Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function generateSource()
     $result = false;
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' submit -->' : '') . '<input' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' class="normal" type="submit"' . ($this->mArgs['caption'] ? ' value="' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['caption']) . '"' : '') . ' tabindex="' . $this->mArgs['tabindex'] . '"' . ((isset($this->mArgs['needconfirm']) and $this->mArgs['needconfirm'] == 'true') ? ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . $this->mArgs['confirmmessage'] . '\')"' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and $this->mArgs['hint']) ? ' alt="' . $this->mArgs['hint'] . '"' : '') . '>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " submit -->\n" : '');
     $result = true;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function generateSource()
     $result = false;
     $event_data = new WuiEventRawData($this->mDisp, $this->mName);
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? "<!-- begin " . $this->mName . " push button -->" : "") . '<button' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' class="normal" ' . "name=\"" . $event_data->getDataString() . "\"" . (strlen($this->mValue) ? " value=\"" . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mValue) . "\"" : "") . ' tabindex="' . $this->mTabIndex . '"' . (strlen($this->mType) ? " type=\"" . $this->mType . "\"" : "") . ($this->mNeedConfirm == 'true' ? ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . $this->mConfirmMessage . '\')"' : '') . ">" . $this->mLabel . (strlen($this->mImage) ? "<img src=\"" . $this->mImage . "\"" . (strlen($this->mHint) ? " alt=\"" . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mHint) . "\"" : "") . ">" : "") . "</button>" . ($this->mComments ? "<!-- end " . $this->mName . " push button -->\n" : "");
     $result = true;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function generateSource()
     $result = false;
     $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData($this->mDisp, $this->mName);
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' radio -->' : '') . '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="middle"><input' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' class="normal" ' . (strlen($this->mHint) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mHint) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'type="radio" ' . 'name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . '"' . (strlen($this->mValue) ? ' value="' . $this->mValue . '"' : '') . ' tabindex="' . $this->mTabIndex . '"' . (strlen($this->mReadOnly) ? ' disabled' : '') . ($this->mChecked == 'true' ? ' checked' : '') . '></td><td valign="middle">' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mLabel) . '</td></tr></table>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " radio -->\n" : '');
     $result = true;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected function generateSource()
     $result = false;
     if (isset($this->mArgs['elements']) and is_array($this->mArgs['elements']) and count($this->mArgs['elements'])) {
         $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData($this->mArgs['disp'], $this->mName);
         $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . " combobox -->\n" : '') . '<select' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' ' . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and strlen($this->mArgs['hint'])) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mArgs['hint']) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . "\"" . ' tabindex="' . $this->mArgs['tabindex'] . '"' . ">\n";
         while (list($key, $val) = each($this->mArgs['elements'])) {
             $this->mLayout .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ((isset($this->mArgs['default']) and $this->mArgs['default'] == $key) ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($val) . "</option>\n";
         $this->mLayout .= $this->mComments ? "</select>\n<!-- end " . $this->mName . " combobox -->\n" : '';
         $result = true;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected function generateSource()
     $this->mLayout = $this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' statusbar -->' : '';
     if (isset($this->mArgs['status']) and strlen($this->mArgs['status'])) {
         $this->mLayout .= '<table border="0" ' . (isset($this->mArgs['width']) ? 'width="' . $this->mArgs['width'] . '" ' : '') . ' cellspacing="0"' . ' cellpadding="3" bgcolor="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['statusbars']['bgcolor'] . "\">\n";
         $this->mLayout .= "<tr>\n";
         $this->mLayout .= '<td class="status" nowrap style="white-space: nowrap;' . ((isset($this->mArgs['color']) and strlen($this->mArgs['color'])) ? 'color:' . $this->mArgs['color'] . ';' : '') . '">' . ((isset($this->mArgs['status']) and strlen($this->mArgs['status'])) ? \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['status']) : '&nbsp;') . "</td>\n";
         if ($this->mArgs['width'] == "100%") {
             $this->mLayout .= '<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>';
         $this->mLayout .= "</tr>\n";
         $this->mLayout .= "</table>\n";
     $this->mLayout .= $this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " statusbar -->\n" : '';
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected function generateSource()
     if (is_array($this->mArgs['elements'])) {
         $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData(isset($this->mArgs['disp']) ? $this->mArgs['disp'] : '', $this->mName);
         $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . " listbox -->\n" : '') . '<select' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' ' . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and strlen($this->mArgs['hint'])) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mArgs['hint']) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . ((isset($this->mArgs['multiselect']) and $this->mArgs['multiselect'] == 'true') ? '[]' : '') . '" size="' . $this->mArgs['size'] . '"' . ((isset($this->mArgs['multiselect']) and $this->mArgs['multiselect'] == 'true') ? ' multiple' : '') . ' tabindex="' . $this->mArgs['tabindex'] . '"' . ">\n";
         if (sizeof($this->mArgs['elements'])) {
             while (list($key, $val) = each($this->mArgs['elements'])) {
                 $this->mLayout .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ((isset($this->mArgs['default']) and is_array($this->mArgs['default']) and in_array($key, $this->mArgs['default'])) ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($val) . "</option>\n";
