Exemplo n.º 1
  * Modify class source
  * @param \Includes\Decorator\DataStructure\Graph\Classes $node Current node
  * @return void
 protected function writeCallToSourceFile(\Includes\Decorator\DataStructure\Graph\Classes $node)
     $path = \Includes\Decorator\ADecorator::getCacheClassesDir() . $node->getPath();
     $content = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path);
     $content .= PHP_EOL . '// Call static constructor' . PHP_EOL;
     $content .= '\\' . $node->getClass() . '::' . static::STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD . '();';
     \Includes\Utils\FileManager::write($path, $content);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function getCounter()
     $data = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getFilePath());
     if ($data) {
         $data = substr($data, strlen('; <' . '?php /*' . PHP_EOL), strlen('; */ ?' . '>') * -1);
         $data = unserialize($data);
     return $data && is_array($data) && isset($data['count']) ? intval($data['count']) : 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return classes tree
  * @param boolean $create Flag OPTIONAL
  * @return \Includes\Decorator\DataStructure\Graph\Classes
 public static function getClassesTree($create = true)
     if (!isset(static::$classesTree) && $create) {
         if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isFileReadable(static::getClassesHashPath())) {
             $data = unserialize(\Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getClassesHashPath()));
             static::$classesTree = array_pop($data);
         } else {
             static::$classesTree = \Includes\Decorator\Utils\Operator::createClassesTree();
     return static::$classesTree;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get schema
  * @return array
 public static function getDBSchema()
     if (!isset(static::$schema)) {
         $path = static::getDBSchemaFilePath();
         if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isFileReadable($path)) {
             $content = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path);
             if ($content) {
                 static::$schema = explode(';', $content);
     return static::$schema;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Return templates list
  * @return array
 protected function getAnnotatedTemplates()
     if (!isset(static::$annotatedTemplates)) {
         static::$annotatedTemplates = array();
         static::$inheritedTemplates = array();
         foreach ($this->getTemplateFileIterator()->getIterator() as $path => $data) {
             $data = \Includes\Decorator\Utils\Operator::getTags(\Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path, true), array(static::TAG_LIST_CHILD, static::TAG_INHERITED_LIST_CHILD));
             if (isset($data[static::TAG_LIST_CHILD])) {
                 $this->addTags($data[static::TAG_LIST_CHILD], $path);
             if (isset($data[static::TAG_INHERITED_LIST_CHILD])) {
                 static::$inheritedTemplates[] = $path;
     return static::$annotatedTemplates;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Return templates chain
  * @return array
 protected function getChain()
     $result = array();
     /** @var \XLite\Core\Layout $layout */
     $layout = \XLite\Core\Layout::getInstance();
     $shortPath = $this->getValue();
     $files = array();
     foreach ($layout->getSkinPaths(\XLite::CUSTOMER_INTERFACE) as $path) {
         $fullPath = $path['fs'] . LC_DS . $shortPath;
         if (file_exists($fullPath) && is_file($fullPath)) {
             array_unshift($files, $fullPath);
     foreach ($files as $fullPath) {
         $result[substr($fullPath, strlen(LC_DIR_SKINS))] = htmlspecialchars(\Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($fullPath));
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Uninstall module
  * @return void
 protected function doActionUninstall()
     $module = $this->getModule();
     if ($module) {
         $pack = new \XLite\Core\Pack\Module($module);
         $dirs = $pack->getDirs();
         $nonWritableDirs = array();
         // Check permissions
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
             if (!\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isDirWriteable($dir)) {
                 $nonWritableDirs[] = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::getRelativePath($dir, LC_DIR_ROOT);
         $params = array('name' => $module->getActualName());
         if (empty($nonWritableDirs)) {
             $yaml = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(\Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::getModuleYAMLFile($module->getAuthor(), $module->getName()));
             // Remove from FS
             foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
             // Disable this and depended modules
             // Remove from DB
             if ($module->getModuleID()) {
                 $message = 'A DB error occured while uninstalling the module "{{name}}"';
                 $this->showError(__FUNCTION__, $message, $params);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($yaml)) {
                 $message = 'The module "{{name}}" has been uninstalled successfully';
                 $this->showInfo(__FUNCTION__, $message, $params);
             // To restore previous state
             // Flag to rebuild cache
         } else {
             $message = 'Unable to delete module "{{name}}" files: some dirs have no writable permissions: {{dirs}}';
             $this->showError(__FUNCTION__, $message, $params + array('dirs' => implode(', ', $nonWritableDirs)));
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Prepares JS cache to use
  * @param array $resource Array with JS file data
  * @return string
 protected function prepareJSCache($resource)
     $filePath = $resource['file'];
     $minFilePath = str_replace(LC_DIR_SKINS, static::getMinifiedCacheDir(static::RESOURCE_JS), $filePath);
     $minFilePath = dirname($minFilePath) . LC_DS . basename($minFilePath, '.js') . '.min.js';
     $minified = false;
     // Get file content
     if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isFileReadable($minFilePath)) {
         $data = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($minFilePath);
         $minified = true;
     } else {
