Exemplo n.º 1
function storeAlitudeToDb($altitudes, $caches, &$cachesAltitudeCount)
    $status = (string) $altitudes->status;
    if ($status !== 'OK') {
        print 'error occured';
        d($caches, $altitudes);
    $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($altitudes->result as $key => $value) {
        $lat = (string) $value->location->lat;
        $lon = (string) $value->location->lng;
        $alt = (string) $value->elevation;
        $altInt = (int) round($alt);
        if (round($caches[$i]['latitude'], 7) == $lat && round($caches[$i]['longitude'], 7) == $lon) {
            $query2 = 'INSERT INTO caches_additions (cache_id, altitude) VALUES (:2, :1) ';
            $db->multiVariableQuery($query2, $altInt, $caches[$i]['cache_id']);
        // d($altInt, $key, $value, $lat, $lon, $caches[$i]);
    return $cachesAltitudeCount;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function isTitled($cacheId)
     $queryPt = 'SELECT ratio FROM cache_titled WHERE cache_id=:1';
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($queryPt, $cacheId);
     return $db->rowCount();
 private function freeCacheCandidates()
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'DELETE FROM `PowerTrail_cacheCandidate` WHERE `date` < DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 2 WEEK)';
 private function getPlacedCacheCount(User $user)
     $query = 'SELECT count(caches.cache_id) as cacheCount FROM `caches` ' . 'WHERE `caches`.`user_id` = :1 AND `caches`.`status` IN ( :2 ) AND `caches`.`date_created` > :3 ' . 'AND `caches`.`type` IN ( :4 ) ';
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId(), $this->buildCacheStatusSqlString(), $this->dateIntroduced, $this->buildCacheTypesSqlString());
     $dbResult = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     return $dbResult['cacheCount'];
 private function getGeocacherDays(User $user)
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'SELECT period_diff(date_format(now(), "%Y%m"), date_format( `date_created`, "%Y%m")) as months FROM `user` WHERE user_id = :1 LIMIT 1';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId());
     $dbResult = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     return $dbResult['months'];
 private function getPlacedCount(User $user)
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $placedCountQuery = 'SELECT count(*) as cacheCount FROM `caches_additions`, caches WHERE caches_additions.`altitude` > :1 AND caches.cache_id = caches_additions.cache_id AND caches.user_id = :2 AND caches.type IN (:3) AND status = :4 AND `caches`.`date_created` > :5';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($placedCountQuery, $this->conditions['minimumAltitude'], $user->getUserId(), $this->buildCacheTypesSqlString(), \lib\Objects\GeoCache\GeoCache::STATUS_READY, $this->dateIntroduced);
     $dbResult = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     return $dbResult['cacheCount'];
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function storeAlitudeInDb()
     $query = 'INSERT INTO `caches_additions` (`cache_id`, `altitude`, `altitude_update_datetime`)
                     VALUES (:2, :1, NOW())
                     ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                     `altitude` = :1, altitude_update_datetime = NOW()';
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->altitude, $this->geoCache->getCacheId());
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function buildMedals()
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'SELECT `medal_type`, `prized_time` FROM `medals` WHERE `user_id`=:1';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->userId);
     $medalsDb = $db->dbResultFetchAll();
     $this->medals = new \ArrayObject();
     foreach ($medalsDb as $medalRow) {
         $this->medals[] = new \lib\Medals\Medal(array('prizedTime' => $medalRow['prized_time'], 'type' => (int) $medalRow['medal_type']));
 private function getPlacedCacheCount(User $user)
     $query = 'SELECT count(caches.cache_id) as cacheCount FROM `caches`, `cache_location` ' . 'WHERE `caches`.`user_id` = :1 ' . $this->buildLocationCode4QueryString(5) . ' ' . 'AND `caches`.`status` = :2 AND `caches`.`date_created` > :3 AND cache_location.code3 = :4 ' . 'AND `caches`.`type` IN (' . $this->buildCacheTypesSqlString() . ') ' . 'AND cache_location.cache_id = caches.cache_id ';
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $code4 = isset($this->conditions['cacheLocation']['code4']) ? $this->conditions['cacheLocation']['code4'] : false;
     if ($code4) {
         $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId(), \cache::STATUS_READY, $this->dateIntroduced, $this->conditions['cacheLocation']['code3'], $code4);
     } else {
         $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId(), \cache::STATUS_READY, $this->dateIntroduced, $this->conditions['cacheLocation']['code3']);
     $dbResult = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     return $dbResult['cacheCount'];
Exemplo n.º 10
  * get all today's active users
 public function checkAllUsersMedals()
     $query = 'SELECT user_id, username, founds_count, notfounds_count, hidden_count, latitude, longitude, country, email FROM `user` WHERE (`last_login` BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR) AND NOW()) ';