         } else {
             $this->mLayout .= '<option value=""> </option>' . "\n";
         $this->mLayout .= "</select>\n" . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " listbox -->\n" : '');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
    protected function generateSource()
        $result = false;
        $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData(isset($this->mArgs['disp']) ? $this->mArgs['disp'] : '', $this->mName);
        $check_script = '';
        if ((isset($this->mArgs['required']) and $this->mArgs['required'] == 'true') || (isset($this->mArgs['integer']) and $this->mArgs['integer'] == 'true') || (isset($this->mArgs['email']) and $this->mArgs['email'] == 'true')) {
            $check_script = '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
requiredFields[requiredFields.length] = new Array( "' . $event_data->getDataString() . '", "' . $this->mArgs['checkmessage'] . '"' . ($this->mArgs['required'] == 'true' ? ', "required"' : '') . ($this->mArgs['integer'] == 'true' ? ', "integer"' : '') . ($this->mArgs['email'] == 'true' ? ', "email"' : '') . ' );
        $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' textarea -->' : '') . '<textarea' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . ' ' . (isset($this->mArgs['maxlength']) ? ' maxlength="' . $this->mArgs['maxlength'] . '"' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and strlen($this->mArgs['hint'])) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mArgs['hint']) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . '"' . (strlen($this->mArgs['rows']) ? ' rows="' . $this->mArgs['rows'] . '"' : '') . (strlen($this->mArgs['bgcolor']) ? ' STYLE="background-color: ' . $this->mArgs['bgcolor'] . ';"' : '') . (strlen($this->mArgs['cols']) ? ' cols="' . $this->mArgs['cols'] . '"' : '') . ' tabindex="' . $this->mArgs['tabindex'] . '"' . ((isset($this->mArgs['readonly']) and strlen($this->mArgs['readonly'])) ? ' readonly' : '') . '>' . ((isset($this->mArgs['value']) and strlen($this->mArgs['value'])) ? \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['value']) : '') . '</textarea>' . $check_script . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " textarea -->\n" : '');
        $result = true;
        return $result;
Exemplo n.º 8
function main_showrootwebserviceslog($eventData)
    global $gLocale, $gPageTitle, $gXmlDefinition, $gToolbars;
    $gWui = \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::instance('\\Innomatic\\Wui\\Wui');
    $logContent = '';
    if (file_exists(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/log/webservices.log')) {
        $cleanLogAction = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall();
        $cleanLogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'showrootwebserviceslog', ''));
        $cleanLogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('action', 'cleanrootwebserviceslog', ''));
        $gToolbars['logs']['cleanlog'] = array('view' => array('label' => $gLocale->getStr('cleanlog_button'), 'themeimage' => 'documentdelete', 'horiz' => 'true', 'action' => $cleanLogAction->getEventsCallString()));
        if (file_exists(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/log/webservices.log')) {
            $logContent = file_get_contents(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/log/webservices.log');
    $gXmlDefinition = '<vertgroup><name />
          <value type="encoded">' . urlencode(\Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($logContent)) . '</value>
    $gPageTitle .= ' - ' . $gLocale->getStr('rootwebserviceslog_title');
Exemplo n.º 9
function main_applicationlog($eventData)
    global $gLocale, $gLocale, $gPageTitle, $wuiMainVertGroup, $gPageContent;
    $query = \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getDataAccess()->execute('SELECT appid FROM applications WHERE id=' . $eventData['appid']);
    $applicationData = $query->getFields();
    $gPageContent = new WuiVertgroup('vgroup');
    $appLogContent = '';
    if (file_exists(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $applicationData['appid'] . '/application.log')) {
        $logToolbar = new WuiToolBar('logbar');
        $cleanLogAction = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall();
        $cleanLogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'default', ''));
        $cleanLogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('action', 'cleanmodlog', array('appid' => $applicationData['appid'])));
        $cleanLogButton = new WuiButton('cleanlogbutton', array('label' => $gLocale->getStr('cleanlog_button'), 'themeimage' => 'documentdelete', 'action' => $cleanLogAction->getEventsCallString()));
        $logFrame = new WuiHorizframe('logframe');
        $appLogContent = file_get_contentes(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $applicationData['appid'] . '/application.log');
    $wuiVGroup->addChild(new WuiText('modlog', array('disp' => 'action', 'readonly' => 'true', 'value' => \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($appLogContent), 'rows' => '20', 'cols' => '120')), 0, 1);
    $gPageTitle .= ' - ' . $applicationData['appid'] . ' - ' . $gLocale->getStr('modlog.title');
Exemplo n.º 10
 protected function generateSource()
     $result = false;
     $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData($this->mDisp, $this->mName);
     $calendar_dateformat = str_replace('/', '\\/', $this->mLocaleCountryHandler->ShortDateFormat());
     $calendar_dateformat = str_replace('d', 'DD', $calendar_dateformat);
     $calendar_dateformat = str_replace('m', 'MM', $calendar_dateformat);
     $calendar_dateformat = str_replace('y', 'YY', $calendar_dateformat);
     $calendar_dateformat = str_replace('Y', 'YYYY', $calendar_dateformat);
     $this->mLayout = '';
     if ($this->mType == 'date') {
