While those three environments are the most common, you can create any arbitrary environment with any set of configuration, for example: embed:lithium\tests\cases\core\EnvironmentTest::testSetAndGetCurrentEnvironment(1-3) You can then retrieve the configurations using the key name. The correct configuration is returned, automatically accounting for the current environment: embed:lithium\tests\cases\core\EnvironmentTest::testSetAndGetCurrentEnvironment(15-15) Environment also works with subclasses of Adaptable, allowing you to maintain separate configurations for database servers, cache adapters, and other environment-specific classes, for example: Connections::add('default', array( 'production' => array( 'type' => 'database', 'adapter' => 'MySql', 'host' => 'db1.application.local', 'login' => 'secure', 'password' => 'secret', 'database' => 'app-production' ), 'development' => array( 'type' => 'database', 'adapter' => 'MySql', 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'database' => 'app' ) )); This allows the database connection named 'default' to be connected to a local database in development, and a production database in production. You can define environment-specific configurations for caching, logging, even session storage, i.e.: Cache::config(array( 'userData' => array( 'development' => array('adapter' => 'File'), 'production' => array('adapter' => 'Memcache') ) )); When the cache configuration is accessed in the application's code, the correct configuration is automatically used: $user = User::find($request->id); Cache::write('userData', "User.{$request->id}", $user->data(), '+5 days'); In this configuration, the above example will automatically send cache writes to the file system during local development, and to a memcache server in production. When writing classes that connect to other external resources, you can automatically take advantage of environment-specific configurations by extending Adaptable and implementing your resource-handling functionality in adapter classes. In addition to managing your environment-specific configurations, Environment will also help you by automatically detecting which environment your application is running in. For additional information, see the documentation for Environment::is().
See also: lithium\core\Adaptable
Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function config($name = null)
     if (empty(self::$_config)) {
         $config = Libraries::get('li3_varnish');
         $env = Environment::get();
         if (isset($config[$env])) {
             $config += $config[$env];
         foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
             if (isset(self::$_defaults[$k]) && is_array(self::$_defaults[$k])) {
                 $config[$k] += self::$_defaults[$k];
         self::$_config = $config + self::$_defaults;
     if (isset($name)) {
         if (isset(self::$_config[$name])) {
             return self::$_config[$name];
         } else {
             return null;
     return self::$_config;
  * Return an instance of the Mandrill class.
  * @return Mandrill Instance.
 public static function getInstance()
     // Detect when the PID of the current process has changed (from a fork, etc)
     // and force a reconnect to redis.
     $pid = getmypid();
     if (self::$pid !== $pid) {
         self::$mandrill = null;
         self::$pid = $pid;
     if (!is_null(self::$mandrill)) {
         return self::$mandrill;
     foreach (array_keys(self::$config) as $param) {
         if (Environment::get('mandrill.' . $param)) {
             self::$config[$param] = Environment::get('mandrill.' . $param);
     if (!self::$config['apikey']) {
         throw new Exception('missing Mandrill Configuration', 500);
     try {
         self::$mandrill = new Mandrill(self::$config['apikey']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return null;
     return self::$mandrill;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getkycinfo()
     $email = strtolower($this->request->query['email']);
     $kycid = $this->request->query['kycid'];
     if (substr(Environment::get('locale'), 0, 2) == "en") {
         $locale = "en";
     } else {
         $locale = Environment::get('locale');
     if ($email == "" || $kycid == "") {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0)));
     $document = Documents::find('first', array('conditions' => array('email' => $email, 'email_code' => $kycid)));
     $encrypt = $document['hash'];
     //		print_r($function->decrypt($encrypt,CONNECTION_DB_KYC));
     if (count($document) == 1) {
         if ($emails['Verify']['Score'] >= 80) {
             return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0, 'reason' => 'Aleredy KYC complete')));
         } else {
             return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 1, 'id' => $encrypt, 'locale' => $locale)));
     } else {
         return $this->render(array('json' => array('success' => 0)));
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected static function _config($model, Behavior $behavior, array $config, array $defaults)
     $config += $defaults;
     if (!$config['locale']) {
         $config['locale'] = Environment::get('locale');
     if (!$config['locales']) {
         $config['locales'] = array_keys(Environment::get('locales'));
     if (!$config['strategy']) {
         $connection = get_class($model::connection());
         $config['strategy'] = $connection::enabled('arrays') ? 'nested' : 'inline';
     if ($config['strategy'] === 'inline') {
         foreach ($config['fields'] as $field) {
             foreach ($config['locales'] as $locale) {
                 if ($locale === $config['locale']) {
                 if (!$model::hasField($field = static::_composeField($field, $locale))) {
                     throw new Exception("Model `{$model}` is missing translation field `{$field}`");
     return $config;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct($options = array())
     $this->_library = Libraries::get('li3_hierarchy');
     $this->_cacheDir = $this->_library['path'] . '/resources/tmp/cache';
     $defaults['cache'] = Environment::get() == 'production' ? true : false;
     $this->_options = $this->_library + $defaults;
     $this->_cache = $this->_options['cache'];
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Constructor for this adapter - sets relevant default configurations for Twig to be used
  * when instantiating a new Twig_Environment and Twig_Loader_Filesystem.
