Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function ssoAction($controller, $conn, $appid, $openid, $token, $encrypt)
     $app = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($controller->container);
     $appdata = $app->getappinfo(array("appid" => $appid));
     if (empty($appdata)) {
         $resp = new Response("无效的APPID");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $agent = $appdata["clientid"];
     if (empty($agent)) {
         $resp = new Response("未正确配置认证信息的appkey项");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $bindinfo = $app->getappbind(array("appid" => $appid, "openid" => $openid));
     if (empty($bindinfo)) {
         //$controller->get("logger")->err("================not bind");
         return $controller->render("JustsyBaseBundle:AppCenter:h5bundle.html.twig", array('appid' => $appid, 'openid' => $openid, 'ssomodule' => self::$bind_type . "Controller"));
     $ldap_uid = $bindinfo["bind_uid"];
     $cacheKey = md5($appid . $openid);
     $data = Cache_Enterprise::get(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $this->containerObj);
     $acctoken = $data["access_token"];
     $url = "http://openapi.exmail.qq.com:12211/openapi/mail/authkey";
     $authkey = Utils::do_post_request($url, "alias=" . $ldap_uid . "&access_token=" . $acctoken);
     if (empty($authkey)) {
         $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败");
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = json_decode($authkey, true);
     if (!isset($authkey)) {
         $resp = new Response("腾讯企业邮箱登录失败:<br>" . json_encode($authkey));
         $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
         return $resp;
     $authkey = $authkey["auth_key"];
     $login_url = "https://exmail.qq.com/cgi-bin/login?fun=bizopenssologin&method=bizauth&agent=" . $agent . "&user="******"&ticket=" . $authkey;
     return Utils::http_redirect($login_url);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function ssoAction($container, $conn, $appid, $openid, $token, $encrypt)
     $da = $conn;
     $sql = "select authkey,bind_uid from we_staff_account_bind a,we_staff b where a.bind_account=b.openid and a.bind_account=? and a.bind_type=?";
     $ds = $da->GetData("tb", $sql, array((string) $openid, self::$bind_type));
     if (count($ds["tb"]["rows"]) > 0) {
         $bind_uid = $ds['tb']['rows'][0]["bind_uid"];
         $sql = "select appkey from we_appcenter_apps where appid=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $appid));
         $appkey = $ds['t']['recordcount'] > 0 ? $ds['t']['rows'][0]['appkey'] : '';
         if ($encrypt == '1') {
             $bind_uid = DES::decrypt2($bind_uid, $appkey);
         $EmployeeNO = $bind_uid;
         $login_url = self::$login_url;
         $params = array("Channel" => "", "AccessUserID" => self::$AccessUK, "AccessPassword" => self::$AccessPK, "token" => $token, "EmployeeID" => $EmployeeNO, "AppID" => self::$AccessAppid, "InitPage" => "Home");
         return array("login_url" => $login_url, "params" => $params);
     $page = self::$xc_homepage;
     return Utils::http_redirect($page);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function ssoAction($container, $con, $appid, $openid, $token, $encrypt)
     $da = $con;
     //$result = Utils::do_post_request("http://www.wefafa.com", array());
     $sql = "select appkey from we_appcenter_apps where appid=?";
     $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $appid));
     $result = "";
     if (count($ds["t"]["rows"]) == 0) {
         $result = "invalid appid";
     } else {
         $appkey = $ds["t"]["rows"][0]["appkey"];
         $sql = "select a.authkey,b.login_account from we_staff_account_bind a,we_staff b where a.bind_account=b.openid and a.bind_account=? and a.appid=?";
         $ds = $da->GetData("t", $sql, array((string) $openid, (string) $appid));
         if (count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) {
             $row = $ds["t"]["rows"][0];
             //$authkey = $row["authkey"];
             //$parameter = "";
             $Obj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Login\UserProvider($container->container);
             $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($row["login_account"]);
             $token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($user, $user->getPassword(), "secured_area", $user->getRoles());
             $session = $container->get("request")->getSession()->set('_security_' . 'secured_area', serialize($token));
             $event = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent($container->get("request"), $token);
             $container->get("event_dispatcher")->dispatch("security.interactive_login", $event);
             //$result = Utils::do_post_request("http://we.fafatime.com", array());
             $weburl = "http://we.fafatime.com";
             return Utils::http_redirect($weburl);
         } else {
             $result = "not bind";
     $resp = new Response($result);
     $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
     return $resp;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function ssoAction($container, $conn, $appid, $openid, $token, $encrypt)
     $cacheKey = md5($appid . $openid);
     $data = Cache_Enterprise::get(Cache_Enterprise::$EN_OAUTH2, $cacheKey, $container);
     if (!empty($data) && strpos($appid, "SSO_") === false) {
         $data = json_decode($data, true);
         if ($data["expires_in"] > time()) {
             $result = array("returncode" => "0000", "data" => $data);
             if (strpos($appid, "SYS_") !== false) {
                 return self::responseJsonStr(json_encode($result));
             } else {
                 return self::responseJson(json_encode($result));
     $isLogin = null;
     $app = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($container->container);
     if (strpos($appid, "SSO_") !== false) {
         $isLogin = $appid;
         $syspara = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysParam($container);
         $appid = $syspara->GetSysParam(strtolower($appid) . "_appid");
         if (empty($appid)) {
             $resp = new Response("未配置微博业务系统或参数sso_sina_appid");
             $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
             return $resp;
         $appdata = $app->getbussysteminfo(array("appid" => $appid));
         $appid = $isLogin;
     } else {
         if (strpos($appid, "SYS_") !== false) {
             $appdata = $app->getbussysteminfo(array("appid" => substr($appid, 4)));
         } else {
             $appdata = $app->getappinfo(array("appid" => $appid));
     if (empty($appdata)) {
         return "无效的APPID";
     $auth_url = $appdata["authorization_url"];
     if (empty($auth_url)) {
         return self::tokenAction($container, $conn, $appid . "," . $openid, "", $encrypt);
     $para_name = $appdata["redirecturl_para_name"];
     if (empty($para_name)) {
         $para_name = "redirect_uri";
     $auth_url .= "?response_type=code&" . $para_name . "=" . $appdata["redirection_url"];
     $para_name = $appdata["clientid_para_name"];
     if (empty($para_name)) {
         $para_name = "client_id";
     $auth_url .= "&" . $para_name . "=" . $appdata["clientid"];
     $auth_url .= "&state=" . $appid . "," . $openid;
     return Utils::http_redirect($auth_url);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function qrcodeAction($type, $code)
     $syspara = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\DataAccess\SysParam($this->container);
     $downappUrl = $syspara->GetSysParam('app_download_page');
     if (empty($downappUrl)) {
         return $this->responseJson("系统配置误:app_download_page");
     return Utils::http_redirect($downappUrl);
     /*$request = $this->getRequest();
       $openid = $request->get("openid");
       $qrcodeMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\QrcodeMgr($this->container);
       return $qrcodeMgr->getData($openid,$type,$code);*/