(FixtureInterface $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     $customOptions = $product->getCustomOptions();
     $checkoutData = $product->getCheckoutData();
     $checkoutCustomOptions = isset($checkoutData['custom_options']) ? $checkoutData['custom_options'] : [];
     $fixturePrice = $product->getPrice();
     $groupPrice = $product->getGroupPrice();
     $specialPrice = $product->getSpecialPrice();
     $cartItem = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product);
     $formPrice = $cartItem->getPrice();
     if ($groupPrice) {
         $groupPrice = reset($groupPrice);
         $fixturePrice = $groupPrice['price'];
     if ($specialPrice) {
         $fixturePrice = $specialPrice;
     $fixtureActualPrice = $fixturePrice;
     foreach ($checkoutCustomOptions as $checkoutOption) {
         $attributeKey = $checkoutOption['title'];
         $optionKey = $checkoutOption['value'];
         $option = $customOptions[$attributeKey]['options'][$optionKey];
         if ('Fixed' == $option['price_type']) {
             $fixtureActualPrice += $option['price'];
         } else {
             $fixtureActualPrice += $fixturePrice / 100 * $option['price'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(number_format($fixtureActualPrice, 2), $formPrice, 'Product price in shopping cart is not correct.');
  * Apply coupon before one page checkout.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     if ($this->salesRule !== null) {
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Assert prices on the product view page and shopping cart page.
  * @param BundleProduct $product
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCartView
  * @param BundleProduct $originalProduct [optional]
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
 protected function assertPrice(BundleProduct $product, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCartView, BundleProduct $originalProduct = null)
     $customerGroup = 'NOT LOGGED IN';
     $bundleData = $product->getData();
     $this->productPriceType = $originalProduct !== null ? $originalProduct->getPriceType() : $product->getPriceType();
     $cartItem = $checkoutCartView->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product);
     $specialPrice = 0;
     if (isset($bundleData['group_price'])) {
         $specialPrice = $bundleData['group_price'][array_search($customerGroup, $bundleData['group_price'])]['price'] / 100;
     $optionPrice = [];
     $fillData = $product->getCheckoutData();
     foreach ($fillData['options']['bundle_options'] as $key => $data) {
         $subProductPrice = 0;
         foreach ($bundleData['bundle_selections']['products'][$key] as $productKey => $itemProduct) {
             if (strpos($itemProduct->getName(), $data['value']['name']) !== false) {
                 $data['value']['key'] = $productKey;
                 $subProductPrice = $itemProduct->getPrice();
         $optionPrice[$key]['price'] = $this->productPriceType == 'Fixed' ? number_format($bundleData['bundle_selections']['bundle_options'][$key]['assigned_products'][$data['value']['key']]['data']['selection_price_value'], 2) : number_format($subProductPrice, 2);
     foreach ($optionPrice as $index => $item) {
         $item['price'] -= $item['price'] * $specialPrice;
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(number_format($item['price'], 2), $cartItem->getPriceBundleOptions($index + 1), 'Bundle item ' . ($index + 1) . ' options on frontend don\'t equal to fixture.');
     $sumOptionsPrice = $product->getDataFieldConfig('price')['source']->getPriceData()['cart_price'];
     $subTotal = number_format($cartItem->getPrice(), 2);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($sumOptionsPrice, $subTotal, 'Bundle unit price on frontend doesn\'t equal to fixture.');
  * Assert that grand total is equal to expected
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param Cart $cart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, Cart $cart)
     $fixtureGrandTotal = number_format($cart->getGrandTotal(), 2);
     $pageGrandTotal = $checkoutCart->getTotalsBlock()->getGrandTotal();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($fixtureGrandTotal, $pageGrandTotal, 'Grand total price in the shopping cart not equals to grand total price from fixture.');
  * Assert that prices on order review and customer order pages are equal to specified in dataset.