         $this->mLayout .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n\nCalendar.Title = '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('calendar') . "';\nCalendar.TableGridColor = '" . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['tables']['gridcolor'] . "';\nCalendar.TableBgColor = '" . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['tables']['bgcolor'] . "';\nCalendar.TableHeaderBgColor = '" . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['tables']['headerbgcolor'] . "';\n\nCalendar.WeekDays = new Array( '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('mon') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('tue') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('wed') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('thu') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('fri') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('sat') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('sun') . "');\n\nCalendar.Months = new Array( '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('january') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('february') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('march') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('april') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('may') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('june') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('july') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('august') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('september') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('october') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('november') . "',\n    '" . $this->mLocaleHandler->getStr('december') . "');\n</script>";
     $this->mLayout .= ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' date -->' : '') . '<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><input' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' class="normal" ' . (strlen($this->mHint) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mHint) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'type="text" name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . '"' . ' tabindex="' . $this->mTabIndex . '"' . (is_array($this->mValue) ? ' value="' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mType == 'date' ? $this->mLocaleCountryHandler->formatShortArrayDate($this->mValue) : $this->mLocaleCountryHandler->formatArrayTime($this->mValue)) . '"' : '') . ($this->mHint ? ' alt="' . $this->mHint . '"' : '') . (strlen($this->mSize) ? ' size="' . $this->mSize . '"' : '') . (strlen($this->mMaxLength) ? ' maxlength="' . $this->mMaxLength . '"' : '') . (strlen($this->mReadOnly) ? ' readonly' : '') . '>' . ($this->mReadOnly != 'true' ? $this->mType == 'date' ? "&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript:show_calendar( 'forms[' + GetFormNumber('" . $event_data->getDataString() . "') + '].elements[' +  GetElementNumber('" . $event_data->getDataString() . "') + ']'," . (is_array($this->mValue) ? "'" . sprintf('%u', $this->mValue['mon'] - 1) . "','" . $this->mValue['year'] . "'" : 'null,null') . ",'" . $calendar_dateformat . "');\">" . '<img src="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsBase . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet['mini']['icons']['base'] . '/icons/' . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet['icons']['calendar']['file'] . '" alt="" border="0" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"></a>' : '' : '') . '</span>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " string -->\n" : '');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function generateSourceBegin()
     $dashboard_id = '';
     $prefs_id = '';
     $container = \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer');
     // Check if Innomatic is in setup phase
     if (!($container->getState() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_SETUP)) {
         // Check if Innomatic is in root or domain mode
         if (!$container->isDomainStarted()) {
             // Root mode
             $root_db = $container->getDataAccess();
             $groups_query = $root_db->execute('SELECT * FROM root_panels_groups ORDER BY name');
             $num_groups = $groups_query->getNumberRows();
             $tabs = array();
             $tab_pages = array();
             if ($num_groups > 0) {
                 $cont_a = 0;
                 while (!$groups_query->eof) {
                     $group_apps = false;
                     $group_data = $groups_query->getFields();
                     if (strlen($group_data['catalog'])) {
                         $tmp_locale = new LocaleCatalog($group_data['catalog'], $container->getLanguage());
                         $el[$group_data['id']]['groupname'] = $tmp_locale->getStr($group_data['name']);
                     } else {
                         $el[$group_data['id']]['groupname'] = $group_data['name'];
                     $pagesquery = $root_db->execute('SELECT * FROM root_panels WHERE groupid=' . $group_data['id'] . ' ORDER BY name');
                     if ($pagesquery) {
                         $pagesnum = $pagesquery->getNumberRows();
                         if ($pagesnum > 0) {
                             $group_apps = true;
                             $cont_b = 0;
                             while (!$pagesquery->eof) {
                                 $pagedata = $pagesquery->getFields();
                                 if (strlen($pagedata['catalog']) > 0) {
                                     $tmploc = new LocaleCatalog($pagedata['catalog'], $container->getLanguage());
                                     $descstr = $tmploc->getStr($pagedata['name']);
                                 $tmp_eventscall = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall($pagedata['name']);
                                 $tmp_eventscall->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'default', ''));
                                 if (strlen($pagedata['themeicontype'])) {
                                     $imageType = $pagedata['themeicontype'];
                                 } else {
                                     $imageType = 'icons';
                                 strlen($pagedata['themeicon']) and isset($this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']]) ? $imageUrl = $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsBase . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']]['base'] . '/' . $imageType . '/' . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']]['file'] : ($imageUrl = $pagedata['iconfile']);
                                 $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['name'] = $descstr;
                                 $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['image'] = $imageUrl;
                                 $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['action'] = $tmp_eventscall->getEventsCallString();
                                 $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['themesized'] = 'true';
                     // TODO Check if this section is for compatibility only - and remove it
