Exemplo n.º 1
use Jigoshop\Helper\Currency;
use Jigoshop\Helper\Product as ProductHelper;
 * @var $product Product The product.
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[regular_price]', 'label' => __('Price', 'jigoshop') . ' (' . Currency::symbol() . ')', 'placeholder' => __('Price not announced', 'jigoshop'), 'classes' => array('product-simple', $product instanceof Product\Purchasable ? '' : 'not-active'), 'value' => $product instanceof Product\Purchasable ? $product->getRegularPrice() : 0));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[sku]', 'label' => __('SKU', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $product->getSku(), 'placeholder' => $product->getId()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[brand]', 'label' => __('Brand', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $product->getBrand()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[gtin]', 'label' => __('GTIN', 'jigoshop'), 'tip' => 'Global Trade Item Number', 'value' => $product->getGtin()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[mpn]', 'label' => __('MPN', 'jigoshop'), 'tip' => 'Manufacturer Part Number', 'value' => $product->getMpn()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[size_weight]', 'label' => __('Weight', 'jigoshop') . ' (' . ProductHelper::weightUnit() . ')', 'value' => $product->getSize()->getWeight()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[size_length]', 'label' => __('Length', 'jigoshop') . ' (' . ProductHelper::dimensionsUnit() . ')', 'value' => $product->getSize()->getLength()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[size_width]', 'label' => __('Width', 'jigoshop') . ' (' . ProductHelper::dimensionsUnit() . ')', 'value' => $product->getSize()->getWidth()));
Forms::text(array('name' => 'product[size_height]', 'label' => __('Height', 'jigoshop') . ' (' . ProductHelper::dimensionsUnit() . ')', 'value' => $product->getSize()->getHeight()));
Forms::select(array('name' => 'product[visibility]', 'label' => __('Visibility', 'jigoshop'), 'options' => array(Product::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC => __('Catalog & Search', 'jigoshop'), Product::VISIBILITY_CATALOG => __('Catalog Only', 'jigoshop'), Product::VISIBILITY_SEARCH => __('Search Only', 'jigoshop'), Product::VISIBILITY_NONE => __('Hidden', 'jigoshop')), 'value' => $product->getVisibility()));
Forms::checkbox(array('name' => 'product[featured]', 'label' => __('Featured?', 'jigoshop'), 'checked' => $product->isFeatured(), 'description' => __('Enable this option to feature this product', 'jigoshop')));
do_action('jigoshop\\product\\tabs\\general', $product);