Exemplo n.º 1

namespace InteroPhp\Injector\Test;

// Require the Composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use InteroPhp\Injector\Context\ArrayContext;
use InteroPhp\Injector\Context\RequestContext;
use InteroPhp\Injector\Context\MultiContext;
use InteroPhp\Injector\Injector;
class Greeter
    private $greeting = 'Hello';
    public function __construct($greeting)
        $this->greeting = $greeting;
    public function greet($test__name)
        return $this->greeting . ', ' . $test__name;
$request = (new \Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest())->withUri(new \Zend\Diactoros\Uri('http://example.com'))->withMethod('GET')->withAttribute('greeting', 'Hi');
$requestContext = new RequestContext($request);
$data = ['color' => 'red', 'test.name' => 'Joe', 'other' => 'stuff'];
$arrayContext = new ArrayContext($data);
$multiContext = new MultiContext([$requestContext, $arrayContext]);
$injector = new Injector();
$greeter = $injector->instantiate(Greeter::class, $multiContext);
$res = $injector->callMethod($greeter, 'greet', $multiContext);
echo $res . PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private $greeting = 'Hello';
    public function __construct($greeting)
        $this->greeting = $greeting;
    public function greet($test__name)
        return $this->greeting . ', ' . $test__name;
class LoudGreeter
    private $greeter;
    public function __construct(Greeter $greeter)
        $this->greeter = $greeter;
    public function greet($test__name)
        return strtoupper($this->greeter->greet($test__name)) . "!!!";
$injector = new Injector();
$data = ['color' => 'red', 'test.name' => 'Joe', 'other' => 'stuff', 'greeting' => 'Hi'];
$arrayContext = new ArrayContext($data);
$greeter = $injector->instantiate(Greeter::class, $arrayContext);
$data['InteroPhp\\Injector\\Test\\Greeter'] = $greeter;
$arrayContext = new ArrayContext($data);
$loudGreeter = $injector->instantiate(LoudGreeter::class, $arrayContext);
$res = $injector->callMethod($loudGreeter, 'greet', $arrayContext);
echo $res . PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 3

namespace InteroPhp\Injector\Test;

// Require the Composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use InteroPhp\Injector\Context\InteropContainerContext;
use InteroPhp\Injector\Injector;
use Acclimate\Container\ArrayContainer;
class Greeter
    private $greeting = 'Hello';
    public function __construct($greeting)
        $this->greeting = $greeting;
    public function greet($test__name)
        return $this->greeting . ', ' . $test__name;
$data = ['greeting' => 'Aloha', 'color' => 'red', 'test.name' => 'Joe', 'other' => 'stuff'];
// A simple in-memory container, implementing the standard ContainerInterface
$container = new ArrayContainer($data);
$containerContext = new InteropContainerContext($container);
$injector = new Injector();
$greeter = $injector->instantiate(Greeter::class, $containerContext);
$res = $injector->callMethod($greeter, 'greet', $containerContext);
echo $res . PHP_EOL;