                     if ($group_data['name'] == 'innomatic') {
                         $pagesquery = $root_db->execute('SELECT * FROM root_panels WHERE groupid=0 OR groupid IS NULL ORDER BY name');
                         if ($pagesquery) {
                             $pagesnum = $pagesquery->getNumberRows();
                             if ($pagesnum > 0) {
                                 $group_apps = true;
                                 while (!$pagesquery->eof) {
                                     $pagedata = $pagesquery->getFields();
                                     if (strlen($pagedata['catalog']) > 0) {
                                         $tmploc = new LocaleCatalog($pagedata['catalog'], $container->getLanguage());
                                         $descstr = $tmploc->getStr($pagedata['name']);
                                     $tmp_eventscall = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall($pagedata['name']);
                                     $tmp_eventscall->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'default', ''));
                                     $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['name'] = $descstr;
                                     $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['image'] = $pagedata['iconfile'];
                                     $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['action'] = $tmp_eventscall->getEventsCallString();
                                     $el[$group_data['id']]['groupelements'][$cont_b]['themesized'] = 'true';
                     if ($group_apps) {
                     } else {
         } else {
             // Domain mode
             $tmpperm = new \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator($container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess(), $container->getCurrentUser()->getGroup());
             $tabs = array();
             $tab_pages = array();
             $groupsquery = $container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess()->execute('SELECT * FROM domain_panels_groups ORDER BY name');
             $numgroups = $groupsquery->getNumberRows();
             if ($numgroups > 0) {
                 $prefs_id = 0;
                 $tools_id = 0;
                 $dashboard_id = 0;
                 $cont = 0;
                 while (!$groupsquery->eof) {
                     $group_apps = false;
                     $groupdata = $groupsquery->getFields();
                     if ($tmpperm->check($groupdata['id'], 'group') != \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator::NODE_NOTENABLED) {
                         switch ($groupdata['name']) {
                             case 'tools':
                                 $tools_id = $groupdata['id'];
                             case 'preferences':
                                 $prefs_id = $groupdata['id'];
                             case 'dashboard':
                                 $dashboard_id = $groupdata['id'];
                         if (strlen($groupdata['catalog']) > 0) {
                             $tmploc = new LocaleCatalog($groupdata['catalog'], $container->getCurrentUser()->getLanguage());
                             $descstr = $tmploc->getStr($groupdata['name']);
                             $el[$groupdata['id']]['groupname'] = $descstr;
                         } else {
                             $el[$group_data['id']]['groupname'] = $groupdata['name'];
                         $pagesquery = $container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess()->execute('SELECT *
                                 FROM domain_panels
                                 WHERE groupid = ' . $groupdata['id'] . '
                                 AND (hidden != ' . $container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess()->formatText($container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess()->fmttrue) . '
                                 OR hidden IS NULL)
                                 ORDER BY name');
                         $pagesnum = $pagesquery->getNumberRows();
                         if ($pagesnum > 0) {
                             $group_apps = true;
                             $contb = 0;
                             while (!$pagesquery->eof) {
                                 $pagedata = $pagesquery->getFields();
                                 if ($tmpperm->check($pagedata['id'], 'page') != \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator::NODE_NOTENABLED) {
                                     if (strlen($pagedata['catalog']) > 0) {
                                         $tmploc = new LocaleCatalog($pagedata['catalog'], $container->getCurrentUser()->getLanguage());
                                         $descstr = $tmploc->getStr($pagedata['name']);
                                         $tmp_eventscall = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall($pagedata['name']);
                                         $tmp_eventscall->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'default', ''));
                                         if (strlen($pagedata['themeicontype'])) {
                                             $imageType = $pagedata['themeicontype'];
                                         } else {
                                             $imageType = 'apps';
                                         (strlen($pagedata['themeicon']) and isset($this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']])) ? $imageUrl = $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsBase . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']]['base'] . '/' . $imageType . '/' . $this->mThemeHandler->mIconsSet[$imageType][$pagedata['themeicon']]['file'] : ($imageUrl = $pagedata['iconfile']);
                                         $el[$groupdata['id']]['groupelements'][$contb]['name'] = $descstr;
                                         $el[$groupdata['id']]['groupelements'][$contb]['image'] = $imageUrl;
                                         $el[$groupdata['id']]['groupelements'][$contb]['action'] = $tmp_eventscall->getEventsCallString();
                                         $el[$groupdata['id']]['groupelements'][$contb]['themesized'] = 'true';
                     // $cont++;
                     if ($group_apps) {
                     } else {
                 //if ($prefs_id != 0) {}
         $menu = '';
         // Dashboard is always the first menu
         if (isset($el[$dashboard_id])) {
             $menu .= '.|' . $el[$dashboard_id]['groupname'] . "\n";