  * @param array $config Optional configuration directives.
  *        Please see http://www.twig-project.org/book/03-Twig-for-Developers for all
  *        available configuration keys and their description.
  *        There are 4 settings that is set
  *        - `cache`: Path to /resources/tmp/cache/templates/ where compiled templates will be stored
  *        - `auto_reload`: If Environment is not production, templates will be reloaded once edited
  *        - `base_template_class`: Overriden to the Template adapter, be carefull with changing this
  *        - `autoescape`: Set to false because the way we inject content is with full html that should not be escaped
  * @return void
 public function __construct(array $config = array())
      * TODO Change hardcoded LITHIUM_APP_PATH to be dynamic
     $defaults = array('cache' => LITHIUM_APP_PATH . '/resources/tmp/cache/templates', 'auto_reload' => !Environment::is('production'), 'base_template_class' => 'li3_twig\\template\\view\\adapter\\Template', 'autoescape' => false);
     parent::__construct($config + $defaults);
 public function testEnvironmentalDefaults()
     $artist = Artists::create(['ja.name' => 'Richard Japper', 'ja.profile' => 'Dreaded Rasta Nihon', 'en.name' => 'Richard', 'en.profile' => 'Dreaded Rasta', 'something_else' => 'Something']);
     Environment::set('test', ['locales' => ['en' => 'English', 'es' => 'Espanol']]);
     $artist->_actsAs = ['Translatable' => ['default' => 'ja', 'fields' => ['name', 'profile']]];
     $artist = Artists::first();
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected function _init()
     if (file_exists($this->_config['routes'])) {
         return require $this->_config['routes'];
     $this->error("The routes file for this library doesn't exist or can't be found.");
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Configures this helper
 public static function config($config = array())
     $defaults = array('optimize' => Environment::get() == 'production', 'debug' => Environment::get() == 'development', 'stylesPath' => LITHIUM_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'webroot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'css', 'scriptsPath' => LITHIUM_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'webroot' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js', 'filters' => array());
     $config += $defaults;
     // Merge config
     static::$config = array_merge(static::$config, $config);
     // Configure filters
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Determines if we should run any `newrelic_` methods.
  * If the configuration for the plugin `shouldRun` does not exist, set
  * a generic one.
  * @return bool
 public static function shouldRun()
     if (!is_callable(Libraries::get('li3_newrelic', 'shouldRun'))) {
         $config = Libraries::get('li3_newrelic');
         $config['shouldRun'] = function () {
             return Environment::is('production') && extension_loaded('newrelic');
         Libraries::add('li3_newrelic', $config);
     return Libraries::get('li3_newrelic', 'shouldRun')->__invoke();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Auto run the help command.
  * @param string $command Name of the command to return help about.