         $data = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($filePath);
     $noMinify = !empty($resource['no_minify']) || !empty($resource['no-minify']);
     if (!$minified && !$noMinify && strpos(basename($filePath), '.min.js') == false) {
         // Minify js content
         $data = $this->minifyJS($data, $filePath);
         \Includes\Utils\FileManager::write($minFilePath, $data);
     $data = trim($data);
     $data = preg_replace('/\\)$/S', ');', $data);
     return $data ? PHP_EOL . '/* AUTOGENERATED: ' . basename($filePath) . ' */' . PHP_EOL . $data . ';' : '';
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Send email notification to administrator about access key
  * @param boolean $keyChanged is access key was changed
  * @return void
 public static function sendNotification($keyChanged = false)
     if (!\Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::isRebuildNeeded(\Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::STEP_THIRD)) {
         // Send email notification
         \XLite\Core\Mailer::sendSafeModeAccessKeyNotification(\Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getAccessKeyFileName()), $keyChanged);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Set new file for compile
  * @param string $file Template to compile
  * @return void
 protected function init($file)
     $this->file = $file;
     $this->source = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($file);
     $this->urlRewrite = array('images' => array($this, 'rewriteImageURL'));
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Download pack
  * @param \XLite\Core\Pack\APack $pack     Files to pack
  * @param boolean                $compress Flag OPTIONAL
  * @return void
 protected static function download(\XLite\Core\Pack\APack $pack, $compress = true)
     if (!\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isDir(LC_DIR_TMP)) {
     if (!\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isDirWriteable(LC_DIR_TMP)) {
         \Includes\ErrorHandler::fireError('Directory "' . LC_DIR_TMP . '" is not writeable');
     $path = LC_DIR_TMP . $pack->getName() . '.tar';
     $phar = static::pack($path, $pack->getDirectoryIterator(), $pack->getMetadata(), $compress);
     header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($path) . '"');
     header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
     echo \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Get file content
  * @return string
 public function getFileContent()
     return \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($this->getFileName());
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Get LESSResourceHash
  * @param array $lessFiles LESS files structures array
  * @param boolean $original Get original path OPTIONAL
  * @return array
 protected function getLESSResourceHash($lessFiles, $original = false)
     if (!isset($this->LESSResourceHash)) {
         $data = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getHashFilePath());
         if ($data) {
             $data = substr($data, strlen('; <' . '?php /*' . PHP_EOL), strlen('; */ ?' . '>') * -1);
             $data = unserialize($data);
         $this->LESSResourceHash = $data && is_array($data) ? $data : array();
     $path = $this->getCSSResource($lessFiles, $original, true);
     return isset($this->LESSResourceHash[$path]) && is_array($this->LESSResourceHash[$path]) ? $this->LESSResourceHash[$path] : array();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Retrieve property from the model object
  * @param mixed $name Field/property name
  * @return mixed
 protected function getModelObjectValue($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'body':
             $value = '';
             $localPath = '';
             if (\XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->template) {
                 $localPath = \XLite\Core\Request::getInstance()->template;
             } elseif ($this->getModelObject()->getId()) {
                 $localPath = $this->getModelObjectValue('template');
             if ($localPath) {
                 $model = $this->getModelObject();
                 $fullPath = $this->getFullPathByLocalPath($localPath, $model->getId() ? 'theme_tweaker/default' : null);
                 $value = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($fullPath);
             $value = parent::getModelObjectValue($name);
     return $value;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Get body
  * @return string
 public function getBody()
     if ($this->isURL()) {
         $body = \XLite\Core\Operator::getURLContent($this->getPath());
     } else {
         $body = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($this->getStoragePath());
     return $body;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Read file from package
  * @param string $relativePath File relative path in package
  * @return string
 protected function getFileSource($relativePath)
     $source = null;
     $path = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::getCanonicalDir($this->getRepositoryPath());
     if (!empty($path)) {
         $path = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::getRealPath($this->getFullPath($relativePath, $path));
     if (!empty($path)) {
         $source = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path);
     return $source;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Return source code for regular node
  * @return string
 protected function getRegularSource()
     return \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($this->getFile());
Exemplo n.º 18
// To avoid superflous checks
define('XLITE_INSTALL_MODE', true);
define('LC_DO_NOT_REBUILD_CACHE', true);
require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'top.inc.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['target'])) {
    $path = null;
    switch ($_REQUEST['target']) {
        case 'module':
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['author']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name'])) {
                $image = isset($_REQUEST['image']) ? $_REQUEST['image'] : null;
                switch ($image) {
                    case 'icon.png':
                        $path = \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::getModuleIconFile($_REQUEST['author'], $_REQUEST['name']);
            // ...