             foreach ($el[$dashboard_id]['groupelements'] as $panel) {
                 $menu .= '..|' . $panel['name'] . '|' . $panel['action'] . "\n";
         // Build the menu list
         foreach ($el as $id => $group) {
             // Skip dashboard and preferences menu
             if ($id == $prefs_id or $id == $dashboard_id) {
             $menu .= '.|' . $group['groupname'] . "\n";
             foreach ($group['groupelements'] as $panel) {
                 $menu .= '..|' . $panel['name'] . '|' . $panel['action'] . "\n";
         // Preferences is always the last menu
         if (isset($el[$prefs_id])) {
             $menu .= '.|' . $el[$prefs_id]['groupname'] . "\n";
             foreach ($el[$prefs_id]['groupelements'] as $panel) {
                 $menu .= '..|' . $panel['name'] . '|' . $panel['action'] . "\n";
         $registry = \Innomatic\Util\Registry::instance();
         if (!$registry->isGlobalObject('singleton xlayersmenu')) {
             $mid = new \Innomatic\Wui\Widgets\Layersmenu\XLayersMenu();
             $registry->setGlobalObject('singleton xlayersmenu', $mid);
         } else {
             $mid = $registry->getGlobalObject('singleton xlayersmenu');
         // Menu parameters
         $mid->libdir = $container->getHome() . 'core/lib/';
         $mid->libwww = $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/';
         $mid->tpldir = $container->getHome() . 'core/conf/layersmenu/';
         $mid->imgdir = $this->mThemeHandler->mStyleDir;
         $mid->imgwww = $this->mThemeHandler->mStyleBase . $this->mThemeHandler->mStyleName . '/';
     // User data
     if ($container->isDomainStarted()) {
         $user_data = $container->getCurrentUser()->getUserData();
         $user_name = $user_data['fname'] . ' ' . $user_data['lname'];
         $domain_name = $container->getCurrentDomain()->domaindata['domainname'];
         $logout_events_call = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall(\Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getProcessor()->getRequest()->getUrlPath() . '/');
         $innomatic_menu_locale = new LocaleCatalog('innomatic::domain_menu', $container->getCurrentUser()->getLanguage());
     } else {
         // In root mode we show generic user data
         $user_name = 'root';
         $domain_name = 'Innomatic';
         $logout_events_call = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall(\Innomatic\Webapp\WebAppContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Webapp\\WebAppContainer')->getProcessor()->getRequest()->getUrlPath() . '/root');
         $innomatic_menu_locale = new LocaleCatalog('innomatic::root_menu', $container->getLanguage());
     $logout_events_call->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('login', 'logout', ''));
     // Check the environment type and set the title and the header bar color
     switch ($container->getEnvironment()) {
         case \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::ENVIRONMENT_DEVELOPMENT:
             // Development environment
             $domain_name .= ' (' . $innomatic_menu_locale->getStr('environment_development') . ')';
             $env_class = 'headerbar_dev';
         case \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::ENVIRONMENT_INTEGRATION:
             // Integration environment
             $domain_name .= ' (' . $innomatic_menu_locale->getStr('environment_integration') . ')';
             $env_class = 'headerbar_integration';
         case \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::ENVIRONMENT_STAGING:
             // Staging environment
             $domain_name .= ' (' . $innomatic_menu_locale->getStr('environment_staging') . ')';
             $env_class = 'headerbar_staging';
         case \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION:
             // Production environment
             $env_class = 'headerbar';
     // HTML
     $charset = 'UTF-8';
     // $block = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\">\n";
     // $block = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">' . "\n";
     $block = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . "\n";
     $block .= "<html>\n";
     $block .= "<head>\n";
     // WUI javascript
     $block .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/wui.js"></script>' . "\n";
     $block .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/' . "layersmenu.js\"></script>\n";
     // WUI style
     $block .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $this->mThemeHandler->mStyle['css'] . "\">\n";
     // JQuery
     $block .= '<link href="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/jquery/css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css" rel="stylesheet">' . "\n";
     $block .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/jquery/js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>' . "\n";
     $block .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js"></script>' . "\n";
     $block .= '<link href="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/jquery/css/jquery_validation_errors.css" rel="stylesheet">' . "\n";
     $block .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/jquery/js/jquery.validate.js"></script>' . "\n";
     // Favicon
     $block .= '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/favicon.png" type="image/png"/>' . "\n";
     // PNG Behavior
     // @todo Consider removing support for PNG behavior
     $block .= "<style type=\"text/css\">\nimg {\nbehavior:    url(\"" . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . '/shared/' . "pngbehavior.htc\");\n}\n</style>\n";
     // Page title
     $block .= "<title>" . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['title']) . "</title>\n";
     // Optional inline javascript code
     $block .= (isset($this->mArgs['javascript']) and strlen($this->mArgs['javascript'])) ? "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n<!--\n" . $this->mArgs['javascript'] . "\n//-->\n</script>\n" : '';
     // Content type
     $block .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '">' . "\n";
     $block .= '<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true">' . "\n";
     // Optional auto refresh
     if ($this->mArgs['refresh']) {
         $block .= '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $this->mArgs['refresh'] . '">' . "\n";
     $block .= "</head>\n";
     $block .= '<body bgcolor="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['pages']['bgcolor'] . '"';
     if (isset($this->mArgs['background']) and strlen($this->mArgs['background'])) {