  * @return void
 public function run($command = null)
     $message = 'Lithium console started in the ' . Environment::get() . ' environment.';
     $message .= ' Use the --env=environment key to alter this.';
     if (!$command) {
         return true;
     if (!preg_match('/\\\\/', $command)) {
         $command = ucwords($command);
     if (!($class = Libraries::locate('command', $command))) {
         $this->error("Command `{$command}` not found");
         return false;
     $command = Inflector::classify($command);
     if (strpos($command, '\\') !== false) {
         $command = join('', array_slice(explode("\\", $command), -1));
     $command = strtolower(Inflector::slug($command));
     $run = null;
     $methods = $this->_methods($class);
     $properties = $this->_properties($class);
     $info = Inspector::info($class);
     $this->out('USAGE', 'heading');
     if (isset($methods['run'])) {
         $run = $methods['run'];
         $this->_renderUsage($command, $run, $properties);
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         $this->_renderUsage($command, $method);
     if (!empty($info['description'])) {
     if ($properties || $methods) {
         $this->out('OPTIONS', 'heading');
     if ($run) {
     if ($methods) {
     if ($properties) {
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Create an entity manager
  * @param array $params Parameters
  * @return object Entity manager
  * @filter
 protected function createEntityManager()
     $configuration = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration([$this->_config['models']], Environment::is('development'), $this->_config['proxies'], isset($this->_config['cache']) ? call_user_func($this->_config['cache']) : null);
     $eventManager = new EventManager();
     $eventManager->addEventListener([Events::postLoad, Events::prePersist, Events::preUpdate], $this);
     $connection = $this->connectionSettings;
     $params = compact('connection', 'configuration', 'eventManager');
     return $this->_filter(__METHOD__, $params, function ($self, $params) {
         return EntityManager::create($params['connection'], $params['configuration'], $params['eventManager']);
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected function _verify($request)
     $config = Environment::get('service.recaptcha');
     $url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
     $url .= '?secret=' . $config['secretKey'];
     $url .= '&response=' . $this->request->data['token'];
     $ch = curl_init($url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     $result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
     return $result['success'] === true;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function _init()
     $this->_config = Libraries::get('li3_frontender');
     $defaults = array('compress' => false, 'assets_root' => LITHIUM_APP_PATH . "/webroot", 'production' => Environment::get() == 'production', 'locations' => array('node' => '/usr/bin/node', 'coffee' => '/usr/bin/coffee'));
     $this->_config += $defaults;
     $this->_production = $this->_config['production'];
     // remove extra slash if it was included in the library config
     $this->_config['assets_root'] = substr($this->_config['assets_root'], -1) == "/" ? substr($this->_config['assets_root'], 0, -1) : $this->_config['assets_root'];
     $this->_paths['styles'] = $this->_config['assets_root'] . "/css/";
     $this->_paths['scripts'] = $this->_config['assets_root'] . "/js/";
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function sendLoggedQueries()
     if ($this->key) {
         KM::$key = $this->key;
     if ($this->logdir) {
         KM::$log_dir = $this->logdir;
     $this->out(" - Using Environment: \t" . Environment::get());
     $this->out(" - Using log_dir: \t" . KM::$log_dir);
Exemplo n.º 16
 protected function setUp()
     if (empty($this->host)) {
         $this->host = Environment::get('resque.host');
     if (empty($this->host)) {
         $this->host = 'localhost';
     if (empty($this->port)) {
         $this->port = Environment::get('resque.port');
     if (empty($this->port)) {
         $this->port = 6379;
     ResqueProxy::setBackend($this->host . ':' . $this->port);
     $this->queues = ResqueProxy::queues();
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Runs a test group or a specific test file based on the passed
  * parameters.
  * @param string $group If set, this test group is run. If not set, a group test may
  *        also be run by passing the 'group' option to the $options parameter.
  * @param array $options Options array for the test run. Valid options are:
  *        - 'case': The fully namespaced test case to be run.
  *        - 'group': The fully namespaced test group to be run.
  *        - 'filters': An array of filters that the test output should be run through.
  * @return array A compact array of the title, an array of the results, as well
  *         as an additional array of the results after the $options['filters']
  *         have been applied.