  * @param array $prices
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage
  * @param CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess
  * @param CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(array $prices, InjectableFixture $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage, CheckoutOnepageSuccess $checkoutOnepageSuccess, CustomerOrderView $customerOrderView)
     $this->checkoutOnepage = $checkoutOnepage;
     $this->customerOrderView = $customerOrderView;
     $checkoutOnepage->getPaymentMethodsBlock()->selectPaymentMethod(['method' => 'check_money_order']);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getReviewTotals($actualPrices);
     $prices = $this->preparePrices($prices);
     //Order review prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order review should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($prices, $actualPrices, $message);
     $actualPrices = [];
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderPrices($actualPrices, $product);
     $actualPrices = $this->getOrderTotals($actualPrices);
     //Frontend order prices verification
     $message = 'Prices on order view page should be equal to defined in dataset.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($prices, $actualPrices, $message);
  * Assert prices on the shopping cart
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
 protected function assertOnShoppingCart(FixtureInterface $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
     $customOptions = $product->getCustomOptions();
     $checkoutData = $product->getCheckoutData();
     $checkoutCartItem = isset($checkoutData['cartItem']) ? $checkoutData['cartItem'] : [];
     $checkoutCustomOptions = isset($checkoutData['options']['custom_options']) ? $checkoutData['options']['custom_options'] : [];
     $fixturePrice = $product->getPrice();
     $specialPrice = $product->getSpecialPrice();
     $cartItem = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product);
     $formPrice = $cartItem->getPrice();
     if ($specialPrice) {
         $fixturePrice = $specialPrice;
     if (isset($checkoutCartItem['price'])) {
         $fixturePrice = $checkoutCartItem['price'];
     $fixtureActualPrice = $fixturePrice;
     foreach ($checkoutCustomOptions as $checkoutOption) {
         $attributeKey = str_replace('attribute_key_', '', $checkoutOption['title']);
         $optionKey = str_replace('option_key_', '', $checkoutOption['value']);
         $option = $customOptions[$attributeKey]['options'][$optionKey];
         if ('Fixed' == $option['price_type']) {
             $fixtureActualPrice += $option['price'];
         } else {
             $fixtureActualPrice += $fixturePrice / 100 * $option['price'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($fixtureActualPrice, $formPrice, 'Product price in shopping cart is not correct.');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Assert prices on the shopping cart
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 protected function assertOnShoppingCart(FixtureInterface $product, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     $cartBlock = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock();
     $productName = $product->getName();
     $productOptions = $product->getCustomOptions();
     $priceComparing = $product->getPrice();
     if ($groupPrice = $product->getGroupPrice()) {
         $groupPrice = reset($groupPrice);
         $priceComparing = $groupPrice['price'];
     if ($specialPrice = $product->getSpecialPrice()) {
         $priceComparing = $specialPrice;
     if (!empty($productOptions)) {
         $productOption = reset($productOptions);
         $optionsData = reset($productOption['options']);
         $optionName = $cartBlock->getCartItemOptionsNameByProductName($productName);
         $optionValue = $cartBlock->getCartItemOptionsValueByProductName($productName);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(trim($optionName) === $productOption['title'] && trim($optionValue) === $optionsData['title'], 'In the cart wrong option product.');
         if ($optionsData['price_type'] === 'Percent') {
             $priceComparing = $priceComparing * (1 + $optionsData['price'] / 100);
         } else {
             $priceComparing += $optionsData['price'];
     $price = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getProductPriceByName($productName);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(number_format($priceComparing, 2), $price, 'Product price in shopping cart is not correct.');
  * Assert that products are present in shopping cart
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param array $products
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, array $products)
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->isVisible(), 'Product ' . $product->getName() . ' is absent in shopping cart.');
  * Check that Shopping Cart is empty, opened page contains text "You have no items in your shopping cart.
  * Click here to continue shopping." where 'here' is link that leads to index page
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, BrowserInterface $browser)
     $cartEmptyBlock = $checkoutCart->getCartEmptyBlock();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(self::TEXT_EMPTY_CART, $cartEmptyBlock->getText(), 'Wrong text on empty cart page.');
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($_ENV['app_frontend_url'], $browser->getUrl(), 'Wrong link to main page on empty cart page.');
  * Assertion that the product is correctly displayed in cart
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param ConfigurableProductInjectable $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(Browser $browser, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, ConfigurableProductInjectable $product)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $checkoutData = $product->getCheckoutData();
     $price = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->getPrice();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($checkoutData['cartItem']['price'], $price, 'Product price in shopping cart is not correct.');
  * Assert prices on the shopping Cart
  * @param CatalogProductConfigurable $configurable
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 protected function assertOnShoppingCart(CatalogProductConfigurable $configurable, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     /** @var \Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Test\Fixture\CatalogProductConfigurable\Price $priceFixture */
     $priceFixture = $configurable->getDataFieldConfig('price')['source'];
     $pricePresetData = $priceFixture->getPreset();
     $price = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getProductPriceByName($configurable->getName());
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($pricePresetData['cart_price'], $price, 'Product price in shopping cart is not correct.');
  * Assert that tax amount is equal to expected.