         $block .= ' style="background-image: url(\'' . $this->mArgs['background'] . '\');';
         if (isset($this->mArgs['horizbackground']) and $this->mArgs['horizbackground'] == 'true') {
             $block .= ' background-repeat: repeat-x;';
         $block .= '"';
     $block .= ">\n";
     $block .= '<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
         <td valign="' . $this->mArgs['valign'] . '" align="' . $this->mArgs['align'] . '" style="height: 100%;">' . "\n";
     if ($this->mArgs['border'] == 'true') {
         if (!($container->getState() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_SETUP)) {
             $menu_header = (isset($GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['wui_menu']['header']) ? '' : $mid->MakeHeader()) . $mid->getMenu($this->mName);
             $menu_footer = $mid->MakeFooter();
         } else {
             $menu_header = $menu_footer = '';
         $block .= "<table class=\"page\" border=\"0\" style=\"border-bottom: 0px solid " . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['pages']['border'] . ";\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">\n" . '<thead id="page-thead" class="page"><tr class="' . $env_class . '">' . "\n" . "<td style=\"width: 100%; align: center; padding-left: 16px;\" align=\"left\">" . "<a href=\"" . $container->getBaseUrl(false) . "\"><img src=\"" . $this->mThemeHandler->mStyle['titlelogo'] . "\" align=\"left\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" style=\"margin-right: 15px;\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Innomatic\"></a>" . "<span nowrap class=\"headerbar\" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">" . $domain_name . '</span></td>' . '<td align="right" valign="middle" nowrap style="white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 10px;">' . '<table border="0" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
         if (!($container->getState() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_SETUP)) {
             $block .= '<td><span class="headerbar" style="white-space: nowrap;">' . $user_name . "</span></td>";
             if ($container->isDomainStarted() == true) {
                 // Tray bar items
                 $domain_da = $container->getCurrentDomain()->getDataAccess();
                 $perm = new \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator($domain_da, $container->getCurrentUser()->getGroup());
                 // Extract the list of all the tray bar items
                 $traybar_items_query = $domain_da->execute('SELECT * FROM domain_traybar_items ORDER BY name');
                 while (!$traybar_items_query->eof) {
                     $panel = $traybar_items_query->getFields('panel');
                     // Do not show traybar items tied to a panel when the panel is not accessible to the current user
                     if (strlen($panel)) {
                         $node_id = $perm->getNodeIdFromFileName($panel);
                         if ($perm->check($node_id, \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator::NODETYPE_PAGE) == \Innomatic\Desktop\Auth\DesktopPanelAuthorizator::NODE_NOTENABLED) {
                     $class_name = $traybar_items_query->getFields('class');
                     if (class_exists($class_name)) {
                         $traybar_item = new $class_name();
                         $block .= '<td style="padding-left: 15px;">' . $traybar_item->getHtml() . '</td>';
             // Logout button
             $block .= '<td><a href="' . $logout_events_call->getEventsCallString() . '" alt="' . $innomatic_menu_locale->getStr('logout') . '"><img width="25" height="25" align="right" style="margin-left: 15px;" src="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mStyle['logout'] . '" alt="' . $innomatic_menu_locale->getStr('logout') . '" /></a></td>';
         // Menu and toolbar
         $block .= "</tr></table></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 45px; background-color: " . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['titlebars']['bgcolor'] . ";\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap style=\"white-space: nowrap\">" . $menu_header . '</td></tr>' . "<tr><td id=\"sub-top-menu\" class=\"table-container\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 45px; background-color: white;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap style=\"white-space: nowrap\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 4px;\"><tr><td>{[wui-titlebar-title]}{[wui-toolbars]}" . '</tr></table></td></tr><tr>' . '</thead><tbody id="page-tbody" class="page">' . "<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"\">\n";
         // @todo Refactor and remove the globals
         $GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['wui_menu']['header'] = true;
         $GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['wui_menu']['footer'] = $menu_footer;
     return $block;
 public function viewshowdataaccesslog($eventData)
     $query = \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getDataAccess()->execute('SELECT * FROM domains WHERE id=' . $eventData['domainid']);
     if ($query->getNumberRows()) {
         $domainData = $query->getFields();
         $wuiVgroup = new WuiVertgroup('vgroup');
         $dbLogContent = '';
         if (file_exists(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domainData['domainid'] . '/log/dataaccess.log')) {
             $logToolbar = new WuiToolBar('logbar');
             $cleanlogAction = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventsCall();
             $cleanlogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('view', 'showdataaccesslog', array('domainid' => $eventData['domainid'])));
             $cleanlogAction->addEvent(new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEvent('action', 'cleandataaccesslog', array('domainid' => $eventData['domainid'])));
             $cleanlogButton = new WuiButton('cleanlogbutton', array('label' => $this->_localeCatalog->getStr('cleanlog_button'), 'themeimage' => 'documentdelete', 'horiz' => 'true', 'action' => $cleanlogAction->getEventsCallString()));
             $dbLogContent = file_get_contents(\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getHome() . 'core/domains/' . $domainData['domainid'] . '/log/dataaccess.log');
         $wuiVgroup->addChild(new WuiText('dataaccesslog', array('disp' => 'action', 'readonly' => 'true', 'value' => \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($dbLogContent), 'rows' => '20', 'cols' => '120')), 0, 1);