  * @filter
 public static function run($group = null, array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('title' => $group, 'filters' => array(), 'reporter' => 'text');
     $options += $defaults;
     $isCase = is_string($group) && preg_match('/Test$/', $group);
     $items = $isCase ? array(new $group()) : (array) $group;
     $options['filters'] = Set::normalize($options['filters']);
     $group = static::_group($items);
     $report = static::_report($group, $options);
     return static::_filter(__FUNCTION__, compact('report'), function ($self, $params, $chain) {
         $environment = Environment::get();
         return $params['report'];
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @return void
 public static function __init()
     $libraryConfig = Libraries::get('li3_resque');
     static::config($libraryConfig + static::$_defaults);
     if (Environment::get('resque.host')) {
         static::$_config['host'] = Environment::get('resque.host');
     if (Environment::get('resque.port')) {
         static::$_config['port'] = Environment::get('resque.port');
     if (!empty(static::$_config['host']) || !empty(static::$_config['port'])) {
         try {
             Resque::setBackend(static::$_config['host'] . ':' . static::$_config['port']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new ConfigException('Could not connect to Resque server');
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static function terminate()
     static::$_data['end'] = microtime(true);
     static::$_data['environment'] = Environment::get();
     static::$_data['events.count'] = count(static::$_data['events']);
     static::$_data['db.count'] = count(static::$_data['db']);
     static::$_data['runtime'] = static::$_data['end'] - static::$_data['start'];
     static::$_data['memory.end'] = memory_get_usage(true);
     static::$_data['memory.usage'] = memory_get_peak_usage(true);
     static::$_data['log.count'] = count(static::$_data['log']);
     if (!Environment::is('production') && static::$_view) {
         try {
             echo static::$_view->render(array('element' => 'debug_bar'));
         } catch (\lithium\template\TemplateException $e) {
             $view = new View(array('paths' => array('element' => '{:library}/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php')));
             echo $view->render(array('element' => 'debug_bar'), array(), array('library' => 'li3_debug'));
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Dispatches a request based on a request object (an instance of `lithium\console\Request`).
  *  If `$request` is `null`, a new request object is instantiated based on the value of the
  * `'request'` key in the `$_classes` array.
  * @param object $request An instance of a request object with console request information.  If
  *        `null`, an instance will be created.
  * @param array $options
  * @return object The command action result which is an instance of `lithium\console\Response`.
  * @filter
 public static function run($request = null, $options = array())
     $defaults = array('request' => array());
     $options += $defaults;
     $classes = static::$_classes;
     $params = compact('request', 'options');
     return static::_filter(__FUNCTION__, $params, function ($self, $params) use($classes) {
         $request = $params['request'];
         $options = $params['options'];
         $router = $classes['router'];
         $request = $request ?: new $classes['request']($options['request']);
         $request->params = $router::parse($request);
         $params = $self::applyRules($request->params);
         try {
             $callable = $self::invokeMethod('_callable', array($request, $params, $options));
             return $self::invokeMethod('_call', array($callable, $request, $params));
         } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
             return (object) array('status' => $e->getMessage() . "\n");
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Gets an array of settings for the given named configuration in the current
  * environment.
  * @see lithium\core\Environment
  * @param string $name Name of the configuration.
  * @return array Settings of the named configuration.
 public function get($name = null)
     if ($name === null) {
         $result = array();
         $this->_configurations = array_filter($this->_configurations);
         foreach ($this->_configurations as $key => $value) {
             $result[$key] = $this->get($key);
         return $result;
     $settings =& $this->_configurations;
     if (!isset($settings[$name])) {
         return null;
     if (isset($settings[$name][0])) {
         return $settings[$name][0];
     $env = Environment::get();
     $config = isset($settings[$name][$env]) ? $settings[$name][$env] : $settings[$name];
     $method = is_callable($this->initConfig) ? $this->initConfig : null;
     $settings[$name][0] = $method ? $method($name, $config) : $config;
     return $settings[$name][0];
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Translates a message according to the current or provided locale
  * and into it's correct plural form.
  * Usage:
  * {{{
  * Message::translate('Mind the gap.');
  * Message::translate('house', array('count' => 23));
  * }}}
  * `String::insert()`-style placeholders may be used within the message
  * and replacements provided directly within the `options`  argument.
  * Example:
  * {{{
  * Message::translate('I can see {:count} bike.');
  * Message::translate('This painting is {:color}.', array(
  * 	'color' => Message::translate('silver'),
  * ));
  * }}}
  * @see lithium\util\String::insert()
  * @param string $id The id to use when looking up the translation.
  * @param array $options Valid options are:
  *              - `'count'`: Used to determine the correct plural form. You can either pass
  *                           a signed or unsigned integer, the behavior when passing other types
  *                           is yet undefined.