     /* @var $db \dataBase */
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $timeStart = microtime();
     $usersToCheck = $db->dbResultFetchAll();
     foreach ($usersToCheck as $userDbRow) {
         $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userDbRow' => $userDbRow));
     $timeEnd = microtime() - $timeStart;
 public function checkConditionsForUser(\lib\Objects\User\User $user)
     if (!in_array($this->config->getOcNodeId(), $this->conditions['ocNodeId'])) {
         /* this medal is not available in current node */
     $query = 'SELECT count(`id`) as `completedLogCount` FROM `PowerTrail_comments` WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND `userId` = :1 AND `PowerTrailId` = :2 ';
     /* @var $db \dataBase */
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId(), $this->conditions['geoPath']['geoPathId']);
     $cacheCountArr = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     if ($cacheCountArr['completedLogCount'] == 1) {
         $this->prizedTime = date($this->config->getDbDateTimeFormat());
         $this->level = 0;
     } else {
         $this->prizedTime = false;
function emailCacheOwner($ptId, $cacheId, $linkCode)
    global $octeam_email, $usr, $absolute_server_URI, $site_name, $siteDateFormat, $siteDateTimeFormat;
    $owners = powerTrailBase::getPtOwners($ptId);
    $ptDbRow = powerTrailBase::getPtDbRow($ptId);
    $query = 'SELECT `caches` . * , `user`.`email`, `user`.`username` FROM `caches` , `user` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 AND `caches`.`user_id` = `user`.`user_id` LIMIT 1';
    $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
    $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $cacheId);
    $cacheData = $db->dbResultFetch();
    //remove images
    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 ' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "From: {$site_name} <" . $octeam_email . ">\r\n";
    $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $octeam_email . "\r\n";
    $mailbody = read_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/candidateEmail.html');
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheOwnerName}', $cacheData['username'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{ptName}', $ptDbRow['name'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{ptId}', $ptId, $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheName}', $cacheData['name'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{dateTime}', date($siteDateFormat), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{userId}', $usr['userid'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{userName}', $usr['username'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{absolute_server_URI}', $absolute_server_URI, $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{linkCode}', $linkCode, $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{runwatch14}', tr('runwatch14'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheWaypoint}', $cacheData['wp_oc'], $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt183}', tr('pt183'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt184}', tr('pt184'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt185}', tr('pt185'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt189}', tr('pt189'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt186}', tr('pt186'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt187}', tr('pt187'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt188}', tr('pt188'), $mailbody);
    $mailbody = mb_ereg_replace('{pt190}', tr('pt190'), $mailbody);
    mb_send_mail($cacheData['email'], tr('pt183'), $mailbody, $headers);
    // for debug only
    // mb_send_mail('*****@*****.**', tr('pt183'), $mailbody, $headers);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function checkConditionsForUser(User $user)
     if (!in_array($this->config->getOcNodeId(), $this->conditions['ocNodeId'])) {
         /* this medal is not available in current node */
     /* @var $db \dataBase */
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $queryFound = 'SELECT MAX(`altitude`) as maxAltitude FROM `caches`, `caches_additions`, cache_logs
         WHERE caches.`cache_id` = caches_additions.`cache_id` AND cache_logs.cache_id = caches.`cache_id`
         AND cache_logs.type = 1 AND cache_logs.user_id = :1 AND caches.type IN(:2)';
     $cacheTypes = $this->buildCacheTypesSqlString();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($queryFound, $user->getUserId(), $cacheTypes);
     $foundMaxAltitudeRaw = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     $foundMaxAltitude = (int) $foundMaxAltitudeRaw['maxAltitude'];
     $queryPlaced = 'SELECT MAX(`altitude`) as maxAltitude FROM `caches`, `caches_additions`
         WHERE caches.`cache_id` = caches_additions.`cache_id`
         AND cache.user_id = :1 AND caches.type IN(:2) AND cache.status = :3';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($queryPlaced, $user->getUserId(), $cacheTypes, \cache::STATUS_READY);
     $placedMaxAltitudeRaw = $db->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly();
     $placedMaxAltitude = (int) $placedMaxAltitudeRaw['maxAltitude'];