    if (!empty($path)) {
        $type = 'png';
        $data = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($path);
        $length = strlen($data);
        header('Content-Type: image/' . $type);
        header('Content-Length: ' . $length);
        echo $data;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Get HASH of ENABLED registry structure
  * @return string
 public static function getEnabledStructureHash()
     return \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getEnabledStructureHashPath());
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Uninstall module
  * @param \XLite\Model\Module $module    Module object
  * @param array               &$messages Messages list
  * @return boolean
 public function uninstallModule(\XLite\Model\Module $module, &$messages)
     $result = false;
     // Get module pack
     $pack = new \XLite\Core\Pack\Module($module);
     $dirs = $pack->getDirs();
     $nonWritableDirs = array();
     // Check module directories permissions
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isExists($dir) && !\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isDirWriteable($dir)) {
             $nonWritableDirs[] = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::getRelativePath($dir, LC_DIR_ROOT);
     $params = array('name' => sprintf('%s v%s (%s)', $module->getModuleName(), $module->getVersion(), $module->getAuthorName()));
     if (empty($nonWritableDirs)) {
         $yamlData = array();
         $yamlFiles = \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::getModuleYAMLFiles($module->getAuthor(), $module->getName());
         foreach ($yamlFiles as $yamlFile) {
             $yamlData[] = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($yamlFile);
         if (!$module->checkModuleMainClass()) {
             $classFile = LC_DIR_CLASSES . \Includes\Utils\Converter::getClassFile($module->getMainClass());
             if (\Includes\Utils\FileManager::isFileReadable($classFile)) {
                 require_once $classFile;
         // Call uninstall event method
         $r = $module->callModuleMethod('callUninstallEvent', 111);
         if (111 == $r) {
             \XLite\Logger::getInstance()->log($module->getActualName() . ': Method callUninstallEvent() was not called');
         // Remove from FS
         foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         // Remove module from DB
         try {
             // Refresh module entity as it was changed by disableModule() method above
             $module = $this->find($module->getModuleID());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $messages[] = $e->getMessage();
         if ($module->getModuleID()) {
             $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('A DB error occured while uninstalling the module X', $params);
         } else {
             if (!empty($yamlData)) {
                 foreach ($yamlData as $yaml) {
             $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('The module X has been uninstalled successfully', $params);
             $result = true;
     } else {
         $messages[] = \XLite\Core\Translation::getInstance()->translate('Unable to delete module X files: some dirs have no writable permissions: Y', $params + array('dirs' => implode(', ', $nonWritableDirs)));
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Return content of the error page file (.html)
  * @return string
 protected static function getErrorPageFileContent($type = self::ERROR_PAGE_TYPE_ERROR)
     return \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getErrorPageFile($type)) ?: LC_ERROR_PAGE_MESSAGE;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Prepares CSS cache to use
  * @param string $filePath JS cache file path
  * @return string
 protected function prepareJSCache($filePath)
     return "\r\n" . '/***** AUTOGENERATED: ' . basename($filePath) . ' */' . "\r\n" . \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($filePath);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Check and (if needed) remove the rebuild indicator file
  * @return boolean
 public static function checkRebuildIndicatorState()
     $name = static::getRebuildIndicatorFileName();
     $content = \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read($name);
     // Only the process created the file can delete
     // :NOTE: do not change the operator to the "==="
     if (static::getRebuildIndicatorFileContent() == $content) {
     return (bool) $content;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Show log file content
  * @return void
 protected function doActionViewLogFile()
     $path = \XLite\Upgrade\Logger::getInstance()->getLastLogFile();
     if ($path) {
         header('Content-Type: text/plain', true);
     } else {
         \XLite\Core\TopMessage::addWarning('Log files not found');
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Return content of the error page file (.html)
  * @return string
 protected static function getErrorPageFileContent()
     return \Includes\Utils\FileManager::read(static::getErrorPageFile()) ?: LC_ERROR_PAGE_MESSAGE;