  *                           The count is made absolute before being passed to the pluralization
  *                           function. This has the effect that that with i.e. an English
  *                           pluralization function passing `-1` results in a singular
  *                           translation.
  *              - `'locale'`: The target locale, defaults to current locale.
  *              - `'scope'`: The scope of the message.
  *              - `'default'`: Is used as a fall back if `_translated()` returns
  *                             without a result.
  *              - `'noop'`: If `true` no whatsoever lookup takes place.
  * @return string|void The translation or the value of the `'default'` option if none
  *                     could be found.
 public static function translate($id, array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('count' => 1, 'locale' => Environment::get('locale'), 'scope' => null, 'default' => null, 'noop' => false);
     extract($options + $defaults);
     if ($noop) {
         $result = null;
     } else {
         $result = static::_translated($id, abs($count), $locale, compact('scope'));
     if ($result || $default) {
         return String::insert($result ?: $default, $options);
Exemplo n.º 23

use lithium\core\Environment;
if (substr(Environment::get('locale'), 0, 2) == "en") {
    $locale = "en";
} else {
    $locale = Environment::get('locale');
// print_r(Environment::get('locale'));
// print_r($locale);
<div class="well">&nbsp;</div>
echo $t('Privacy Policy');
<div class="container-fluid"><p>&nbsp;</p>
echo $t('This Privacy Policy explains how information about you is collected, used and disclosed by');
 <strong>GreenCoinX Inc.</strong> <?php 
echo $t('doing business as XGC Wallet');
echo $t('we');
</strong>"  <?php 
echo $t('or');
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Integration with `Validator`. You can load locale dependent rules into the `Validator`
 * by specifying them manually or retrieving them with the `Catalog` class.
foreach (array('phone', 'postalCode', 'ssn') as $name) {
    Validator::add($name, Catalog::read(true, "validation.{$name}", 'en_US'));
 * Intercepts dispatching processes in order to set the effective locale by using
 * the locale of the request or if that is not available retrieving a locale preferred
 * by the client.
ActionDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $request = $params['request'];
    $controller = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (!$request->locale) {
        $request->params['locale'] = Locale::preferred($request);
    Environment::set(Environment::get(), array('locale' => $request->locale));
    return $controller;
ConsoleDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $request = $params['request'];
    $command = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (!$request->locale) {
        $request->params['locale'] = Locale::preferred($request);
    Environment::set(Environment::get(), array('locale' => $request->locale));
    return $command;
Exemplo n.º 25
Router::connect('/', 'Pages::view');
 * Connect the rest of `PagesController`'s URLs. This will route URLs like `/pages/about` to
 * `PagesController`, rendering `/views/pages/about.html.php` as a static page.
Router::connect('/pages/{:args}', 'Pages::view');
 * ### Testing routes
 * Add the testing routes. These routes are only connected in non-production environments, and allow
 * browser-based access to the test suite for running unit and integration tests for the Lithium
 * core, as well as your own application and any other loaded plugins or frameworks. Browse to
 * [http://path/to/app/test](/test) to run tests.
if (!Environment::is('production')) {
    Router::connect('/test/{:args}', array('controller' => 'lithium\\test\\Controller'));
    Router::connect('/test', array('controller' => 'lithium\\test\\Controller'));
 * ### Database object routes
 * The routes below are used primarily for accessing database objects, where `{:id}` corresponds to
 * the primary key of the database object, and can be accessed in the controller as
 * `$this->request->id`.
 * If you're using a relational database, such as MySQL, SQLite or Postgres, where the primary key
 * is an integer, uncomment the routes below to enable URLs like `/posts/edit/1138`,
 * `/posts/view/1138.json`, etc.
// Router::connect('/{:controller}/{:action}/{:id:\d+}.{:type}', array('id' => null));
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Tests calling `get()` and `set()` with `true` as the envrionment name, to automatically
  * select the current environment.
