  * Class constructor
  * Load the database instance and determine some informations about the page viewed
  * This contructor has to be called in each child class before any actions
  * @access	protected
 protected function __construct()
     if (!extension_loaded('json')) {
         $mail = new Mail(WS_EMAIL, 'Json not loaded', 'Lynxpress needs json extension to be loaded');
         throw new Exception('Json not loaded');
     $this->_db =& Database::load();
  * Retrieve default page setting
  * @access	private
 private function get_setting()
     try {
         $to_read['table'] = 'setting';
         $to_read['columns'] = array('SETTING_ID');
         $to_read['condition_columns'][':t'] = 'setting_type';
         $to_read['condition_select_types'][':t'] = '=';
         $to_read['condition_values'][':t'] = 'default_page';
         $to_read['value_types'][':t'] = 'str';
         $this->_setting = $this->_db->read($to_read);
         $this->_setting = new Setting($this->_setting[0]['SETTING_ID']);
         $this->_setting->_data = json_decode($this->_setting->_data, true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $mail = new Mail(WS_EMAIL, 'Couldn\'t retrieve default page setting', $e->getMessage());
  * Create a new user
  * @access	private
 private function create()
     if ($this->check_post_data()) {
         try {
             $to_read['table'] = 'user';
             $to_read['columns'] = array('USER_ID');
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':u'] = 'user_username';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':u'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':u'] = $this->_new_user->_username;
             $to_read['value_types'][':u'] = 'str';
             $user = $this->_db->read($to_read);
             if (!empty($user)) {
                 throw new Exception('Username already used!');
             Session::monitor_activity('added a new member: ' . $this->_new_user->_username);
             if ($this->_new_user->_result_action === true && VPost::send_pwd(false)) {
                 $to = $this->_new_user->_email;
                 $subject = 'Your password for ' . WS_NAME;
                 $message = 'This is your password: '******'Location: index.php?ns=users&ctl=manage');
             } elseif ($this->_new_user->_result_action === true) {
                 header('Location: index.php?ns=users&ctl=manage');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 4
 *   Lynxpress is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with Lynxpress.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
namespace Site;

use Library\Variable\Server as VServer;
use Library\Mail\Mail;
use Exception;
try {
    define('PATH', '');
    define('INC', 'includes/');
    define('ADMIN', 'admin/');
    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once INC . 'class.loader.inc.php';
    new Session();
    $title = '404 Page Not Found';
    $menu = array('Sorry but the Lynx didn\'t show up');
    require_once Html::header();
    require_once Html::footer();
    $mail = new Mail(WS_EMAIL, '"404 not found reached', str_replace('",', "\",\n", json_encode(VServer::all())));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    die('<h1>' . $e->getMessage() . '</h1>');
  * Update lynxpress
  * @access	private
 private function update()
     if (VPost::update()) {
         try {
             if (Helper::check_update() === false) {
                 throw new Exception('No update available!');
             //make a backup of the database first, with an email sent to webmaster with the whole dump
             $bk = new Backup();
             $bk->save('backup/dump-' . date('Y-m-d-H:i:s') . '.sql');
             $html = new File();
             $html->_content = '<!--The Lynx is not here!-->';
             $mail = new Mail(WS_EMAIL, 'Databse dump made before update at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $bk->_sql);
             //end backup
             //retrieve json manifest from the server
             $manifest = new Curl('http://update.lynxpress.org/manifest.json');
             $manifest = json_decode($manifest->_content, true);
             //retrieve zip with all files inside
             $curl_zip = new Curl('http://versions.lynxpress.org/Lynxpress-' . $manifest['version'] . '.zip');
             if ($curl_zip->_content == '<!--The Lynx is not here!-->') {
                 throw new Exception('Can\'t retrieve lynxpress archive');
             $zip = new File();
             $zip->_content = $curl_zip->_content;
             File::unzip('tmp/update.zip', 'tmp/update/');
             //check if all files are readable
             foreach ($manifest['src'] as $src) {
                 File::read('tmp/update/Lynxpress-' . $manifest['version'] . '/' . $src);
             //replace all files registered in the manifest
             foreach ($manifest['src'] as $key => $src) {
                 File::read('tmp/update/Lynxpress-' . $manifest['version'] . '/' . $src)->save($manifest['dest'][$key]);
                 File::delete('tmp/update/Lynxpress-' . $manifest['version'] . '/' . $src);
             //execute special queries
             foreach ($manifest['queries'] as $query) {
                 $this->_db->query(str_replace('{{prefix}}', DB_PREFIX, $query));
             //remove files
             foreach ($manifest['remove'] as $file) {
                 File::delete($file, false);
             $config = File::read(PATH . 'config.php');
             $config->_content = str_replace('(\'WS_VERSION\', \'' . WS_VERSION . '\')', '(\'WS_VERSION\', \'' . $manifest['version'] . '\')', $config->_content);
             $config = File::read(PATH . 'config.sample.php');
             $config->_content = str_replace('(\'WS_VERSION\', \'' . WS_VERSION . '\')', '(\'WS_VERSION\', \'' . $manifest['version'] . '\')', $config->_content);
             $result = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $result = $e->getMessage();
         $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::ws_update($result);
  * Send mail to webmaster
  * @access	private
 private function send()
     if (VPost::submit(false)) {
         if (!VPost::c_email() || !VPost::c_object() || !VPost::c_content()) {
             $this->_result = false;
         } elseif (!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+)+\$/", VPost::c_email())) {
             $this->_result = 'false email';
         } else {
             $mail = new Mail(VPost::recaiver(), VPost::c_object(), VPost::c_content(), VPost::c_email());
             $this->_result = true;