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param Cart $cart
  * @param boolean $requireReload
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, Cart $cart, $requireReload = true)
     if ($requireReload) {
     $fixtureTaxAmount = number_format((double) $cart->getTaxAmount(), 2);
     $pageTaxAmount = $checkoutCart->getTotalsBlock()->getTax();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($fixtureTaxAmount, $pageTaxAmount, 'Tax amount in the shopping cart not equals to tax amount from fixture.');
  * Assert that Catalog Price Rule is not applied for product(s) in Shopping Cart.
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCartPage
  * @param array $products
  * @param array $productPrice
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCartPage, array $products, array $productPrice)
     $this->objectManager->create('\\Magento\\Checkout\\Test\\TestStep\\AddProductsToTheCartStep', ['products' => $products])->run();
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         $actualPrice = $checkoutCartPage->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->getSubtotalPrice();
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($productPrice[$key]['regular'], $actualPrice, 'Wrong product price is displayed.' . "\nExpected: " . $productPrice[$key]['regular'] . "\nActual: " . $actualPrice . "\n");
  * Add products to the cart
  * @return void
 public function run()
     // Ensure that shopping cart is empty
     foreach ($this->products as $product) {
         $this->browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
  * Assert that product is displayed in cross-sell section
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product1
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product2
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductSimple $product1, CatalogProductSimple $product2, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     $categoryName = $product1->getCategoryIds()[0];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($checkoutCart->getCrosssellBlock()->verifyProductCrosssell($product2), 'Product \'' . $product2->getName() . '\' is absent in cross-sell section.');
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Assert that product is not displayed in cross-sell section
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product
  * @param InjectableFixture[] $relatedProducts
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(BrowserInterface $browser, CatalogProductSimple $product, array $relatedProducts, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     foreach ($relatedProducts as $relatedProduct) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($checkoutCart->getCrosssellBlock()->verifyProductCrosssell($relatedProduct), 'Product \'' . $relatedProduct->getName() . '\' is exist in cross-sell section.');
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Assert that product is displayed in cross-sell section
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param InjectableFixture[] $relatedProducts
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(BrowserInterface $browser, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CatalogProductSimple $product, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, array $relatedProducts)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $errors = [];
     foreach ($relatedProducts as $relatedProduct) {
         if (!$checkoutCart->getCrosssellBlock()->verifyProductCrosssell($relatedProduct)) {
             $errors[] = 'Product \'' . $relatedProduct->getName() . '\' is absent in cross-sell section.';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($errors, implode(" ", $errors));
  * Run test add products to shopping cart
  * @param string $products
  * @param int $deletedProductIndex
  * @return array
 public function test($products, $deletedProductIndex)
     // Preconditions
     $products = $this->prepareProducts($products);
     // Steps
     $deletedProduct = $products[$deletedProductIndex];
     return ['products' => $products, 'deletedProduct' => $deletedProduct];
  * Assert that product is not displayed in cross-sell section.