  * @return void
 public function testReadWriteWithDefaultEnvironment()
     Environment::set(true, array('foo' => 'bar'));
     $this->assertEqual(array('foo' => 'bar'), Environment::get('development'));
     $this->assertEqual(Environment::get(true), Environment::get('development'));
Exemplo n.º 27
use Airbrake\Connection;
use Airbrake\EventHandler;
use Airbrake\Exception;
use Airbrake\Notice;
use Airbrake\Record;
use Airbrake\Version;
$_config = Libraries::get('li3_airbrake');
if (isset($_config['apiKey']) && !empty($_config['apiKey'])) {
    if (!isset($_config['notifyOnWarning']) || empty($_config['notifyOnWarning'])) {
        $_config['notifyOnWarning'] = (bool) (E_NOTICE & error_reporting());
    if (!isset($_config['options'])) {
        $_config['options'] = array();
    if (!isset($_config['options']['environmentName']) || empty($_config['options']['environmentName'])) {
        $_config['options']['environmentName'] = Environment::get();
    if (!isset($_config['options']['projectRoot']) || empty($_config['options']['projectRoot'])) {
        $_config['options']['projectRoot'] = LITHIUM_APP_PATH;
    // Setup Airbrake
    $config = new Configuration($_config['apiKey'], $_config['options']);
    $client = new Client($config);
    $handler = new EventHandler($client, (bool) $_config['notifyOnWarning']);
    // Apply Error handler
    set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile = null, $errline = 0, array $errcontext = array()) use($handler) {
        $handler->onError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
    // Apply Exception handler
    // $previousExceptionHandler = set_exception_handler();
    // set_exception_handler(function($exception) use ($handler, $previousExceptionHandler) {
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Executes a given task with the given set of arguments.
  * Called by li3_gearman deamon
  * @param string $task Fully qualified task name
  * @param array $args Arguments for the call
  * @param array $env Environment settings to merge on $_SERVER
  * @param array $workload Full workload
  * @return mixed Returned value
 public function execute($task, array $args = [], array $env = [], array $workload = [])
     if (!is_callable($task)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Invalid task {$task}");
     $workload += ['id' => null, 'background' => false];
     try {
         $status = $this->getStatus($workload['id']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!empty($status) && $status != static::STATUS_PENDING) {
         throw new Exception("Job #{$workload['id']} not on pending status. Status: {$status}");
     if (array_key_exists('environment', $env)) {
     if (!empty($env)) {
         $_SERVER = $env + $_SERVER;
     $result = null;
     try {
         $this->setStatus($workload['id'], static::STATUS_RUNNING);
         if (isset($this->_config['beforeExecute']) && is_callable($this->_config['beforeExecute'])) {
             call_user_func_array($this->_config['beforeExecute'], [$task, $args]);
         $result = call_user_func_array($task, $args);
         $this->setStatus($workload['id'], static::STATUS_FINISHED);
         if (isset($this->_config['afterExecute']) && is_callable($this->_config['afterExecute'])) {
             call_user_func_array($this->_config['afterExecute'], [$task, $args]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log('[' . date('r') . '] ' . $e->getMessage());
         $this->setStatus($workload['id'], static::STATUS_ERROR);
         if (isset($this->_config['afterExecute']) && is_callable($this->_config['afterExecute'])) {
             call_user_func_array($this->_config['afterExecute'], [$task, $args]);
         if (isset($this->_config['onException']) && is_callable($this->_config['onException'])) {
             call_user_func_array($this->_config['onException'], [$task, $args, $e]);
         if (!empty($workload['retries']) && !empty($workload['retries']['maximum']) && $workload['retry'] < $workload['retries']['maximum']) {
             $this->run($task, $args, ['schedule' => new DateTime('now +' . $workload['retries']['increment'][$workload['retry']], new DateTimeZone('UTC')), 'retry' => $workload['retry'] + 1, 'retries' => $workload['retries']] + array_intersect_key($workload, ['configName' => null, 'env' => null, 'background' => null]));
         throw $e;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function match(array $options = array(), $context = null)
     $locale = Environment::get('locale');
     return parent::match($options + compact('locale'), $context);
Exemplo n.º 30

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2012, Union of Rad, Inc. (http://union-of-rad.org)
 * @license       http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php The BSD License
use lithium\core\Environment;
<div id="locale-navigation">
foreach (Environment::get('locales') as $locale => $name) {
    echo $this->html->link($name, compact('locale') + $this->_request->params);