     $this->findLevel($foundMaxAltitude, $placedMaxAltitude);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * archive all events older than 2 months
 function ArchEvent()
     /* @var $db dataBase */
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $sql = "UPDATE caches SET status = 3 WHERE status<>3 AND type = 6 AND date_hidden < now() - interval 2 month";
 private function getUserPTs()
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `PowerTrail`, PowerTrail_owners  WHERE  PowerTrail_owners.userId = :1 AND PowerTrail_owners.PowerTrailId = PowerTrail.id";
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->user['userid']);
     $userPTs = $db->dbResultFetchAll();
     $this->userPTs = $userPTs;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function loadMedalsFromDb()
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'SELECT `medal_type`, `prized_time`, `medal_level` FROM `medals` WHERE `user_id`=:1';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->userId);
     $medalsDb = $db->dbResultFetchAll();
     $this->medals = new \ArrayObject();
     $medalController = new MedalsController();
     foreach ($medalsDb as $medalRow) {
         $this->medals[] = $medalController->getMedal(array('prizedTime' => $medalRow['prized_time'], 'medalId' => (int) $medalRow['medal_type'], 'level' => $medalRow['medal_level']));
         // $this->medals[] = new \lib\Objects\Medals\Medal(array('prizedTime' => $medalRow['prized_time'], 'medalId' => (int) $medalRow['medal_type'], 'level' => $medalRow['medal_level']));
Exemplo n.º 17
 private function loadCacheLocation()
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'SELECT `code1`, `code2`, `code3`, `code4`  FROM `cache_location` WHERE `cache_id` =:1 LIMIT 1';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->id);
     $dbResult = $db->dbResultFetch();
     $this->cacheLocation = $dbResult;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function setAndStoreStatus($status)
     $this->status = $status;
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $query = 'UPDATE `PowerTrail` SET `status` = :1 WHERE `PowerTrail`.`id` = :2 ';
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $status, $this->id);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function storeInDb()
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     if ($_REQUEST['type'] == Log::TYPE_CONQUESTED && $this->powerTrail->isAlreadyConquestedByUser($this->user)) {
         /* atempt to add second 'conquested' log */
         return false;
     if ($this->id) {
     } else {
         $query = 'INSERT INTO `PowerTrail_comments`(`userId`, `PowerTrailId`, `commentType`, `commentText`, `logDateTime`, `dbInsertDateTime`, `deleted`) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, NOW(),0)';
         $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $this->user->getUserId(), $this->powerTrail->getId(), $this->type, $this->text, $this->dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         if ($this->type == self::TYPE_CONQUESTED) {
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static function getAllPt($filter)
     $sortOder = 'ASC';
     $sortBy = 'name';
     $q = 'SELECT * FROM `PowerTrail` WHERE cacheCount >= ' . self::historicMinimumCacheCount() . ' ' . $filter . ' ORDER BY ' . $sortBy . ' ' . $sortOder . ' ';
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     return $db->dbResultFetchAll();
Exemplo n.º 21
function addCacheToCacheCandidate($cacheId, $ptId)
    $linkCode = randomPassword(50);
    $q = "INSERT INTO `PowerTrail_cacheCandidate`(`PowerTrailId`, `cacheId`, `link`, `date`) VALUES (:1,:2,:3,NOW())";
    $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
    $db->multiVariableQuery($q, $ptId, $cacheId, $linkCode);
    require_once 'sendEmailCacheCandidate.php';
    emailCacheOwner($ptId, $cacheId, $linkCode);
    print 'cache added as cache candidate';
Exemplo n.º 22
//prepare the templates and include all neccessary
global $site_name, $absolute_server_URI;
if (!isset($rootpath)) {
    $rootpath = './';
require_once './lib/common.inc.php';
$ocWP = $GLOBALS['oc_waypoint'];
$no_tpl_build = false;
if ($error == false) {
    if ($usr == false) {
        //user logged in?
        $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);
    } else {
        $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
        $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $usr['userid']));
        $default_country = getDefaultCountry($usr, $lang);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['newcache_info'])) {
            $newcache_info = $_REQUEST['newcache_info'];
        } else {
            $newcache_info = 1;
        if ($newcache_info == 1) {
            // display info about register new cache
            $tplname = 'newcache_info';
        } else {
            //set here the template to process
            $tplname = 'newcache';
Exemplo n.º 23
 private function addMedalToUserMedalsDb(User $user)
     $query = 'INSERT INTO `medals`(`user_id`, `medal_type`, `prized_time`, `medal_level`) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4)';
     $db = DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $user->getUserId(), $this->medalId, $this->prizedTime, $this->level);