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $product
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param InjectableFixture[]|null $promotedProducts
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(BrowserInterface $browser, CatalogProductSimple $product, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, array $promotedProducts = null)
     if (!$promotedProducts) {
         $promotedProducts = $product->hasData('cross_sell_products') ? $product->getDataFieldConfig('cross_sell_products')['source']->getProducts() : [];
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     foreach ($promotedProducts as $promotedProduct) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($checkoutCart->getCrosssellBlock()->getProductItem($promotedProduct)->isVisible(), 'Product \'' . $promotedProduct->getName() . '\' is exist in cross-sell section.');
  * 1. Navigate to frontend
  * 2. If "Log Out" link is visible and "isLoggedIn" empty
  *    - makes logout
  * 3. If "isLoggedIn" not empty
  *    - login as customer
  * 4. Clear shopping cart
  * 5. Add test product(s) to shopping cart with specify quantity
  * 6. If "salesRule/data/coupon_code" not empty:
  *    - fill "Enter your code" input in Dіscount Codes
  *    - click "Apply Coupon" button
  * 7. If "address/data/country_id" not empty:
  *    On Estimate Shipping and Tax:
  *    - fill Country, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code
  *    - click 'Get a Quote' button
  *    - select 'Flat Rate' shipping
  *    - click 'Update Total' button
  * 8. Implementation assert
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CustomerAccountLogin $customerAccountLogin
  * @param CustomerAccountLogout $customerAccountLogout
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param SalesRule $salesRule
  * @param SalesRule $salesRuleOrigin
  * @param array $productQuantity
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $productForSalesRule1
  * @param CatalogProductSimple $productForSalesRule2
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param Address $address
  * @param int|null $isLoggedIn
  * @param array $shipping
  * @param array $cartPrice
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CustomerAccountLogin $customerAccountLogin, CustomerAccountLogout $customerAccountLogout, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, SalesRule $salesRule, SalesRule $salesRuleOrigin, array $productQuantity, CatalogProductSimple $productForSalesRule1, CatalogProductSimple $productForSalesRule2 = null, Customer $customer = null, Address $address = null, $isLoggedIn = null, array $shipping = [], array $cartPrice = [])
     $this->checkoutCart = $checkoutCart;
     $this->cmsIndex = $cmsIndex;
     $this->customerAccountLogin = $customerAccountLogin;
     $this->customerAccountLogout = $customerAccountLogout;
     $this->catalogCategoryView = $catalogCategoryView;
     $this->catalogProductView = $catalogProductView;
     $this->productForSalesRule1 = $productForSalesRule1;
     $this->productForSalesRule2 = $productForSalesRule2;
     $this->cartPrice = $cartPrice;
     if ($customer !== null) {
         $this->customer = $customer;
     $isLoggedIn ? $this->login() : $this->customerAccountLogout->open();
     if ($address !== null) {
     if ($salesRule->getCouponCode() || $salesRuleOrigin->getCouponCode()) {
         $this->checkoutCart->getDiscountCodesBlock()->applyCouponCode($salesRule->getCouponCode() ? $salesRule->getCouponCode() : $salesRuleOrigin->getCouponCode());
  * Verify checkout cart.
  * @param array $checkoutProducts
  * @return void
 protected function assertCheckoutCart(array $checkoutProducts)
     foreach ($checkoutProducts as $product) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($this->checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->isVisible(), "Product {$product->getName()} absent in cart.");
  * Remove products form cart
  * @param array $products
  * @return void
 protected function removeProducts(array $products)
     foreach ($products as $product) {
Exemplo n.º 26
  * 1. Creating product simple with custom tax product class
  * 2. Log In as customer
  * 3. Add product to shopping cart
  * 4. Estimate Shipping and Tax
  * 5. Implementation assert
  * @param FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory
  * @param TaxRule $taxRule
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param Address $address
  * @param array $shipping
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param TaxRule $initialTaxRule
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory, TaxRule $taxRule, Customer $customer, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, Address $address, array $shipping, BrowserInterface $browser, TaxRule $initialTaxRule = null)
     $this->initialTaxRule = $initialTaxRule;
     $this->taxRule = $taxRule;
     $this->checkoutCart = $checkoutCart;
     $this->shipping = $shipping;
     if ($this->initialTaxRule !== null) {
         $this->taxRuleCode = $this->taxRule->hasData('code') ? $this->taxRule->getCode() : $this->initialTaxRule->getCode();
     } else {
         $this->taxRuleCode = $this->taxRule->getCode();
     // Creating simple product with custom tax class
     /** @var \Magento\Tax\Test\Fixture\TaxClass $taxProductClass */
     $taxProductClass = $taxRule->getDataFieldConfig('tax_product_class')['source']->getFixture()[0];
     $this->productSimple = $fixtureFactory->createByCode('catalogProductSimple', ['dataSet' => 'product_100_dollar_for_tax_rule', 'data' => ['tax_class_id' => ['tax_product_class' => $taxProductClass]]]);
     // Customer login
     $this->objectManager->create('Magento\\Customer\\Test\\TestStep\\LoginCustomerOnFrontendStep', ['customer' => $customer])->run();
     // Clearing shopping cart and adding product to shopping cart
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $this->productSimple->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     // Estimate Shipping and Tax
  * Assert that Catalog Price Rule is applied for product(s) in Shopping Cart
  * according to Priority(Priority/Stop Further Rules Processing).
