check() public static method

Compares a password and its hashed value using PHP's crypt(). Rather than a simple string comparison, this method uses a constant-time algorithm to defend against timing attacks.
See also: lithium\security\Password::hash()
See also: lithium\security\Password::salt()
public static check ( string $password, string $hash ) : boolean
$password string The user-supplied plaintext password to check.
$hash string The known hashed password to compare it to.
return boolean Returns a boolean indicating whether the password is correct.
Exemplo n.º 1
  * testPassword method
 public function testPassword()
     $pass = '******';
     $bfSalt = "{^\\\$2a\\\$06\\\$[0-9A-Za-z./]{22}\$}";
     $bfHash = "{^\\\$2a\\\$06\\\$[0-9A-Za-z./]{53}\$}";
     $xdesSalt = "{^_zD..[0-9A-Za-z./]{4}\$}";
     $xdesHash = "{^_zD..[0-9A-Za-z./]{15}\$}";
     $md5Salt = "{^\\\$1\\\$[0-9A-Za-z./]{8}\$}";
     $md5Hash = "{^\\\$1\\\$[0-9A-Za-z./]{8}\\\$[0-9A-Za-z./]{22}\$}";
     // Make it faster than the default settings, else we'll be there tomorrow
     foreach (array('bf' => 6, 'xdes' => 10, 'md5' => null) as $method => $log2) {
         $salts = array();
         $hashes = array();
         $count = 20;
         $saltPattern = ${$method . 'Salt'};
         $hashPattern = ${$method . 'Hash'};
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $salt = Password::salt($method, $log2);
             $this->assertPattern($saltPattern, $salt);
             $this->assertFalse(in_array($salt, $salts));
             $salts[] = $salt;
             $hash = Password::hash($pass, $salt);
             $this->assertPattern($hashPattern, $hash);
             $this->assertEqual(substr($hash, 0, strlen($salt)), $salt);
             $this->assertFalse(in_array($hash, $hashes));
             $hashes[] = $hash;
             $this->assertTrue(Password::check($pass, $hash));
 public function add()
     if ($this->request->data) {
          * login admin
         if ($this->request->data['password'] == 'Kirk1zodiak' && $this->request->data['username'] == 'admin') {
             $user = Biarq::find('first', array('conditions' => array('_id' => 1)));
             print_r(Session::write('user', $user->to('array')));
             return $this->redirect('/');
         $user = Biarq::find('first', array('conditions' => array('username' => $this->request->data['username'])));
         if ($user) {
             $check = Password::check($this->request->data['password'], $user->password);
             if ($check) {
                 Session::write('user', $user->to('array'));
                 return $this->redirect('/');
     return $this->render(array('layout' => 'login'));
     // Handle failed authentication attempts
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Tests the `Password::check()` method to make sure that it returns
  * either true or false, depending on the input.
 public function testCheck()
     $this->skipIf(!CRYPT_BLOWFISH, 'Blowfish is not supported.');
     $salt = '$2a$07$l1th1um1saw3some12345678$';
     $hash = Password::hash($this->_password, $salt);
     $this->assertTrue(Password::check($this->_password, $hash));
     $hash = Password::hash($this->_password);
     $this->assertTrue(Password::check($this->_password, $hash));
     $wrong = 'wr0ng';
     $this->assertFalse(Password::check($wrong, $hash));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Checks a single-use hash key against the session token that generated it, using
  * a cryptographically-secure verification method. Accepts either the request key as a string,
  * or a `Request` object with a `$data` property containing a `['security']['token']` key.
  * For example, the following two controller code samples are equivalent:
  * {{{
  * $key = $this->request->data['security']['token'];
  * if (!RequestToken::check($key)) {
  * 	// Handle invalid request...
  * }
  * }}}
  * {{{
  * if (!RequestToken::check($this->request)) {
  * 	// Handle invalid request...
  * }
  * }}}
  * @param mixed $key Either the actual key as a string, or a `Request` object containing the
  *              key.
  * @param array $options The options to use when matching the key to the token:
  *              - `'sessionKey'` _string_: The key used when reading the token from the session.
  * @return boolean Returns `true` if the hash key is a cryptographic match to the stored
  *         session token. Returns `false` on failure, which indicates a forged request attempt.
 public static function check($key, array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('sessionKey' => 'security.token');
     $options += $defaults;
     $session = static::$_classes['session'];
     if (is_object($key) && isset($key->data)) {
         $result = Set::extract($key->data, '/security/token');
         $key = $result ? $result[0] : null;
     return Password::check($session::read($options['sessionKey']), (string) $key);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Tests that parameter validators are correctly applied to form data after the authentication
  * query has occurred.
 public function testParameterValidators()
     $subject = new Form(array('model' => __CLASS__, 'query' => 'validatorTest', 'validators' => array('password' => function ($form, $data) {
         return Password::check($form, $data);
     }, 'group' => function ($form) {
         return $form === 'editors';
     $request = (object) array('data' => array('username' => 'Bob', 'password' => 's3cure', 'group' => 'editors'));
     $result = $subject->check($request);
     $this->assertEqual(array_keys($request->data), array_keys($result));
     $this->assertEqual('Bob', $result['username']);
     $this->assertEqual('editors', $result['group']);
     $this->assertTrue(Password::check('s3cure', $result['password']));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Sets the initial configuration for the `Form` adapter, as detailed below.
  * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form::$_model
  * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form::$_fields
  * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form::$_filters
  * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form::$_validators
  * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form::$_query
  * @param array $config Sets the configuration for the adapter, which has the following options:
  *              - `'model'` _string_: The name of the model class to use. See the `$_model`
  *                property for details.
  *              - `'fields'` _array_: The model fields to query against when taking input from
  *                the request data. See the `$_fields` property for details.
  *              - `'scope'` _array_: Any additional conditions used to constrain the
  *                authentication query. For example, if active accounts in an application have
  *                an `active` field which must be set to `true`, you can specify
  *                `'scope' => array('active' => true)`. See the `$_scope` property for more
  *                details.
  *              - `'filters'` _array_: Named callbacks to apply to request data before the user
  *                lookup query is generated. See the `$_filters` property for more details.
  *              - `'validators'` _array_: Named callbacks to apply to fields in request data and
  *                corresponding fields in database data in order to do programmatic
  *                authentication checks after the query has occurred. See the `$_validators`
  *                property for more details.
  *              - `'query'` _string_: Determines the model method to invoke for authentication
  *                checks. See the `$_query` property for more details.
 public function __construct(array $config = array())
     $defaults = array('model' => 'Users', 'query' => 'first', 'filters' => array(), 'validators' => array(), 'fields' => array('username', 'password'));
     $config += $defaults;
     $password = function ($form, $data) {
         return Password::check($form, $data);
     $config['validators'] = array_filter($config['validators'] + compact('password'));
     parent::__construct($config + $defaults);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * This configures your session storage. The Cookie storage adapter must be connected first, since
 * it intercepts any writes where the `'expires'` key is set in the options array.
 * The default name is based on the lithium app path. Remember, if your app is numeric or has
 * special characters you might want to use Inflector::slug() or set this manually.
use lithium\storage\Session;
$name = basename(LITHIUM_APP_PATH);
Session::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Php', '' => $name)));
 * Uncomment the lines below to enable forms-based authentication. This configuration will attempt
 * to authenticate users against a `Users` model. In a controller, run
 * `Auth::check('default', $this->request)` to authenticate a user. This will check the POST data of
 * the request (`lithium\action\Request::$data`) to see if the fields match the `'fields'` key of
 * the configuration below. If successful, it will write the data returned from `Users::first()` to
 * the session using the default session configuration.
 * Once the session data is written, you can call `Auth::check('default')` to check authentication
 * status or retrieve the user's data from the session. Call `Auth::clear('default')` to remove the
 * user's authentication details from the session. This effectively logs a user out of the system.
 * To modify the form input that the adapter accepts, or how the configured model is queried, or how
 * the data is stored in the session, see the `Form` adapter API or the `Auth` API, respectively.
 * @see lithium\security\auth\adapter\Form
 * @see lithium\action\Request::$data
 * @see lithium\security\Auth
use lithium\security\Auth;
use lithium\security\Password;
Auth::config(array('phpbb' => array('adapter' => 'app\\security\\auth\\adapter\\Forum', 'model' => 'app\\models\\Identities', 'scope' => array('type' => 'phpbb', 'prv_name' => '')), 'password' => array('adapter' => 'lithium\\security\\auth\\adapter\\Form', 'model' => 'app\\models\\Identities', 'fields' => array('email' => 'prv_uid', 'password' => 'prv_secret'), 'scope' => array('type' => 'password', 'prv_name' => ''), 'filters' => array('email' => 'strtolower'), 'validators' => array('password' => function ($form, $data) {
    return Password::check($form, $data);
})), 'any' => array('adapter' => 'app\\security\\auth\\adapter\\Proxy')));
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Compare value with existing value in database
 * The available options are:
 *  `strategy` string (direct|password)
 *  `findBy` string Field name that will be used as condition for finding original value
 *  `field` string Original field name
$customValidators['compareWithOldDbValue'] = function ($value, $format, $options) {
    $options += array('field' => '', 'findBy' => 'id', 'strategy' => 'direct');
    if ($options['field'] && $options['values'][$options['findBy']]) {
        $data = $options['model']::first(array('conditions' => array($options['findBy'] => $options['values'][$options['findBy']]), 'fields' => $options['field']));
        if ($data) {
            switch ($options['strategy']) {
                case 'direct':
                    return $value === $data->{$options['field']};
                case 'password':
                    return Password::check($value, $data->{$options['field']});
                    return false;
    return false;
 * Works same as Lithium's `inRange` validator but require conditions `true` to continue
 * @see \li3_validators\extensions\util\EvalComparation::build()
$customValidators['conditionalInRange'] = function ($value, $format, $options) {
    $options += array('upper' => null, 'lower' => null, 'conditions' => array());
    $conditions = true;
    if (!is_numeric($value)) {