public function visitProperty(PropertyMetadata $metadata, $object, Context $context)
     $v = $metadata->getValue($object);
     if (null === $v && !$context->shouldSerializeNull()) {
     if ($metadata->xmlAttribute) {
         $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type, $context);
         if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for XML attribute for %s. Expected character data, but got %s.', $metadata->name, json_encode($v)));
         $attributeName = $this->namingStrategy->translateName($metadata);
         $this->setAttributeOnNode($this->currentNode, $attributeName, $node->nodeValue, $metadata->xmlNamespace);
     if ($metadata->xmlValue && $this->currentNode->childNodes->length > 0 || !$metadata->xmlValue && $this->hasValue) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('If you make use of @XmlValue, all other properties in the class must have the @XmlAttribute annotation. Invalid usage detected in class %s.', $metadata->class));
     if ($metadata->xmlValue) {
         $this->hasValue = true;
         $node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type, $context);
         if ($node !== null) {
             if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) {
                 throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for property %s::$%s. Expected character data, but got %s.', $metadata->reflection->class, $metadata->reflection->name, is_object($node) ? get_class($node) : gettype($node)));
     if ($metadata->xmlAttributeMap) {
         if (!is_array($v)) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value type for XML attribute map. Expected array but got %s.', gettype($v)));
         foreach ($v as $key => $value) {
             $node = $this->navigator->accept($value, null, $context);
             if (!$node instanceof \DOMCharacterData) {
                 throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported value for a XML attribute map value. Expected character data, but got %s.', json_encode($v)));
             $this->setAttributeOnNode($this->currentNode, $key, $node->nodeValue, $metadata->xmlNamespace);
     if ($addEnclosingElement = (!$metadata->xmlCollection || !$metadata->xmlCollectionInline) && !$metadata->inline) {
         $elementName = $this->namingStrategy->translateName($metadata);
         if (null !== $metadata->xmlNamespace) {
             $element = $this->createElement($elementName, $metadata->xmlNamespace);
         } else {
             $defaultNamespace = $this->getClassDefaultNamespace($this->objectMetadataStack->top());
             $element = $this->createElement($elementName, $defaultNamespace);
     if (null !== ($node = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type, $context))) {
     if ($addEnclosingElement) {
         if ($element->hasChildNodes() || $element->hasAttributes() || $node === null && $v !== null) {
     $this->hasValue = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function visitProperty(PropertyMetadata $metadata, $data, Context $context)
     $v = $metadata->getValue($data);
     if (null === $v && !$context->shouldSerializeNull()) {
     $name = $this->namingStrategy->translateName($metadata);
     if (!$metadata->inline) {
         $this->writer->writeln(Inline::dump($name) . ':')->indent();
     $count = $this->writer->changeCount;
     if (null !== ($v = $this->navigator->accept($v, $metadata->type, $context))) {
         $this->writer->rtrim(false)->writeln(' ' . $v);
     } elseif ($count === $this->writer->changeCount && !$metadata->inline) {
     if (!$metadata->inline) {