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCartPage
  * @param array $products
  * @param array $cartPrice
  * @param array $productPrice
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCartPage, array $products, array $cartPrice, array $productPrice, Customer $customer = null)
     if ($customer !== null) {
         $this->objectManager->create('\\Magento\\Customer\\Test\\TestStep\\LoginCustomerOnFrontendStep', ['customer' => $customer])->run();
     $this->objectManager->create('\\Magento\\Checkout\\Test\\TestStep\\AddProductsToTheCartStep', ['products' => $products])->run();
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         $actualPrice = $checkoutCartPage->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->getSubtotalPrice();
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($productPrice[$key]['sub_total'], $actualPrice, 'Wrong product price is displayed.' . "\nExpected: " . $productPrice[$key]['sub_total'] . "\nActual: " . $actualPrice . "\n");
     $actualPrices['sub_total'] = $checkoutCartPage->getTotalsBlock()->getSubtotal();
     $actualPrices['grand_total'] = $checkoutCartPage->getTotalsBlock()->getGrandTotal();
     $expectedPrices['sub_total'] = $cartPrice['sub_total'];
     $expectedPrices['grand_total'] = $cartPrice['grand_total'];
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($expectedPrices, $actualPrices, 'Wrong total cart prices are displayed.');
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Place order and verify there is no checkbox Terms and Conditions.
  * @param FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory
  * @param ObjectManager $objectManager
  * @param string $product
  * @param BrowserInterface $browser
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage
  * @param CheckoutAgreement $agreement
  * @param array $shipping
  * @param array $payment
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
 public function processAssert(FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory, ObjectManager $objectManager, $product, BrowserInterface $browser, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, CheckoutOnepage $checkoutOnepage, CheckoutAgreement $agreement, $shipping, $payment)
     $createProductsStep = $objectManager->create('Magento\\Catalog\\Test\\TestStep\\CreateProductsStep', ['products' => $product]);
     $product = $createProductsStep->run();
     $billingAddress = $fixtureFactory->createByCode('address', ['dataset' => 'default']);
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product['products'][0]->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse($checkoutOnepage->getAgreementReview()->checkAgreement($agreement), 'Checkout Agreement \'' . $agreement->getName() . '\' is present in the Place order step.');
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Assert product MAP related data in Shopping Cart.
  * @param CmsIndex $cmsIndex
  * @param CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param InjectableFixture $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CmsIndex $cmsIndex, CatalogCategoryView $catalogCategoryView, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, InjectableFixture $product)
     /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
     if ($product->hasData('checkout_data')) {
     } else {
     $productPrice = $product->hasData('checkout_data') ? $product->getCheckoutData()['cartItem']['price'] : $product->getPrice();
     $unitPrice = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product)->getPrice();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($productPrice, $unitPrice, 'Incorrect unit price is displayed in Cart');
  * Assert that price in the shopping cart equals to expected price from data set
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @param Cart $cart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CheckoutCart $checkoutCart, Cart $cart)
     /** @var Items $sourceProducts */
     $sourceProducts = $cart->getDataFieldConfig('items')['source'];
     $products = $sourceProducts->getProducts();
     $items = $cart->getItems();
     $productsData = [];
     $cartData = [];
     foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
         /** @var CatalogProductSimple $product */
         $product = $products[$key];
         $productName = $product->getName();
         /** @var FixtureInterface $item */
         $checkoutItem = $item->getData();
         $cartItem = $checkoutCart->getCartBlock()->getCartItem($product);
         $productsData[$productName] = ['price' => $checkoutItem['price']];
         $cartData[$productName] = ['price' => $cartItem->getPrice()];
     $error = $this->verifyData($productsData, $cartData, true);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($error, $error);