     $this->wuiTitlebar->mArgs['title'] .= ' - ' . $domainData['domainid'] . ' (' . $domainData['domainname'] . ') - ' . $this->_localeCatalog->getStr('showdataaccesslog_title');
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function check_log(&$container)
     $innomatic = \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer');
     if (!file_exists($innomatic->getHome() . 'core/log/innomatic.log')) {
     $log_content = file_get_contents($innomatic->getHome() . 'core/log/innomatic.log');
     $container->addChild(new WuiHorizBar('loghr'));
     $container->addChild(new WuiText("rootlog", array('disp' => 'action', "readonly" => "true", "value" => \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($log_content), "rows" => "20", "cols" => "80")), 0, 1);
     @unlink($innomatic->getHome() . 'core/log/innomatic.log');
Exemplo n.º 14
    protected function generateSource()
        $event_data = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData(isset($this->mArgs['disp']) ? $this->mArgs['disp'] : '', $this->mName);
        $event_data_id = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData(isset($this->mArgs['disp']) ? $this->mArgs['disp'] : '', $this->mName . '_id');
        $this->mLayout = $this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' string -->' : '';
        // JQuery autocomplete
        if ($this->mArgs['autocomplete'] == true) {
            //$jquery_id = 'jqautocomplete_'.$this->mName;
            $this->mLayout .= '<style>
.ui-autocomplete-loading { background: white url(\'' . $this->mThemeHandler->mStyle['ajax_mini'] . '\') right center no-repeat; background-size: 16px 16px;}
.ui-autocomplete {
max-height: 250px;
overflow-y: auto;
            $this->mLayout .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\$(document).ready(function () {\n\$(\"#" . $this->mArgs['id'] . "\").autocomplete({\nsource: \"" . $this->mArgs['autocompletesearchurl'] . "\",\nselect: function (event, ui) {\n\$( \"#" . $this->mArgs['id'] . "_value\" ).attr( \"value\", ui.item.id );\n},\nminLength: " . $this->mArgs['autocompleteminlength'] . "\n});\n});\n</script>\n";
            $def_value = '';
            if (isset($this->mArgs['value']) and strlen($this->mArgs['value']) and isset($this->mArgs['autocompletevalueid']) and $this->mArgs['autocompletevalueid'] != '') {
                $def_value = ' value=\'' . $this->mArgs['autocompletevalueid'] . '\'';
            $this->mLayout .= "<input type='hidden' name='" . $event_data_id->getDataString() . "' id='" . $this->mArgs['id'] . '_value\'' . $def_value . '>';
        if ((isset($this->mArgs['required']) and $this->mArgs['required'] == 'true') || (isset($this->mArgs['integer']) and $this->mArgs['integer'] == 'true') || (isset($this->mArgs['email']) and $this->mArgs['email'] == 'true')) {
            $check_script = '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
requiredFields[requiredFields.length] = new Array( "' . $event_data->getDataString() . '", "' . $this->mArgs['checkmessage'] . '"';
            $check_script .= (isset($this->mArgs['required']) and $this->mArgs['required'] == 'true') ? ', "required"' : '';
            $check_script .= (isset($this->mArgs['integer']) and $this->mArgs['integer'] == 'true') ? ', "integer"' : '';
            $check_script .= (isset($this->mArgs['email']) and $this->mArgs['email'] == 'true') ? ', "email"' : '';
            $check_script .= ' );
        $this->mLayout .= '<input' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ' ' . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and strlen($this->mArgs['hint'])) ? 'onMouseOver="wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mArgs['hint']) . '\');" onMouseOut="wuiUnHint();" ' : '') . 'type="' . ((isset($this->mArgs['password']) and $this->mArgs['password'] == 'true') ? 'password' : 'text') . '" name="' . $event_data->getDataString() . '"';
        $this->mLayout .= ' tabindex="' . $this->mArgs['tabindex'] . '"';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['value']) and strlen($this->mArgs['value'])) ? ' value="' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['value']) . '"' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and $this->mArgs['hint']) ? ' alt="' . $this->mArgs['hint'] . '"' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['bgcolor']) and strlen($this->mArgs['bgcolor'])) ? ' style="background-color: ' . $this->mArgs['bgcolor'] . ';"' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['size']) and strlen($this->mArgs['size'])) ? ' size="' . $this->mArgs['size'] . '"' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['maxlength']) and strlen($this->mArgs['maxlength'])) ? ' maxlength="' . $this->mArgs['maxlength'] . '"' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= (isset($this->mArgs['readonly']) and strlen($this->mArgs['readonly'])) ? ' readonly' : '';
        $this->mLayout .= '>' . ((isset($check_script) and strlen($check_script)) ? $check_script : '');
        $this->mLayout .= $this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " string -->\n" : '';
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
 protected function generateSource()
     $buttonTextColorClass = 'buttontext';
     $mouseOutColor = $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['pages']['bgcolor'];
     $mouseOverColor = $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['buttons']['notselected'];
     if ($this->mArgs['mainaction'] == 'true') {
         $buttonTextColorClass = 'buttontextmainaction';
         $mouseOutColor = '#24c128';
         $mouseOverColor = '#00ff06';
     } elseif ($this->mArgs['dangeraction'] == 'true') {
         $buttonTextColorClass = 'buttontextdangeraction';
         $mouseOutColor = '#e93f33';
         $mouseOverColor = '#ff1100';
     $this->mArgs['mainaction'] = 'false';
     if ($this->mArgs['themeimagetype'] == 'actions') {
         $image_width = 20;
         $image_height = 20;
     } else {
         if ($this->mArgs['themeimagetype'] == 'mini') {
             $image_width = 15;
             $image_height = 15;
         } else {
             if ($this->mArgs['themeimagetype'] == 'big') {
                 $image_width = 60;
                 $image_height = 60;
             } else {
                 if (isset($this->mArgs['themeimage']) and strlen($this->mArgs['themeimage'])) {
                     $image_width = 30;
                     $image_height = 30;
     $sizes = '';
     if (isset($this->mArgs['themeimage']) and strlen($this->mArgs['themeimage'])) {
         $sizes = ' style="width: ' . $image_width . 'px; height: ' . $image_height . 'px;"';
     } else {
         if (isset($this->mArgs['width']) or isset($this->mArgs['height'])) {
             $sizes = ' style="';
             isset($this->mArgs['width']) ? $sizes .= 'width: ' . $this->mArgs['width'] . 'px;' : '';
             isset($this->mArgs['height']) ? $sizes .= 'height: ' . $this->mArgs['height'] . 'px;' : '';
             $sizes .= '"';
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' button -->' : '') . '<table' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . $this->getEventsCompleteString() . ($this->mArgs['compact'] == 'true' ? ' cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"' : ' cellpadding="4"') . ' style="background-color: ' . $mouseOutColor . ';' . ($this->mArgs['disabled'] == 'true' ? 'cursor: default;' : 'cursor: pointer;') . '"' . ($this->mArgs['disabled'] == 'true' ? '' : ($this->mArgs['highlight'] == 'true' ? ' onMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor=\'' . $mouseOverColor . '\';' . ((isset($this->mArgs['label']) and strlen($this->mArgs['label'])) ? 'wuiHint(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->mArgs['label']) . '\');' : '') . '" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor=\'' . $mouseOutColor . '\';wuiUnHint();"' : '') . ' onClick="' . ((isset($this->mArgs['needconfirm']) and $this->mArgs['needconfirm'] == 'true') ? 'javascript:if ( confirm(\'' . $this->mArgs['confirmmessage'] . '\') ) {' : '') . ($this->mArgs['highlight'] == 'true' ? 'this.style.backgroundColor=\'' . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['buttons']['selected'] . '\';' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['formsubmit']) and strlen($this->mArgs['formsubmit'])) ? 'void(submitForm(\'' . $this->mArgs['formsubmit'] . '\',\'' . $this->mArgs['action'] . '\',\'' . (isset($this->mArgs['formcheckmessage']) ? $this->mArgs['formcheckmessage'] : '') . '\',\'' . ((isset($this->mArgs['target']) and strlen($this->mArgs['target'])) ? $this->mArgs['target'] : '') . '\'));' : ((isset($this->mArgs['target']) and strlen($this->mArgs['target']) and $this->mArgs['target'] != '_blank') ? $this->mArgs['target'] . '.' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['target']) and $this->mArgs['target'] == '_blank') ? 'window.open(\'' : 'location.href=\'') . $this->mArgs['action'] . ((isset($this->mArgs['target']) and $this->mArgs['target'] == '_blank') ? '\')' : '\'')) . ((isset($this->mArgs['needconfirm']) and $this->mArgs['needconfirm'] == 'true') ? '}' : '') . '"') . '><tr valign="middle"><td class="normalbig" align="center" ' . ($this->mArgs['nowrap'] == 'true' ? 'nowrap style="white-space: nowrap" ' : '') . ' valign="middle"><center>' . ((isset($this->mArgs['image']) and strlen($this->mArgs['image'])) ? '<img src="' . $this->mArgs['image'] . '" align="middle" border="0"' . $sizes . ((isset($this->mArgs['hint']) and strlen($this->mArgs['hint'])) ? ' alt="' . $this->mArgs['hint'] . '"' : 'alt=""') . '>' . ((isset($this->mArgs['horiz']) and $this->mArgs['horiz']) == 'true' ? '</center></td><td class="normalbig" align="center" ' . ($this->mArgs['nowrap'] == 'true' ? 'nowrap style="white-space: nowrap"' : '') . ' valign="middle"><center>' : '<br>') : '') . ($this->mArgs['disabled'] == 'true' ? '<font color="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['buttons']['disabledtext'] . '">' . ($this->mArgs['mainaction'] == 'true' ? '<strong>' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['label']) and strlen($this->mArgs['label'])) ? \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['label']) : "") . ($this->mArgs['mainaction'] == 'true' ? '</strong>' : '') . '</font>' : '<font color="' . $this->mThemeHandler->mColorsSet['buttons']['text'] . '"><span class="' . $buttonTextColorClass . '">' . ($this->mArgs['mainaction'] == 'true' ? '<strong>' : '') . ((isset($this->mArgs['label']) and strlen($this->mArgs['label'])) ? \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['label']) : "") . ($this->mArgs['mainaction'] == 'true' ? '</strong>' : '')) . '</span></font></center></td></tr></table>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " button -->\n" : '');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 protected function generateSource()
     $eventData = new \Innomatic\Wui\Dispatch\WuiEventRawData($this->mArgs['disp'], $this->mName);
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' string -->' : '') . '<input' . (isset($this->mArgs['id']) ? ' id="' . $this->mArgs['id'] . '"' : '') . ' type="hidden" name="' . $eventData->getDataString() . '"' . (strlen($this->mArgs['value']) ? ' value="' . \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mArgs['value']) . '"' : '') . '>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " string -->\n" : '');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Generate Source Html of this Widget
  * @return string code html
 public function generateSource()
     $basicstyles = '{ name: "basicstyles", items: [ "Bold", "Italic" ] },';
     $paragraph = '{ name: "paragraph", items: [ "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent" ] },';
     $links = '{ name: "links", items: [ "Link", "Unlink" ] },';
     $this->mLayout = ($this->mComments ? '<!-- begin ' . $this->mName . ' textarea -->' : '') . ($this->mInline ? '<style> .cke_textarea_inline[title~=' . $this->mId . '] { 
                 padding-left: 10px; 
                 padding-right: 10px; 
                 height: ' . $this->mHeight . 'px;
                 overflow: auto; 
                 border: 1px solid gray; 
                 -webkit-appearance: textfield; } 
             </style>' : '') . '<textarea id="' . $this->mId . '" name="' . $this->mId . '" >' . ((isset($this->mValue) and strlen($this->mValue)) ? \Innomatic\Wui\Wui::utf8_entities($this->mValue) : '') . '</textarea>' . '<script type="text/javascript">' . ' $.getScript("../shared/ckeditor/ckeditor.js", function(){' . '   function onChange(){ 
                 document.getElementById("' . $this->mId . '").innerHTML = CKEDITOR.instances.' . $this->mId . '.getData(); 
               }' . '   CKEDITOR.' . ($this->mInline ? 'inline' : 'replace') . '( "' . $this->mId . '", { ' . '     width:"' . $this->mWidth . 'px",' . '     height:"' . $this->mHeight . 'px",' . '     on: { change: onChange },
                 toolbar: [' . ($this->mBasicstyles ? $basicstyles : '') . ($this->mParagraph ? $paragraph : '') . ($this->mLinks ? $links : '') . '          { name: "about", items: [ "About" ] }
               });' . ' });' . '</script>' . ($this->mComments ? '<!-- end ' . $this->mName . " textarea -->\n" : '');
     return true;